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Player Charicters

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 2:51 am
by Distorted Humor
This is the thread that you put the Player characters in for GM approval.

Re: Player Characters

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 6:03 am
by ApathyJesus
Stats: WIS:10, CON:11, DEX:12, INT:18, STR:15, CHR:12

Holy Eff, an 18. :oops: Will be making an elf out of him tomorrow I think.

Still not done the sheet entirely. Just making sure I understand how to post it.

Re: Player Charicters

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 6:19 am
by Rukellian

My roll for gold turned out to be 190, the coin leftover after buying starting supplies should be shown.
I have no weapons currently listed. I will update it when I get a response in regards to the potential use of the lasso and or Iron Rolling Pin.
Also, I haven't quite figured out the whole AC placement thing. I'm wearing padded armor which gives me 8 AC, the shield reduces it by 1. So, I put up 7. Let me know if that is correct or if its even in the right spot.

Re: Player Charicters

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 2:02 pm
by SocraticLawyer
Stats: STR:12, WIS:11, INT:17, CON:9, DEX:12, CHR:12
Starting GP [3d8] = 7
Agathon the MU:

Total weight of purchased inventory= (10+2+5+2+2+10+8+1+8+8=56) 56 lbs.

After my initial purchases (see Inventory), I’m left with 37 GP, which I want to use to find a retainer. I’m looking for a human fighter, although I will also hire a dwarf or halfling. I can provide padded armor (4 GP), longsword (10 GP), and shield (10 GP), leaving me with 13 GP.

So my offer to any potential retainer will be 10 GP up front, the above equipment, and a portion of any monetary treasure discovered. Magical treasure possibly awarded as well, depending on what is discovered. I will also upgrade equipment when I can afford to do so. The retainer’s primary duty is to protect me in combat (but not necessarily to engage enemies, unless he can protect me by doing so). Secondary duties include carrying heavy stuff for me (i.e., loot!), sitting watch as needed, and other miscellaneous tasks. Using up group resources (e.g., healing spells) can result in reduced monetary awards. Bonus pay is likely depending on how much treasure we find. If my offer is accepted, this leaves me with 3 GP (and a retainer).

If not accepted, I will instead buy a guard dog named Pickle. Pickle will be trained to guard me in combat and attack enemies who come too close. This will leave me with 8 GP.

In either case, my total encumbrance is a little under 60 pounds, which sets my move rate at 90’ (if we're using optional encumbrance rules).

Re: Player Charicters

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 2:36 pm
by NPC_Randy

Starting gold for Gorek: [3d8] = 10 X 10 = 100 gp

I rolled crap for starting gold, which sucks for a fighter (or dwarf).

Re: Player Charicters

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 2:55 pm
by GronkTheBold
STR: 12, INT: 11, WIS: 14, DEX: 14, CON: 9, CHA: 10. I'll play a Halfling named Behrun Groggan, and I will post gold, equipment, and other details later.
Character Sheet:
Name: Behrun Groggan

Class: Halfling

Sex: Male

Age: 24

Alignment: Lawful

Level: 1, Experience Points (+5% bonus): 0

STR: 12 (+0)

INT: 11 (Languages: Common)

WIS: 14 (+1)

DEX: 14 (+1)

CON: 9

CHA: 10

HP: 6
AC: 3

Equipment: 43 GP, Splint Mail (AC 4), Short Bow with quiver (1D6, 80 arrows, on back), Long Sword (1D8, in sheathe), Shield (+1 AC), Backpack, 2 large sacks, 8 torches (in backpack), 3 oil flasks (in backpack), Tinderbox (in backpack), 50’ rope (in backpack), water skin (in belt), a week’s worth of rations (both in backpack), Bandana (on head), Mirror (in backpack), Plumed helmet.

Description: Behrun is akin to most Halflings, 3 feet tall, slightly chubby, but the black hair he has somehow braided into a beard gets him a lot of odd looks. The reason for this bizarre makeshift beard is simple: he was adopted at a young age by Dwarves and raised in a great underground city, and after several years of not being able to swing an axe efficiently he was exiled by the clan even against the protests of his parents. He has no real inkling of why he was exiled, and no real idea why he can use a bow so well, but without any home he set forth to honor his clan through glorious conquests of evil. In terms of personality, he is noble, grave and becomes baffled when people tell him to return to his shire.
I got extremely lucky with the starting gold, to say the least. The whole "Halfling thinks he's a Dwarf" idea stems from when I rolled on the BX Head gear table found here: ... adgear.pdf. I had gotten the result "Braided somehow into Long-A$$ Beard" and thought that the concept of Behrun sounded quite fun. I can make another character if you find this one too silly, Distorted.

Re: Player Charicters

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 4:47 pm
by ST4TICStriker
Name: Prince Lorde.
Class: Thief.
Sex: Male.
Age: 20
Race: Human.

HP: 4
S: 12
D: 14 +1
C: 12
I: 13 +1
W: 4 -2
CH: 6 -1


Gold: 11 (160)
Weapon: Light crossbow (30 bolts)/Scimitar.
Armor: Padded.
-Steel Mirror
-Trail Rations (7)
-Grappling Hook
-Silk Rope.
- Torches (8)
+Large Sack (Belt pouchs?)
+Thieve's tools.
+Flint & Steel
+Oil Flask (7)
Winter Blanket (Heavy Cloak?)
Dog (Rusky)

Lorde is a young nobleman leaving his kingdom for the first time.

His farther, annoyed at his son's lack of real word knowledge has sent him off for a year to survey a foreign land for trade routes and attempt to make contacts within their nobility.
The Journy is tradition in his line and all Hiers must make it but none needed it quite as much as Lorde.

He has just arrived in a new land and has spent little time settling in. The noblemen has already had a few "Mishaps" in his journy, including being waylaid by bandits, and now only has 8 months left before he's meant to return home.

Re: Player Charicters

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 10:39 pm
by jdluna

Re: Player Charicters

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:39 pm
by Distorted Humor
Just as a note, the PCs look good. Can't wait till we start! :mrgreen: