[Archived] Act 3 — Shadow of the Hunted

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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#81 Post by Inferno »

Commander Nadix Ar Eth, Science Officer:

The Edosian officer raced to the brig with his three-legged gait. When he arrived, he stopped, caught his breath and then entered the prison cell of Dr. Leigh Moore.

"Doctor, my apologies. Let us continue, please," Nadix said calmly. "You mentioned that the belt worn by Centurion Carlax was discovered at an early dig. Were any other Slaver artifacts uncovered?"

If the answer was yes, he placidly followed up with, "I see. And where are those artifacts now?"
Didn't know where to post this. There's no Brig thread. :)
Earlier, I handled this in the Science Lab thread. If you want me to move this, just let me know.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#82 Post by Starbeard »

De Mattio rushes off, herding crewmen out of her way as she snakes her way down to the bottom deck of the ship. Within two minutes, she is inside the control room for the sensor array. She claps her hands aggressively to get the current ensign out of the main chair, and sets to work re-configuring the machinery. Within moments, the necessary adjustments are made and the ship's scanners are equipped to make "sonar" sweeps for Slaver metal.
De Mattio takes 1 round + [1d6] = 1 rounds to travel through the decks. The adjustments will be ready in Round 3 of the encounter.
Meanwhile, Nadix makes his way to the brig, though his journey is a little slower going as closed blast doors force him to redirect his path along the corridors more than once. At the brig he continues his interrogation of Dr. Leigh Moore. "Honestly, I don't know of any other artifacts. If the Romulans had found any on their own, I doubt they would have shared the findings with us."
No need to move it, it's a quick enough aside that it's not difficult to juggle between other posts taking place elsewhere.

Nadix takes 1 + [1d6] = 3 rounds (-1 for being three-legged) to get to his destination. The interaction will take place in Round 4 of the encounter.

Back on the bridge, the crew look on as Mr. Barry attempts to take the Janus farther out of orbit (not at my computer, will update the map accordingly when I get home. The Captain tries to stall and asks Communications Officer T'Leia to open channels. "This is Captain Dillon Wyse of the Federation Light Frigate Janus. You are in violation of Article 3 of Federation Contact Law, and have also fired upon this ship. We have prisoners on board, members of your crew and a Romulan ambassador. Stand down."

There is a pregnant silence in communications, with no response from the cloaked ship. Mr. Costello checks his readings and notices that the ship is no longer closing in on the Janus, but shadowing it at a steady distance of 5 space units -- just outside of devastatingly close range. The Captain studies the view screen, silent and empty but for a million stars and the distant spinning ball of Coxa II, wondering what the opponent's next move will be.

Which takes us to round 3. Actions, please!
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#83 Post by Grognardsw »

Starbeard wrote:"Mr. Barry. Let's put some distance between us and them. Hopefully we have the energy to outpace them. Make whatever energy cuts you need, but I want a photon torpedo online as soon as we can, to discourage them from getting too close."
An indicator light blinks.

"Photon torpedo online sir!" barks Ensign Barry. "Orders?"
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#84 Post by Starbeard »

"Stay tight, Ensign. Be ready to fire on my mark, in a spread around the ship's known location."

"The pirate vessel has cut communications, sir. I'm trying to get a fix on them now, they may be trying to hail the planet surface," says Lt. Commander T'Leia.

The Captain turns to Dr. Ryerson. "Needles, what do you think—can you guess their psychology?"
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#85 Post by Inferno »

Nadix Ar Eth, Science Officer:
Starbeard wrote:At the brig he continues his interrogation of Dr. Leigh Moore. "Honestly, I don't know of any other artifacts. If the Romulans had found any on their own, I doubt they would have shared the findings with us."
"Thank you, doctor," Nadix said as he departed her cell.

Centurian Carlax would not willingly betray his glorious cause. Nadix would have to deceive the answer from him. Such deception was distasteful to the honest, moral scientist. But weighed against the chance to help save the lives of the crew, there was only one logical choice.

The Edosian officer approached the Romulan's cell and said calmly, "Carlax. I am Commander Ar Eth of the Federation ship, Janus. I regret to inform you, sir, that your fellow Romulans have perished in battle. We were able to detect their cloaked ship via the radiation signature of the Slaver artifacts they carried onboard."

Nadix paused before continuing, and his golden eyes serenely observed the Romulan's face for any accidental betrayal of emotion.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#86 Post by DadsAngry »

Dr. Ryerson:

"I'm a doctor of medicine damn it not a psychiatrist. Who know what going through their alien minds? Were like a wounded woodchuck slowly crawling away from the fox. Trying to get back into our hole before it strikes again. While the fox slowly watches, waiting to finish us off at it's leisure. What else could they be waiting for?"
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#87 Post by Starbeard »

USS Janus: The Bridge
Stardate 2271.3.23: 0210h

The ships continue stalk through space at impulse speeds, daring the other to make the first move. In order to make space for movement and powering the photon tube, some energy had to be siphoned away from the deflector screen.

“I don’t like our positioning,” the Captain mutters, more to himself than anything. “They’ve cornered us into a position where we can’t use all our firepower.”

Mr. Berry and Mr. Costello focus on their consoles at the front of the bridge:


Medium and Long Range Scanners


Captain Wyse glances sidelong at Dr. Ryerson. “That’s not exactly the mental image I was hoping you’d put in my mind, Needles.” He joke is tinged around the edges with the realization that the Doctor may be right.

From down below, de Mattio rings the bridge just long enough to declare that the sensor adjustments have been made, and she whizzes her way back up toward the bridge, setting record time.
1 round + 1d6 extra rounds taken to navigate through damaged decks:
[1d6] = 1

She returns on the bridge at the top of next round.
T’Leia reports, “I have located an active signal. They are sending subspace communications to the planet, no doubt to confirm our statement. If there is a response from below I believe I can intercept that as well.”

The Captain makes a decision. “If they’re stalling for orders, that gives us some time. We know they’re pirate, and human. Do they have any there Romulans aboard? T’Leia, can you try to get me a visual of their bridge?”

“I can try, Captain. It will be difficult,” T’Leia responds.


Meanwhile, down in the brig, Nadix tries another tactic against the Centurion Carlax.
“We were able to detect their cloaked ship via the radiation signature of the Slaver artifacts they carried onboard,” he says.

As Nadix explains the situation, Carlax’s eyes flare and he squares his jaw. Then the same cold arrogance returns, and a dark, arcane laugh comes forth from his throat. “I sincerely doubt your statement, Edosian. We would not have brought any such artifacts on board until the mission was ended. You see, there is one thing we hold in common with the races of your Federation: we too have an inherent mistrust of pirates.”

USS Janus
Engines & energy: warp A (20/20), warp B (0/20), impulse (5/5)
Hull CT: 14/18
Shields: 4/5 (fore), 1/5 (port), 5/5 (starboard), 5/5 (aft) (draws 15e)

Phasers (A): fully charged (front, port, & aft arcs)
Phasers (B): fully charged (front, starboard, & aft arcs)
Photon torpedos: fully charged (draws 5e)
Tractor beam: offline

Current Speed: 2 (draws 4e)

Basics: online (1e draw)
Crew efficiency: engineering (79%), sciences (84%), security (80%)
Energy Spent: 25/25
Phaser banks: 1-2 to charge, stored until used/deactivated. Can be overloaded with 1-2 extra energy for +50%/+100% damage, with risk.

Photons: 5 energy to charge, once charged will draw 5 energy until fired/deactivated. The ship can only load one torpedo at a time.

Tractor beam: draws 1-5 energy when in use (user decides how much power to use).

Shields: draws 1 energy per 20% of shield strength, in each of 4 quarters that surround the ship (fore, aft, port, starboard). All shields may be boosted to as much as 200%, but anything beyond 100% can damage the systems with increasing risk.

Tactical (impulse) speed: rated 0-10, and costing 2 energy per speed rating.

Basic essentials (generally on at all times): 1 energy is drawn for basic life support, sensors, computer, transporters, etc.
Current damaged turbolifts: Deck 5 (0% fixed), Deck 6 (50% fixed) Deck 7 (0% fixed), Deck 8 (0% fixed)
Deck repair schedule:
Deck 7: 50% at 0215
Deck 5: 50% at 0245
Deck 8: 50% at 0315
Deck 6: 100% at 0415
Deck 7: 100% at 0515
Deck 5: 100% at 0615
Deck 8: 100% at 0715
Last edited by Starbeard on Sun Aug 14, 2016 3:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#88 Post by Inferno »

Nadix Ar Eth, Science Officer:

These Romulans, though clearly related to Vulcans, behave with much more emotion, Nadix observed with tranquil interest.
"Intriguing. Perhaps your untrustworthy pirate allies acted without your knowledge?" he mused, as much to himself as to Carlax.

He withdrew without another word and made his way to the cell of the pirate leader, Dr. James Silliphant. This human, Nadix did not pretend to understand. Dr. Moore mentioned that he had 'changed' on the expedition. It was a straw that the Edosian would have to grasp at.

"Doctor, as a fellow scientist, I am sorry that things have come to this."

He paused to make room for Silliphant's words. If he said nothing, the Edosian continued.

"Your amazing discoveries should make history. I must confess, the belt artifact is an incredible find."

Again he paused, silently encouraging the criminal doctor to talk about himself; his work.

"We in the Science Labs are only now beginning to understand its astonishing implications."

Another pause to see if Silliphant's ego could be baited.

"Tell me, sir. Did you uncover more?"
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#90 Post by Starbeard »

USS Janus: The Bridge
Stardate 2271.3.23: 0211h

The door to the bridge swings open and De Mattio rushes in, the tiniest collection of sweat beading on her forehead. The Captain raises his eyebrows, impressed at her speed. "Have you made the preparations already? Good, then get to work."

T'Leia swivels around in her chair, hand poised against her earpiece. "I have unscrambled a vague signal which should be viewable. I am sending it to the view screen now."


The sound of radio static fills the bridge. Soon, they hear voices:

"…Arcadia to ground base… ship… prisoners?"
"…Landing party… communications… confirmed, believed captured… your orders…"
"S.S. Arcadia… confirm… again… have advantage…"
"Your orders… confirmed… repeat, your orders… out."
"…aye, Commander. Arcadia out."


The Brig, Deck 7

Nadix attempts to play to Dr. Silliphant's personality. He responds in his usual grumpy tone. "Frankly, I don't care about the history. Maybe once—long ago, when Leigh and I first met at university—I was dazzled by those altruistic stars in her eyes. But you see, I'm really just a research doctor. Interspecies spinal development! Eradicating tooth decay! That's what I ended up doing with my life, because it paid. I guess I always was in it for the money, even back then."

However, altruistic or not, James Silliphant is a scientist, proud of his work, and his jaw loosens up. "The Slaver alloy is an amazing piece of engineering, isn't it? The belt and key-rod were lucky strokes, real functional pieces found intact. Beyond that all we've found are a half dozen or so scraps of debris, a chip here, a shard there; it almost feels like digging up arrowheads out of the ground. But even then those accursed Romulans confiscated everything before I even had the chance to study any of it in depth. The excuse was that it'd be easier to study back at a full lab with all of the samples in one place. All I've really had the chance to study in detail is the Rod of Life."


The two ships continue to track each other:


USS Janus
Engines & energy: warp A (20/20), warp B (0/20), impulse (5/5)
Hull CT: 14/18
Shields: 4/5 (fore), 1/5 (port), 5/5 (starboard), 5/5 (aft) (draws 15e)

Phasers (A): fully charged (front, port, & aft arcs)
Phasers (B): fully charged (front, starboard, & aft arcs)
Photon torpedos: fully charged (draws 5e)
Tractor beam: offline

Current Speed: 2 (draws 4e)

Basics: online (1e draw)
Crew efficiency: engineering (79%), sciences (84%), security (80%)
Energy Spent: 25/25
Phaser banks: 1-2 to charge, stored until used/deactivated. Can be overloaded with 1-2 extra energy for +50%/+100% damage, with risk.

Photons: 5 energy to charge, once charged will draw 5 energy until fired/deactivated. The ship can only load one torpedo at a time.

Tractor beam: draws 1-5 energy when in use (user decides how much power to use).

Shields: draws 1 energy per 20% of shield strength, in each of 4 quarters that surround the ship (fore, aft, port, starboard). All shields may be boosted to as much as 200%, but anything beyond 100% can damage the systems with increasing risk.

Tactical (impulse) speed: rated 0-10, and costing 2 energy per speed rating.

Basic essentials (generally on at all times): 1 energy is drawn for basic life support, sensors, computer, transporters, etc.
Current damaged turbolifts: Deck 5 (0% fixed), Deck 6 (50% fixed) Deck 7 (0% fixed), Deck 8 (0% fixed)
Deck repair schedule:
Deck 7: 50% at 0215
Deck 5: 50% at 0245
Deck 8: 50% at 0315
Deck 6: 100% at 0415
Deck 7: 100% at 0515
Deck 5: 100% at 0615
Deck 8: 100% at 0715
Last edited by Starbeard on Sun Aug 14, 2016 3:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#91 Post by Pulpatoon »

de Mattio dabs at her forehead with the sleeve of her uniform as she rushes to a station and begins working the radon-sonar.

Listening in on the intercepted communications, she observes, "They are taking orders from planetside. Could we dispatch a security team to disrupt them?"
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#92 Post by Inferno »

Commander Nadix Ar Eth, Science Officer:
Starbeard wrote: However, altruistic or not, James Silliphant is a scientist, proud of his work, and his jaw loosens up. "...But even then those accursed Romulans confiscated everything before I even had the chance to study any of it in depth."
"Thank you, Doctor," Nadix said as he left the brig. The Edosian made his way to the nearest communication panel. "Captain, this is Ar Eth. I believe I have confirmation that Slaver alloy is present onboard the pirate vessel. We should be able to locate the cloaked ship via the radiation signature of its cargo."
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#93 Post by Starbeard »

USS Janus: The Bridge
Stardate 2271.3.23: 0212h

Nadix makes his call to the Captain and then heads back to the bridge in person.

De Mattio begins making her scans to try and get a fix on the cloaked vessel. She suggests sending a landing party down to locate and intercept the pirate ground base. "Good idea, Commander. It'll be tricky, though. To beam down we'll have to enter the radiation zone, and a shuttle would be a sitting duck out there, unless we can manage to keep the pirates distracted. Suggestions?"

Ensigns Barry and Costello are startled to find that the enemy ship has swerved course, and is now attempting to close the distance behind them! It remains cloaked.


The Captain was not expecting this reaction and looks bewildered.
"I told you it wouldn't work!" shouts Vek, the argumentative Tellarite.
"How can they believe we're bluffing—," the Captain starts to respond, but Vek cuts him off again. "They are pirates, Captain! They have already written their crewmates off as lost."

The Captain slams his fist into the arm of his chair. "Get us out of here, helmsman! We can't fight with that thing behind us!" Turning to his chief officers, he says, "Whatever we think of, we better do it fast, it looks like they're bringing the fight to us!"

USS Janus
Engines & energy: warp A (20/20), warp B (0/20), impulse (5/5)
Hull CT: 14/18
Shields: 4/5 (fore), 1/5 (port), 5/5 (starboard), 5/5 (aft) (draws 15e)

Phasers (A): fully charged (front, port, & aft arcs)
Phasers (B): fully charged (front, starboard, & aft arcs)
Photon torpedos: fully charged (draws 5e)
Tractor beam: offline

Current Speed: 2 (draws 4e)

Basics: online (1e draw)
Crew efficiency: engineering (79%), sciences (84%), security (80%)
Energy Spent: 25/25
Phaser banks: 1-2 to charge, stored until used/deactivated. Can be overloaded with 1-2 extra energy for +50%/+100% damage, with risk.

Photons: 5 energy to charge, once charged will draw 5 energy until fired/deactivated. The ship can only load one torpedo at a time.

Tractor beam: draws 1-5 energy when in use (user decides how much power to use).

Shields: draws 1 energy per 20% of shield strength, in each of 4 quarters that surround the ship (fore, aft, port, starboard). All shields may be boosted to as much as 200%, but anything beyond 100% can damage the systems with increasing risk.

Tactical (impulse) speed: rated 0-10, and costing 2 energy per speed rating.

Basic essentials (generally on at all times): 1 energy is drawn for basic life support, sensors, computer, transporters, etc.
Current damaged turbolifts: Deck 5 (0% fixed), Deck 6 (50% fixed) Deck 7 (0% fixed), Deck 8 (0% fixed)
Deck repair schedule:
Deck 7: 50% at 0215
Deck 5: 50% at 0245
Deck 8: 50% at 0315
Deck 6: 100% at 0415
Deck 7: 100% at 0515
Deck 5: 100% at 0615
Deck 8: 100% at 0715
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#94 Post by Grognardsw »

Ensign Barry at the helm

punches it (Speed 5) going straight then veering clockwise around the planet.

"Should I fire sir?" asks Ensign Costello.
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#95 Post by Pulpatoon »

de Mattio: "They don't know that we can see them, sir. Is it enough to target them? I suggest we use everything we have while the element of surprise is on our side."

I can see the maps. now! Thanks!
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#96 Post by Starbeard »

USS Janus: The Bridge
Stardate 2271.3.23: 0213h
(round 8)

The Captain squares his jaw. "I don't like taking cheap shots, but they threatened our lives on the planet surface and attacked our ship without provocation. In my book that's just cause to shoot first this time around. Ensign, fire at will once you have a lock."

Ensign Barry punches the ship's only working warp engine and attempts to put the Janus into a better tactical position, by swerving around the planet. The strain of the engine draws further power from the deflector screen that surrounds the old frigate.

Lt. Commander T'Leia takes the initiative and hails the cloaked vessel. "S.S. Arcadia, your only logical course of action is to stand down. Further engagement will endanger your captured crew and will result in the destruction of your vessel."

Captain Wyse leans forward in his chair. "Use the planet's gravity to pull us around, we need to get our weapons into arc!" His commanding presence helps Ensign Barry execute his tight maneuvering (+1 hex and +1 facing change).

Commander De Mattio frantically attempts to locate the cloaked vessel by using her “anti-sonar” to locate bits of the Slaver alloy. Excitement sweeps through the bridge when she quickly gets a ping! The ship must be carrying trace pieces of the alloy! She sees that the depleted scanner crew down at the bottom of the ship have quickly forwarded the information to weapons control.

Without wasting any time, Ensign Barry slams his palm onto the phaser switches, hoping the ship’s crew losses have not affected the phaser control rooms. “Fire!” repeats the Captain, agitated. “Phasers fire!” There is no response.

At his side, Ensign Costello sweats to keep the ship’s draining shields from exposing the Janus to the pirate vessel’s weapons. He lets out a sigh of relief as the deflector screen slides around the ship to protect its vulnerable arcs.

From Engineering a call comes in. “Are you trying to break down the ship?! We haven’t got the power to keep shields up at these speeds!” The Captain has no time for arguments. “We have no choice, Endilev. Give us more power to shields and phasers.” Endilev signs off with a series of Andorian curses and preemptive “I told you so’s”, and starts cracking down on his crew to tease out as much power as they can from the ship’s single remaining warp drive. (Test failed, will occur on Endilev’s next turn)

T’Leia spins in her chair. “The pirate ship is attempting to bolster its shields and has acquired a lock on us, Captain. They must have sensed our intentions to fire.”

Finally, a response comes from the remote ordinance crew. The starboard phaser lights up the view screen and cuts a path into an empty spot in deep space. Momentarily, a yellow deflector screen flashes into view as the enemy ship is struck! "Direct hit! Scanners show their shields are buckling!"


The Captain's reaction roll: [2d6] = 3 (aggressive)

Initiation rolls: Order of Initiation:
  1. Barry (helm)
    • Barry shifts to Speed 5 and moves around the planet.
  2. T'Leia (communications)
    • T'Leia hails the pirate vessel and threatens them with logic.
  3. Wyse (captain)
    • Wyse uses his Strategy Skill (3) to help Barry:
      • Barry makes a piloting roll (test vs MN 10 + [piloting 1] + [Wyse's strategy 3]) to gain extra movement:
  4. De Mattio (science), and Pirates (weapons)
    • De Mattio attempts to acquire a target lock (test vs MN 14):
    • Pirate ship cannot fire weapons, and chooses not to uncloak.
  5. Barry (weapons), Costello (shields), and Pirates (helm)
    • Barry fires weapons (-1 from making maneuvers as well):
      • Engineering/operations crew currently at 79% due to losses: [1d100] = 82 (DELAYED TO THE END OF THE TURN)
    • Costello attempts to redistribute shield points to strengthen the arcs that are facing the pirate vessel:
    • Pirate ship increases to Speed 3 and follows the Janus.
  6. Endilev (engineering), Pirates (science), and Pirates (captain)
    • Endilev attempts to overcharge the warp engine for extra energy:
      • Engineering at 79%: [1d100] = 81(DELAYED TO THE END OF THE TURN)
    • Pirates attempt to acquire a lock-on:
  7. Pirates (shields) 1
    • Pirate vessel attempts to bolster front shields:
      • Test vs MN: [3d6] = 11 (FAILURE)
      • The action will occur on the pirate shield operator’s next turn.
    • Pirate captain attempts to rally the shields.
      • Shield operator adds Captain’s skill to the roll, making it a success.
      • Pirate shields are now bolstered.
  8. Barry’s delayed phaser fire:
    • Target lock = automatic hit!
    • Damage at short range [4d6] = 18 - (5/4 shields x 5 = 25)
    • The pirate's shields take a massive hit.
  9. Endilev’s attempt to overcharge the engines:
    • Test vs MN 9 (+ warp drive theory 1): [3d6] = 11 (FAILURE)
    • The action is delayed until his next turn.
Nadix travelling back to the bridge (from Round 7) (1d6-2 turns): [1d6] = 6 He will arrive on Round 11.
USS Janus
Engines & energy: warp A (20/20), warp B (0/20), impulse (5/5)
Hull CT: 14/18
Shields: 0/5 (fore), 0/5 (port), 5/5 (starboard), 4/5 (aft) (draws 9e)

Phasers (A): fully charged (front, port, & aft arcs)
Phasers (B): not charged (front, starboard, & aft arcs)
Photon torpedos: fully charged (draws 5e)
Tractor beam: offline

Current Speed: 5 (draws 10e)

Basics: online (1e draw)
Crew efficiency: engineering (79%), sciences (84%), security (80%)
Energy Spent: 25/25
Phaser banks: 1-2 to charge, stored until used/deactivated. Can be overloaded with 1-2 extra energy for +50%/+100% damage, with risk.

Photons: 5 energy to charge, once charged will draw 5 energy until fired/deactivated. The ship can only load one torpedo at a time.

Tractor beam: draws 1-5 energy when in use (user decides how much power to use).

Shields: draws 1 energy per 20% of shield strength, in each of 4 quarters that surround the ship (fore, aft, port, starboard). All shields may be boosted to as much as 200%, but anything beyond 100% can damage the systems with increasing risk.

Tactical (impulse) speed: rated 0-10, and costing 2 energy per speed rating.

Basic essentials (generally on at all times): 1 energy is drawn for basic life support, sensors, computer, transporters, etc.
Current damaged turbolifts: Deck 5 (0% fixed), Deck 6 (50% fixed) Deck 7 (0% fixed), Deck 8 (0% fixed)
Deck repair schedule:
Deck 7: 50% at 0215
Deck 5: 50% at 0245
Deck 8: 50% at 0315
Deck 6: 100% at 0415
Deck 7: 100% at 0515
Deck 5: 100% at 0615
Deck 8: 100% at 0715
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#97 Post by Pulpatoon »

"Evviva!" exults de Mattio. She returns her attention to the anti-sonar, confident that she can keep a bead on the ship, now that she knows where they were when they were struck.
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#98 Post by Grognardsw »

Ensign Barry, helm

Encouraged at the pirate ship's buckling shields, Barry fires phasers again.

Barry phasers [2d6] = 7
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#99 Post by Starbeard »

USS Janus: The Bridge
Stardate 2271.3.23: 0214h
(round 9)

Ensign Barry swerves around the planet, making sure to stay just outside of the warp energy-sapping radiation zone (i.e., 2 hexes away).

As he does so, the crew are surprised to see the pirate ship materialize before them, its cloak fading away. It is coming around from the other side of the planet! "Damn! What a stunt maneuver, I didn't think their engines could handle a turn like that."

De Mattio briefly loses her scanning lock, and realizes immediately that the pirates must be scrambling the Janus' sensors from their bridge (she must make another lock-on test, at a higher difficulty, to maintain lock). She tries her best to sort through the signal clutter, but it is too late. "Enemy shields stabilizing," someone says. "They've powered phasers and are charging disruptors."

Ensign Costello realizes that the front shields are down, and frantically tries to rearrange the deflector patterns to compensate.

"Shields up! Fire all phasers!" orders Captain Wyse. Ensign Barry does his best to target the ship by sight, but both of the ship's phaser banks pass harmlessly just above and below the enemy's bow. "They've launched a nuclear warhead! Speed 1 and increasing! Enemy phasers firing, brace yourselves! Shields up! Shields up!"

A single low-quality phaser beam erupts forth from the pirate ship, hitting the Janus dead on. The crew watch from the bridge, fully expecting this to be their last sight in this life; but then something miraculous happens: even as Ensign Costello fails to move the shields in time, a sliver of energy emerges out of nowhere to boost the front shields up to 40%. The beam hits, the shields buckle, and the crew are thrown across the bridge (-1 to ship's CT). "We've managed to throw some emergency power into the shields, Captain," relays Chief Endilev from down below in Engineering.

"Not a moment too soon," says the Captain, climbing back into his chair. "Damage report." T'Leia replies that there was a minor breach in Deck 6.

"Power losses in the impulse engines… and the Brig."


Down below, Nadix snakes through the corridors along Deck 6, and stops at the nearest Jefferies tube. It is blocked by an emergency repair crew, too numerous to deal with ordering them out of the way. Knowing he must get to the bridge as soon as possible, the Edoan doubles back to the other side of the deck, finally finding an unpopulated Jefferies tube after two more tries.

He climbs up to Deck 5 and makes his way to another accessible Jefferies tube. Suddenly, the ship shudders and tilts, and he is nearly thrown to the ground. The ship has been hit!


Initiation rolls: Order of Initiation:
  1. Pirate Comms Officer breaks the lock-on from the Janus.
    • Attempts to re-acquire the lock this round are 1D6 more difficult.
  2. Barry pilots the ship; Captain Wyse uses Strategy to help Barry shoot phasers; Pirate Science Officer maintains a lock on the Janus.
  3. Pirate Engineering attempts to rejuvenate shield capacity (Succeeds):
  4. Endilev’s previous action is completed:
    • The ship gains [1d6] = 2 extra energy this turn, which is sent to forward shields.
  5. De Mattio attempts to re-acquire a target lock:
  6. Pirate Helm attempts a hard turn (& succeeds):
  7. T’Leia continues hailing the ship; the Pirate Captain gives his Strategy bonus to the Pirate Helm (+1 hex, +1 turn).
  8. Pirate Helm shuffles shield power to front.
  9. Barry fires both phasers:
  10. Costello shuffles shields:
  11. Pirate ship fires weapons:
  12. 3D6 damage, -10 (from 2 points of shields): [3d6-10] = 11-10 = 1
  13. The Janus takes 1 hit!
  14. Deck [2d6] = 6 takes damage!
  15. Nuclear Warhead launched into space!
USS Janus
Engines & energy: warp A (20/20), warp B (0/20), impulse (4/5)
Hull CT: 13/18
Shields: 0/5 (fore), 0/5 (port), 5/5 (starboard), 3/5 (aft) (draws 7e)

Phasers (A): not charged (front, port, & aft arcs)
Phasers (B): not charged (front, starboard, & aft arcs)
Photon torpedos: fully charged (draws 5e)
Tractor beam: offline

Current Speed: 5 (draws 10e)

Basics: online (1e draw)
Crew efficiency: engineering (79%), sciences (84%), security (80%)
Energy Spent: 23/24
Phaser banks: 1-2 to charge, stored until used/deactivated. Can be overloaded with 1-2 extra energy for +50%/+100% damage, with risk.

Photons: 5 energy to charge, once charged will draw 5 energy until fired/deactivated. The ship can only load one torpedo at a time.

Tractor beam: draws 1-5 energy when in use (user decides how much power to use).

Shields: draws 1 energy per 20% of shield strength, in each of 4 quarters that surround the ship (fore, aft, port, starboard). All shields may be boosted to as much as 200%, but anything beyond 100% can damage the systems with increasing risk.

Tactical (impulse) speed: rated 0-10, and costing 2 energy per speed rating.

Basic essentials (generally on at all times): 1 energy is drawn for basic life support, sensors, computer, transporters, etc.
Current damaged turbolifts: Deck 5 (0% fixed), Deck 6 (50% fixed) Deck 7 (0% fixed), Deck 8 (0% fixed)
Deck repair schedule:
Deck 7: 50% at 0215
Deck 5: 50% at 0245
Deck 8: 50% at 0315
Deck 6: 100% at 0415
Deck 7: 100% at 0515
Deck 5: 100% at 0615
Deck 8: 100% at 0715
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#100 Post by Inferno »

Hi, I'm back.
Does Nadix know we've lost power in the brig?
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

DM bio is here.
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