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It started in a tavern, of course

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2021 2:33 pm
by tibbius
The City has many taverns.

You begin in one of them.

Describe it, and I'll tell you where in the City it is, and who's inside.

Re: It started in a tavern, of course

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:56 am
by Squid
The Fox Tail Tavern & Inn is a two-story stone-walled building. The first level is the tavern with tables and chairs crafted from a combination of wood and metal. There is a U shaped bar also crafted from a combination of wood and metal which juts 1/2 way into the main room. The kitchen area is behind the bar where they prepare a variety of food. There is a large stone fireplace along one wall with cushioned chairs and tables. The 2nd floor has rooms for rent. Accommodations consist of several rooms including a few suites for those with means looking for more comfort.

Re: It started in a tavern, of course

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 9:56 pm
by tibbius
The Fox Tail is in the neighborhood of Bustle Street, down a side alley from the eponymous main way. Vendors of cheap wares, and their customers, frequent the place; its brass-legged tables and bar are more upscale than those who attend their pewter tankards there. The wooden tops are scratched, dented, and sparsely inscribed by surreptitious meat-knives. The food is not bad, but not the fancy stuff you'd get on Whisper Street nearby nor yet the heavy nourishing fare of Taverns Row. The Fox Tail is an off-brand among taverns.

You're sitting quietly, nursing your beverage and absently rocking your crook-legged table, when you overhear a bit of hushed conversation between two sketchy-looking fellows at the neighboring table. It seems the disgraced heir of Baron Simmet, adjutant accountant to the Queen of the City, wants to establish a business relationship with the respected Armorer Temrizhan, an Onderban colonist. The armorer is reluctant, and the heir - one named Akhilesh - wants to bring pressure on the man's business.

Do you have any interest in this? If not, other matters are sure to come up in this City of Rumors and Favors.

Re: It started in a tavern, of course

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 12:17 pm
by Squid
This sounds interesting, but I'm trying to get a feeling for my character and his ways to determine what level of interest he would have in this conversation. I know he is a charlatan making a living as an alchemist. Is he a good guy, neutral, or on the shady side? Being a charlatan, I imagine he has shady traits. If he's interested in the conversation is it because he wants in on the action, looking to be the middle man where he doesn't actually do anything but coordinates those who do, or sound the alarm?

Also, does my character know if the two men having the discussion are Temrizhan and Akhilesh?

Re: It started in a tavern, of course

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 1:48 pm
by tibbius
Your character's motivations are up to you - I just supplied some random background that you've put flesh on.

Ogden doesn't recognize the two people talking.

The men's conversation moves on to a plan to recover on a marker from a dice game last night. They seem replete of schemes and skullduggery.

The waiter comes over with a wooden tray. "Done with your tankard, sir, or want a refill?" he asks with a manner surprisingly courteous for this joint.

Re: It started in a tavern, of course

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 12:52 am
by Squid
Yep, I'm just typing out loud. :)

Ogden glances casually at his tankard, considering the waiters question. While the contents are gone and he isn't really interested in another round, having one will allow him to eavesdrop on the discussion further. "Yes, I will take another, thanks." His attention returns to the conversation at the other table, hoping to catch names, times, locations.

Re: It started in a tavern, of course

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 12:19 pm
by tibbius
Now the conversation's turned to rumors of Barons and their spouses "playing" in the Trollhide Room, on Whisper Street (adjacent neighborhood). Names are named. Few are familiar to you; there are many barons in the City that Strives. More interesting are the names of prominent colonists also rumored to sport with the barons: Hustamev, an alchemist like yourself; Barian, a bailiff of the Captain; and Maglan, a colonel of the Captain's fusiliers.

Re: It started in a tavern, of course

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 2:00 pm
by Squid
The mention of Ogden's former classmate and friend, Hustamev, causes him to wince. Hustamev and Ogden met at the Alchemical Academy and became fast friends. As they progressed through the program, Ogden won the favor of his professors due to his natural talent. This slowly formed a rift between Ogden and Hustamev which ripped wide open when Ogden left the Academy early to get a start working as an alchemist and to get away from the toxic relationship he had with the Dean. Hustamev also proved a talented alchemist after he graduated, eventually becoming a competitor to Ogden. The two avoid each other as much as possible, however, their paths do cross from time to time. Mostly in pursuit of more affluent clientele. That led Ogden to purchase a forgery saying Ogden is a lower level noble in hopes of working his way into higher society.

This news of Hustamev possibly being involved in some questionable activity has caught Ogden's attention. Hoping to expose Hustamev, Ogden listens for any more details which may be useful.

Re: It started in a tavern, of course

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 7:48 pm
by tibbius
Ogden knows that Hustamev is a second-generation colonist, not just an ex-patriate; he was born here in the city of Thelav, and grew up in the same school system as Ogden, though they did not meet until arriving at the Admittance Day ceremonies for students who had passed the Academy entrance exam in their year. Hustamev does have that weird colonist thing going on, though, where his membership in the new ruling class helps him wrangle invitations to events for which Ogden, with his obvious Thelavian ancestry, must rely on forged papers.

It's curious that the Onderban alchemist would have shifted his interests from books to "sports" of the sort that are rumored in the Trollhide Room. He had been pleasant but not particularly outgoing at the Academy.

If Ogden wants more information, he will need to interject himself into a conversation that again is moving onward to tall tales about the merits of mermaids in bed.

Re: It started in a tavern, of course

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:08 am
by Squid
Does Ogden need to roll something to see if he can get into the conversation?

Re: It started in a tavern, of course

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:27 am
by tibbius
If you want to roll 2d6, you can add +1 if you buy a round of drinks and +1 if you have a smooth approach. The score you're trying to hit is 9 or better.

Re: It started in a tavern, of course

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 12:24 pm
by Squid
Testing for a smooth approach: 1-3 = awkward, 4-6 = smooth [1d6]=2
Buying a round for the hooligans: [2d6+1]=9+1=10

Trying his best to impress the hooligans, Ogden stands and swings his chair around so the back is facing the neighboring table then straddles the seat. Snapping his fingers in the air he bellows, "Barkeep, another round for me and my mates!" then he slaps a solar coin on the table.

Re: It started in a tavern, of course

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 12:42 pm
by tibbius
The two disreputable-looking men look at Ogden, then at each other, then start laughing.

"A little lonely, eh? Well - a good drink's a good way to strike up a friendship," says one of them, smacking Ogden on the shoulder. "I'm Janak, he's Achmedjan. Good people, good people. Your name, sir?" His broad grin shows a tooth missing from a stained and crooked dentiture framed by puffy lips and greasy stubble. With the hand that smacked Ogden's shoulder, Janak moves a plate of chicken scraps to make room for Ogden's elbow.

Re: It started in a tavern, of course

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 6:00 pm
by Squid
Ogden, relieved his awkward approach didn't cause any harm, looks a the two. "The name's Hercermer. You can call me Herc. Well, you look like a couple fellows who know a thing or two about the goings on around these parts and I'm looking for some ... information and thought you may be able to help a fella out?"

He looks between the two, then eyes the plate of chicken. Ogden assumes these two don't have a lot of disposable income and decides to soften them up a little more by appealing to their appetite. "Say, how was that chicken? I could probably go for a bite to eat myself. I don't know if I could eat a whole plate, but you guys look like you may be able to help, eh?"

Re: It started in a tavern, of course

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:12 pm
by tibbius
As an alchemist, Ogden usually carries a purse of silver lunars along with assorted copper solars. A couple of solars easily will cover the drinks and the plate of chicken.

Re: It started in a tavern, of course

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 2:31 pm
by Squid
Ogden puts another solar on the table and calls over the server, "We'll take another plate of chicken as well, please." He then turns to Janak and Achmedjan, "I wonder if you two may have any information about some happenings I've heard rumblings about. It seems there is something happening in the Trollhide Room, have you heard of it?"

Does Ogden need to roll anything to be charismatic enough so they won't kick him out the door?

Re: It started in a tavern, of course

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 6:41 pm
by tibbius
Janak guffaws. "Everyone knows what they get up to there," he scoffs. "Dirty deeds by the "high" class folks, making sport of underlings like us. Except pretty. Nasty business. What's your interest? You look too clean cut, somehow, to be wanting to take part there."

Re: It started in a tavern, of course

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 2:01 pm
by Squid
Ogden stands and spins his chair around, sits back down and leans back into it comfortably looking relaxed and calm. "Oh, I'm not interested in joining them. I'm interested in finding out what one of the participants is doing there. Have you heard the name Hustamev? I believe that he's been involved and I'm trying to find out what he has been doing."

Re: It started in a tavern, of course

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 5:24 pm
by tibbius
Janak chuckles. He seems to be good-humored, and the face of the two. "You're dramatic with that chair, young fellow." Ogden realizes the two men are a bit older than himself. "I would reckon Hustamev, being Onderban but not well-connected, is trying to get some sort of in with the old guard of the City; maybe sell them performance enhancers? He's an alchemist, I hear, and a good one."

Re: It started in a tavern, of course

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 6:42 pm
by Squid
Ogden chuckles. "I am an antsy person. I gotta keep moving." Ogden goes pensive for a moment considering this information. Is it correct? Is Hustamev just aiding the participants, or both aiding and participating? "I'm not sure what is happening there. But, if he's helping the Old Guard, there may be nothing to do. They would be interested in keeping him around if what you say is accurate."

Ogden reaches for a chicken leg and starts partaking, glancing between the fellows while he chews.