[Archived] Act 3 — Shadow of the Hunted

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Re: Science Labs (Deck 6)

#61 Post by Starbeard »

U.S.S. Janus, Deck 6: Metallurgy Lab and Physics Lab
Stardate 2271.3.23: 0200h

De Mattio performs several routine tests on the belt, and is perplexed. The properties of the metal alloy seem to be constant and pervasive. Further study might yield more information, but so far she cannot find any ways of getting around its "sensor invisibility."

Still, she does makes some headway. Reattaching the Romulan's deflector shield device to the belt, she sees that it too becomes invisible to scans, but reappears after it is removed. She tries putting the belt on, and scans herself with a tricorder: no life signs, no molecular readings, not even a heat signature. All molecular and biological signature readings she can think of are invisible. She removes the belt and rescans herself, finding that all of her signs are perfectly normal. It seems the this metal acts as some sort of conductor, pouring its ability into the objects it touches.

Testing her black hole theory, she takes the belt to the Physics Lab and tries blasting it with radion particles, measuring their movement around the object. She finds no distortion in the normal path of the particles, but notices that the ones which strike the belt seem to be absorbed into its frozen space-time. Borrowing from old sonar technology, she discovers that she can send out some radions and determine where the belt is in the room by whether the rays bounce back after striking a surface. Granted, it's not much to go on, but it's a start.

Suddenly, as de Mattio is busy pacing the Physics Lab, gesticulating to herself while deep in thought, something happens…
These tests didn't take up the full hour. Feel free to ask questions or try something out as we move on.


U.S.S. Janus, Deck 6: Brig
Stardate 2271.3.23: 0200h

The two ensigns Abbot and Nalia make their way to the brig. This part of the deck is still a mess, and they have to step over a some debris here and there. The brig itself is a wreck, with only two of the cells still working. The pirates and archaeologists are placed in one and the Romulan Carlax is placed in the other, at the far end of the corridor.

They find Hardy in conversation with the Romulan captive through the cell's deflector screen. Whatever they're talking about, Hardy seems a bit ambivalent about it. Laurel is sitting at the other end of the corridor, at a piece of duranium debris that the two have turned into a makeshift game table. He tries to keep his partner from noticing him cheating at their card game.

Not long after, Nadix scuttles gracefully into the brig. The ensigns all guiltily shuffle away from the Romulan, who seems perturbed at the Edosian's arrival. He has the female archaeologist removed first, and questions her privately in one of the empty, non-working cells. As they talk, the lights along the corridor occasionally blink out for a minute or two at a time. Some of the other brig cells randomly power back up sporadically before shutting off again.

The ensigns have difficulty not eavesdropping in on the interrogation.


"I hadn't meant for any of this to happen," the archaeologist Dr. Leigh Moore pleads. "James and I were only interested in the history we could uncover at the Slaver site. At least… I thought we were. We knew we'd have to cut a few corners, but now I'm starting to feel that James is… well, I look at him and I just don't know him anymore!"

Wiping tears from her eyes, she agrees to cooperate fully, and gives her story. "We had been monitoring the planet from a distance for some time, and a month ago we made planetfall with the Romulans. Our pilots had to pull a real stunt getting us into orbit using warp energy only, since the beacon would trace our impulse power and set off the alarm. On that trip we found the belt you took from Carlax. It confirmed our suspicions about the site, but then the Romulans found out about the Rod of Life and approached the Coxans without asking us about it first, so we had no choice but to play along. As soon as I saw the Rod I knew it had to be the key to the whole thing—I mean that literally, it's the key to the front door. If my research is correct then outpost can only be accessed by using a special device, and I'm positive that's what the Rod is."

She explains in detail how Coxan life revolves around their veneration for the Rod of Life. It sits charging on its pedestal, never to be removed, and every year the priest activates it to make the crops grow and heal those who are sick. Their legends are full of blights that swept across the world, and they are convinced that without the Rod of Life they would die as a race. Their legends also speak of a very sacred site, "the Forbidden Temple," entrance to the underworld—the "City of Devils." It is believed to be a dangerous place that sucks the very life out those who approach, and so it is a capital offense to travel there—its location deep in the jungle is kept secret by the village priests, who suffer eternal damnation if they ever reveal it to anyone.

"Well? Isn't it obvious? The Temple must be the Slaver outpost! I don't know about any life-draining qualities, but that sort of superstition always crops up in these legends. So you can see our dilemma with the villagers. They can't take us to the outpost without suffering eternal damnation, and we can't get the key without bringing upon the end of the world." She adds in a whisper, "During that trip one of the village priest's assistants went missing, and we found him dead three days later. There's no doubt in my mind the Romulans engineered that, probably trying to torture it out of him. If it weren't for the orbital monitor I'm sure they'd have killed the whole village by now, the brutes."

"We returned two days ago, but our ship was caught in some strange energy field that threatened to destroy our warp drives. We had to switch to impulse power and hope for the best. I had uncovered a prophecy of theirs where the gods are supposed to invade the City of Devils and bring in a new era of peace. We've been trying to use that as a… well, a selling point. But it hasn't worked quite as we'd hoped, and there are still many villagers who want nothing to do with it. that's why that poor young girl ran off with the Rod just when you arrived, to keep it out of our hands. Oh, I feel terrible!"

…As interrogation continues, the ensigns gossip among themselves and try to steal bits of conversation with a real live Romulan. When suddenly…
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Re: Science Labs (Deck 6)

#62 Post by Grognardsw »

Ensign Abbot strains to listen in on the interrogation. Slavers and gods... such adventure, reminding him of the old pulp magazines his grandfather kept up in the attic back in St. Louis.
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Re: Science Labs (Deck 6)

#63 Post by Pulpatoon »

de Mattio investigates configuring the ships main dish to create a radon-sonar array.

She then decides to switch tactics: rather than trying to understand the belt, she seeks to use it. She tests how far the belt can extend its field. Can it be attached to and hide a shuttle? What about the whole of the Janus?
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Re: Back in Space

#64 Post by Starbeard »

[quote="Starbeard"]Coxa II: in orbit
Stardate 2271.3.23: 0200h

And now back to NBC's Star Trek. Check your TV Guide for next week's episode, Friday evening at 10pm only on NBC: always excitement, always color—in RCA COLOR.



…Space, the final frontier. The United Star Ship Janus limps along a distant orbit around the feral planet of Coxa II, its bleary-eyed crew straining to restore the ship’s fighting capacity. Scientists work overtime to uncover the secrets of a mysterious new metalloid, and prisoners rounded up from the planet below are questioned for their parts in the heinous violation of General Order #1, the Prime Directive. Space pirates lurk in the shadows of the system, and Romulan intrigue threatens the very fabric of peace in the galaxy.

Without warning, the alert siren echoes through the corridors of the ship. Captain Wyse’s hoarse voice follows: “This is the Captain. Battle alert, all hands to battle stations. Senior officers to the bridge, on the double.”

USS Janus
Engines & energy: warp A (20/20), warp B (0/20), impulse (5/5)
Hull CT: 14/18
Phasers (A) and (B): charged (2) and charged (2)
Photon torpedos: not charged
Shields: all faces at 100% (20e draw total)
Tractor beam: offline
Current Speed: 0
Basics: online (1e draw)
Crew efficiency: engineering (79%), sciences (84%), security (80%)
Energy Spent: 21/25
Phaser banks: 1-2 to charge, stored until used/deactivated. Can be overloaded with 1-2 extra energy for +50%/+100% damage, with risk.

Photons: 5 energy to charge, once charged will draw 5 energy until fired/deactivated. The ship can only load one torpedo at a time.

Tractor beam: draws 1-5 energy when in use (user decides how much power to use).

Shields: draws 1 energy per 20% of shield strength, in each of 4 quarters that surround the ship (fore, aft, port, starboard). All shields may be boosted to as much as 200%, but anything beyond 100% can damage the systems with increasing risk.

Tactical (impulse) speed: rated 0-10, and costing 2 energy per speed rating.

Basic essentials (generally on at all times): 1 energy is drawn for basic life support, sensors, computer, transporters, etc.
Last edited by Starbeard on Sun Aug 14, 2016 3:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Science Labs (Deck 6)

#65 Post by Starbeard »

USS Janus, Deck 6: Metallurgy and Physics Labs
Stardate 2271.3.23: 0200h

De Mattio tries out a few extra tests of trial and error with the belt. She lays it across various objects and attaches it to large pieces of laboratory equipment. Objects much larger than herself seem to have difficulty "vanishing" completely: it seems the belt's mass can only imbue its special power onto objects roughly the size of two humanoids, and not much more. Theoretically there does not seem to be any reason that larger pieces of the material could be used to camouflage larger objects.

Further tests, however, are unceremoniously interrupted by the red alert siren (thread link).


USS Janus, Deck 6: Brig

As the crew members and detainees in the brig go about the business at hand, the Romulan grows impatient. "Officers! I demand audience with the senior officer aboard this ship, as is my right according to Senatorial decree! Instead I am caged like a zoo animal, with apish crewmen gawking!" His rant is cut short, however, by the sounding of the red alert siren (thread link).
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Re: Sickbay (Deck 7)

#66 Post by Starbeard »

U.S.S. Janus, Deck 7: Sickbay
Stardate 2271.3.23: 0200h

…All action in the room stops as the red alert siren triggers. "This is the Captain. Battle alert, all hands to battle stations. Senior officers to the bridge." (thread link).

The injured crewmen exchange nervous glances, no longer able to provide help in the ship's time of need, and the nurses look expectantly to Dr. Ryerson.

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Re: Sickbay (Deck 7)

#67 Post by DadsAngry »

Dr. Ryerson

"Damn it! Doesn't he know we are full to capacity. Nurse Tekla have your nurses secure the patients and prepare for more wounded. Continue to treat the patients as best you can. If any of the staff appears to be suffering from fatigue I grant you permission to use a stimulate to keep them going. It appears this night has no end."

Dr. Ryerson give his head nurse her final orders and dashes out of sickbay to join the other senior staff on the bridge, still dressed in his soiled medical attire.
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Re: Science Labs (Deck 6)

#68 Post by Grognardsw »

Ensign Costello looks at the flashing light of the red alert.

"Time to go," he says to Ensign Nalia. "Have a drink after our shifts are over? Assuming we survive?"

Costello heads up to his post.
Not sure what security post that would be.
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Re: Science Labs (Deck 6)

#69 Post by Inferno »

Nadix Ar Eth, Science Officer:

The serene Edosian interrogator is about to probe further along these lines of investigation when suddenly the Janus' claxons sound.

"You'll excuse me please, Dr. Moore," he says softly to the weeping human female as he stands up on his three legs. "I'm afraid we'll have to continue these discussions at another time."

Nadix departs the brig and swiftly glides to the bridge.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: Back in Space

#70 Post by Starbeard »

USS Janus: The Bridge
Stardate 2271.3.23: 0205h

The officers race up Jefferies Tubes and into turbolift shafts to reach the top deck. Across the first few levels they are repeatedly blocked by debris and clusters of hustling ensigns, and the short trip seems to take forever.

A terrifying sound screeches past the outside of the ship, forcing everyone to ducks and look around for the explosions that never come. They continue on their race to their command stations.


On the Bridge, Captain Wyse paces back and forth, ignoring his captain's chair. His shoulders droop more than usual, and he carries dark rings under his eyes. Yeoman Woodcock stands by ready to take orders.

Nadix Ar Eth, Dorotea de Mattio, Dr. "Needles" Ryerson, and Security Chief Vek all enter together. The science and engineering stations are vacated for Nadix and de Mattio.

"Took you long enough," barks the Captain, "they've already tried firing on us with disruptors. Fortunately they were outside of effective range and had to go back into hiding."

The Captain turns to Dr. Ryerson and says, "Needles, I hope you have Sickbay up and running. How do our casualties look?"

Ensign Costello enters one step behind the rest, joining young Helmsman Barry at the Navigation console. "Costello, Barry," says the Captain, "I don't want any mix-ups. You better decide who's taking shields and who's taking weapons now."

Communications officer T'Leia sits rigid at her station, making tiny adjustments to her equipment. "I have just traced radio transmissions. The pirates appear to be coming back around from the starboard side of the planet. They must be trying to catch us from behind. Distance: closest estimation, 30,000km." (30 hexes)

"They're still cloaked, I have no reading," says Ensign Costello, observing his monitor.

"I know how these pirates work," snorts Vek. "But after that last strike, and with prisoners to guard, I doubt we have the Security manpower to fight off a boarding party."

"Any last remarks? Suggestions? Anyone know more about what we're up against?" asks the Captain.


USS Janus
Engines & energy: warp A (20/20), warp B (0/20), impulse (5/5)
Hull CT: 14/18
Phasers (A) and (B): charged (2) and charged (2)
Photon torpedos: not charged
Shields: all faces at 100% (20e draw total)
Tractor beam: offline
Current Speed: 0
Basics: online (1e draw)
Crew efficiency: engineering (79%), sciences (84%), security (80%)
Energy Spent: 21/25
Phaser banks: 1-2 to charge, stored until used/deactivated. Can be overloaded with 1-2 extra energy for +50%/+100% damage, with risk.

Photons: 5 energy to charge, once charged will draw 5 energy until fired/deactivated. The ship can only load one torpedo at a time.

Tractor beam: draws 1-5 energy when in use (user decides how much power to use).

Shields: draws 1 energy per 20% of shield strength, in each of 4 quarters that surround the ship (fore, aft, port, starboard). All shields may be boosted to as much as 200%, but anything beyond 100% can damage the systems with increasing risk.

Tactical (impulse) speed: rated 0-10, and costing 2 energy per speed rating.

Basic essentials (generally on at all times): 1 energy is drawn for basic life support, sensors, computer, transporters, etc.

Current damaged turbolifts: Deck 5 (0% fixed), Deck 6 (50% fixed) Deck 7 (0% fixed), Deck 8 (0% fixed)
Deck repair schedule:
Deck 7: 50% at 0215
Deck 5: 50% at 0245
Deck 8: 50% at 0315
Deck 6: 100% at 0415
Deck 7: 100% at 0515
Deck 5: 100% at 0615
Deck 8: 100% at 0715
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Re: Sickbay (Deck 7)

#71 Post by Starbeard »

"Right away, Doctor." Tekla goes to retrieve some stimulants and put them on standby. Ryerson grabs a case of medical tools himself and heads up to the Bridge.

Continued in the Bridge/Back in Space thread.
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Re: Science Labs (Deck 6)

#72 Post by Starbeard »

Ensign Nalia's eyes sparkle in a wink. "It's a date." She dashes off to the phaser banks control rooms way up on Deck 3.

Continued in the Bridge/Back in Space thread.
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#73 Post by DadsAngry »

Dr. Ryerson:

"Captain sick bay is up and running. We've run out of beds and wounded are force to lie on the floor. Sickbay short handed and running on fumes. For gods sake, I've even giving orders to my head nurse to administer a stimulate to any staff member who requires it. We are at our breaking point Captain. My staff need rest! Engaging in battle is madness!"
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Re: Back in Space

#74 Post by Inferno »

Commander Nadix Ar Eth, Science Officer:

The Edosian scientist was intrigued to observe, first hand, the fascinating effects of stress on the psychology of Humans.
"Captain, the Romulan's belt was unedosed, um, unearthed, not manufactured. The location of the Slaver outpost is a 'secret temple,'' hidden in the jungle. The Romulans and the pirates believe the Rod of Life is required to enter it. Once they have dealt with us, they will take the Rod of Life, beat the location of the 'temple' from the priesthood, and then raid the Slaver outpost, stealing all the technological artifacts therein. They would destroy the Coxan people and its culture. And the Romulan Empire would have a tactical advantage over the Federation for some time to come," he calmly reported, as if he were discussing the weather.

Briefing complete, Nadix moved to the science station and peered into the scope.


He used the ship's sensors to begin scanning for the cloaked enemy ship.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#75 Post by Grognardsw »

Ensign Costello enters one step behind the rest, joining young Helmsman Barry at the Navigation console. "Costello, Barry," says the Captain, "I don't want any mix-ups. You better decide who's taking shields and who's taking weapons now."
Helmsman Barry takes weapons, nodding at Ensign Costello to take shields.
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Re: Back in Space

#76 Post by Pulpatoon »

Inferno wrote:"Captain, the Romulan's belt was unedosed, um, unearthed, not manufactured. The location of the Slaver outpost is a 'secret temple,'' hidden in the jungle. The Romulans and the pirates believe the Rod of Life is required to enter it. Once they have dealt with us, they will take the Rod of Life, beat the location of the 'temple' from the priesthood, and then raid the Slaver outpost, stealing all the technological artifacts therein. They would destroy the Coxan people and its culture. And the Romulan Empire would have a tactical advantage over the Federation for some time to come," he calmly reported, as if he were discussing the weather.
de Mattio, distinctly more exercised over the current situation than the Edosian, adds "Captain, the belt appears to be a device for personal use only. I have been unable to configure it to cloak anything larger. All of the arrrtifacts we have observed, except the rrradiation source from planetside, seem to be intended as personal gear. Until we observe otherwise, I think it is best to assume that the pirate vessel is not outfitted with Slaver technology. Also, I believe I, with T'Leia's assistance, can configure the main dish to act as a... are you familiar with the idea of old sonar technology? Like an animal's echolocation ability. I believe we can use it to indirectly locate the source of the rrradiation, below."
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Re: Back in Space

#77 Post by Inferno »

Commander Nadix Ar Eth, Science Officer:
Pulpatoon wrote: "Also, I believe I, with T'Leia's assistance, can configure the main dish to act as a... are you familiar with the idea of old sonar technology? Like an animal's echolocation ability. I believe we can use it to indirectly locate the source of the rrradiation, below."
"Hmm," murmured the Edosian scientist as he looked up from his scope and placidly rested his third hand upon his orange chin. "The Romulans don't currently possess the location of the Slaver Outpost. So its discovery is not pressing.

"However, if they possess any more of its Slaver technology, and have brought it onboard their ship, then your sonar idea should be able to locate their vessel by tracking that technology's radiation signature, rendering their cloaking device moot.

"How long before you can reconfigure the dish?"

With the Captain's permission, Nadix will race back to the the brig to ask Dr. Leigh Moore if any more of the Slaver technology was stored onboard the cloaked pirate ship.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#78 Post by Pulpatoon »

de Mattio confers with T'Leia. (Should I roll something?)
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#79 Post by Starbeard »

Sorry, another busy weekend.

The Captain considers Dr. Ryerson's admonitions against futile combat. "You're right, Needles, we can't afford another fight. But if they won't let us back down, we have no choice. And we can't let them get down to that outpost unmolested, whatever the cost. Let's first try to gain some better defensive ground—if that stops them from harassing us then we can decide what to do from there." Ryerson notices the Captain balling his sweaty fists as he speaks. He's not sure whether the Captain is fully committed to avoiding a vengeful refight at all costs.

"Mr. Barry. Let's put some distance between us and them. Hopefully we have the energy to outpace them. Make whatever energy cuts you need, but I want a photon torpedo online as soon as we can, to discourage them from getting too close."

Nadix attempts to track the cloaked ship. Despite a number Federation experiments to learn more details about Romulan cloaking technology, it seems the Star Empire always manages to stay one step ahead: Nadix masterfully triangulates the coordinates and trajectory of the ship through its energy emissions, but the calculations are not precise enough to allow Navigator Costello to acquire a sensor lock. Nevertheless, he sends the information to Ensign Costello's navigation console:

Each hex is roughly 5,000km wide (I mistakenly said 1,000km earlier, so the enemy is actually 6 hexes away, not 30).

The planet moves one hex to the right along the dotted line, every other round. The small satellite circling it is the Federation beacon.

The red pirate ship is currently cloaked, prohibiting any lock-ons: whenever Helmsman Barry fires, the range is considered to be doubled and he must make a skill roll to hit.

In the large view below, purple clouds and white rock clusters are pockets of stellar dust and debris, providing some cover and concealment. Moving to fast through either (speed 5+ for purple dust, 2+ for rocks) can damage the ship.

"They're trying to get in close behind us," declares Commander Vek.

"We can't take much more of a beating from those weapons at close range," says the Captain.


The Captain only half-listens to the conversation between de Mattio and Nadix, until the idea of a sonar catches his attention. "Sonar? It just might give us the edge we need. Get down there and see what you can do. Nadix, get me some more answers from those prisoners. I'll see if I can stall the pirates once they know we have prisoners onboard."

The Captain turns to T'Leia and asks if she can establish contact with the ship.

Dorotea de Mattio makes some quick intuitions in her head, and determines that it would take her no more than ten minutes to rig the sensor array for her purposes. She will have to do so at the dish itself, located at the very bottom deck.
Once she gets there, a basic 3D6 roll vs Mentality (plus whatever relevant skill rank) will allow the sensors to be altered immediately; a failed roll will mean 2D6 minutes to make the adjustments.
USS Janus
Engines & energy: warp A (20/20), warp B (0/20), impulse (5/5)
Hull CT: 14/18
Shields: all faces at 100% (20e draw total)

Phasers (A): charged (2e) (front, port, & aft arcs)
Phasers (B): charged (2e) (front, starboard, & aft arcs)
Photon torpedos: not charged (front arc)
Tractor beam: offline

Current Speed: 0

Basics: online (1e draw)
Crew efficiency: engineering (79%), sciences (84%), security (80%)
Energy Spent: 21/25
Phaser banks: 1-2 to charge, stored until used/deactivated. Can be overloaded with 1-2 extra energy for +50%/+100% damage, with risk.

Photons: 5 energy to charge, once charged will draw 5 energy until fired/deactivated. The ship can only load one torpedo at a time.

Tractor beam: draws 1-5 energy when in use (user decides how much power to use).

Shields: draws 1 energy per 20% of shield strength, in each of 4 quarters that surround the ship (fore, aft, port, starboard). All shields may be boosted to as much as 200%, but anything beyond 100% can damage the systems with increasing risk.

Tactical (impulse) speed: rated 0-10, and costing 2 energy per speed rating.

Basic essentials (generally on at all times): 1 energy is drawn for basic life support, sensors, computer, transporters, etc.
Current damaged turbolifts: Deck 5 (0% fixed), Deck 6 (50% fixed) Deck 7 (0% fixed), Deck 8 (0% fixed)
Deck repair schedule:
Deck 7: 50% at 0215
Deck 5: 50% at 0245
Deck 8: 50% at 0315
Deck 6: 100% at 0415
Deck 7: 100% at 0515
Deck 5: 100% at 0615
Deck 8: 100% at 0715
Last edited by Starbeard on Sun Aug 14, 2016 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#80 Post by Pulpatoon »

Dorotea de Mattio dashes from her post to the lifts, and from there, the jeffries tubes, calling out to anyone in her way, "Avanti! Avanati! Preggo, avanti!"
Mentality 14: [3d6] = 13 Phew!
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