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House Rules

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 12:26 pm
by rremedio
When I decide for a house rule I'll post it here so we have a summary of house rules used.

Re: House Rules

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:29 pm
by rremedio
1. Cost of Living: Each character has a cost of living expense, payable at the first of each game month, that covers all incidental costs, such as lodging, food, and other minor expenses. At 1st-3rd level this is equal to 50 gp/month. All characters begin play having already paid one month's cost of living expense, in addition to any starting gold they may have. (stolen from Thirdkingdom's game :mrgreen: )

2. Combat - Critical Hits: When a natural 20 is rolled (in attack roll), the attack automatically gives maximum damage.

3. Combat - Critical Failures: When a natural 1 is rolled (in attack roll), something happens. In case of a melee armed strike, the weapon will slip from the attacker's hand and he will lose initiative in the next round. In case of an unarmed strike, the attacker will stumble, losing initiative in the next round and having a +1 AC penalty on the next attack against him (if attacked in the next round). In case of a missile/throwing attack, the missile may be aimed by accident on another target (randomly selected from possible targets, a new attack roll is made against the new target).

Re: House Rules

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 3:53 am
by rremedio
Updated with critical attack rolls.