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The Man (Corporations & Organisations)

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 3:27 pm
by Faanku
Ledokol Logistika
Industrial Shipping, Bulk Freight, Shipbuilding

Originally a subsidiary of the Russian government created to maintain a presence within Rason, Ledokol managed to leverage its influence of the city's dockyards to establish its own extraterritoriality in the decades after the Korean Civil War. On the surface there seems to be no bad blood between the newly seceded corp and its former sovereign, and many within Rason City regard them as synonymous with each other.
Other than their large arcology on the west side, Ledokol unsurprisingly owns some serious real estate on the eastern docks, the most famous being its sprawling shipyard; the Ledokol'nyye Verfi extends almost half a mile out from the shoreline, and works 24 hours a day on creating and refitting seafaring vessels.
The most publicly recognised member of Ledokol is CEO Katya Artemievna, a severe and pragmatic woman who is rumoured to maintain close ties to certain military factions. It is accepted wisdom in the shadows to not cross her or her interests without good reason.

Matrix Software, Data Collection, Artificial Intelligence

Known mostly for its flagship product, Horizoonsoft was founded in AD 2048. Horizoonsoft began with a very small core of hobbyist software programmers lead by Ha-yun Soon, who was the brains behind Dokkaebi, a digital assistant Matrix agent who helps users with a wide variety of miscellaneous Matrix-related tasks. Got a meeting at 4 and need to hail a cab? Dokkaebi can alert the nearest driver with a simple "yes" away. You've been looking a lot at those new shoes; want to make an order? Dokkaebi helps organize information in an age where it's easy for the average user to get overwhelmed and knows when to stay out of notice. Initially, Horizoonsoft's work was obscure and seen as little more than a cute gimmick but non-essential. It was not until the collapse of North Korea and the other countries' corporations entering their market that some corporations saw value in the fairly innocuous agent. Here was a program that knew all of the spending habits of the citizens... and they never did any data wipes. Horizoonsoft saw many offers to buy, but Soon smelled an opportunity. She took a risk on a loan, expanded the company's employees and prioritized very, very heavily on security. 5 years later and Horizoonsoft still runs and maintains Dokkaebi as a free service, while the corps shell out on subscriptions for access into their Insights and Analytics program. In the corporations' covert war, the Matrix is a gold mine.

Fujimoto Heavy Industries
Ore Refining, Large-scale Construction, Advanced Metallurgy

As one of the first corporations to attempt to bring prosperity and opportunities to the people of Rason, Fujimoto Heavy Industries (FHI for short) projects an image of conservative ideals and can-do spirit. Styled after the spirit of Post-war Showa Era Japan, along with their motto of "RECTITUDE", FHI aims to provide ample opportunities to both its employees and investors while looking far into a future where they've managed to play a part in bringing Rason, and eventually the whole of the nation, into the 22nd century.
Steps have been taken to avoid the appearance of being a hostile colonization effort and rectifying the excesses of the War and the Zaibatsus, but the reality is that their arcology is populated mostly by middle managers of Japanese origin while most of the dangerous grunt work is performed by people of varied nationalities. There are few industries they won't dip their hands into, but their focus remains on ore refinement and megastructure materials processing. Look closely at the heat piping in your assigned apartment, you may be able to spot the telltale logo of a proud Fujimoto product made in their massive and efficient Geongseong Facility, ran by the enigmatic, but always well-mannered head of the company Osamu Saikawa. Rumours are he indulges as well in the favoured past-time of many a bored expat manager: Gambling. But you should know that spreading such rumours goes against the ethics and image of Fujimoto Heavy Industries and you might find yourself with a Shame penalty in your next paycheck.

Fenghuang Laboratories
Genetic Research, Cyberware, Anti-Aging Theory

Tracing its origins back almost 50 years to a research team lead by Juan Zhang, Fenghuang Labs was founded with the generous help of state funds to tackle contemporary health challenges. Leading the battle against cancer, auto-immune diseases and the Plague it swiftly became one of SEA's leading organisations in the field of medical science. During the Korean Civil War it was one of the first corporations to open a headquarters within Rason City, to help with the humanitarian crisis present.
Nowadays, it commands one of the largest arcologies on the west side and focuses its monumental efforts into anti-aging research, cyber prosthetics, human augmentation and gene research. The head of the company remains Juan Zhang; serene, soft spoken, a bewitching beauty who doesn't look a day older than thirty. Her wits, experience and strong political connections earned her the nickname "The Empress", revered by her allies and feared by her enemies. There are a fair amount of rumours circulating in the shadows about the disappearance of people and their families who spoke ill against her.

Prescription Medicines, Bio-weaponry, Psychological Research

A pharmaceuticals company built in Moscow in the year 2024 by the experienced hands of Boris Nozdryov, Nozdraviye rapidly established itself as a household name in throughout Russia. In a world where alienation and mistrust are ubiquitous, their anxiety and depression meds are handed out like candy by most doctors (who get a small cut for every sale). So, too, are their pain medications, which are moderately addictive and taken recreationally more often than not. Due to its involvement in some biowarfare scandals in Russia, Nozdraviye relocated in 2040 to Rason. Nozdryov is now well in his 60s and has begun relying more heavily on the involvement of his daughter Mika.

Blue Lotus Triad
North Korean Independence Faction

After the sudden collapse of North Korea, countless soldiers, hackers, and other military personnel became jobless. Only a few were absorbed into the South Korean army or police, the rest of the Ebukin ("North folk" in Korean) being monitored as potential terrorists and treated as no better than slaves by their southern kin. It is these people who founded the Blue Lotus, an underground society that seeks to cast off the shackles of the south, to take back their country from the corporations and the multinationals that have stolen it from them, and to perhaps finally live freely after so many decades of oppression. Though the vast majority of Blue Lotus members are downtrodden"invisible people", unregistered by government agencies, there are rumours that an elite upper echelon is in control of the triad as a whole; rumours that corporate interests and the South Korean government are happy to perpetuate. Many an armed crackdown has been declared a necessity due to "terrorist activity" attributed to the Blue Lotus.