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Re: 7-Undermountain, Trip 3: Gratecrashers

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:34 am
by Darkmane
Tella/Roseheart - Rod of Absorption Stats:

5 charges left, 6 stored energy levels - it can be used to absorb enemy attack spells cast at the bearer, and then the stored energy levels allow a priest or wizard to cast a spell without using up their slot. A third level spell takes three stored energy levels, etc... it can't be recharged.


Most of the gang will accompany Vek to the Block Party, however, Inferno won't be back until Friday, so I'll get that moving tomorrow or Thursday. There were a few things that slipped by me and we never covered. You guys are planning to make Glimble some chain mail armor? I'll start working up price and weeks for that. Also, I need to have small interactions to cover Roseheart's induction into the guild and his meet n greet there, and Vek's interaction with the bakers.

Re: 7-Undermountain, Trip 3: Gratecrashers

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 2:07 pm
by spanningtree
Tella - Mage

Roseheart (or someone else is welcome to the rod). She is also happy to share her spellbook with Roseheart. Tella has no interest in the "block party" but will attend with her comrades.

Re: 7-Undermountain, Trip 3: Gratecrashers

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:40 pm
by ravenn4544
Roseheart nods gratefully to Tella, "I will bear this Rod with gratitude. In addition, allow me to further show my gratitude for your gracious extension of a contact with the Guild. I appreciate that and any willingness to share the knowledge you have learned in your travels - I'm happy to share in kind. Tella, if you would indulge me, i would sorely like to strengthen my friend Vek with a hearty drink or three before we make haste for the guild - would you allow for me to meet you in short order?"

Re: 7-Undermountain, Trip 3: Gratecrashers

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 10:12 am
by Darkmane
Block Party

Most/all of you gather and head to the block party, heading deep down into the dock ward near the water. You get there about dusk, and you can see smoke and fire before you round the bend to reach the actual party. You come upon an old stone fence, that has been opened up, crudely, leading into an alley where the edge of the party has spread no more. You pass couples, leaning along the sides of the street, in clothes rich and poor, cuddling and kissing and generally ignoring the foot traffic along the alley.

Further down the alley, you come to an open air plaza filled with hundreds of people! You see several streets and alleys about this square filled with people and there may be more of these plazas filled with partying Waterdavians. Nobles in elegant garb rub shoulders with fishermen, street-sweepers, and ladies of the night. At the edge of your hearing you hear several bards playing different songs, and pass an alley where close to a hundred individuals are watching a street play, sacked out on blankets, to watch a masked actor portraying one of the mysterious "Lords of Waterdeep", and another actor, with a black staff and beard, chasing the Lord about and then catching him and spanking him, before they both pull off masks and reveal monstrous visages below!

Further into the alley, a line of chef's operating from small fires, and hanging racks of juicy, charred meat, roasted vegetables, spices, and breads. Beer seems to be free, there are kegs throughout the party, where lines of folks are filling up their tankards or wineglasses, or whatever they are carrying. Strange men lurk in the shadows, from time to time you see a group of Waterdeep Watch soldiers walking through the party, keep a presence of law over the congregation, but you haven't seen any fights or other unlawful activity yet.

You search through this throng, finding several contacts who seem vaguely interested in more than general recreation. One of them, a sullen man who requests 50 gp for his knowledge, tells you he has heard rumors about this slave guild operating below the city, and has heard of a lady who can get you down into fabled Skull Port. She owns a small candle, and antique store near the city graveyard and strange folks have been seen entering the store, but never leaving again through the front door. Apparently, she has some way to get interested parties down into the underworld below...

Re: 7-Undermountain, Trip 3: Gratecrashers

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 10:34 am
by Inferno
Tantos Vek, failed paladin:

Vek will go to the shoppe of this mysterious toll keeper of Skull Port.

DarkMane: Have any of us heard of fabled Skull Port?

Also, it looks like two PCs want the wand of absorbing. Should they dice for it?

Also, are any of the spider beans remaining? If yes, since no PC wants any, we can sell them and split the profits?

Re: 7-Undermountain, Trip 3: Gratecrashers

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 9:24 pm
by spanningtree
Tella - Elf Mage

@Roseheart: I would be happy to join the two of you for a round or two.

Tella will mingle around the party and perk up when she hears about Skullport, while not knowing details she has heard chatter about the vile/criminal den. She'll hang with Vek for the shoppe encounter.

OCC: Purchasing 3 X 2d4+2 healing potions, adding to inventory. Pocketing 2100gp (assuming it's converted to pp).
OCC: Can Tella shop for a ring +1? What would the associated cost be if yes?
OCC: Tella would like to scribe some of her more unused spells to scrolls to have them on hand. How much is it per level to scribe a spell?

Re: 7-Undermountain, Trip 3: Gratecrashers

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 10:45 am
by Darkmane
The last time you heard anything about skulls it was the captured orc, telling you that the fat man lived in a Skull City? Could be this mysterious SkullPort that folks in Waterdeep are convinced is somewhere below them.

OOC - I'm not sure how many of those spider eggs where in the pouch. I'll look back, but if anybody else can find it, let me know.

As you guys are working your way out of the party, a few of you note a purple, semi-transparent, disc of energy floating above the party. It is lowering down toward you. You hear gasps from the crowd as it approaches! Once it reaches perhaps 6-8 feet from the cobblestones, you guys can see that it contains several people sitting on small chairs and couches. Two of the people are the wizards Mhair and Ben who you've met before. A staircase of energy forms, bridging to the ground and Mhair calls out to Tella, "Tella, would you like to come aboard? I'd like to catch up with you." To the rest of your party, Mhair tips a wine glass and calls out, "Sorry guys, but I'd like to have some girl talk with Tella. Rose heart, your free to come aboard, I like to interview new candidates to the Order of Magists". She seems a bit drunk. Ben sits solemnly next to her, drinking from a flask and surveying the party. The onlookers about you are looking at this scene of wonder and magic with astonishment!

Re: 7-Undermountain, Trip 3: Gratecrashers

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 1:35 pm
by ravenn4544
Roseheart raises an eyebrow to Tella before proceeding - he'll board the disc if Tella is also joining.

Re: 7-Undermountain, Trip 3: Gratecrashers

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 2:53 pm
by Inferno
Tantos Vek, failed paladin:

Vek looks upon this vulgar, ostentatious show of power with something like contempt. "Good luck," he mutters to Roseheart as the wizards depart.
Darkmane wrote:The last time you heard anything about skulls it was the captured orc, telling you that the fat man lived in a Skull City? Could be this mysterious SkullPort that folks in Waterdeep are convinced is somewhere below them.
Perfect. Vek will go to the shoppe of this mysterious toll keeper of Skull Port, with as many of his friends that care to join him.[/ooc]

Re: 7-Undermountain, Trip 3: Gratecrashers

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 7:48 pm
by spanningtree
Tella - Elf Mage

Of course, how could I refuse.
She will stay stepping aboard leading Roseheart by the arm. I can vouch for this man, he is tenacious in combat and has a good heart.

OCC@Roseheart: Go ahead and pick any spells you want off of Tella's sheet for your spellbook. Tella will likely grad a couple from yours.

Re: 7-Undermountain, Trip 3: Gratecrashers

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:31 pm
by GreyWolfVT
I'm still here nothing eventful to make Glimble do at the temple of Gond so I'll just keep reading along until the party is over. ;)

Re: 7-Undermountain, Trip 3: Gratecrashers

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:52 pm
by Darkmane
The Watchful Order

After Roseheart and Tella ascend to the platform taking a seat on one of the couches in the circle, the stairs fall away to nothing and the purple disc begins to rise into the air above the city. You both note that Ben seems to be controlling the platform. As he concentrates the purple color fades away, and you clutch the chair a bit as it appears that your couch is now sitting on nothing, although you can plainly feel the platform of force under your feet. Ben opens his eyes, and smiles at Tella, "Easier to see the city, we are technically on fire duty tonight."

He leans his staff over his knees, looking out over the city in the dark. The party is plainly seen under you, fires, and people milling about, although they look so small. A flock of sparrows, launches into the night sky from a nearby spire and whips off to the right of your group, a thousand or more dark specks in the glimmer of the fires below. In the distance, the lights of the city span as far as you can see in all directions. Lights even line the huge mountain that overlooks the city, Waterdeep castle prominent against the rocky face with fire-lit flags flapping into the dark.

Mhair beams tipping her glass, looking out over the city, "Yes, Ben is staying sober, since I'm a bit too tipsy to aim cone of cold correctly!"

Mhair turns to Roseheart and says, "After Tella backed you, and you paid your dues, you were voted in last meeting. You are now an official member of the Order. Just stop by the guildhall sometime and pick up your robe. Also, be sure to ask the attendant about SpellGuard and FireGuard duties if you are interested."

As Mhair talks to Roseheart further about the order, Ben turns to Tella and says, "Do you remember Xynevell the diviner that helped rid your dwarven friend of a curse, only to find himself beset by the same? He has returned to the city, and has told us all manner of horrible things. There is a darkness rising in the north, and we will need courageous mages to defend the city if everything turns on end. I hear you are powerful in battle magic, would you consider helping if things turned to war?"

Re: 7-Undermountain, Trip 3: Gratecrashers

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 11:47 pm
by spanningtree
Tella - Elf Mage

I am impressed with your conveyance. She will say to Ben making herself comfortable. Of course I will help if anything should happen, you can count on that. This rising darkness, when is it expected to near the city?

My comrades and I are considering a visit to Skull Port in an attempt to locate a slaver. Any advice?

Re: 7-Undermountain, Trip 3: Gratecrashers

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 10:37 am
by Darkmane
Ben nods his head to Tella, My thanks lady-elf. We may not need your fire, for we do not know if any of this trouble will reach Waterdeep. Xynevell was only able to be rid of the curse, because the thing searched for the rest of itself.

He remembers hunting down another wizard, sneaking into a camp filled with undead, orcs, and the like, and finally giving the cursed bone to this evil wizard. Seconds after he gave it to this wizard, while this other was reeling from receiving this new power, he threw off the curse and recovered himself. Before this evil wizard could smote him down, he was able to teleport away.

Ben looks over the city of Waterdeep with a grim visage, From what we can tell, this cursed item is somehow linked to the fallen demigod Zhengyi. Zhengyi was a rich-king in Damara, but was overthrown and his phylactery destroyed. Apparently, this lich experimented with life-force, and death, beyond what most could ever dream. He had other precious items, books, staves, and now we hear of these shards of bone, which can possess the weilder. There are rumors of other things in the north right now and my guess is thy are all connected to the rise of this new necromancer who is using these relics to enhance his power.

Re: 7-Undermountain, Trip 3: Gratecrashers

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 4:21 pm
by spanningtree
Tella - Elf Mage

It sounds like this new necromancer may be a real problem. Is his/her current location known? I think it might be a lack pf prudence to let him/her keep growing in power...

Re: 7-Undermountain, Trip 3: Gratecrashers

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:42 am
by Darkmane
Ben grumbles back, I wish we did know where he was, but the necromancer cloaks himself from divination and moves from place to place. We believe he has several.... churches or ors and undead throughout the north! They are led by apprentice clerics and wizards, all rotten and evil themselves.

Do you and Roseheart have any ore questions? If not, you guys spend a bit longer just chatting, and then Ben puts you down into the city somewhere a bit closer to home.

Next up: this shop which may hold a path to SkullPort.

Re: 7-Undermountain, Trip 3: Gratecrashers

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:47 am
by ravenn4544
Roseheart looks concerned about the description of the necromancer, "He sounds..scary. Do you have any idea of the power he wields? Any clues to how to track him or his temples down? Embarking on a search in the 'north' doesn't give us a lot to go on, but I agree with Tella it sounds like an opportun - er - sounds like someone ought to do something about that guy"

As the time permits and becomes appropriate, Roseheart also thanks Tella for the sharing of her spell knowledge and absolutely offers to do the same in return.

Re: 7-Undermountain, Trip 3: Gratecrashers

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:22 pm
by spanningtree
Tella - Elf Mage

We will look into doing something when we have a more clear destination.

Tella will ask Ben to put them down near home.

OCC: Before proceeding to the Skull Port shoppe Tella tries to locate a ring +1 or the like at a local store.

Re: 7-Undermountain, Trip 3: Gratecrashers

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:56 pm
by Darkmane
Tella - there isn't really a magic shoppe in Waterdeep, but you put in a word at the HQ of the Watchful Order of Magists, there may be a wizard out there looking for cash and willing to sell.

Ok, I'll try to get you guys over to this mysterious shop in the next day or so.

Re: 7-Undermountain, Trip 3: Gratecrashers

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 10:56 am
by Darkmane
Following the directions gleaned from the block party you find yourselves in front of a small candle shop, named Sixth Scents, tucked into an agglomerate brick building, which appears to be four or maybe five generations of brickwork piled on top of each other. Several other business have doors leading into this large brick agglomeration of a building.

You enter the storefront and find that most of the store is filled with lines of candles on small shelves. Each group is neatly labeled with common, and then in smaller print below, elvish script. Tella finds that the hand that penned the elvish knows the language well and has a very neat and tidy script.

In the back of the store, peering out at you with an unreadable look, and a strange half smile, is a thin woman with dark hair piled high in a huge bun, standing in front of a set of three candles. She does not greet you or move, she allows you to look over her goods without disruption.