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Tournament Competition Rules

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 12:33 am
by Ithril
I'm going to post these as a separate Announcement Topic so it can be easily referenced. I'll have the competition elimination brackets posted here as well. I will update those with results of the competitions as they become available. some of these events I've been able to distill into a simple set of dice rolls for the players, and we can determine the results without direct play. Some however will require melee type interaction. I will let you know what I need.
As with everything else, if you notice something that doesn't make sense, or if you have any questions, please let me know.

Tournament schedules:

Jousting will be for 3 hours, on the 19, 21, 23, and 24, after lunch from 2 to 5. The final jousting competitions will be on the 26 for 6 hours. Champion match at 5:30. Armed combat rounds will be for 3 hours as well on the off days at the jousting range also from 2 to 5 on the 18, 20, 22, and will conclude on the 25th. Group combats will occur on the jousting range also on the of days with the regular armed combat, from 9 am until 11, and also conclude on the 25th.
All combatants will be given their choice of dulled wooden weapons that will not incur serious damage (though they will still hurt).

Archery competitions will be each day (18th to 23rd) as there will be far more participants. There will be one competition among the commons, and another for military trained archers. The top 10 commoners will be allowed to compete in the championships with the trained archers. The competitions will run from 9 am until 11 and from 2 until 5
From the afternoon of the 23rd until the 26th, the archery field will be opened for throwing competitions both axe and dagger.

Log rolling competitions will be held on the 20th, and the 21st from 9 am until 11 am as well.

Unarmed combat will be held in the four rings near the campgrounds, each day from the 18th to the 26th. This will be open to both common and trained persons, and will run from 1:00 pm until 5:00 pm.

The wild game hunt will be on the 24th, and will commence with the release of 4 boars in the morning at 10. The boars will be dressed and prepared for the grand feasts on the 27th.

Event Conwenna Dorath Harker Igber Pebble Traesta
Archery X
Axe Throwing
Log Rolling X
Mounted Combat, Swords X
Mounted combat, Other Weapons
Team Combat X X X X X X
Unmounted Combat Swords X X
Unmounted Combat Other Weapons
Unarmed Wrestling


Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 12:35 am
by Ithril
Target archery competitions will be held at a distance of approximately 90 yards. Competition is divided into ends of 4 arrows. After each end, the competitors walk to the target to score and retrieve their arrows. Archers have a set time limit in which to shoot their arrows. 4 arrows are shot in 2 minutes.
Targets are marked with 5 evenly spaced concentric rings, which have score values from 1 through 5 assigned to them. Archers score each end by summing the scores for their arrows. Line breakers, an arrow just touching a scoring boundary line, will be awarded the higher score.

roll 1d20, score below as follows

4 shots, High score wins
20 bulls-eye* 5/10*
18 - 19 first circle 4
15 - 17 second circle 3
11 - 14 third circle 2
6 - 10 fourth circle 1
1 - 9 foul -10

*If a previous arrow has hit the bulls-eye, any additional arrows striking the bulls-eye must roll another d20; a second roll of 20 will indicate that the new arrow has split the previous arrow. Splitting the previous arrow is worth 10 points.

Log Rolling

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 12:35 am
by Ithril
Log rolling, is a sport involving two competitors, each on one end of a free-floating log in a body of water. The athletes battle to stay on the log by sprinting, kicking the log, and using a variety of techniques as they attempt to cause the opponent to fall off.
The match begins when the whistle is blown or “Time in” is called by the head judge and continues until a fall occurs or the time limit expires (The judge may recall a quick whistle if s/he feels that the rollers did not have equal control.). The first athlete to lose contact with the log with both feet and fall off the log loses the fall. The last athlete to lose contact with the log wins the fall. For all amateur and professional divisions, matches consist of two out of three falls. Log rolling competitions will occur in a shallow portion of the nearby river, where a set of temporary floating docks have been built for the event.
Two contestants balance on a log with the aid of staying poles that are held by dockmen until they are at a safe distance from the dock, and have established a balanced equilibrium on the log. The judge blows a whistle, and the contest begins.

Scoring will be as follows:
Each players ability threshold will be the sum of their dexterity & strength, doubled.
For each round each player rolls 2d10, and 1d6 for initiative with a dexterity bonus. The player who wins initiative applies their rolls last, ties are re-rolled. They can split the rolls, or apply either or both rolls to their own score, or to the opponent's score. The number shown on the individual dice cannot be split, and has to be entirely applied to one score or the other. You can apply the number as a negative or as a positive.

Any player whose total exceeds their ability threshold is deemed to have fallen, and they are also deemed to have fallen if they reach a total of less than -15.
If both players fall in the same round, an additional initiative roll will determine the winner.

Mounted Combat, Swords/Jousting

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 12:36 am
by Ithril
All mounted combat will be conducted on medium horses, provided by the Duke.

Sword Combat
Combatants will be provided small shields and specially made short swords blunted and tempered to allow for non-lethal strikes, and all horsemen in the duel wear leather armor.
The most effective way for a horseman to fight other riders with hand-to-hand weapons is to circle around his opponents, striking whenever possible. Every round, each rider makes a riding check to get himself into position for an attack. Because this contest will be only be between two opponents at a time, each check receives a +5 bonus. A character can attempt this check only once per round.
If each opponent makes successful checks and attack each other, they roll for initiative for that round; in this instance, both opponents face each others shield sides.
When a horseman makes a successful riding check against one who fails the check, roll on the following table to determine which side the attacker is facing.

Defender's Target Side
1-3 Shield side: The defender adds his shield bonus to his armor class
4-6 Front: The defender adds his shield bonus to his AC, and can return an attack in that round at -4 to hit.
7-8 Weapon side: The defender receives no shield bonus to his AC, but can return an attack in that round at -2 to hit.

A natural roll of 1 is a fumble; roll 1d20 again. If the second roll also results in a 1, it indicates the horse has been struck which is a foul and automatic loss.
The winner is determined after the best of 3 hits (highest d20 to hit roll).

lances and armor (plate mail and a shield) will be provided to all contestants. The lances are blunted and fragile, designed to shiver in the case of a particularly solid hit.

Each player makes a regular to hit roll with the following bonuses and penalties:
Paladins gain a +1 bonus due to combat training on horseback.
All characters add their strength bonus to their hit probability
All characters add their charge bonus to their hit probability (+2)
All characters lose the benefit of their dexterity bonus to armor class when charging.

For this tournament, all characters are assumed to have horsemanship riding proficiency.

When a hit is scored, damage will be limited to 1-2 points because of the intentionally fragile nature of the weapons, any successful hit has the potential to shiver the lance, and to unhorse a foe.

Normally, a lance would need to make a saving throw roll of 13 or better to avoid shivering. If the knight struck by the lance remains firm in the saddle rather than being unhorsed by the lance charge (see below), then the lance saves vs. shivering at -2.

When struck, an opponent must make a check to avoid being unhorsed.
Save vs. unhorsing progression starts at 19 at 1st level and improves by one for every two levels gained by the contestant. For instance, the saving throw roll is 19 at 1st to 2nd level, 18 at 3rd to 4th level, 17 at 5th to 6th level, and so on.
The “attacker” who strikes the defender in the joust imposes penalties to the defender’s saving throw, due to the attacker’s strength

Defender’s strength
High strength helps a contestant avoid being overthrown by the attacker’s lance charge. The defender’s hit probability bonus due to high strength is used as the bonus to the defender’s save vs. unhorsing.

Defender’s dexterity
High dexterity helps a contestant remain in the saddle. The knight’s reaction/attacking adjustment bonus is used as the defender’s saving throw bonus. Cavaliers of dexterity 16/xx to 18/xx gain a bonus of +1 to +3 to the save vs. unhorsing.

Horsemanship skill
Superior horsemanship grants a defender a better chance to avoid falling off the mount. Paladins of 1st to 6th level gain a bonus of +1.

Attackers penalties

Attackers strength
An attacker with great strength who strikes a lance blow causes the defender to save vs. being unhorsed at a penalty. This penalty is equal to the negative of the attackers hit probability adjustment due to high strength.

The fall
Any jouster who is overthrown by the lance charge takes an additional 1d4 hp damage from the fall, due to both the height of the fall and the awkward and uncontrolled manner of the fall. In the highly unlikely event that any contestant is reduced to zero or fewer hit points by the lance blow they are automatically unhorsed, of course, with no save vs. unhorsing roll allowed.

The match
When two contestants joust, each contestant is allowed three lances. The first contestant to unhorse the opponent or to shiver all three of his or her lances against the foe is the winner of the match. If both contestants are unhorsed simultaneously, then both contestants suffer a loss in the tourney. If both shiver all three lances, then the knights must continue with a fourth or fifth lance, until a victor is found.

Melee Combat

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 12:37 am
by Ithril
Team Combat
Teams will face off against each other using supplied blunted and padded weapons for safety. Any successful hit puts the opponent out. The team with the last man standing is considered the winner of that bout. The team winning 3 of 5 bouts is considered victorious.

Unmounted Combat Swords
Opponents will face off against each other using supplied blunted and padded weapons for safety. The first combatant to score 3 hits on his opponent will be the winner of that bout. The opponent winning 2 of 3 bouts is considered victorious.