Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#541 Post by Spearmint »

Sven 13/13
Orgoth 12/23
Amos 7/13 (Read & Detect Magic, Shield, Bless, Command, CLW, Protection from Evil).
Truro 1/5. (Detect Evil, Light, Command, CLW, Remove Fear, Purify food & drink).
Gnimish 3/9
Treyvor 6/6
Bucko 4/8
Yardie 8/8
Smokie full health. Wolf Familiar to Sven
Peaches 3/8.
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#542 Post by OGRE MAGE »

I think we should use one on Orgoth now, and save the second for any the next emergency.

Peaches, Gnim, and Truro will need to stay away from danger until we get to a safer environment.
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#543 Post by Rex »


Maybe Truro as well.
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#544 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring the Long Corridor.

Sven: undead detection vs 25% [1d100]=88 save vs spells ring effect 11+ [1d20]=19

Sven. I forgot to include this as you passed by the Ravenous Zombies and so they are initially unaware of your presence.

Amos casts CLW in Orgoth. [1d8]=1

Orgoth +1hp

The oppressive atmosphere of the tombs and close proximity of ever hungry undead seems to shake the usually stalwart Amos and the cleric of Arcantryl can only muster the basics of healing virtues upon the half orc warrior.

Truro: Turn Undead: [1d20]=17 numbered turned & duration [1d12]=1 [3d4]=5Amos tries to Turn Undead [1d20]=12 [1d12]=10 [3d4]=8

Talkative Ravenous is informed of the plan to rescue him from his perilous situation. Days into his penitentiary, he is ravenous too, half starved and crazed from lack of food or water. Truro would much prefer to repel all the zombies eternally not just causing them to flee temporarily. St Ygg it seems only mildly concurs and his command to Turn Undead is pitiful. A solitary zombie corners itself at the back of the chamber. See ung this, other rush forward to grab at the junior cleric but Amos at last steels himself and his rebuke causes a number to cower in response. Just a solitary zombie remains clutching at those outside in the passageway.

Sven blesses TZ with diminutive powers and shrinking in size, casting the reverse Shrink spell upon him.
my understanding of the dynamics of the spell here would be casting Enlarge could make a person grow 100% in height so from 6'ft to 12'ft but the reverse would reduce a person to 3'ft not make him zero" inches high. Otherwise the max allowance of +/- 200% would make a person 18'ft high or -6'ft tall.
So he becomes just over 3'ft 6" tall in height and rake thin. But not thin enough, his arms and legs can fit through the gap but his chest or pelvis are still too wide.

Plan B is put in to motion. While Orgoth tries to bend the bars sufficiently for the thin man to escape through, Treyvor takes advantage of the zombies being Turned to try his hand at opening the lock.

Just a single ravenous is at the cell bars and he gets beaten back by Bucko and Yardie..

Eventually the cell door is sprung and with a heavy, creaking groan gets opened. The Ravenous is fast, he leaps out of the cell while others still cower away from the brandished holy symbols. Talkative Ravenous leaps too, upon the back of his fellow escapee and runs him through with a dagger to the spine.

The cell door gets clanged shut and the gnome can lock it once more before others rally to pounce.

Orgoth: bend bars [1d100]=65 Treyvor pick locks [1d100]=24
Bucko and Yardie: [1d20]=17[2d4]=6[1d20]=14[2d4]=4Gnimish light crossbows [1d20]=1[2d4]=4TZ backstabs Ravenous [1d20]=19[1d4]=2

"Thank you. I am free but not yet whole" he says before getting emotional and breaking down from his trauma.

actions please.

Freed ravenous zombie
Freed ravenous zombie
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#545 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven assures Truro that all of the zombies will eventually be dealt with. The young mage is shocked when they get the fellow out with only minor difficulties, immediately pulling out rations and water to offer the poor bastard.

“I meant to ask how you survived in here without sustenance. I’m sorry, we could have left you something sooner if I’d only known.”

While zombie man gets his head right, Sven slowly leads the group towards the exit. “You will need to tell us all about your harrowing experience, but let’s get you out of this accursed place first. Do you remember anything about how you came to be here? Do you have a name? I’m Sven, this is Orgoth, Peaches, etc.”

After seeing that CLW roll, I don’t need any other sign to head back. I assume everyone is in agreement, but please speak up if there is something else we needed to do first.
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#546 Post by Rex »


I am in agreement on heading back.

"I am Orgoth, this is going to be one messed up story I think."
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#547 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Peaches McGee

Call me Peaches. Nice to meetcha, says Peaches.

Agreed on heading back.
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#548 Post by Spearmint »

Escaping the Barrowmaze.

The nearest exit is west along the western corridor and into the chamber below the barrow mound. An old block and tackle setup belays a rope from the above mound. Last time, Sven ascended by levitation. This time, one by one each holds the rope and is hauled up, the first person can wind up the pulley system.

Once more you are in a barrow mound, a small crypt that still holds a mummified body wrapped in bedroll. The tin cup placed by the figure's side, once overflowed with gold coins but now is empty. The gold coins gone, not changed into chocolate or platinum pieces, gone. The pile of stirges look to have been nibbled on and torn wing from wing.

The barefoot ravenous man, Deucalion, takes the boots from the mummified figure. On the sole of one was the chalked name of Alastar, the name of the village beggar.

Barrow Moor, south-east of Helix, Duchy of Aerik.

June 7th 1066.

Exiting the subterranean labyrinth and out into the fresher, not quite fresh-fresh but less fetid and rotting air than below; the group depart the Barrow Mounds. Laden with treasures and burdens.

The trail back via the mammoth field and then northwards, swerving a large peat bog, sodden with saturated earth to swallow any trespasses as easily as quicksand might. The trek back to Helix takes a few hours. The ravenous man still craves, he exhausts your supply of rations.

"What will become of me? A freak, a changeling. Cursed, I was better off dead." he bemoans his state. The clerics can not offer any comfort from his distress. The ability to remove curses is not easily attained. Few in religious circles have such piety and authority to exorcise the bondage wrought by cursing incantations. Of his state, Deucalion says it was put upon him, "by the dark priest in his demon chapel." He wandered the labyrinths, hunted by men and creature alike until assimilating into a horde of undead. He does not know if they were once like him or if he should have become as they are. He just knows he was cursed. His state is not an illusion, but whether it is simply he was polymorphed or actually cursed is unknown. He just states that he was with a group of adventurers that burrowed into the tombs and robbed crypts, then they got caught and his comrades slain. He alone was let loose but in zombie form.
"I think we should use one on Orgoth now, and save the second for any the next emergency."
Tragedy strikes. Trekking home, so near yet for some so far. Lying in wait, camouflaged with a warty skin, sheened to match the verdant leaves and thickets they shelter among, giant toads lie in wait and as the vanguard of the party pass, a trio of giant toads launch themselves with prodigious leaps. With open mouths wide enough for a halfling to walk through and not touch the lips, the creatures target different sized morsels and land among the party. Orgoth and Yardie are assaulted but, armoured as they are, easily brush aside the ravenous swamp blights.

Truro is not so lucky. The young cleric is gulped head first into the jaws of the creature who munches upon him, licking lips and wrapping him securely in its long tongue. -7hp. For a moment everyone is caught by the ambush, horrified looks as the priest is snatched in one guzzle guts attempt. Deucalion shakes, drawn by the blood and feeding frenzy, he struggles to hold himself together.

Sven 13/13
Orgoth 13/23
Amos 7/13 (Read & Detect Magic, Shield, Bless, Command, CLW, Protection from Evil).
Truro -6/5. (Detect Evil, Light, Command, CLW, Remove Fear, Purify food & drink).
Gnimish 3/9
Treyvor 6/6
Bucko 4/8
Yardie 8/8
Smokie full health. Wolf Familiar to Sven
Peaches 3/8
Deucalion ?/?

Surprise over, you can leap yourselves into action.
actions please.

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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#549 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven assures Deucalion that he is not alone, and that he will do everything in his power to help him. “I know of a place in the maze that might actually reverse this malady of yours. Have you ever seen the Sunstone while you wandered the halls?”

Once the toads attack, the mage immediately curses his last decision, as he so often does, it seems.

While the others jump into action against the threat, Sven tries to put a stop to his cleric being digested, tossing his live cricket at the behemoth.

Casting Sleep directly at the one eating Truro.

1st Level Spell Retention (INT 15) [4d6+1]=15+1=16 :(
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#550 Post by Rex »


Orgoth attacks the giant toad nearest him.

Magic Spear [1d20+2]=13+2=15 to hit [1d6+4]=5+4=9 damage
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#551 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Peaches McGee

Haduken! Peaches shouts, causing a magical bolt of energy to strike the same toad as Orgoth.

Casts Magic Missile.

Retain 1st level spell (15) [4d6+1]=9+1=10
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#552 Post by Spearmint »

Peaches: add any damage for the magic missile when you next cast it. Peaches casts Magic Missile [1d4+1]=2+1=3

Trekking back to Helix.

The group find, just as others are doing, that danger lurks right up to the very borders of the Barrow Moor. No trek is easy and random chance from lurking creatures prepped for ambush is a very real threat to continually be watchful for.

The toads surprise ambush brings a frugal reward for them. As one gulps on succulent priest, the other pair taste cold iron and arcane blasting. Orgoth & Peaches inflict -12hp on a warty beast. The mercenerary duo team up to stab the second -12hp. The gnomes target the third, hamstringing it from hopping away with the cleric in its throat pouch. -9hp. It keels over, not from the crossbow bolts but from the Sleep spell invoked by Sven. Amos rushes to drag out the much chomped upon Truro -1hp. The young priests life hangs in the balance until the scales are tipped ... :cry: and not in his favour.

The spilled blood and feeding frenzy ignites some unholy passions in the zombiefied Deucalion and in his own frenzy and bloodlust for more feeding, especially juicy internals like liver, kidney and spleen, he attacks the prone priest. Tearing him open and disemboweling him before he can be stopped. -5hp He looks up, he might appear shame faced and apologetic but you just see his face covered in Truro's blood and guts. He tries to say sorry but just utters "Feed me, feed me now."
Sven 13/13
Orgoth 13/23
Amos 7/13 (Read & Detect Magic, Shield, Bless, Command, CLW, Protection from Evil).
Truro deceased
Gnimish 3/9
Treyvor 6/6
Bucko 4/8
Yardie 8/8
Smokie full health. Wolf Familiar to Sven
Peaches 3/8
Deucalion ?/?

Actions please
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#553 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven blinks slowly for a while with a dumbfounded expression, keeping his eyes closed longer than a normal blink might take.

“Ya. Yep. Okay. That…..was probably my fault. I really should have seen something like that coming.”

He holds up a finger to the group, as if asking to be excused for a moment, before using his boot knife to disembowel the final sleeping toad in a rather clumsy and gory fashion, blood and guts flinging in every direction, covering the obviously enraged young mage.

Once finished, he returns to the group. “Truro’s death is on me. As our leader, it is my burden to carry, and mine alone. And I take this responsibility seriously. He was a good man and deserved better than………this.”

He clears his throat and wipes his sniffling nose and welling tears across his dirty sleeve, trying to remain poised. He looks down at the blood soaked Deucalion with pity in his eyes before addressing the group.

“Truro is dead. And his death will effect most of us forever. That can’t be changed. But what should be done about his killer? If Deucalion can be cured of this unwholesome affliction, should we not try to do so? Or do we repay this atrocity he’s shown with vengeance, and end his miserable life here and now?”

Svens ring hasn’t indicated that he is actually “undead”, (at least I don’t think it did) so maybe there is more to him than just evolving into a Rav Zombie. Maybe the transition doesn’t work on elves as easily, and something can still be done to help him?

I’d like to hear what the NPC’s feelings are as well, since some of us have been together for a good long while now. Thanks!
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#554 Post by Rex »


"I think we may need some time to decide, but until then for all our safety I ask that we at least bind Deucalion's hands well so that this can't happen again."
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#555 Post by OGRE MAGE »

My secret idea is to chop off his arms and lower jaw, put a long chain on him, and let him lead us around the Barrowmaze to show us stuff. (but don’t tell Spearmint I said that) :lol:
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#556 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Face palm!!! :oops:

We should have tried using the gauntlet to heal Truro in the morning before we left. :cry:

I swear my brain turns to mush on vacation! :lol:
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#557 Post by Rex »

Mine is mush most of the time so you are ahead of me.
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#558 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Can we try using the gauntlet on Deucalion?
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#559 Post by OGRE MAGE »


I’m not sure if that would help him or kill him…..or both?

I would guess the gauntlet has a specific list of powers it can do, maybe removing a curse is one of them?
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#560 Post by Rex »

I think that is the reasonable assumption and maybe Remove Curse is one of them. We can try and see what happens.

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