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The Band (PCs)

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 9:47 pm
by Grognardsw
The Band (PCs)

Glue your sheets on these basement walls.

The band's good friend and de-facto manager, Jimmy Daniels. A hard-drinking man with an encyclopedic knowledge of music, fierce belief in the band, and an all-around fun guy.

The Band

- Melodious “Mel” DeSalvo - bass and guitar, keys. Bouncer/sound guy/janitor at Two O'Clock Club (OM)
- Derek "The Whizzard" Domino - keyboards, Moog. Helper at WBCN 104.1 FM. (Ardak)
- Alice "Scamp" Henriette - drums. In between jobs. (Rex)
- Hooter - accordion, hurdyGurdy. Bouncer at the Rat. (Bluehorse)
- James "Janx" Wilkie - guitar. Clerk at Sears. (Jemmus)

Re: The Band (PCs)

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 1:10 pm

Melodious “Mel” DeSalvo
606F121B-E19A-4577-B0F7-1EA15796BFC8.jpeg (53.26 KiB) Viewed 2120 times
Petty Criminal (Thief/Grifter)
Plays multiple instruments
Proficient at Guitar/Keys

Mel is a dark guy. Dark hair, dark complexion, and some pretty dark thoughts. He has spent most of his life moving around from place to place, trying to fit in and trying to find some like minded mates to play music with. He has always had the gift of gab, honing that skill as he grew up in order to sleep on other people's couches and eat their food (and beer) for free. He is accustomed to getting his way, and gets angry easily when he doesn't. He can sing fairly well, but at times, when he is really "on", he has the voice of an angel. The angel of DEATH, that is! He has decent skill as a musician as well, able to play most of the basics by ear. When he really puts his mind into a new lick or lyric, he can come up with some pretty rad tunes.

Brought up by his single mother, he never knew his real father, only an unending train of her boyfriends and live-in handymen, who usually treated Melodious like crap. Living off the mean streets nearly his entire adult life, he has had his share of used and abused relationships. Most of the time he just uses the generosity of others to benefit himself, but there have been a few people in his life that he has cared about......a little.

He has had to do a lot of things he isn't proud of to survive, but the things that didn't kill him, like booze, coke, and anything else he could do for free, only made him stronger. Though not a crazed drug addict or heavy boozer, he enjoys the numbed down feeling as much as the next guy, I suppose. He has honed his petty thievery to a fair level over the years, but once he is caught for something he's done, he can usually bullshit his way out of any real trouble. He carries a small knife, just in case.

22 years old
Left Handed
6' / 200lbs
Move: 10
Hit Points: 11

Str 9
Con 10
Siz 11
Int 14
Pow 10
Dex 11
App 14

Effort: 45
Stamina: 50
Idea: 70
Luck: 50
Agility: 55
Charisma: 70

Fast Talk: 81
Preform: 65
Status: 55
Sleight of Hand: 35
Listen: 45
Climb: 50
Dodge: 32
Hide: 30
Stealth: 30
Throw: 45

Switch Blade Knife

Flying V

Future Ax Effects:
Janx twanged the low E string and the guitar vibrated as a sonic bolt fired from the head. It was barely visible, being a disruptive waviness in the air, and it broke apart rock as it hit it.

Next the high E string, which fired a sustained sonic beam for the length of the note. The open E on the high E string fired a beam that lasted longer. The E harmonic on the 12th fret of the high E string fired three short sonic bursts.

Re: The Band (PCs)

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 4:04 am
by Ardak2000
Derek "The Whizzard" Domino



27 years old
Left Handed
5'11" / 195lbs
Move: 10
Hit Points: 11

Derek is a man of slight build and quiet voice. At once a child of the 60's, he is never without some form of psychoactive substance such as LSD, Psilocybin, Ayahuasca or similar and will most often be found lightly 'trippin' through life. A consummate keyboardist, Derek has recently discovered the Moog Synthesizer and plans on incorporating it during performances. Derek also has a knack for the occult and mysticism and is a practicing Wiccan. He meditates often and is sensitive to what others may call 'supernatural'

Str 10
Con 11
Siz 11
Int 17
Pow 17
Dex 16
App 13

Effort: 50
Stamina: 55
Idea: 85
Luck: 85
Agility: 80
Charisma: 65

Keyboards/Synth: 75
Perform: 65
Fine Manipulation: 45
Knowledge-Occult: 55
White Magic: 65
Aura Reading: 40
Climb: 45
Dodge: 32
Hide: 30
Throw: 35



Moog Synthesizer

Re: The Band (PCs)

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 12:39 am
by Rex
Alice "Scamp" Henriette

22 years old
Right Handed
5' / 100 lbs
Move: 10
Hit Points: 11

Str 8
Con 10
Siz 7
Int 11
Pow 15
Dex 13
App 16

Effort: 40
Stamina: 50
Idea: 55
Luck: 75
Agility: 65
Charisma: 80

Disguise: 50
Drums/Percussion: 81
Fast Talk: 25
Language, Own: 55
Perform: 75
Persuade: 25
Status: 43

First Aid: 50
Literacy: 55

Insight: 25
Listen: 25
Spot: 25

Climb: 40
Dodge: 50
Drive: 50
Hide: 25
Stealth: 25

Martial Arts: 55


Drum set

Re: The Band (PCs)

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 7:50 pm
by Bluehorse
Bowling Ball Engraver
Songwriter/Accordionist/Thinks he is the frontman (isn't)
Proficient at Accordion & HurdyGurdy
Hooter.jpg (115.39 KiB) Viewed 2092 times
Hooter was born in Oosterhout, the Netherlands where he grew up with a love of music from the church and town festivals. His first true love was the Accordion and the polka music of his homeland. By the time he was able to go into the beer gardens back home, he had spent every moment he could listening to the music and absorbing all he could from the local musicians. Soon he was a part of a polka band made up of friends. De Oosterhoutse polkaspelers, or The Oosterhout Polka Train Players, were a fast hit. They had more gigs coming their way than they could keep up with, especially for Oktoberfest. That was until one night when there was a battle of the bands that went badly. In the drunken aftermath, Hooter was still leaned back against what remained of the beer tent singing and swigging beer, the last semi-conscious combatant from the drunken brawl that had taken place. His group had a hard time finding work after that and eventually broke up.

Meanwhile, Hooter had been looking at other venues and came across a punk bar playing American Rock and Roll. He really enjoyed it and began building a library of music which he has spent the past couple of years studying and trying to convince his friends to try their hand at it. So far he had had no success. So, selling off most of his meager possessions and using that money to move to Boston, USA, he was hungry to build a band and play more music. He just knew that Accordion Rock was going to take off.

32 years old
Right Handed
5'10" / 222lbs
Move: 10
Hit Points: 16

Str 16
Con 17
Size 14
Int 14
Pow 14
Dex 11
App 11

Effort: 80
Stamina: 82
Idea: 74
Luck: 70
Agility: 55
Charisma: 55

Music: 75
English: 45
Accordion: 81
Repair Auto: 30

Brawl: 75

Hohner Accordion
hohner-acc-harmonica-latino.jpg (54.76 KiB) Viewed 2092 times
Stats Updated 5-23-2021 ... 09#p549109

Stats Updated 6-9-2022 ... 42#p614742 Then.... Not... :roll:

Re: The Band (PCs)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 1:07 am
by jemmus
James "Janx" Wilkie
Guitar Player (Artist/Performer)
Rhythm Guitar
Can do pretty good backing vocals
Heroes: David Gilmour, Martin Barre, Steve Howe, Chet Atkins, Andres Segovia, and most of all the immortal superhero Lightnin' Hopkins. Used to really like Carlos Santana until he read an interview with him in Creem magazine and found out he's a real superficial flake dumbass. Has a grudging respect for the big poser Jimmy Page.

James "Janx" lives for guitar, but works at Sears. He grew up middle class in Medford, MA, which is a part of metro Boston. Actually he's still growing up there, in mom and dad's and bro and sis's home. He's a natural musician in many ways. For example, when he's riding the subway, the rhythm of the click-and-clacking of the wheels on the tracks make him start hearing riffs and fingering air chords and air strumming. When the radio says something rhythmic like "The data shows no change along the way," he thinks of a lyric. "The donkey walked beside the bay," for example. All he can remember about the 5th grade was Mrs. Aubrey's butt jiggling when she was writing on the blackboard.

His favorite guitar (a Gibson Les Paul) was stolen from a van that somebody left unlocked, before or after a gig. He vows vengeance on the thieving horker, if he can ever find him. He can perfectly identify that Les Paul, if he ever sees it again. It has a crescent-shaped dent near the bridge from someone in the audience throwing a full beer can at the band.

21 years old
Right Handed
5'9" / 130 lbs
Move: TBD
Hit Points: TBD

Str 7
Con 8
Siz 8
Int 11
Pow 9
Dex 13
App 10

Rhythm guitar: 77 (6 successes)+(4 successes) +2 increase = 79 (3 successes)
Improv soloing: 30 (2 successes) +5 increase = 35
Classical guitar/fingerpicking: 30 (1 success) +2 increase = 32
Songwriting (riffs): 50 (1 success)+(1 success)
Lyrics writing: 35 (1 critical success)
Backing vocals: 30 (1 success)
Bass: 25
Tone: (sounds of combinations of guitars, amps and pedals) 20
Harmonic: 20
Inventing and playing "found" instruments: 20

Personal Skill Pool
Dodging Trouble (teachers, supervisor, the Man, bikers, bummer people giving you a bad time about things you did yesterday, etc.) - 40
Artfully Rolling Smokables to Perfection - 20 (1 success) +5 increase = 25 (+3 successes)
Hiding - 20
Stealth - 20
Hypnotism - 5
Brawl - 25 +2 increase = 27

Fender Jaguar (used)
Hondo Les Paul copy, with Gibson humbuckers salvaged from a wrecked Les Paul
Marshal amp
Vox amp
Wah, reverb, tremolo and echo pedals (used)
Cassette player/recorder
1966 Ford Fairlane (won't start, needs a new starter)

Janx twanged the low E string and the guitar vibrated as a sonic bolt fired from the head. It was barely visible, being a disruptive waviness in the air, and it broke apart rock as it hit it.

Next the high E string, which fired a sustained sonic beam for the length of the note. The open E on the high E string fired a beam that lasted longer. The E harmonic on the 12th fret of the high E string fired three short sonic bursts.

The open A formed a corkscrew of sound that spun and drilled a hole in rock!

The D string weirdly created a cone of silence. The B string caused a bounce of sound directed downward under Janx, causing him to bounce up 15' (3d6 Dex check to land without hurting yourself.) The effects of the G string, much like the G spot, remained elusive to Janx's fingerings.

TPK Songs
THAC0 - recorded
Battle for Arbel - recorded, prog-rockish (critical success roll for lyrics)
Girls Love the Angel - partly done
Giant Fruit Slugs Riding Farmen - done, with shifting time signatures
Kokhav-Nogah Jam - done
Deja Dust - still just an idea
One-Horned Gorilla Thing/Destroyed by Sound - still just an idea. Mysterious intro/theme (Weird Plants and Approaching the Cave), segue into a hard-driving riff (The Gorilla Thing), and then into a crunchy metal riff (The Battle), with Hooter and Derek throwing a bunch of wild soloing, and extro with the theme again (Victory Smoke), but less mysterious and more upbeat and jamming.
Pinocchio Girl - Hooter tune, remembers some lyrics but having trouble remembering the melody. "Pinocchio girl, the pleasure boobie planet, so I kiss a girl who wasn't there, is my fly down?"
Hooter and the Moth Man - accordion jam