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Re: Chapter 4: Gluttons for punishment

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:10 pm
by drpete
barkman wrote:Randolpho will shine the light to highlight the alcove.
This is fine, but it definitely means coming out from behind the traveller statue where you've been finding cover, probably over to the area between the warrior and judge statues (if you check out the last tactical map).

For Quinn, or anyone interested in following the guy who ran east... if you (and Randolpho) get initiative in this, he will probably be illuminated before he can get away, and you could probably catch him. Quinn can either wait on Randolpho moving to light the area, or go directly into the darkness after him. Closing the door shouldn't be a problem, if you want to let him escape.

Re: Chapter 4: Gluttons for punishment

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:31 am
by sulldawga
Zim waits for light and then launches a swift kick at the kobold's head.

Brawling (kick) attack on kobold: [1d20-1] = 9-1 = 8, dmg [1d4+1] = 2+1 = 3

Re: Chapter 4: Gluttons for punishment

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:59 am
by drpete
It may not be necessary, but here's the tactical overview:
Cube Fight 4.PNG
Cube Fight 4.PNG (657.95 KiB) Viewed 809 times

Re: Chapter 4: Gluttons for punishment

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 1:43 am
by kalstone
Solaine calls out, "Torgyr. What's that thing yammering about?"

Re: Chapter 4: Gluttons for punishment

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:35 am
by Stirling
Quinn Coburg

Quinn will resist the temptation to run this little rascal down. In the dark and an unknown room, he could run into anything be it a stone wall, brace of javelins or another jelly on the slimy prowl. So will bark so expletive curse after the kobold and look for a way to secure shut the door. If it opens into the hallway, he will try to wedge some kobold javelins under the door of across it like a bad. It may only half someone temporarily but should give us notice of surprise.

Re: Chapter 4: Gluttons for punishment

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:36 am
by Zorroroaster
Torgyr growls. "It's saying it gives up, as well it should. Cur!"

Re: Chapter 4: Gluttons for punishment

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:45 pm
by barkman
drpete wrote:
barkman wrote:Randolpho will shine the light to highlight the alcove.
This is fine, but it definitely means coming out from behind the traveller statue where you've been finding cover, probably over to the area between the warrior and judge statues (if you check out the last tactical map).

That's fine with me, things seem under control.

Re: Chapter 4: Gluttons for punishment

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 1:20 pm
by sulldawga
Zorroroaster wrote:Torgyr growls. "It's saying it gives up, as well it should. Cur!"
If Zim hears this before he tries to kick the kobold, he'll give it a chance to surrender instead.

Re: Chapter 4: Gluttons for punishment

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 2:38 pm
by drpete
sulldawga wrote:
Zorroroaster wrote:Torgyr growls. "It's saying it gives up, as well it should. Cur!"
If Zim hears this before he tries to kick the kobold, he'll give it a chance to surrender instead.
As Randolpho comes around with the light, Plud is slightly ahead of Zim. You both see the kobold in this little 10x10 alcove trying to open a door to the north. Plud is in a position to easily stop him, or attack/kill him before Zim can act, but after Torgyr has interpreted.

Re: Chapter 4: Gluttons for punishment

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 11:25 am
by thirdkingdom
Plud the Panivorous

Through various pantomimes of implied violence Plud attempts to convince the kobold to cease its egressive activities and surrender!

Re: Chapter 4: Gluttons for punishment

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 2:33 pm
by drpete
Randolpho moves further into the room as the last of the kobold resistance evaporates.

In the eastern end of the room, the kobold rushes through the door, slamming it behind him. Quinn moves up to secure the door from this side, and hears the sound of the kobold barring the door from the other side, as well.

In the alcove in the north, Plud and Zim threaten the last remaining kobold, who cowers on the ground, holding his hands up to ward off any blows. He has clearly stopped resisting, and you can do what you like with him.

Re: Chapter 4: Gluttons for punishment

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 2:50 pm
by sulldawga
Zim grabs the kobold, disarms him, and tosses him into the center of the room so the party can keep an eye on him.

Did I hear right? Someone speaks this thing's language?

Re: Chapter 4: Gluttons for punishment

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 3:29 pm
by Zorroroaster
"Aye, if you can call that bastardized babbling of the Father tongue a language."

Torgyr leans down and pokes the kobold in the chest with one stubby finger.

In Dwarven:
"Hello, cousin. I'm all that stands between you and a painful gutting, so you'll want to cooperate, right?"
He stands upright and looks around at the others. "This is a kobold. Their origins are as dwarves much like me, but they gave themselves over to delving for riches and coveting shinies more than was good for them. Something happened to them. Twisted their minds until they snapped. They are cruel and malevolent creatures and utterly untrustworthy, if you ask me. This one may have useful information, though I would take whatever it says with a grain of salt."

Re: Chapter 4: Gluttons for punishment

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:06 pm
by barkman
Randolpho, the adrenaline leaving his system, drops his pack and not to gently sits down on it, letting the lantern rest on the floor before checking his wounds.

Re: Chapter 4: Gluttons for punishment

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 6:18 pm
by kalstone
Solaine goes over to Audi, grabs her by the shoulder and gives her a little shake. "Damn well done!" She nods at Emm. "Good job shielding Randolpho."

She bends down to pick up a javelin, wincing at the pain in her side. She walks towards the kobold with menace in her eyes. "Someone tell me why I shouldn't just skewer this thing."

Re: Chapter 4: Gluttons for punishment

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 7:13 pm
by drpete
Emm and Audi smile at Solaine, and accept the praise, then give each other a nod of approval before turning their attention to the kobold.

The twisted little dwarf cowers in the middle of the floor and sobs in Dwarven, pleading with Torgyr.

"Don't kill me! I can help you! What do you want? I have nothing to steal! Tell me what you want, and I will do it!"
Climent looks on skeptically, then adds "If this thing is so untrustworthy, we should be very careful if we don't just kill it. Do we need it for something?"

Re: Chapter 4: Gluttons for punishment

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 7:41 pm
by Zorroroaster
Torgyr scratches his beard. "I think we should find out as much about this place as we can."

In Dwarven:
"Good, we understand each other. My friends and I would like to know about this place. Tell me what you know, and I'll keep them from harming you further."

Re: Chapter 4: Gluttons for punishment

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 7:54 pm
by kalstone
Solaine says to Climent, "He may know the location of this dwarven entrance we've heard about."

Re: Chapter 4: Gluttons for punishment

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 8:13 pm
by drpete
The kobold responds to Torgyr. As he talks, he gestures. First toward the double doors in the south, then toward the west:
"This part is patrolled by the dead, or it was. Skeletons and ghostly shadows. We're moving in. I don't know this part so well, we just got here, but our home is that way. Very dangerous."
The kobold gestures south.
"There are orcs living over that way... but they're not that smart. You want to fight, go that way." He then gestures to the west, toward the door you peeked through when you visited here the first time.
"You want, I take you to stairs down, or what? If I take you there, will you let me go?"
Climent shrugs at Solaine. "Could be. Or could be he'd just lead us into a trap."

Re: Chapter 4: Gluttons for punishment

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 8:25 pm
by Zorroroaster
Torgyr translates the kobold's words. "This part is patrolled by the dead, skeletons and the like, though he says his folk are moving in. Orcs to the south. He says the stairs down are to the west and he can take us to them if we like. Based on our previous experiences here, he's not lying so far. He asks that in return for helping us to the stairs that we let him go free."

In Dwarven:
"I have told them what you told me, and asked them for mercy. Understand me that I don't speak for all, though I will try and have them treat you fairly. Do you know the location of the Dwarven entrance?"