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WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 5:17 pm
by max_vale
1 September, 1943 thru 26 November, 1943: Vermont-Virginia-North Africa-Italy

In a whirlwind two and a half months the men of SST 11 find themselves having travelled from the islands off of Alaska to Fort Ethan Allan in Vermont and then after some brief but intense training, they take the trains down to Norfolk, Virginia and are soon boarded Transport Ships. They cross The Atlantic and arrive in North Africa, where they stay very briefly while learning all about the operations in what's being called the MTO or Mediterranean Theatre of opposed to the PTO (Pacific Theatre of Operations) and the ETO (European Theatre of Operations...i.e. Western Europe to include England, France and Germany)....

After the U.S. and England had invaded the Western part of North Africa in November of 1942; a campaign had been fought against the Germans that had last thru May of 1943 that had captured or driven back all German troops on the African continent and sent those that fled to Sicily and Italy proper...

Operation Husky; the invasion of Sicily; was launched in July of 1943 and lasted about a month before the whole island was in secure, Allied hands. This was followed in September of 1943 by the invasion of the Italian mainland and despite ALMOST being driven off the beaches at Salerno; the Allied forces had managed to seize the southern part of the Italian 'boot' pennisula; including the vital port of Naples. Italy had also surrendered; though the Germans reinforced the mountainous country and had fallen back and constructed a series of Defensive lines running West to East across the country's central mountains and every inch gained was paid for in blood.

These numerous lines all had names, but were collectively known as 'The Winter Line'. Each line was fought by scaling mountains that blocked the only routes through valleys and the Germans were wisely using Artillery and counter-attacks to bleed the Allies dry and stall them. This was the primary reason the heavily trained FSSF had been sent to this Theatre. By the time they were deployed to the lines in late November of '43; the first two defensive line, the Volturno and the Babara lines had been breached by the Allies with a mostly American and British force on the West and a British/Canadian/New Zealand force on the Eastern side....

Now it was time to breach the Bernhardt line.....and the Forcemen would be added to the U.S.36th Division and they, along with the 45th Division and British 56th and 46th Divisions, were being tapped to help hit the Camino Hill Mass to attempt to finally breach it; after two failed attempts in the past month. This Hill Mass (a series of 4 major peaks being held by the Germans) was the key to access to the Liri Valley; which was itself the 'road to Rome'....

Arriving in Italy, the Forcemen were soon moved to the Front Lines; hearing the shelling at night and noticing the fairly drastic difference in temperature from the pleasant 60s and 70s of Naples on the coast to the occasional light snow and bitter winds in the mountains as they moved inland and UP to join the rest of LT General Mark Clark's 5th Army; which was comprised of all of the earlier mentioned units (i.e. U.S. 36th and 45th Divison, British 56th and 46th Divisions, etc.). The unit got a LOT of funny looks and questions by their fellows when they saw the unfamiliar insignia and uniforms and ESPECIALLY due to the fact that they were made up of BOTH Americans and Canadians....

On a day with light drizzle, 26 November, Colonel Frederick himself stopped near the slightly damaged house that SST 11 had been assigned as a 'Baracks' and asked for the Team to step outside for a moment. Naturally, Captain Hyde-Smythe; who was MARGINALLY more bearable after his injuries and recovery; quickly had all the men out of the house and standing at attention. Frederick waved a hand dismissively quickly and said with a smile; "No need for that; you're the only actual combat vets in my outfit so far; so I wanted you all to come along with me. Let's take a ride, shall we?", and he turns and beckons them to follow him....

Waiting for them are 3 jeeps; each driven by an NCO and each with two with another Officer sitting in them. The NCOs are SSGT Van Ausdale; an American from New Mexico; SGT Fenton; a Canadian from Montreal and a SGT Bernstein; an American from Chicago. The other two officers are both LT Colonels and one is the highest ranking Canadian in the Force; Don Williamson who is the commanding officer of 2nd Regiment and the other is an American named Ed Walker; the commander of 3rd Regiment.

The members of SST 11 split into groups to load up in the 3 jeeps and a somewhat awkward hour-long ride follows with Colonel Frederick making pleasant conversation; stern Williamson coming across as a hard-a$$ professor type and Walker barely saying more than a word or two. The rain stops and a shortly after that, Frederick waves them off to the side of the road. "Okay, we gotta hike it from here", he says; and the next hour and a half goes by with all of them hiking up some steep, wooded hills and then finally, as they get to the edge of the tree-line, he waves them to a stop and they take in the site before them....

"Okay, so from here, we're directly East of the mass and we can see 3 of the four peaks that make up the Camino Hill Complex.....Hill 819 (number is the height in meters) or Monte Camino itself to the left/South.....and Hill 963 or Monastery Hill in the center will be the Brits' responsibility. We've got Hill 960 or Monte la Defensa to take. The last peak; Hill 907 or Monte la Remelanea is the one furthest North and East is almost directly behind Defensa from this perspective, so we can't see it from here. It's about a couple hundred yards back from la Defensa and we'll worry about that one once we're at the top. Okay, aerial photography and reports indicate the Jerries (slang for Germans) have about a Regiment of troops total on those peaks (about 2500 troops) and a battery of 105s."

"They've thrown off two assaults from the South; so now command thinks the best way to hit 'em is from the East....which is why we're here. I'm not convinced it's the best route and as the C.O. of the best damn Mountain Climbers on the Allied side; I figure we oughta take a gander first and see what our options look like from this side....or the North....the West is out of reach and the enemy has already thrown off two assaults from the South; so how about we all go and see for ourselves...."

With that, the Colonel gets down and starts to belly crawl to a position behind some rocks and then starts to look over the peaks with a pair of binoculars. The Officers are caught looking at each other in surprise and shock for the C.O. to be doing that first while the NCOs all just grin at each other and quickly move to join Frederick. Everyone else, belatedly follows and the officers, after seeing Frederick do so; pass the binocs around after taking a long hard look at the peaks....

Frederick starts to stealthily move in a circuitous route to take a look at the Northern slopes of the hill mass; assuming everyone else will follow*.....

OOC: Okay, if anybody wants to make a post about anything they did in the past few months before deploying here, by all means feel free to do so. Family time....meeting a girl.....whatever. In the 'here and now''; basically you can stay where you are; follow Frederick to get the 'lay of the land'; etc.; but clearly he's trying (and succeeding) to be stealthy and the NCOs would definitely let you know that the Germans would have spotters on the peaks and their Arty can DEFINITELY reach you guys.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:14 am
by kipper
Phil relishes the cold weather and is much happier being up the mountains than in Naples!

He feels his ability to keep stealthy is adequate to the task, and follows Col Frederick.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:24 am
by ateno
Koda will talk to the Spirits and turn on his Spiritual Awareness and watcdh for danger and look for the easiest way up the mountian.


Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 1:08 pm
by ybn1197
Campbell shakes his head and drops to the ground to follow the others. Naples was a grand vacation compared to the weather here in the mountains. And while Campbell was used to the mountains, it was a lot warmer back home.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 2:33 pm
by Rex

Nahum will belly crawl forward with the others and see what he can learn.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 4:03 pm
by Urson
Nice of him to give us a heads-up... Porcupine thinks this as he takes cover. He'll move off to the right of the group, intending to get his own view.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 2:32 am
by max_vale
26-27 November, 1943: Near the Camino Hill Mass, Italy

One thing the members of SST 11 learn quickly about Colonel Frederick....along with being a 'boy wonder' (he's only 37, quite young to be a full Colonel); he's also pretty gutsy and stealthy....

They follow him on his belly crawling; low-walking behind rocks and shrubbery and back to belly crawling excursion and he's quick to pass his binoculars down the line. Koda and Nado call on their Talent Powers while doing so; the former to 'talk' to the Spirit to get a better 'perspective' on the area and the latter to 'talk' to some birds about the peaks....

The bird doesn't tell Nado much of use as most of it's conversation seems to concern where good nesting material and worms are to be found; but it DOES say that a lot of 'gray animals' are on the peaks; mostly concentrated on the Eastern and Southern sides and there's a pair of 'shiny trees that make loud noises' facing South as well. Nado thinks that means Artillery...

Kona's guides along with Frederick and the rest of their sharp eyes and senses all seem to agree....the easiest slopes to climb are those to the East; while they would undoubtedly be the easiest to defend as well. Then the slopes to the South.....leaving the Northern slopes as the least protected and best way in....but ALSO the hardest to climb. After a long, steep climb up to about 900 meters; the last 50-60 to reach the summit are at a better than 70 degree angle....

However, this slope is basically completely devoid of troops as the Germans and indeed anybody sane, could never envision a substantial amount of troops making that kinda of ascent and then make an assault afterwards! However, the First Special Service Force is the PERFECT group to make just such an least, the members of SST 11 all believe that will be the case after seeing the gleam in Frederick's eyes....

After stealthily making their way back to the jeeps, they drive back to the Forcemen's assigned bivouac areas; SGT Bernstein in particular cracking jokes and ensuring the lucky ones in his jeep are having a good time. After a much needed night's sleep, the next day, after lunch, the Force as a whole is gathered together where Frederick and his officers have a briefing for them as to their mission....

Colonel Frederick strides to a table where a mock-up of the Mountain has been made and set up and he calls out in a loud voice to ensure the 2,500+ people can all here him."Okay men; this here is our Objective...Hill 960 of the Camino Hill Mass; locally known as Monte La Difensa. The Jerries on the top of it have a clear line of sight to all of the Allied troops in the valley below and it is the KEY point the Germans must hold onto to keep the Liri Valley protected. The Liri Valley is the 'road to Rome' and we are going to open that road for business."

"Okay, the German are dug in on the Eastern and Southern crests of this Hill Mass and they've thrown off two assaults by the 36th Division and the British Divisions already. The Eastern slopes are the easiest to climb and therefore the most obvious route of attack. We are NOT going to attack via that route. Instead, we are going to slip behind the hill crest the night before D-Day and just before dawn, the entire Hill Complex is going to have a massive Artillery Barrage from over 1,000 guns pound it and while that's happening, we're going to make our move on the Northern Slopes. As you can all see, this is going to be a steep climb....the last 50-60 meters or so nearly a vertical grade climb." As he points this out on the model, many of the men start to murmur amongst themselves.....

Frederick quickly picks up the conversation again; "LT Colonel Williamson's 2nd Regiment acted as the reserve in the Kiska Assault and per his request, they will be the first up the Mountain. After securing Hill 960; 1st Regiment will make the climb and stand ready to make the assault on Hill 907. The Brits during this time will be making their move on Hill 963. 3rd Regiment will be held in reserve and the Service and Supply Battalions will be used to resupply those on the mountain top while also evacuating the wounded."

Taking a long pause, Frederick slowly looks over the entire Brigade. "Our best intel tells us the Germans have a Regiment in total on this Hill Complex; probably 400-500 troops on top of Hill 960 alone. They have excellent defensive positions with concrete bunkers; cave readouts and zones of interlocking fire. They are also quite confident in their abilities as they've repulsed every attack we've sent their way. Command believes it will take pretty much the entire Corps a minimum of two weeks taking this Hill Complex and that we'll suffer severe casualties doing so."

At this point the room was silent, save for Frederick. "What Command doesn't understand is that we're no ordinary troops; we're FORCEMEN! We will advance to the base of the Northern face of 960 during the night before D-day and while the massive artillery barrage is going on; we'll start the ascent in TOTAL SILENCE. We are NOT going to assault them until we reach the summit....the Jerries don't believe it's possible; but that's because they have NO IDEA the entire Brigade has trained in the Rockies AND in Commando tactics; so they won't be prepared at all for it. We are going to prove Command's not going to take two weeks to take's going to take it in one fell stroke".

Arrows show the proposed path

Shortly after that, the men were dismissed and everyone was excited and abuzz at the coming mission....and of course, rains and communications issues soon made the next several days a series of 'hurry up and waits'......

Finally, on Dec 2nd, the Brigade finally got the 'green light' and soon trucks were moving everyone in the entire Brigade to jump off points. As the men of SST 11 were getting off the trucks along with the men of 2nd Regiment; some pickets from the 36th Division were passing by. The Division patch was a Golden 'T' and most of the men were from Texas and spoke with the distinctive drawl. "You boys the ones who drew the short straw and gotta go up La Difensa, huh? Well....we done tried twice and got hit hard and had ta fall back both times.....if you see Scotty up there, tell him we said 'howdy' will ya?"

They razz the FSSF boys a bit more; with a dark sense of humor in their ribbing but some of the SST 11 members realize they may be able to get some useful intel out of them if they chat with them for a bit....

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 1:54 pm
by ateno
Koda will quietly move to the back.
He feels even if he talks, this group would not accept him as one of the people.


Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 3:34 pm
by Rex

Nahum will try and get all the details and make sure to remember them.

At the briefing he again tries and memorize all the important details.

As they head in, "Yeah the short straw is our specialty." Nahum says with a chuckle, "We will be sure to grab Scotty for you, any tips on the assault? You guys are the experts after all."

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 4:35 pm
by Urson
John actually grins. These fellas are practically his neighbors- he's worked with ranchers off and on his whole life. The Krauts don't know- we brought in a whole remuda of specially-trained Bighorn Sheep. We're gonna ride them up and catch the Bucketheads with their pants down.
He sobers. Jokes aside- you boys have been there, and Command hasn't. What can you tell us?

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 3:10 pm
by kipper
Phil is only mildly interested in what these men from the 36th Division have to say, he figures our assault will be entirely different and their experience is only likely to be tangentially relevant.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:25 am
by max_vale
2-3 December, 1943: Monte La Difensa, the Camino Hill Mass, Italy

The members of SST 11, along with other Forcemen talk with the Texans of the 36th Division a bit before the latter moves on.....

Some of the 36th seem quite bitter and one stares hard at Chisholm when talking about 'Scotty' and he says; "Scotty's KIA you'll most likely be soon enough, so you might as well quit grinning' like an idjit", before he's dragged away by one of his buddies who soothes him with; "It's okay Ike....let it go"; and another 36th man says with an apologetic shrug; "Scotty and Ike were tight....sorry 'bout that."

Some of the 'Golden Ts' warm up to Porcupine and chuckle at his comments. Afterwards, they weigh John and Nahum's questions and a few reply with; "Well....them Krauts sure do have a lot of machine-guns and MP 40s....they like to load 'em up with tracers and will use 'em at night or in the dark to concentrate on one area and then hit that area with their don't go staying one spot for too long, you hear?"

'Yeah....and they got a LOT of stone walls around pits and some steel bunkers up on the top of that mountain....usually with an MG 34 or 42 in 'em."

"That's right....also, if you make 'em fall back...don't go thinking you've won it all.....they LOVE to make counter-attacks right when you're coming down from the craziness of an assault and thinking it's don't get too relaxed."

"There's some caves up there on the top.....the Jerries like to shelter in 'em and use up as bunkers and sniper holes".

"Amen to that......also, the last time we were up there, some of them German Super-men showed of 'em was bullet-proof and another made a fist and rocks would explode like a grenade.....and another could pop in and pop out....whatcha call that Earl?" "Teleportin'" "Right, that!"

Shortly after that, the Texans bid the Forcemen good bye and good luck with a "Give 'em hell....and it's been nice knowin' ya!"

The FSSF soon moves out and by 2 o'clock in the afternoon (or 1400 hours in military talk), they are all in position and a hearty lunch is had by all as the plan is to star the climb when the artillery barrage begins shortly after sundown around 1800. As the men of SST 11 dig into their food; Colonel Frederick and LT Colonel MacWilliam, the Canadian C.O. of 1st Battalion, 2nd Regiment come around and have an amiable chat with them. When the meal is finished, Frederick speaks up...

"Okay men; I want you all with Colonel MacWilliam's men; tip of the spear and your main job is to protect the assault from any German Talents that might be on the top of La Difensa. Secondary to that is of course in assisting the men of 1st Battalion in taking the hill; but remember....when we all move out under the cover of the Artillery Barrage, I want NO WEAPONS fire during the climb to the top. We need to achieve total surprise. Also, my understanding is that if any of you use any of your Powers, any German Talents nearby can 'hear' this happening, is that correct?"

Upon being told that this was indeed the case, Frederick nodded and continued with; "Okay Talent Power usage either unless absolutely necessary as we really need to have total surprise to pull this assault off, is that understood?" Upon getting nods, he nods back and says, "Good, good...well, then, best of luck and happy hunting!" as he shakes each man's hand in turn.

After Frederick leaves; MacWilliam tells them he'd like them to be right behind his scouts; Van Ausdale and Fenton; two of the NCO's they met the other day driving the Jeeps on the 'scouting the route' mission; who will be the first two up the mountain. MacWilliam and 1st Company will be right behind them. He doesn't shake hands, but he nods at each man in turn with a look that conveys his confidence in them.

A long few hours drag by and then, as the sky darkens after 1800, some 800+ pieces of Artillery open up and over the next several hours, the Camino Hill Complex is absolutely pounded. The FSSF moves out under the cover of this noise and moves around the North End of the Hill Complex as it gets darker and darker and the earth-shattering noise completely conceals the noise made by the Regiment. As this is happening; one of the troops in 1st Battalion makes the comment; "Damn.....they musta gone thru a million dollars worth of ammo for this!"; and from that point on the Forcemen would come to call La Difensa 'Million Dollar Mountain'....

By 0200 in the morning; the Regiment is all gathered on a slope about 300 meters or so from the summit and it is at this point that hand signals are given for total noise-discipline to be in effect. All comments cease and each Foremen secures canteens, loose ammo....anything that might rattle and cause some noise. Van Ausdale and Fenton make their way to SST 11 and in a huddle, whisper; "Okay...we're going to be the first to scale to the top; but we need somebody to bring the rope ladders to help the Force get up faster, right behind guys up for it? If not, we can have Tanner's Section of 1st Company do it"; Van Ausdale says with a nod to the next group of troops right behind SST 11.

Hyde-Smythe immediately replies with a whispered hiss of a reply; "Of COURSE we'll do it Staff move and let's not hold up the Force any longer" and the others in SST 11 can only give poor Van Ausdale a sympathetic look before the NCO is moving off with Fenton towards the last, steepest part of the Mountain.

A few moments later; a trio of bundled up rope ladders are brought to SST 11 by members of SSGT Tanner's Section and Hyde-Smythe takes one while whispering; "Two of you. men grab the others and let's get in position"; as he strides off in the wake of the two lead Scouts....

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:42 am
by Rex

Nahum nods at the others and grabs one of the rope ladders and starts to work his way up.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 1:22 pm
by ateno
Koda will grab one also and get in line.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:51 pm
by Urson
Porcupine is vaguely annoyed. "First they say 'no Talents', now we're carrying rope ladders. Are we here just to make it look good?
He's had a LOT of practice in swallowing his anger, so he keeps quiet and follows the scouts.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 5:14 pm
by kipper
Phil is prepared to follow and lend assistance as necessary.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:17 am
by Zhym
Nado follows along. He's pretty good at climbing, but he's seen Porcupine and Chisholm—they're like spiders! Or squirrels. Or...other critters that are really good at climbing. So he's happy to let Chisholm grab one of the ladders ahead of him (besides, Chisholm outranks him). He's a little surprised when Koda jumps in front of Porcupine, but it's not like Koda's any slouch at climbing, either.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 12:22 am
by max_vale
Early AM hours of 3 December, 1943: Monte La Difensa, the Camino Hill Mass, Italy

In the near pitch black and bitter cold of the night the men of SST 11 follow Scouts Von Ausdale and Fenton up the last and steepest part of the mountain....

The rocky walls are damp with frost and the 70+ degree angle makes for a sweat-inducing and tiring slog, requiring each man to call on every bit of his training and experience in climbing to make it to the top safely. Campbell and Heuron both slip during the climb, but each his able to arrest their fall quickly and re-focus to make the summit. Koda, Chisholm and Captain Hyde-Smythe find carrying the rope-ladders to be exhausting, but all manage to do so; though each has to lay completely flat and still upon crawling over the top and just gasp for air for a long few moments at the end of the climb....

Everyone's muscles are burning and it's all they can do to pull themselves over the top and after several full minutes of gasping for air, they are able to look at each other and with nods and slight grins, they silently congratulate each other on making a tremendously difficult climb. With legs feeling like jelly, they slowly rise to their feet and look around...

The shells from the Artillery are still raining down, to give them all some cover; but the first thing they notice is the body of a German Soldier, his throat cut, pulled over and behind a nearby ridge with SGT Fenton cleaning his V42 Knife on the German's uniform. He whispered to the men; "Only one over here; had to take him out real quiet"; as Von Ausdale was meanwhile taking the ropes from Porcupine, Koda and Hyde-Smythe and securing them on the summit and then tossing them down over the edge so that the rest of the 2nd Regiment could make the ascent....

The next few hours were nerve wracking as some 700 men made the climb while artillery continued to pound the German Positions and give them all the cover of noise and as this was happening; the men of SST 11 moved over to where Fenton had showed them where the Regiment would be making their assault from....

There was a slight, but steep little ridge about 4 feet high for most of its length that on the other side, had about a 45 degree, gentle slope down to the large 'saucer' area that made up most of the summit of La Difensa and which most of the Germans were positioned in. As they all crouched down behind the ridge, they could see the positions of some 500 German soldiers; many of whom were in 'singers' or foxholes with rocks piled around them; and several metal pillboxes positioned here and there with ports for MG and Rifles to fire out of; and along some tall ridges were caves that German soldiers occasionally moved in and out of.....

It was nearly sunlight and most of the Regiment had made it to the top now and were moving to get into position when a patrol of 4 German soldiers came walking by the ridge; they seemed wary but not particularly scared of the Artillery bombardment; which had greatly slacked off by this point and which was mostly landing well below the summit of the mountain. Hyde-Smythe drew his V-42 and whispered to the others of SST 11; "Draw blades and get ready to take these Jerries out quietly!"

Art/Model of the troops making the climb:

OOC: Okay, it's almost dawn and there's still some more troops of the FSSF that have to make the climb and be ready for the Dawn Assault. 4 troops are walking by and your orders are to take them out with you Knives (or something else that doesn't make much noise....rifle butt perhaps?) Remember, your orders are to NOT use your Talent Powers until the Assault starts so as not to give away your position to any German Talents who may be up here....

In game terms; the patrol will walk by close enough for a Hand to Hand attack.....Hyde-Smythe is certainly going to attempt to do so

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 12:29 am
by Rex
Nahum Chisholm

Nahum quietly draws his V-42 and gets ready to attack. Trying to attack from behind and cover their mouth with his free hand.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 9:48 am
by ateno
Koda will spear with his harpoon, pushing it all the way thru his body as they get closer.
