A New Beginning

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Re: A New Beginning

#81 Post by sonofotho »

ooc: Bound and dumped in the sewer, huh? I feel the dark side at work here..... :twisted:

So, do you head to the sound of water towards the north or south?
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Re: A New Beginning

#82 Post by spanningtree »

Ceran - Elf

Ceran starts to collect the militia's weapons and coins but Leena intervenes.

Leena - Mage

Leave their property. That will make this whole situation even stranger to anyone investigating what happened here. In addition, their armor and weapons are likely city property and marked as such.

Both Ceran and Leena are happy with either direction, but north sounds like a good place to start.
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Re: A New Beginning

#83 Post by badams30 »

Wylo - Cleric

Wylo shakes his head and says "I won't drown them or leave them to their obvious doom, but their fate is their own doing. I'll not take their possessions for gain other than the coin I offered them."


Finton chuckles quietly at the discussion of the men's fate. "These baddies insulted our elven comrade and wanted to run him through. I say turnabout is fair play." Glancing at Wylo he frowns and says "Do what you will, priest. You're a better man than I."

OOC: North or south? Which sounds louder and/or closer? I say we head that way - unless it takes us closer to our entry point. When we come back, I don't want to have to worry about these fools accosting us. Then again, they probably don't know which way we came in. Let's go toward whichever way is away from the brothel, or closer sound of water.
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Re: A New Beginning

#84 Post by sonofotho »

Brother Wylo stands to the side as his new companions discuss how to carry out their plan. The naked guards, bound and soundly sleeping, lie in a heap on the floor. It is decided to first scout out the two possible directions before hauling the watchmen along to their fate. Since the water to the south sounds closer, you move cautiously in that direction first.

After 30' or so the passageway runs into a slowly flowing channel of dirty, smelly sludge-like 'water'. The sewer water flows from your right to left (west to east) in a channel which you estimate at five-six feet across, and by the sight of loose stones in the water, perhaps no more than a foot deep. You see a 2' wide ledge on either side of the water, although it looks broken in several places. But the way appears navigable. To your right you see faint light streaming down from a hole in the rocky ceiling, most likely from a sluice grate on the street far above.

The light from your torch reveals a passage almost directly across the channel from where you stand. The opening of the passage is completely dark and you hear nothing other than the slow flow of the sewer water. You see nothing down to the left other than the bend of the channel.

You then decide to investigate the northern end of the main passage before making your decision on which way to head. About 20' after the passage with the stairs to the work shed above you see another passage heading off to the east. The passage slops downward, winding to the right and out of view. You do not see or hear anything from this direction.

About 10' past this opening you reach the sewer channel to the north. It is almost identical in design to the one to the south, with the same two foot wide ledges on either side. The channel flows left to right (west to east) and bends out of view to your right. You see what appears to be light steaming down from another sluice grate across the channel. And perhaps you can make out a flickering light coming from down the sewer channel. You aren't sure as the passage bends out of view.

ooc: OK, the sewer channel is only about a foot deep by your estimation. Everything down here seems to descend slightly as you head to the east. So, the sewer is shallow but descends slightly, so the guards may or may not 'float' along.

So, can you tell me what is the final plan with them given this new info and what is your direction/plan thereafter?

Have problems (again!) with my old scanner. Will try and get the map posted as soon as possible. Ask me any questions in the meantime.
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Re: A New Beginning

#85 Post by badams30 »

OOC: Let's take them to the south. We'll gag them first, then deposit them still tied in the nasty water out of sight. Eventually someone will find them, and hopefully by then we'll be gone. Sound good everyone?
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Re: A New Beginning

#86 Post by spanningtree »

OCC: Sounds like a plan to me.
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Re: A New Beginning

#87 Post by sonofotho »

ooc: OK, so sit them naked somewhere in the sewage to the south. Then where do you guys go? If you head towards the southern channel, you can either follow along to the east on the side of the sewer (on the 2' ledge) or cross the sewer to the open passage you see on the other side.
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Re: A New Beginning

#88 Post by badams30 »

Wylo - Cleric

As the sleeping guards are set in the muck, Wylo points at the open passage across and says "Since we are here, how about that way?

Finton - Mage

Finton simply nods his head and says "Any way is fine by me."

OOC: we could just try this one now since we are here.
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Re: A New Beginning

#89 Post by sonofotho »

ooc: Since bedtime is approaching here, I decided to go ahead and assume that Ceran and Leena would be ok with Wylo's suggestion. Hope that's ok! ;)

You plop the watchmen down unceremoniously into the foul sludge, propping them up against the walking ledge. Finton is unsure how long the guards will be out, but the mage hopes you have at least a couple hours.

With no clear lead as to which direction the children may have gone, you decide to try the dark passage on the other side of the channel. Frowning at the prospect of stepping in the foul water, you quickly spot a few stones in the channel which could be used as steps to cross the six feet to the other side.

Brother Wylo leads the way and the rest of you follow, successfully avoiding the sludge. As you step into the dark passageway, you see that it bends sharply to the left (east) almost running parallel with the sewer. The passage is dark and descends rather steeply as you make your way along, ever-cautious as to what may be down here.

After 30' the passage opens into a large, cave-like chamber of irregular shape. The natural stone walls and ceiling are roughly-hewn and hold many crevices, nooks, and recesses. Large webs cover much of the walls, and some strands stretch from the floor to the ceiling. Skeletal remains and dried corpses, human and...other litter the floor. A couple dozen leathery balls, each about the size of a grapefruit lie about the chamber attached to the floor with fine silky strands.

All is quiet in the cave, but up ahead, through a passage exiting the far side of the chamber, you think you see something gleaming in the dim light from your torch.

ooc: Actions?
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Re: A New Beginning

#90 Post by badams30 »


Finton gazes about, with a look of worry on his face. At almost a whisper: "Uh oh. I don't like this. Not one bit. Oh my..."


Wylo defiantly holds his mace up and says "Our mission is just, and Eno will steel us against our foes. Let's see what this is about, shall we?"
Wylo squints as he glances at the ceiling and nooks/crannies of the room, trying to see if any spider is present here. If not, let's cautiously advance toward the glint, eh?
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Re: A New Beginning

#91 Post by sonofotho »

ooc: I'll give Joe a chance to jump in before I move things further along.
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Re: A New Beginning

#92 Post by spanningtree »

Leena - Mage

Taking up the rear. Aye, don't like the look of this either. She will say looking up and all around very carefully.

Ceran - Elf

I hate spiders also.
Sword drawn he will move forward toward the glint with the others. Do the webs burn?

OCC: Sorry about the late reply! Who has the light source?
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Re: A New Beginning

#93 Post by badams30 »

Finton is happy to carry the torch. He'll also gladly burn any webs needed.
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Re: A New Beginning

#94 Post by sonofotho »

As you scan the web-filled chamber, Leena's torch begins to sputter. She pulls out another and lights it. Finton offers to hold it and the young mage lifts the flame high.

Webs everywhere... "Do they webs burn?" Ceran asks.

Finton touches the torch to one of the larger strands. The thick spider silk begins to crisp and smoke as the flame runs up, igniting nearby strands.

Suddenly four large, hairy spiders, each around two foot in diameter, scuttle out from crevices in the wall. Inky black eyes reflect the light from the spreading flames, and the spiders spring towards you, mandibles clicking furiously.

ooc: Since you were cautiously looking about and the spiders were aware of your presence, neither side is surprised. Please let me know everybody's actions and I will roll initiative.

FYI - I plan on physically rolling all DM rolls (just so I get a chance to use my dice!). I will give you two the option of what you want to do. You can roll actual dice and post the result with your action, you can use the dice roller here (I haven't looked into how that works yet), or I can make your rolls as in the Yendo and Stonehell games. Just let me know.

BTW, Leena had the original torch. Please go ahead and strike two torches (unless you already marked off the first one).
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Re: A New Beginning

#95 Post by badams30 »

Brother Wylo

Wylo holds his mace out defiantly and says "Let's withdraw back out into the sewer area across the water, it will make them bunch up!"

OOC: Assuming everyone is okay with that tactic, Wylo will act as the rear guard as the others withdraw. I was thinking we go back across the water, that way the spiders have to bunch up somewhat.


Finton holds the torch aloft, and his free hand is in his cloak clutching the end of a dart, ready to throw. He starts to back up even before Wylo suggests the idea, but he tries to stay close enough so all the party has light to see by.

OOC: These guys probably aren't crazy tough, but we aren't exactly a formidable fighting force, and if one of us gets poisoned, it could go downhill REAAAAL fast.
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Re: A New Beginning

#96 Post by spanningtree »

Leena - Mage

Leena will back out the way they came and across the channel.

Ceran - Elf

Will also back out with the others using his blade as needed in an effort to make the retreat. Spiders, I hate spiders.
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Re: A New Beginning

#97 Post by sonofotho »

ooc: Unfortunately, the spiders win initiative 6-4 and their reaction roll is hostile. If the plan is still to flee, I will judge that two of them can reach your rearguard in the tunnel before you make it to the channel. So, does Wylo defend alone (1 round and the re-roll initiative; if you win, then you escape) or does someone else stay with him?
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Re: A New Beginning

#98 Post by spanningtree »

OCC: how about it badadams? Ceran will stay with Wylo or we can roll the dice. :?
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Re: A New Beginning

#99 Post by badams30 »

OOC: It's up to you. Stay if you like, and we can try to withdraw next round out of the tunnel.

Wylo will stay, and welcome's Ceran's assistance.
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Re: A New Beginning

#100 Post by sonofotho »

Brother Wylo urges the others to retreat back down the passage and across the channel as he bravely guards the rear. Ceran steps up alongside the cleric and the two slowly back up as the spiders close in.

Two of the spiders scuttle forth on the floor while the two others climb up the walls of the tunnel, trying to flank their prey before it can escape. With lightening quickness the two spiders on the tunnel floor leap forward. Wylo yells out as sharp fangs pierce his thigh. The cleric knocks the spider down to the ground, but fails to land a telling blow.

Ceran is able to block the spider attacking him with his shield before stabbing the horrible arachnid with his sword. The spider rolls over as the elf withdraws his sword. Eight spindly legs twitch violently and suddenly curl up.

Leena and Finton, already at the channel, shout to the elf and cleric to get a move on. Wylo grimaces when he places weight on his leg but the cleric and Ceran are able to outpace the remaining spiders and leap to the other side of the channel.

Looking back you see the three spiders climb the walls of the dark tunnel before disappearing back into their lair.

ooc: @Brandon - do you want to use your d30 for the saving throw or stick with the d20?

Round One
Spider 1 attacks Wylo and hits (13) for 1 damage + poison (Save needed)
Spider 2 attacks Ceran and misses (9)

Wylo attacks Spider 1 and misses (9)
Ceran attacks Spider 2 and hits (14) for damage (6); Spider 2 is dead

Round Two
Party wins initiative 6-2 and escapes
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