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Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 9:54 pm
by Stirling
Vann Hector

Enters the guild reception walking to the desk and enquires regarding the availability of mercenary mages, particularly one known as 'Sundance'.

"My friends who hired before gave a good testimony though that expedition was sadly terminated short of the Barrow Mounds.

I am recruiting for a trip, following on from the recent rescue mission that was successful. We aim to return to the same Barrow and God willing, enter beyond the wizard locked portals."

He counts five days wages out hoping his improving reputation in bringing mercenaries back alive might aquit him well with hiring considerations.

Vann Hector charisma check vs 9 [4d6]=14. Reactions [1d100]=47

these were the last terms which he hopes to get also.
Sundance signs on for a half-share of experience award and a full share of treasure. As to guild fees, you pay her a minimal two days wage in advance -4gp, the Duchy levy -1gp and hiring cost -25gp.

Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 1:04 am
by Spearmint
The Mercenary Guild

Osen looks over the elf rogue. He comments regarding his last endeavour.

"A rough outing to be sure. My men spoke of strange perils. Trees of blackened roots and withered boughs that conjured the carcass of dead animals, scorpions as big as a mule and harpies singing sweet caresses to lull the foolish.

Maybe you be a doppelganging harpy, sweet talking promises to douse my ears and veil my mind?"
he counts the coins again in the counter.

"No offense, but you seem a bit too regular at the gaming tables and sleight of hand and tongue come easy to some roguish types." he acknowledges your reputation then opens the leather bound ledger.

"I can accommodate your request for Sundance and will send her along but for a consideration from yourself regarding these dabblings with Nergal, death knights et al. There are many accursed things pillaged from tombs and many noble relics laid to rest. Should you find this, I would appreciate its recovery."

He passes you a parchment alongside the contract to hire the mercenary. Unrolling it, there is a faded description of certain justiciar. "A crusading knight of yore who fought against such evils as you are about to face. His shield has a certain heraldry that I wish to redeem. The quartered charges and lion ramparts. The poor knight was entombed in the barrows, along with his shield."

The elf maiden is summoned and introduced. As described in the NPC thread, she is a dual classed mage/fighter. Costs and contractual shares as noted.

Sundance, "I will come along. You know some of my gifts and talents. I ask as well a reciprocal arrangement should you or your team require me to Identify certain items then I get you to underwrite my acquisition of further spell knowledge."

basically if she casts Identify which is a spell service valued at a base 200gp, then you also help her learn a new first level spell, paying the same in material and tutorage cost to cover that learning.

With everything agreed, Sundance will join your trip when it leaves.

Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 12:31 pm
by Stirling
Vann Hector

Agrees to the terms regarding hiring Sundance and promises if he locates the lost heroes tomb, he will secure the shield.

I presume that request is reward based. He will pay handsomely for its recovery.


Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 1:54 pm
Sven goes to see his young friend Truro, with a sack full of coins for the priest to give away to the church or the poor or some such nonsense.

"Hello again Osen! Good to see you again, sir. Is our young devotee Truro around here yet? I have a little something for him."

(Truro: 510gp)

Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 6:40 pm
by Spearmint
The Mercenary Guild

Osen receives Sven into the reception. He chuffs on a cigar sizing the mage up, regaled as he is in augmented cloak and toting a weighty sack of coins.

"A fine return. I should take up venturing myself. It seems much more profitable than training rogues and ruffians." he remarks and calls for the young priest.

Truro appears happy to receive his share of the expedition.

Amos is there too, but the Guildmaster assumes he will retain for you on a daily basis. Both clerics will spend portions to upgrade personal kits and tithe into home chapels.

"Men at arms we have aplenty. Your reputation grows. Rogues and ruffians can be seconded should you wish."

Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 7:25 pm
"I don't know Osen, venturing isn't exactly as safe as sitting behind a counter here in town. You sure you would like the change of scenery when its always trying to kill you?"

"I would like to retain the skills of Amos and Truro again, if I may. And we might just have room for another fighting man or woman, if you know of any good sword arms who would like to strike it rich, as it were."

Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 10:13 pm
by Spearmint

"They all like to strike it rich. Though reward comes with risk and many after bad experiences are risk averse.

I sent the man Redruth who you baulked at on another escapade. His fate sealed in the Moor, he came back ruffled with disease and died by all accounts transformed into a grotesque to die in the hospice blaze."

He rues the loss of an experienced man. "Bucko and Yardie. Good men, not wet behind the ears like some of these cadets. They came back with scars to brag about, bringing home your paladin acquaintance on a stretcher.
Faced all sorts. If you want men-at-arms and camp aides they will do you and the guild proud."

This was the hire by Vann concerning them.
Sorted, you have two labourers, each armed with the basics of leather gambesons, Duchy broadswords and several firebrands.

Back in the office you sign their contracts as they both sign Last Wills and Testaments. The cost is 10gp each plus 3gp to cover two days wage and the admin fee of 10sp. -27gp.

They leave with you immediately.
"You can take them on the same terms and pitch them a half share of trove between them. " This suggests they will act as basic hirelings, doing the practical labour and guard stuff but not offer much in the way of extra skills.

Truro can also be hired with the same contract as before covering 1/2 shares XP & trove. His cleric class costs a few gold more at 15gp/3gp wages daily/10sp admin tax. So 22gp for two days. equipped as shown in NPC thread

Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 10:34 pm
Sven hangs his head for a moment in silence.

“Dammit. And I was going to ask if Redruth was available too. That sounds completely horrible.”

“Can Bucko and Yardie fight? We need guards and all too, but if things get rough out there again, I want to make sure these guys can defend themselves, at least.”
(1st lvl Fighters?)

“If so, I’ll take em. And Truro too. We are planning on heading out the morning of the 5th.”

Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 10:42 pm
by Spearmint

"Yes they can fight. Pecked raw by vultures and enticed by harpies. Oblivious to all. Rewarded by St Ygg for their endeavour."

they will be listed as F1 status.

Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 1:37 am
Sven pays the 49gp and signs the contracts, telling the trio to be ready bright and early on the 5th.

“Thanks Osen!”

-49gp from sheet

Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2022 5:43 am
by Cwreando

Durgo restocks his oil for his lantern..5 for 30 cp.

Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 1:19 am
by GreyWolfVT
Dalin stops in to see who might be available for a trip to bog town "Hello, I'm planning a little run to bogtown anyone willing and able to go with. I'm hoping to make use of that wagon I just returned with from Crooked Yew if possible. But only one is coming along with me so I'm thinking one or two others might be a good plan for the trip."

Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:08 am
by Spearmint
The Mercenerary Guild

June 5th 1066.

Dalin deals at the guild [4d6]=17

"Good day, my esteemed dwarven client. Business must be looking up."

Osen greets Dalin and checks out Johka who has come along with him. "So you need bodyguards? I can provide basic torchbearers. You know the type. Like Eamoon, as thick as that donkey he mourns, but a sure hand around camp. Or perhaps you want more intimidating beef, in case you need to strongarm someone. Like K-bull over there. Local lad, apprenticed to the butcher and used to bloodshed as he chopped carcasses in the abattoir. Got a taste for adventure after a little errand for me last month."

The guildmaster points out Knatchbull, a square framed half-orc warrior who could possibly outmatch Grievous Bodily Harm, the staff trainer and master-at-arms.

He looks through his ledger at other availabilities.

"No Sundance, she is spoken for, clerics are all at their ministry. My guess is you won't want litany and holy vows so I will pass over our avowed paladin. Cloverfield? You fixing to dabble in more than the usual Bogtown trade? I can do sorcery with swords too. Got a young adept I rescued from under the nose of Mazzah. He was going to syphon his blood for a gold a pint! Told him I would double that if he worked for me. "

He points out a studious elf who sits not in the courtyard but a side room, scribbling thesis and formula on a chalk board.

"Well, there you go. You pay your money and take your choice."

Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 2:58 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Dalin looks over everyone "Hmm well if Knatchbull and Cloverfield are willing I'll gladly hire them to come along. If not Eamoon and K-bull will do just as well."

Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 11:30 pm
by Spearmint
Osen pens a contract, the simple 'Terms & Conditions' , giving a copy to Dalin, storing one in his ledger and handing a sheet to the hired hands.

"The boys will be ready come morning."

Knatchbull & Cloverfield come as basic hirelings, to fetch and carry, inspect and guard. The -47gp covers the hiring cost, inflationary Duchy tax which kicked in at the start of the month and three days wages paid in advance. They come with their own personal equipment and basic supplies, Cloverfield lets you know he can cast a number of basic spells.

Satisfied with the hiring, Dalin & Johka depart, preparing themselves for the next day's trek.

Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2022 3:09 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Dalin thanks the guild for the contract and offers the mourning Eamoon a service "Sorry about your mule Eamoon, I want to offer you my great thanks for your service and that of your mule." he offers Eamoon 20 gp "I know it ain't much but I figure that is a start." He also pays Osen an extra 10 gp in appreciation for the guilds continued support.

Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 3:22 pm
by Quonundrum

Moriartus strolls into the foreman's office, casually puffing on a fresh cigar. "Greetings, Mr. Osen! We have just concluded our expedition and I must say, Miss Two-Birds, Mr. Duval, and Mr. Rickford performed far beyond any reasonable expectation. I cannot be more pleased." He motions to Ben and Jake whom he left just outside the door, out of sight. "Oh ... and I believe you are familiar with these two gentlemen?"

Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 5:58 pm
by Spearmint
The Mercenary Guild

Well there is obvious rejoicing, perhaps as one might find in church as the prodigal repents and comes homeward bound.

The twins are chided, in good nature about their lateness and tardy dress, in need of a bath (nothing new there though). They probably need some ministry to exorcise their memory of living among the Harpies and being used as brood stock though that is not openly mentioned.

Rickford, Duval & Two-Birds return to their quarters after the feasting. Each needs to rest and recuperate too but could in a few days time be re-enlisted for other expeditions. They all bear scars and copious amounts of gold to compensate them.

You can discuss as much or as little of the expedition with Osen who takes everything into his confidence. The next hiring of men will get some favourable terms at least.

Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 9:55 pm
by Quonundrum

He watches as Ben and Jake leave for the training yard and are equally lauded and good naturedly chastised by the other mercenaries. When he is alone with Osen, a full pouch of coins is set upon the desk. "100 gold, for Ben and Jake. They did not receive a cut of the treasure from the Crooked Yew expedition. I also expect a few days at the Foul Pheasant will help them forget."

An audible sigh from the mage fills the pause as he gazes out the window in thought. "It was as Valeron predicted, although there were many more harpies than I expected. They didn't share any details of their experiences, nor would I expect them to. Used as breeding stock, and from what we ... discovered ... likely for not much longer."

Stiffening up, he limps with his staff to the front door and rests a hand on the latch. "Oh, as to future business. I will be organizing an expedition to the edge of the Thornswild forest. I will, of course, desire Miss Two-Birds. I should know within the week our expected departure date."


Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:54 pm
by Spearmint
The Mercenary Guild

Moriartus concludes the next business.

Osen, "As you wish, I will have Miss Two-Birds in fine fettle and ready to go when you leave. I believe she has some vested interest in the ancient grove you seek."

Two-Birds gets contracted on 1/2 XP and 1/2 share trove. He waives the guild fees in lieu of the safe return of Ben & Jake but you deduct the Duchy tax as that is payable to the Crown. -10sp.

I will update her profile in the NPC thread to list any upgrades on her account.