Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#81 Post by Grognardsw »

Thurinor, elf

Thurinor hears Ozborn's words. "I wonder if the creature you saw is related to what we heard from the Kharg horse lord whose spirit we freed?"
ragnboneshopper wrote:Day 7, Early Evening: Whither to Run?

...Ogirdor asks, "These three dwarven shades are haunting your tomb, right above us?". To this the shade nods solemnly and points upward....the deceased Kharg horse lord whispers: "My bed is in the burial chamber above, in the place of honor. To this restore me... Only beware the greed of the Gravenvolk dwarves, lest it grip your hearts and plunge you into darkness...".
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#82 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Grognardsw wrote:Thurinor, elf

Thurinor hears Ozborn's words. "I wonder if the creature you saw is related to what we heard from the Kharg horse lord whose spirit we freed?"
ragnboneshopper wrote:Day 7, Early Evening: Whither to Run?

...Ogirdor asks, "These three dwarven shades are haunting your tomb, right above us?". To this the shade nods solemnly and points upward....the deceased Kharg horse lord whispers: "My bed is in the burial chamber above, in the place of honor. To this restore me... Only beware the greed of the Gravenvolk dwarves, lest it grip your hearts and plunge you into darkness...".
"Oh...right, maybe that was it." Oz replies. "I should pay more attention when we converse with ghosts. Well, mental note for next time. Thanks, Thurinor."
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#83 Post by ragnboneshopper »

After the poultices are prepared and applied by Andrin, those with rat bites feel the festering subside, though Andrin and Stonjuz agree that it may be a day or two before you know for sure if anything "catching" was transmitted.

In answer to the conversation about the strange dwarfish creature Oz encountered, Stonjuz can add only a little: "I've heard of such things as dwarves going greedy an the like, but never nuthin like that!" Stonjuz is clearly less than enthused about leaving such a creature "in charge" of the stairway, but like the rest of you he is keen to get off the mountain and find out just where in the world you might be.

After this short rest to regroup and consider, the party moves on through the swamp, carefully keeping to the muddy but traversable path, which winds this way and that among the pools and quicksands. An oppressive feeling takes you all as you feel the press of reeds and scrubby trees close in around you. There is only the path to keep you oriented.

Rounding one particularly smelly pool of sickly-looking water, you notice a few bubbles of air rise from the surface and burst. Ripples spread out from the spot where the bubbles appeared and lazily fade away. When you look back to the spot, you notice a pair of bulbous eyes have emerged from the pool. They are staring right at you.

What do you do? The pool is some 30 feet across. The path loops close around the muddy edge of the pool, which is murky and impossible to see into.
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#84 Post by Sir Clarence »

"A giant frog? There are more, perhaps... I could try to entangle them with the plants that grow in this pond by one of my spells. Or should we try to take it down with missiles?"
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#85 Post by ChubbyPixie »

"This is going to sound weird, but should we try to communicate with it?" says Oz. "An intelligent frog would not, by far, be the oddest thing we've encountered so far on our journey. I'd at least vote for not attacking outright, until we know what it intends."

With that, Oz waves tentatively at the eyes and smiles in a "we come in peace" gesture.

Feeling a bit ridiculous, Oz says "Actually, do we know it's a frog? Why do I get the feeling I'm about to feel like a big idiot?"
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#86 Post by Grognardsw »

Thurinor, elf

"These environs are ideal for druidic powers," says Thurinor to Andrin. "I would prepare your entangle dweomer."

"I doubt its intelligence, and its inclination to not eat us for dinner," comments the elf to Oz.

Thurinor recalls the mystic words to his Prestidigitator's Projectile spell, ready to cast the magic missiles should the swamp monster attack with claw, tooth or tongue.
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#87 Post by onlyme »

Malone listens and worries. He attempts to focus on the periphery while the rest of the party is focused on the frog. He holds his halberd, waiting for the need.
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#89 Post by zebediah »

Ogirdor positions himself to get a clear view of the pool, keeping an arrow nocked and aimed at the staring eyes. If there is a tree or something else nearby which can grant cover while not spoiling his shot he will get behind it.
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#90 Post by Sir Clarence »

"Well then..." Andrin takes a few leaves of mistletoe out of his bag and casts entanglement. The area of effect of this spell is large enough to cover the whole pond, so if there are more frog-creatures in there, they will be affected as well.
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#91 Post by saalaria »

Swilbosh stands warily, expecting to be attacked.
"Itssss jussst a frog, a large one - right?"
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#92 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Day 8: What kind of frog is it?

As the party briefly discusses how to handle the appearance of eyes in the pool of water near the path, two things happen at almost the same time. Andrin decides to cast his spell of entanglement, swiftly but carefully uttering the words, and the frog decides to leap out of the water at he and Ozborn!

Andrin's spell goes off, trapping the frog in a tangle of suddenly thickening reeds and other weeds before it can attack. It tries to lash out with its tongue, but small bushes sprout around it, blocking its attempts.

Frog saving throw (needs a 9 or higher):
Frog 1: Saving throw: [1d20] = 1

The frog struggles but is held fast, for the moment. Andrin warns that you have about ten minutes before the spell wears off and the magically-induced barrier withers.

Meanwhile, Malone has found something interesting on the side opposite of all this. While keeping watch for other attackers, he notices a bronze amulet hanging from a low branch by its intact leather thong. The amulet is in the shape of a serpent.

What do you do next?
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#93 Post by Grognardsw »

Thurinor, elf

"Good casting Andrin!" says Thurinor, foregoing his own now-unnecessary spell.

"We should dispatch the creature so it does not bother us later down the trail."
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#94 Post by saalaria »

Swilbosh steps in and performs the coup-de-grace, being careful to avoid standing in front of the beast.
"Isss frog good eating?" he then proceeds to gut and cut the frog into steak-sized chunks.
He tries a bit to see if it is indeed worth keeping.
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#95 Post by Sir Clarence »

Andrin nods grimly, relieved that his first attempt at casting this spell wasn't a failure... Speaking a silent prayer to Beory, he still watches the pond in case there will be another frog appearing.
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#96 Post by onlyme »

Malone approaches the amulet and looks for obvious traps or snares.
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#97 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Swilbosh steps forward and slays the writhing but relatively helpless frog. Andrin and Ogirdor perhaps grimace at the thought of eating such a creature, but from their knowledge of such life-forms, this one is plain colored and shouldn't be poisonous in any way. It is safe to eat, and Swilbosh soon has two giant froglegs to carry around. Stonjuz also takes an interest in the frog and soon goes about removing its two front claws -- not the typical forelimb accoutrements for such creatures -- and the tongue, which he is surprised to find is a full 12 feet in length and sticky enough to entrap a grown man, or dwarf for that matter. Stonjuz offers one of the claws to Thurinor: "Might come in handy, spell components I spose."

During this time, Andrin keeps a steady watch of the pond, but no other creatures, frog or otherwise, show themselves.

Malone sees no reason to fear the amulet and after checking the area for obvious dangers, he strides forward and snatches it off the tree branch. He notices the tree has obvious gouges missing from the trunk, as if something or someone has recently taken to clawing at it. The amulet is similar to other serpentine artifacts you've found except that this one seems simpler, less adorned and not so sophisticated. Disappointing!

What do you do next?
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#98 Post by zebediah »

Ogirdor suggests that the group resume travelling a promptly as they can.
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#99 Post by Grognardsw »

Thurinor, elf

"Thank you Stonjuz," says Thurinor, taking the frog claw. "Leg of frog and eye of newt are common spell components, particularly for witches' brews. This frog's leg is too large to carry, but the claw may indeed hold arcane import."

The elf sees Malone find another serpentine artifact on the clawed tree. He tries to see if the claw markings match the frog claws.

"Malone, let me compare the amulet to our other such artifacts." Thurinor then brings his magic sense to bear on the new amulet.
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#100 Post by ragnboneshopper »

While Ogirdor looks impatiently forward down the path, urging the party to move on, the others finish their efforts. While Swilbosh is packing up what he can carry of the hastily butchered frog, Thurinor joins Malone to look at the tree. The markings on the young tree's thin bark do not seem to match the frog's sharp instrument of aggression. The marks on the tree are shallow, whereas the frog's sharp claw looks as though it could rip flesh or tree bark like a knife. It seems fairly clear that the marks are new as of this spring.

On further inspection of the newly discovered bronze serpent, Thurinor can tell little beyond that it is not magical. It is quite mundane and simple compared to the other serpent artifacts. It's lines are less sharp and not very realistic. It carries little in the way of detail beyond roughly slitted, pupil-less eyes. It looks like the work of an amateur, to Thurinor's studied eye. A simple protective charm, fashioned simply, likely for simple folk.

Apologies, onlyme, I could have sworn you said that Malone would take the amulet in hand. I see now that you did not. But as this amulet is harmless, no harm done I suppose.

Are you going to move on as Ogirdor suggests? Or investigate this scene a bit further?
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