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Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:09 pm
by kipper
Clark wriggles and punches his way free of the covering snow.

Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:41 pm
by ybn1197
Jackson, knowing that time was of the essence, puts his blaster on SAFE and uses the stock to leverage himself out of the snow drift now encompassing himself.

Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:34 pm
by Monsieur Rose

Zuul times his jump to deftly land on the leg and winces in shock as his hands touch the freezing surface of the AT-AT's leg. Sun. Warm rays beating down. Maybe a drink or two. Yeah. That's nice. Zuul tries to warm himself with good thoughts.

He takes a moment to assess the leg mechanics, trying to find the optimal place to place the grenades. Once he does, he'll stick them in place, activate them and jump clear. Hopefully.

Zuul uses demolitions, a force point, and a prayer.

Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 2:08 pm
by Solo4114
Cal does his best to dig out of the snow.

Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 3:54 am
by max_vale
Sector 31; East Ridge of Echo Base; Planet Hoth

On the frigid world of Hoth, the battle on the East Ridge of the Rebel Base came to an end as one rebel, a reptilian Barabel named Zuul Ksska pulled of a daring maneuver against a massive Imperial AT-AT walker, while his 5 remaining Rebel teammates dug themselves out of snow and frozen tundra that had briefly entombed them due to a near-miss from a cannon shot....

Vale Starcloud took a deep breath, felt himself slip away from the feeling of cold snow on his face....away from the throbbing pain in his arm......away from all of it and felt himself CONNECT to the energy field that surrounds all living things.....the Force.....

Drawing on his teachings, he concentrated his mind and used the power gained from his connection to the Force to help move a significant amount of snow, ice and earth from himself and a surprised Kitkatarra....the female Wookie had been moving quite a bit of the annoying snow and ice with her strong arms when much of it seemed to just....MOVE BY ITSELF....looking back at the human whose arm she had just patched up, she saw him look almost asleep and doing some kind of weird 'wave' with his good hand....and she just KNEW, that somehow he was doing that whole 'wizard' thing she had seen him do a couple of times now......

Professor Clark and Jackson Crodowski quickly dug themselves out of the pile of frozen earth and ice that had enveloped them, and they helped a teeth-chattering Cal get out of the snowy debris as well and then ALL of their attention was suddenly drawn to the sound of a mighty explosion and the unmistakable sound of a massive metal vehicle SLAMMING into the ground uncontrolled....

Zuul drew on every last memory on where BEST to place explosives on a Walker's leg, and then he jammed the two magnetic grenades into place, armed them and then timed when the leg hit the ground to jump off, aiming for a softer-snowy-looking-bank on the ground and wincing when he felt a wrist and then a rib either fracture or break when he slammed down hard* and immediately started rolling/crawling/dragging himself as far from the Walker as he could.....

A mere moment later a massive explosion echoed throughout the Ridge as the two grenades went off; their explosive force smashing into and thru the 'knee' joint of the leg, blowing off the bottom part of the leg just as it reached its highest point as the Walker 'stepped' forward.....the resulting 'short' leg went to the ground and with no support, the unbalanced Walker stumbled 'face first' down and into the ground....then wobbling and falling to one side; the crash echoing throughout the area like a thunderclap and causing all of the Rebels to dug down for a moment....

As the noise slowly died down; Zuul looked up to see the top of the 'back' of the Walker had landed a mere two meters away from him.....while the 'head' section looked to be about 20 or 30 meters away....

The other Rebels poked their heads over the trench line and they could now see 3 'feet'; 1 shattered leg and the underside of the Walker facing them as the Imperial war-machine lay broken on the frozen ground in front of them....perhaps 50 to 75 meters away.....

*Zuul is Wounded

Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 3:20 pm
by kipper
Clark aims his rifle at the walker's head, ready for any imperials to emerge who may have survived the crash.

Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 8:52 pm
by Solo4114
Cal whoops in excitement at the sight of the fallen walker, wincing immediately. The pain cuts short his elation, and gets him thinking again. "We probably shouldn't linger here too long. Maybe a minute or two to make sure we aren't tailed, and then head back to the base hangar. We need to get out of here. The Empire's probably setting up a planetary blockade now, and the longer we wait, the harder it'll be to get out of the system."

Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 1:18 am
by Rex

Kit growls at the others to take Vale and races for the wreckage of the Walker to find Zuul in case he is in need of aid.

Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 3:28 pm
by Monsieur Rose

Zuul manages to stand after the carnage. He pulls his rifle and starts moving toward the trench line. As he sees a white form racing through the snow and smoke, he waves. "Over here! That wass fun! Sorry he broke the walker."

Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 3:41 pm
by ybn1197
Jackson nods in agreement at Cal and then, like the Professor, Jackson readies his weapon (remembering to take the safety off) in case any survivors make it out of the hulking mass of metal.

Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 3:53 pm
by Solo4114
Cal aims his blaster pistol at the downed walker.

Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 4:34 pm
by Starbeard
Vale sighs with quiet relief as he watches the walker go down. "Cal is *cough* right. This was a victory, but we haven't won yet. We *cough* haven't much time to lose."

Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 3:47 pm
by max_vale
Echo Base; Planet Hoth to rendezvous point with elements of the Rebel Fleet in unknown section of Deep Space

Kitkatarra rushed to the wounded, but ambulatory and quite pleased with himself Zuul as he walked away from the AT-AT wreck while most of the other Rebels trained their weapons on the cockpit section in case any Imperial crew were about to come out...

A moment later, something must have sparked and ignited some spilled fuel or gas though as the 'head' of the AT-AT exploded and all of the Rebels either ducked down or were driven into the snow yet again from the pressure wave of the explosion.....but everybody was okay...or at least, no more wounded than they had been BEFORE the explosion....

All of the Rebels based in the victory over the massive war machine for a few moments, before the reality of the freezing weather and the base still under attack from different directions kicked in, and they rushed towards the entrance to the Rebel base built into the caverns of one of the ice covered mountains of Hoth....

The base was in bad shape and almost everything except for broken bits of equipment, smashed airspeeders and the bodies of some unfortunate Rebels that would never be leaving this frozen world.....

A functioning comms speaker blared out that the Rebel evacuation was underway and that anyone that could do so, should leave no as Imperial troops were entering the base! Cal was a bit dismayed to see that his ship, the Nova Kestrel was NOT where it had been positioned...but with a shrug, the Smuggler also realized that since it was NOT in broken, burning bits...that it was almost certainly WHOLE somewhere....and that meant, he could find it later....

The Outrunner, however was still safely tucked away in a corner and the Rebel team scrambled over to it and boarded it in a hurry. Cal took the pilot's seat while Jackson slid into the co-pilot's seat and Kit made sure Vale and Zuul were strapped into the cramped lounge area seats, before strapping into a seat herself. Professor Clark made his way down to the cramped gunnery bay in the lower cargo hold, as Cal and Crodowski fired up the engines, raised the shields and lifted off inside the hangar bay.....

They were just in time as an Imperial Snowtrooper squad rounded a corner and began firing their weapons at them, to no real effect. Clark was NOT in a forgiving mood however, and he fired a blast from the twin Laser Cannon mounted on the bottom of the ship and the cannon blast took out 3 or 4 Imperials....MUCH to the academic-turned-Rebel's satisfaction....

A moment later, they blasted out and away from Echo Base and were soon making a full speed run to escape the frigid world's atmosphere and get out into space. As they did so, they saw an Imperial squadron of Star Destroyers in orbit and Cal and Jackson deftly maneuvered AWAY from these vessels as Crodowski worked his magic on the Navicomputer to plot a course through Hyperspace and one of the rendezvous points the Alliance had set up for this exact situation.....

(Please make no more posts in this thread and instead open up the ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode Two: Any Port after an Ice Storm thread)