STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#101 Post by Rex »


Kit fires at the closest target with her blaster carbine.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#102 Post by kipper »

Clark doesn't want to get caught in the crossfire by charging in, he shoots through the doorway at whomever seems to be the easiest target.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#103 Post by ybn1197 »

Jackson will grab up his Carbine and shoot from the kneeling position behind the door frame.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#104 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Lacking the preservation instinct of Professor Clark, Zuul does go charging in. Laughing crazily as he does.

He'll dip low and charge in, veering to the side to engage two pirates. Brawling with each before they can get their guns out. If possible, he'll grab the second one and use it as a shield.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#105 Post by max_vale »

Deep Space; Minos Cluster aboard the Kuari Princess

A chaotic fight broke out on the bridge of the hijacked liner Kuari Princess as the Rebels-turned-Traders stormed the command room of the vessel to engage with the Pirates who had boarded and commandeered her....

Professor Clark fire a well-aimed blast and drills one of the poor pirates whom 'Big Jak' had just shoved in between him and the open doorway to act as a shield and that pirate wouldn't be bothering anyone else again the Academic thought to himself with a bit of animalistic pride....

Jackson Crodowski dropped down and scooped up his Blaster Carbine, carefully looked in the room and fired a blast that narrowly missed a nearby Pirate who was struggling to yank his Heavy Blaster Pistol out of its holster....

Kit'katarra the Wookie serenely took aim at one of her foes; trusting in the calmness of the Force and lo and behold, her blaster bolt hit her target in the head and dropped him like a puppet with its strings cut off....

With a hearty laugh, Zuul the Barabel burst into the room and with a massive swing of one of his fearsomely strong arms he smashed one of the pirates in the head with enough force to spin him 180 degrees; stagger/fly back 2 meters into the wall and then OOZE down the wall into painful unconsciousness. Not done, Zuul then turned to a second target and drilled him in the solar plexus, causing him to wheeze and fold in half and stagger about in a daze and fail to react when Zuul shoved him in between him and the remaining Pirates; imitating their Leader's opening move of the melee....

Finally reacting to the unexpected assault; the remaining 5 pirates drew their blasters and opened fire; 3 at Zuul and the other 2 thru the open doorway at the other Rebels....

One bolt flew mere centimeters from Professor's Clark's head and he belatedly reacted by moving to the side. A second bolt zipped thru the open doorway, but came nowhere close to making contact with any of the Rebels....

The 3 Pirates that fired at Zuul managed to drill and kill their own companion; the dazed 'shield' Zuul was crouching behind; miss the Barabel by a good half-meter and finally tag him in the side with enough force to burn through his Vest and leave a painful wound along his ribs*....

Big Jak laughed and called out; "I LIKE YOU REBELS! YOU'VE GOT MOXIE! ALAS, I MUST KILL YOU, BUT 'TIS A SHAME! GET THEM!" he calls out to his remaining men as he spins and moves out of a doorway in the rear of the chamber....

OOC: Okay, there are 5 Pirates still in the fight (plus another one unconscious and wounded)...Zuul could close and Brawl with another 2 this round if he so chooses.....he is also Wounded (-1D to all actions until treated)
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#106 Post by Rex »


Kit will target another Big Jak if possible but if not another one.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#107 Post by kipper »

"Damn crazy!" Clark mutters to himself when Zuul rushes into the room. He shrugs off the near-miss and fires at another pirate, preferably one not too close to Zuul!
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#108 Post by Monsieur Rose »


The Barabel is enjoying himself after having to restrain himself and behave properly for days on the luxury vessel. "Ah! My turn" He growls at the shooters as he closes the distance and brawls twice more, smashing heads and breaking hearts.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#109 Post by ybn1197 »

"Just be thankful he's on our side," Jackson laughs at Clark. Jackson will then sight another pirate away from the rampaging Barabel and take a shot.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#110 Post by max_vale »

Deep Space; Minos Cluster aboard the Kuari Princess

Their fierce shoot-out/hand-to-hand combat aboard the bridge of the liner continued at a furious pace.....

First, Professor Clark managed to drill a pirate high in the chest with his Blaster; causing him smile in feral glee....

A moment later however, the glee was turned into a grimace as a return bolt from another Pirate smashed into his abdomen, dropping him to the deck and clutching his abdomen at the burning pain caused him to writhe in agony*....

In revenge, Jackson shot the pirate who had hit his companion with a blaster bolt right between the eyes and then ducked back as a bolt smashed into the open door-frame near him....

Kit attempted to shoot Big Jak Tagrim as he fled the bridge, but her shot was a near-miss and then the big alien Pirate leader was gone. Her attention immediately went to Professor Jones as he hit the deck clutching what looked to be a serious wound....

The big Barabel Zuul Ksska bodily leapt onto a terrified nearby Pirate member and with a vicious pair of claw strikes, he slammed his hands into the man's sides; gaining a literally, bloody 'grip' on his mid section. Ignoring the man's howls, he lifted and hurled the man into one of his companions with a bone-jarring sound and both men went down to the deck in a heap. The man with blood pouring down both sides from the claws was now unconscious while the bruised man who was shoving him to the side was dazedly trying to get to his feet....

OOC: Okay, 2 active combatants left; one with a Blaster on his feet towards the back of the Bridge, the other dazed and attempting to get to his feet and pick up his weapon, never Zuul....

*Clark is Seriously Wounded/Incapacitated....he is conscious, but unable to do much more than painfully gasp out a few words or perhaps move a meter or so, all while in terrible pain.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#111 Post by ybn1197 »

"Kit, take care of the professor; we'll tidy up," Jackson says taking a shot at the pirate standing yet.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#112 Post by Rex »


KIt grabs Professor Jones, carrying him into the hall away from the door. She then administers a med kit.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#113 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Zuul turns when he hears his friend call out in pain. He scans for the shooter only to find him shot as well. "You'll have to do." He growls at the unarmed pirate trying to get to his feet.

He rushes over and engages with the man on the ground. At the last moment, Zuul remembers that he should keep someone alive. "For questioning" The Professor once said. So Zuul closes his fist and grabs the pirate to hold as a prisoner.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#114 Post by kipper »

Clark mumbles incoherently as Kit carries him away from the door.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#115 Post by max_vale »

Deep Space; Minos Cluster, approaching planet Oasis aboard the Kuari Princess

Aboard the bridge of the Space Liner Kuari Princess; the fight between the Rebels/Traders and the Pirates came to a quick and momentarily confusing end.....

First, Zuul dragged up the dazed Pirate from the ground and was about to assault him, when he changed his mind and decided to leave this one alive and conscious for questioning.....

Then, the standing Pirate with a Blaster fired at Zuul, but just barely missed and instead hit his companion in the Barabel's claws; inadvertently killing his fellow 'Rider of the Maelstrom'....

Jackson Crodowski then fired at the Pirate with the blaster and dropped him unmoving to the deck.....leaving a sudden awkward silence as Zuul blinked at the corpse now in his hands and leaving him wondering for a moment if he had accidentally killed the man before he realized what had happened....

Meanwhile, just outside the bridge; Kit'katarra the albino Wookie administered medical aide to Professor Clark and was able to patch up the worst of the wounds and brought the Academic back to a painfully, though much less so, conscious and mobile state. As they staggered thru the doorway to the bridge, they could look out the forward transparisteel 'windows' and could see that Rebel X, Y and A-wing fighters were fighting off the Pirate ships and the Planet Oasis was filled in the center of their screen. In fact, they were headed directly for it.....

A mechanical voice then spoke up, slowly and occasionally fills with static from a previously unnoticed Protocol Droid in pieces on the deck; clearly having been blasted by one of the Pirates. " DGR-47.....known as 'Dagger'.....-bel Alliance Operative.....attempted to stop the Riders from setting collision course to base on Oasis but failed.....imperative you complete out for the trapped loc- mechanism".....the Droid goes silent and dark as sparks erupt from what was left of its head....

Glancing at the Helm, the Rebels can see what the Droid/Rebel Agent was talking about. The Pirates had locked the ship on a Collison Course, intending to use the massive liner as a Ram that would impact upon the primary Alliance Safe-World base on the planet. To do this, they had locked the engines on full power and sealed off Engineering which would take some time to burn thru and get to the Engines...time they didn't have...

The other part was that they had locked the helm on its course and put an explosive device that could only be disarmed inputing a 6 digit code*.....and then there was a secondary device that was a clamp, designed to prevent anyone from moving the vessel's throttle**.....

Jackson took a quick look at the sensors and speed displays and figured they had about 5 minutes to do something....

OOC: Okay, the Professor is now the equivalent of Wounded (i.e. -1D to all actions, but able to move, take actions, etc. He's not bleeding or anything like that....but is very sore and in some pain, etc.

*Two ways to attempt to beat the code; the Security Skill (under TECH) or Cryptology (a KNO skill)....either way, this is a DIFFICULT roll (i.e. Difficulty number 20.....everybody has at least 1 Force Point left...throwing that out there! :) )

**Second, the can attempt to find tools to cut thru it....or attempt straight muscle. However, it's rather small, so really only 1 person can try. ALSO a Difficulty 20 using the STR skill of Lifting.

Finally, although not mentioned.....if/when these Traps are dealt with; somebody has to pilot the ship to a new course. Just thought I'd mention that.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#116 Post by kipper »

Given the Wounded state of Zuul and Clark, it looks like our best chances are:
1) Jackson can try to beat the code (4D+1 Security)
2) Kit can try to remove the clamp by brute force (4D STR)

No-one has seen to Zuul's wound yet, if Clark does that can Zuul be healed back to unwounded status? If so, then I think Clark should try to heal Zuul while Jackson and Kit try to free the controls.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#117 Post by Rex »


Kit will treat Zuul.

Using her luck point.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#118 Post by max_vale »

OOC: You MAY want to wait for the explosive device to be disarmed first....other wise the clamp being torn off will set it off....Jackson would be able to know that....sorry I didn't make that more clear!

Also: Yes, Zuul will be back to normal if treated.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#119 Post by Rex »

Edited previous post. Thanks
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#120 Post by ybn1197 »

Jackson will attempt to deactivate the explosive device with Security and a Force Point.
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