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Re: The Saucy Centaur (OOC)

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:10 pm
by FlightlessScotsman
Oh, I only ever suggested burying the loot, sort of riffing off that "tradition" you mentioned in the IC thread. Also maybe I misunderstood, but I thought we don't actually get to do anything with the loot with a one night stay (exchanging gems and items for gold and then earning XP, etc.)? If we can bank it or it split it, then I'm all for that.

Honestly, I don't really care how we handle things or when and where XP gets doled out, my main goals were to get back to the safety of the town, secure what we had earned so far, heal up, buy a longbow, swap out a spell and get back to the ruins as swiftly as possible. But I definitely agree, I'd rather not get too bogged down with counting coppers and playing banking simulator.

My suggestion for a loot split is:
-All material wealth that can be exchanged directly for gold pieces gets split up evenly.

-For magic items, if somebody expresses an interest in something and nobody objects, then it's theirs. If more than two people express interest in an item, then they dice for it and highest roll wins. If there are multiple items that multiple characters want, then everyone who is interested dices for it and highest roll gets first pick, second highest gets second pick etc. If you get first pick in a hoard, you automatically pick last the next time there are multiple items or multiple people interested in a single item. In the event of a tie, re-roll.

For example, because Arnthorr asked to take the arrows and nobody objected, the next time an item comes up that more than one person wants he's eligible to dice for it, but if he gets first pick on that hoard, the next time he'd get last pick.

Does that sound fair to everyone?

Re: The Saucy Centaur (OOC)

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:22 pm
by dok-el
Obviously it's up to you guys but fs's ideas for magic item distribution look good to me.

One thing I might add as a suggestion: Each party member calls 'dibs' on a certain type of item (eg magic longsword, elven chain etc) and if that item shows up it automatically goes to the character who called it. Just a suggestion :)

Re: The Saucy Centaur (OOC)

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:23 pm
by Zhym
Dibs on the first ring of wishes. :D

Re: The Saucy Centaur (OOC)

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:44 pm
by FlightlessScotsman
Well played. Dibs on Elven Chainmail and the spell Limited Wish then ;)

Re: The Saucy Centaur (OOC)

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 10:44 pm
by dok-el
You'll be waiting a while for that ring zhym ;)

Okay, so one night in town. Woo! After splitting up the gold and jewels everyone gets 94 gp.

Attached is an update showing current xp totals. If anyone thinks I have their xp bonus wrong please let me know.

Re: The Saucy Centaur (OOC)

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 4:35 am
by FlightlessScotsman
Loman has 4 hit points max and 4 current.

Also, do you want us to RP buying, haggling and selling or should I just tell you what I want and make the transaction OOC?

Re: The Saucy Centaur (OOC)

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 8:31 am
by dok-el
FlightlessScotsman wrote:Loman has 4 hit points max and 4 current.

FlightlessScotsman wrote:Also, do you want us to RP buying, haggling and selling or should I just tell you what I want and make the transaction OOC?
My overall expectation of the game was to focus on time spent at the Castle so how about people just resolve any gear shopping they need to do OOC and then I'll drop you all back at the dungeon site.

Re: The Saucy Centaur (OOC)

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 3:36 pm
by FlightlessScotsman
Roger Wilco.

Speaking of which how much money can I get for selling my own used equipment?

Re: The Saucy Centaur (OOC)

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 4:05 pm
by dok-el
FlightlessScotsman wrote:Speaking of which how much money can I get for selling my own used equipment?
One-third of list price. You'll nay be gettin' rich that way :P

Re: The Saucy Centaur (OOC)

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 6:18 pm
by FlightlessScotsman
You are a generous and merciful god.

Re: The Saucy Centaur (OOC)

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:40 pm
by FlightlessScotsman
A bit of a changeup for Arnthorr: Selling his chain mail and shortbow (for 30gp) then buying a longbow, a shield, a grappling hook, 50' of silk rope, 3 torches, 3 candles, and two bottles of wine (for 89 gold and 6 copper). In the morning he'll swap out Hold Portal for Sleep.

Re: The Saucy Centaur (OOC)

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 10:57 pm
by Antman9
What do you think about starting a "Loot" thread to keep track of all the items we find. That way when someone calls dibs in the OOC you can post it in the Loot thread and anyone who has an interest can go and look (For people like me who forget who calls what and what we catually find along the way :)

Oh, and I'm good with everythin else so far. Unless I state otherwise my characters will ony keep 20 gp on them when they are adventuring, they'll leave the rest in town.

Re: The Saucy Centaur (OOC)

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:01 am
by FlightlessScotsman
I second the motion.

Re: The Saucy Centaur (OOC)

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:40 am
by dok-el
As grateful as I am for the opportunity of more work for me I think I'm gonna pass on the loot thread idea :)

What I am happy to do is to keep a note on who has called dibs on what and to step in to advocate for people who aren't around when there's new toys to be had. So that hopefully no one ends up feeling left out.

People need to tell me (seriously) what treasure items they are calling on.

Also, for now it looks like we're sticking with S&W. But who can say what the future holds. If we lose any of the current players it may just be easier to find new recruits for DCC. And it seems a little quiet at the moment. Maybe people are just waiting to get back to the Castle. I'll update the IC shortly.

Re: The Saucy Centaur (OOC)

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:12 pm
by triplehappiness
Hey everyone!
Sorry for the long absence. The trip to Disney turned out to be quite a bit more hectic and tiring than I had anticipated. I pretty much hit the rack every night without getting online. Just getting caught up on the OOC thread, was gonna say (thought doesn't much matter now) that I would vote to stick with S&W. I actually own the DCC RPG hardback (preordered it like a year before it even came out) and would love to give it a try, but just not now. I'm kind of into S&W and hope to run it at some point and am enjoying using this game to get some additional familiarity with it.

Anyway, I hope to get an hour or so to get up to speed on the IC thread and I'm hoping that Crenshaw and Herbert are still kicking.

As far as "dibs" go. Crenshaw is on the lookout for any magical arrows or a nice bow, particularly anything that would give him quirky attack opportunities. Herbert would love a magical mace or hammer or a shield (in no particular order). Not really choosy and won't fight people for stuff, preferring to let someone else get what they want rather than try to snipe the gear for myself. I'll take what comes.

As to the idea about magic distribution above, I'm totally fine with it. Sounds good.

Re: The Saucy Centaur (OOC)

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:58 pm
by dok-el
triplehappiness wrote:Hey everyone!
Welcome back th :)
triplehappiness wrote:Anyway, I hope to get an hour or so to get up to speed on the IC thread and I'm hoping that Crenshaw and Herbert are still kicking.
Both your guys are still with us. The IC has the party back on site at the Castle after spending a night in town. Feel free to retroactively do any gear shopping, spell swapping etc.

Dibs duly noted.

Re: The Saucy Centaur (OOC)

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:22 pm
by FlightlessScotsman
On a serious note, Loman is primarily interested in anything that makes life easier or would make him sneakier, Arnthorr is interested in Elven items and spells.

Also, I'm with TH. I love S&W and DCC RPG, so either system suits me just fine. FWIW, In the near future I'm planning to run a PbP Crypts & Things game (S&W variant focused on swords & sorcery) if I can drum up any interest, but I'm enjoying getting to be a player for a change. :)

Re: The Saucy Centaur (OOC)

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:41 pm
by Zhym
Reginald sells his chain armor (+25gp) and buys a set of plate armor and a shield (-115gp).

Zanzibar pays for another day's work from his bodyguard Rhed Shert (-5 gp).

Was there something about MUs being able to buy scrolls? Or am I remembering a different game?

Re: The Saucy Centaur (OOC)

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:07 am
by triplehappiness
Added 94GP to Herbert and Crenshaw.

Herbert buys Shield (-15GP) increasing frontal AC to 17.
Both replace the rations they consumed previously (-1GP each)

Re: The Saucy Centaur (OOC)

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 1:19 pm
by triplehappiness
harpyroom2.jpg (44.17 KiB) Viewed 655 times
Does Herbert hear any noises carrying down to him?