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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 9:03 pm
by Zhym
The swashbuckling type flourishes a rapier in the air in salute. He wears finely embroidered leather armor under a black cloak, lined in red silk. On his head he wears a wide-brimmed black hat with a long ostrich feather plume that trails down his back. His mischievous grin is framed by an impeccably maintained Van Dyke—also in black. He rides a horse that is, you guessed it, black, though its coat shines.

He bows deeply from atop his horse. "Diego Francisco Villablanca de la Lobos, at your service," he says with a smile. "The story of how I came to be here would be of little interest to such accomplished men and woman as yourselves, I am sure. Perhaps one day I shall tell you, if we find ourselves together and you sufficiently bored, hm?"

Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 9:59 pm
by greyarea
Zelaz looks at him with eyebrow cocked. I like your choice in attire. I am known as Zelaz.

Men who hold back on their origins oft have strong reasons for doing so. Intriguing.

Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:24 am
by connivingsumo
Roikos: Cleric

The Cleric, unsure how to take this rascal "de la," he trots Penny closer. He eyes the exuberant swordsman up and down, unsure what is bluff and what is swagger. "Are you as good with that rapier as you are with your presentation? Either way, you're quite the act. I like entertainment." He offers a sincere smile, compassion mixed with intrigue. "Well, if you're good with it then get up front when we battle, and if you're not then get behind us and cheer. Welcome to our party."

Available Spells
Level 1:
Cure Light Wounds (d6+1)
Cure Light Wounds (d6+1)
Cure Light Wounds (d6+1)
Cure Light Wounds (d6+1)
Detect Magic

Level 2:
Find Traps
Hold Person
Silence 15'R
Speak with Animals

Level 3:
Dispel Magic
Dispel Magic

Level 4:
Cure Serious Wounds (2d6+2)
Cure Serious Wounds (2d6+2)

Level 5:
Flame Strike

Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 5:25 pm
by kwll
"My name is Tasrem, and even though I don't remember much of who I am, I am still very pleased to know you!" says the old wizard with a large smile.

Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 8:37 pm
by spanningtree

Hello Diego, nice to make you acquaintance. How do you manage the black facade in this dreadful heat?

Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 10:19 pm
by Zhym
"Impeccably," replies Diego with a wink and a grin.

Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 7:10 pm
by spanningtree
Taranna - Elf Mage

Taranna will fire off a detect evil as subtly as she can, if the new folks are in range.

OCC:Spell removed.

Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 9:22 pm
by tumblingdice
PM sent to Spanningtree...

Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 6:24 pm
by tumblingdice
Having made the acquaintance of the caravan in general, and in particular Diego the dazzling urbanite in a rustic setting like this, you climb atop your mounts and begin moving Westward.

You're in luck, Surna announces, joining us just in time for our noonday meal. As you've no doubt learned, only a fool travels during the hottest part of the day. We'll find the best spot we can in another hour or so.

A surly silence falls over the group as they trudge across the desert, broken by an occasional curse.

Watch where you're going, you idiot! a merchant on foot yells at one of the guards riding past. Your fool of a horse nearly broke my toes!

My fool of a horse is ten times smarter than you, you fat miserable <sound of horse neighing>, and one hundred times the trader you are! the guard replies, drawing his sword as he wheels around to face his challenger. You recognize him as one of the two whom the captain, Ahmed Khel struck across the face.

Another guard nearby draws his sword. If this idiot merchant doesn't reach Slagovich in one piece, Dakhial, then we don't get paid. And if we don't get paid, then I will slit your throat.

You dare talk to a sergeant of the guard like that!? A man named Zeid, whom you also recognize, screams in disbelief. I should cut you down where you stand--

Enough! Captain Khel bellows. Move along, all of you, or I'll cut down the whole lot of you.

Actions? When's lunch again?

Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 7:08 pm
by greyarea
Zelaz pulls up next to the Captain, speaking to him such that the other guards are unlikely to overhear. It seems you are in charge of a hornet's nest. I do not envy you. Should you like, I can ... ensorcel one of the main troublemakers, ensuring he does not talk back nor endanger your bounty. Merchants can be miserly with bonuses when they do not like their guards.

Just let me know, the offer stands.

Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 8:19 pm
by Zhym
Diego shrugs and raises his hands in a way that suggests, "What can you do?" between friends.

Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 2:21 am
by badams30
Aristide - Rogue

Aristide rides along on Max, holding a conversation with the camel, who bellows in turn as he's spoken to. Occasionally Aristide pauses before answering the camel, sometimes chuckling at the camel's noises and movements. He keeps an eye on the antics of the guards out of the corner of his eye, but doesn't react to the goings on.

Aristide adjusts Max's wide brimmed hat (to a chorus of protests from the camel) and he says "FINE! I'll get you a new hat once we finish this, okay? Cut me some slack, will you?"

Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 3:37 am
by spanningtree

Will make her way near each of her comrades as she has opportunity and quietly communicate: The captain of the guard, and his two sergeants, appear evil, as do about 30 of the 40 or so guards... Other than that she will stay near the caravan and keep her eyes peeled.

Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:34 pm
by kwll
Tasrem narrows his eyes, but keeps silent. He mentally prepares to use magic should an unwelcome fight start among his now companions.

Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 4:07 pm
by tumblingdice
The adventure continues in chapter 3. The Caravan Track.