Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#61 Post by Spearmint »

Black Willow Island.

The raft is built to a good standard, floating an inch or two proud of the waters. Coaxing Beaky onto the platform, flightless birds, even pre-historic ancients still retain a natural fear of being out of their depths (though emu and ostrich have been know to swim). Pulled across the fast current by the prowess of more able swimmers, eventually you can make the island, landing on a pebble strewn creek. The island is quite narrow, no more than a single bowshot wide but several hundred yards long. Along the riverside, a thick line of trees grow, mostly of Willow types or stunted Cypress that stand on huge roots which give the impression of grasping hands clutching the ground lest they get swept away as driftwood.

You can secure the raft and set about to carefully explore, searching the perimeter before heading 'inland' to the slightly higher ground of a long ridged hillock that runs almost as a spine across its length. It is a toss up to go upstream or down, deciding to cover the island in an anti-clockwise direction (so heading right and upstream).

Black Willow Island: Encounters vs 1 [1d6]=6[1d8]=7[1d10]=1 [2d6]=7

What do you observe? Bushes with strange but edible berries, plenty of reeds and bullrushes, many of which look to have been raked through as if recently ploughed up. Dense copses of trees, most crookedly shaped though not eerily so as if you might suspect some 'graveyard influence' to warp a tree's growth into weird poses. But fee birds, if any. To Beaky, this habitat looks homely and she hunts large earth worms and amphibians as you go. You note to, several oddly shaped scaly 'balls' or 'millstone' (as in round in shape but not spherical with horny points that stick out on the outer edge)

Raust you are familiar with the ability of 'three-banded' Armadillo's ability to curl up for self defense and these definitely have that vibe of a creature shielding itself or even sleeping. Though these are not melon sized harmless omnivores but much larger creatures, curled up in pumpkin to barrel sized and even bigger. Each has a dark blue-black exterior and towards the centre, the leathery scales tip to a dull red.

You have not met such before, a strange hybrid of reptile-crab-beetle. Whether it is through noise, tremor sense or even a foolhardy touch, some of these creatures begin to slowly unfurl in your presence. The largest, at least man sized, rolls out to shake itself from stasis and chitter, stamping long wicked looking crab-like legs and drooling saliva from a sharp beak beneath an extended horn.

Actions please

Crabby critters
Crabby critters
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#62 Post by Marullus »

Her her main objective is to find the Merrow's lair (with that many bugbear marbles on their person, their larger treasures should indeed be impressive), she hopes they'll be able to find the tracks of the one that fled, it's instinct being to go to ground.

While canvassing the island, though, these crabby critters are wondrously curious. Are they friends, food, or livestock in the eyes of Herne? The druid motions for the others to form a semicircle group ready with their weapons outward should they swarmvor charge, the archers at the center with arrows knocked. Facing the largest, unfurled one, Roust crouches next to Namma and begins to chitter to the creature, her arms and fingers wiggling to add the non-verbal parts to the insectoid dialog.

Cast Speak with Animals, guage the intelligence and needs of these creatures. If more informed discourse is possible, get locations for the merrow lair and if the creatures have their own shiny nest hoards.

CHA or WIS check (pick the right one):

Cha 16, Wis 17 [1d20]=9 [3d6]=9 [4d6]=13 [5d6]=17
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#63 Post by Spearmint »

Black Willow Island.

Raust invokes a Speak with Animals, hoping that these strange Coleoptera are not some fantastical critter outside the parameters of her ability to commune with them.

Numma growls, Beaky claws the ground, the archers and javelins of the group readied. Very quickly your semi-circle facing these emerging beasts becomes more of a circle, shrinking as the critters unfurl awake and scuttle around you.

These creatures communicate amongst themselves, chittering from salivating mandibles, reptilian hisses and releases of pheromones scents which differ in note from smaller younger ones being 'hungry and afraid' to 'hungry', 'predatory' adrenaline like surges in the largest.
so here I wanted to be fair. The spell as I read is non-fantastical and these beetle-reptilies type are classified as 'monstrosity' which I think takes them outside of the 'type' you can effectively communicate with. But I thought in balance to offer a spell save vs SWA

Kruthiks: save 14+ vs spells [1d20]=12
So here, Raust you communicate in a basic level picking up that these critters are hungry, you look like food, you intrude on their territory. Several of them bear scars of fighting, a leg missing, a gaping gash in a shell. One such curled up body has been hollowed out and feasted upon. You might think weaker or injured ones are cannibalised upon.

Of the aquatic ogres, you figure these creatures would view them as 'intruders, predators, dangerous' and unless they could overwhelm one, would general keep away.

You can use what shield the duration of SWA gives to create space between you, taking a couple of rounds to understand the situation and another to move away. A few scuttling bugs give way, allowing you passage between them. A few tentatively sniff your footprints, determining if they should follow.

in other words, they will have hostile intent should you stick around.

Rather than risking running into more tyrannid nests among the riverside boughs, you head inland. You make haste and slithering tracks. It is those which a few of these ravenous critters are demonstrably keen to follow. You can run it seems but not hide.

Kruthiks: follow vs 1-2 [1d6]=2

actions please.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#64 Post by Marullus »

Her best attempts to elude them failed, Raust sighs heavily. She can hide her own tracks when alone by the grace of Herne, but not those of a whole group. At least, she hopes, that not all of the pillbugs have followed.

She calls Namma to her side at the center and draws her bow along with the other archers. She hopes that volley of fire at range is enough to dissuade and drive them off, but prepares for melee if they charge, just in case. She will switch to her spear when needed to punch through their chitin, saving the flames of her scimitar for when they re-encounter the merrow.

Shortbow: [1d20]=3 [1d6]=3 [1d20]=12 [1d6]=3
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#65 Post by Spearmint »

Black Willow Island

Kruthiks attacks.

Wugs Blill & Blenn vs Kruthik 1: javelins [1d20]=18[1d6]=4 [1d20]=20[1d6]=1Orphidian archers: [1d20]=7 [1d6]=4 [1d20]=5 [1d6]=2 [1d20]=2 [1d6]=1 [1d20]=10 [1d6]=3Orphidian archers: [1d20]=5 [1d6]=5 [1d20]=4 [1d6]=5 [1d20]=6 [1d6]=3 [1d20]=15 [1d6]=2Orphidians javelins: [1d20]=7 [1d6]=3 [1d20]=5 [1d6]=6 [1d20]=1 [1d6]=1

Raust and her cohort form up a defensive line, centre of a quintet of archers. Each fire a volley of arrows at the charging super-bugs. Behind each archer a guardian thrusting forward short spears to take on the onrushing creatures.

Arrows are ill aimed, poorly targeted or just lack penetrating power. Only one archer pings both shafts to find a chink in-between the chitinous plates, -5hp before the voracious critters leap upon you. The Bullywugs, Blill & Blenn ground the shafts, bracing themselves. They angle theur javelins just right to stab through softer bellies and impale critters for -8hp & -14hp serious wounds. One jerks and chitters, spitting blood, drool and spilling innards on the floor.

But these critters have a relentless instinct and drive to feed upon soft half-elven, frog or serpentine flesh. Three press into the line, ravaging maniacally with rapid strokes of sharp raking claws that slice through skin and bone.

Kruthik young: [1d4+1]=3+1=4Kruthik attacks: 1) [1d20+2]=7+2=9[1d6+1]=6+1=7 2) deceased 3) [1d20+2]=10+2=12[1d6+1]=4+1=5 4) [1d20+2]=8+2=10[1d6+1]=4+1=5

Despite their long reach and scything claws, only one young Kruthik can breach the prickly defence, hacking an Orphidian archer for -4hp

With no time for reloading missile weapons, it is all hands and teeth to the fore to drive back these critters. First blood and numerically advantaged to Raust group, the Kruthik charge stalled with ineffective attacks. next actions please

I used the 'braced spear double damage' to soak up the original charge, but now weapons are on base damage.

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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#66 Post by Marullus »

How many pillbugs are alive?

The bugs uncowed, battle is engaged and brutal. Raust snarls like her canine upbringing, skewering one with a Spear and trying to create an opening for Namma as their savage pack tactics come to the fore. Beaky, hungry for the crunchy carapace of the biggest snacks he's yet seen, axebeaks them with his face.

Raust - Spear v Large [1d20]=17 [1d8]=5
Namma (Thac0 16) [1d20]=9[1d4+1]=1+1=2
Beaky [1d20+3]=12+3=15[1d20+3]=14+3=17[1d20+3]=3+3=6[1d3]=2[1d3]=1[2d4]=5
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#67 Post by Spearmint »

How many pillbugs are alive?
Three press into the line,
Is there a reason Beaky is at +3 to hit? I have this macro

Beaky: claw, claw, bite: [1d20][1d3] [1d20][1d3] [1d20][2d4]

Wugs Blill & Blenn vs Kruthik 1: javelins [1d20]=4[1d6]=4 [1d20]=12[1d6]=5Orphidians javelins: [1d20]=18 [1d6]=3 [1d20]=8 [1d6]=3 [1d20]=7 [1d6]=4Orphidian archers, (melee with dagger) : [1d20]=7 [1d4]=3 [1d20]=14 [1d4]=2 [1d20]=18 [1d4]=2 [1d20]=15 [1d4]=2

Raust, Beaky & Namma hit, -8hp
Orphidian javelin hits, -3hp (+ -8 = -11hp, Kruthik deceased)
Orphidian archers hit, -6hp (+ -5 =-11hp, Kruthik deceased)

Single Kruthik attacks:Kruthik attacks: vs Raust, Beaky or Namma [1d3]=2 [1d20+2]=16+2=18[1d6+1]=2+1=3

Beaky -3hp

Raust: 13/13hp
Beaky: 6/14hp
Nurma: 12/12hp

I won't roll 9 attacks in the sole Kruthik, suffice that you can swarm it and break it open, stabbing critical organs. Four young Kruthik dead from the nest swarm. No more scuttle in your footsteps or slithering tracks.

The group can bind wounds, take bits of the creatures for trophy or food. Pressing on in your exploration.

The island is not too big. You might expect that during the winter and spring thaws, the island might get flooded in parts, although the higher ground naturally would be fine. Of note in your observations are a lack of birds (probably hunted by the Kruthiks), a few rat burrows or snake trails but nothing else of concern. The trees are a mixture described before. Black Willow has a variety of basic woodworking uses, not a strong construction timber though. The Cypress is good for canoes. Some of the trees look oddly deformed, growing in unnatural shapes or angles though there is no 'eerie' or 'graveyard influence' on them.

As you think of that, you might consider the hump back ridge running across the island could possibly contain a barrow, or two? There are no signs of above ground construction, perhaps secrets lie beneath the earth.

Black Willow Island search vs 1 [1d6]=1 [1d6]=4 [1d6]=6

You divide into three groups, one going across the spine of the higher ground and others traversing at the lower ground either side. Within distance of shouting should danger or finds present themselves.

After an hour of searching through the scrub and overgrowth, leaving no stone unturned or the spread of curtain like drapes of creeper vines unmoved, one group heralds the others.

A stone lintel, ancient and carved, slanted at a crooked angle beneath a mass of spreading tree roots. They frame a doorway whose stone portal lies broken as a pile of rubble. The dark maw is as uninviting as it is fetid and damp.


actions please
Black Willow Island: tomb
Black Willow Island: tomb
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#68 Post by Marullus »

Wooohooo! Exciting find! :)
The group can bind wounds, take bits of the creatures for trophy or food. Pressing on in your exploration.
Raust focuses her divine energy, placing her hands on Beaky's wounds and healing the brave bird.
Cast CLW.
Cure Light Wounds [1d8]=5

...ensuring I don't miss something. Is there a mundane 'binding of wounds' recovery option that I'm neglecting?

Crispy roasted pillbug is indeed a delicacy - Raust gives orders for them to be cooked up and enjoyed. She then takes stock of their rations - how much do they have for a delve into a barrow?

Raust will also investigate the giant bug chitin to see if she can fashion any impressive armor from it that suits a druid.
After an hour of searching through the scrub and overgrowth, leaving no stone unturned or the spread of curtain like drapes of creeper vines unmoved, one group heralds the others.
Checking: The main goal here was to find the lair (and lair treasure) of the three merrow. It sounds like we're IC certain that it's not on this island? Or is there merit in searching more?

Weighing against the priorities of:
* Searching further for the Merrow Lair on or off the island
* Investigating the fate of Venwynn and Carca, if they're overdue

A stone lintel, ancient and carved, slanted at a crooked angle beneath a mass of spreading tree roots. They frame a doorway whose stone portal lies broken as a pile of rubble. The dark maw is as uninviting as it is fetid and damp.
Raust is careful to investigate the area of the barrow door, first identifying if any traffic in or out has happened recently. (Is this the merrow lair?) If the area about the entrance is as dead as those buried within, she investigates the antechamber inside the door. They still have to be concerned about the escaped merrow, after all, and need to establish a secure base-camp before delving further in.

Taking a strategic pause: is it likely that the XP from the two fights so far is sufficient for her to level up before the barrow delve? Would cleaning up loose ends regarding the merrow and Venwyn be likely to make it so?
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#69 Post by Spearmint »

...ensuring I don't miss something. Is there a mundane 'binding of wounds' recovery option that I'm neglecting?
You can use 1st Aid kits with a Wisdom check. You might also be able to harvest some Hurtloam again at some point. And possibly create healing poultices abd potions using druidic skill with some investment of time, research, etc.

It might be possible that the Wugs can add to your healing knowledge if they specialise in something like toad poison and you know the Orphidians have a lycanthropic bite that you are trying to avoid being afflicted by.
She then takes stock of their rations - how much do they have for a delve into a barrow?
Enough for a day or so. You can forage or fish to subsist well enough anyway.
Raust will also investigate the giant bug chitin to see if she can fashion any impressive armor from it that suits a druid.
some chitin carapaces can be added.
The main goal here was to find the lair and treasure of the three merrow. It sounds like we're IC certain that it's not on this island? Or is there merit in searching more?

Weighing against the priorities of:
* Searching further for the Merrow Lair on or off the island
* Investigating the fate of Venwynn and Carca, if they're overdue
The aquatic ogres may have an underwater lair or this place here? Though checking around, there are no obvious ogre footprints or marks to indicate that.
Taking a strategic pause: is it likely that the XP from the two fights so far is sufficient for her to level up before the barrow delve? Would cleaning up loose ends regarding the merrow and Venwyn be likely to make it so?
Probably not, you have 3067 xp (update your sheet) and I might award a birthday xp gift but I doubt you will earn 1000xp just yet.

Raust, the ante-chamber is dark, fetid, damp. A room old and ruined with tree roots bursting through the ceiling and suggesting a greater collapse of the stonework may be a present threat. Giant centipedes are quickly dispatched, the scimitar length critters that scuttle about a nuisance but a lesser hazard. Though pinned under a bit of ceiling masonry might just give them every incentive to swarm and nibble. Careful then in crossing this room.

Raust: ante-chamber collapse vs 1 [1d6]=3

The chamber has another passage going deeper and possibly descending opposite you. An uninviting but open doorway. You peer down some stone steps, descending further than your lantern or firebrand can illuminate. A chill from the cold, stale air.

Actions list any who stay above and who may accompany you below.

Add a [1d20] and a [4d6] just to keep the eeriness and paranoia going.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#70 Post by Marullus »

Raust: 13/13hp
Beaky: 11/14hp
Namma: 12/12hp
Wugs (2): Bill and Blenn, with javelins
Orphidians - Small (3): with javelins
Orphidians - Man-sized (4): with bows
Raust collects suitable chitin for manufacturing armor (which I assume is a 'downtime at home' action) and makes a note to gather her Hurtloam and to consult the wugs to aid in crafting some healing draughts from local fauna.

Unfortunately, the unstable ante-chamber isn't terribly suited for a base camp. She has the larger orphidians wugs set up a defensible position around the outside wall and doorway. They will care for Beaky (who rests to recover more hp), watch the entrance, and get enough food for when the others emerge. They are to work in shifts and be wary of more pillbugs or the return of the escaped merrow.

Raust and Namma then take the three small orphidians (who's eyes are better, and who's javelins and small stature work better indoors) to scout down the stairwell...

Mysterious rolls... [1d20]=13[4d6]=16
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#71 Post by Spearmint »

Black Willow Barrow.

Arranging her band of merry (snake)men and Bullywugs, druid Raust investigates the interior of the discovered barrow.

Barrow Mound random and even more random [1d6]=5 [1d6]=5 [1d6]=1

The Wugs and Orphidians pass the unstable ante-chamber without issue and together you go down the stone steps into the darkness beyond. You can light the way using your scimitar flame and the Wugs bearing firebrands. The stone steps go down a passage then turns, the risers loosely fixed into a wall on one side but the passage opens into a chamber on the other side.

The steps are greasy with damp and lichen, a couple of steps missing having come loose and crashed onto the floor below. They descend about thirty feet. The Wugs can hop with proficiency across any gap, as does the wolf. You and the Orphidians have a bit more struggle but it is not a present issue (in combat, chase, under stress it may be).

The room below is fetid, damp, an eerie chill. As you descend you hear movement, rusty chains creaking, a slithering similar to the traverse of the snakemen, hissing and chattering. A gibberish that is not comprehensible. And a missed step that causes Raust to fall, not far, but clatter onto the floor below. When you regain composure and stand, the illumination highlights a wide chamber whose far side contains a ruined portion of bars and rafters. You can see some old chests, typical coffers with arched lids. Scattered rusty blades, old links of a corroded chainmail suit, dented helms. Of more note, the source of the noises and smell

Dangling from the derelict rafters and in scattered roiling swarms around the room are several wriggling maggots. Fattened and gross, each are equal in height to a man and each larvae bears a grotesque humanoid visage that stares at the intruders. Leering, hateful, hungry ...

See image.


They wriggle towards you, numerous, at least a score, an unwelcoming committee. Fight or flight, both are options. Parlay would be ill advised.

actions please
Black Willow: Larvae
Black Willow: Larvae
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#72 Post by Marullus »

Such horrors to be expected, Raust begins slicing the larval humanheads and directs her minions to fall upon them with proper vengence.

Ivory Scimitar [1d20+1]=12+1=13 Damage [1d8+1]=2+1=3 (if fire) [1d4]=4
Namma (Thac0 16) [1d20]=16[1d4+1]=4+1=5
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#73 Post by Spearmint »

Black Willow Island barrow.

Wriggling mass.


vs AC7. Wugs need 12+, Orphs 9+.

Blill & Blenn throw a volley of javelins, skewering four slithering larvae -1hp, -4hp, -4hp, -4hp. before leaping into the fray beside the Mistress

The nameless Orphidians hurl their own shafts but do not have the same accuracy. Of nine javelins, only two find a mark, -4hp, -3hp

Raust draws her blade, igniting its fiery tongue and slashes at the advancing horde. She and her faithful wolf take down the foremost critters.

There are though a double score of diabolical larvae who roused now from their perches, wriggle with hunger and haste towards the intruders. Each maggoty critter leers from their grotesque visage's, faces of human or elven ancestry but corrupted into a hissing, gnashing fiend.
:P 2,6,9,7,9,4,6,2 eight attacks, not one larvae hit!

The chamber echoes with squelching sounds as maggoty guts and globules of pus get spread around; growls, howls, hisses and clattering of shafts that miss.

The larvae are relentless, driven by an unnatural instinct or famine, they face no morale test as their ranks are winnowed, they have no fear of death living in Undeath. Still they press on to surround the group, slithering up the stone stairs, grappling Orphidians in a roiling mass of serpentine vs worm twisting, coiling bodies.

On the chamber floor, Wugs, wolf and druid fend off a score more of larvae.

Actions please it made sense to have your group throw as many javelins as they could before melee happens. Give me three attacks to cover Raust and three for Namma.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#74 Post by Marullus »

Raust curses and feels the cold chill of fear as two score larvae emerge, vastly outnumbering her little band. She calls on divine power to intervene, the power of Herne to cause growth in the roots and lichens to expand and bind the larval mass.
Cast Entangle.

She then joins Namma, cutting and tearing her through anything that moves, before dispatching those successfully bound.
Ivory Scimitar [1d20+1]=2+1=3 Damage [1d8+1]=3+1=4 (if fire) [1d4]=4
Ivory Scimitar [1d20+1]=13+1=14 Damage [1d8+1]=6+1=7 (if fire) [1d4]=4

Namma (Thac0 16) [1d20]=20[1d4+1]=4+1=5
Namma (Thac0 16) [1d20]=20[1d4+1]=1+1=2
Namma (Thac0 16) [1d20]=20[1d4+1]=4+1=5

Namma is a whirlwind of teeth, the she-wolf mowing through larvae like helpless worms.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#75 Post by Spearmint »

Black Willow Island barrow.

Larvae: saves vs Entangle: in groups vs 17+ [1d20+2]=15+2=17[1d20+2]=20+2=22[1d20+2]=9+2=11[1d20+2]=15+2=17[1d20+2]=12+2=14[1d20+2]=13+2=15

Calling upon Herne, the druid invokes divine grace to call forth grasping roots from the ground. (There are not many, the barrow though surrounded by forest is subterranean and not much foliage or roots penetrate this deep. Hence a bonus to the saving throws).

Half of the maggotty larvae are restrained, roots bind them though they wriggle furiously to free themselves. Others are partially hampered which slows their movement. It halts the mass of larvae from overwhelming the party who are still engaged in furious melee.

Namma proves to be 'top dog', savaging three larvae in consecutive bites, ripping heads from the slithering bodies. Raust takes a bite, -2hp before despatching her foe.

The Wugs fight valiantly, Blenn taking a wound, -2hp The Orphidians press on with attacks but cannot make much headway against the fiendish worm-heads. One of the Snake-men takes a major wound, -5hp.
Roots breaking into the chamber from the ceiling and stretching aling as creeping vines from the side causes the room to become unstable and liable to collapse. The Wugs can hop back on to the stone steps, Namma can follow, Raust has to leap to avoid falling masonry. Legless maggotts get splattered as the ceiling caves in, crushing the larvae under tons of earth and rubble. Eventually the roots themselves wither and shrivel back to normal unanimated stalks.

When the dust clears and settles, you can shine a light around, finish off any still wriggling, trapped larvae. Half the javelins thrown are lost beneath the rubble or bent uselessly out of shape.
You can see some old chests, typical coffers with arched lids. Scattered rusty blades, old links of a corroded chainmail suit, dented helms
These can be searched. The chests contain old raiments, rotted cloth and odd trinkets. The group pouch up a few of them, bone carvings, pebbles shaped as animals, knucklebone dice. Nothing of great value beyond a momento value. One chest, busted under a block of stone spills out some glittering coins, ancient gold drakes which have a higher than standard gp value. There are 173gp drakes.

The barrow extends deeper once past the fallen rafters and iron bars that must have formed some guard portal. Above an arched capstone are ancient carved runes and inscriptions in elvish that announce the room beyond to be some form of gaol though by the look of things, whoever it once restrained may have busted out a long, long time ago.

Wary of progressing beyond without checking the runes, give me a Wisdom check
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#76 Post by Marullus »

Wis 17 [1d20]=15

Raust catches her breath and wipes dust from her face. By Herne's Grace so few injuries. She tells Namma not to swallow any of the larvae but the wolf sneezes in indignation to say "like I would."

She inspects the runes.

She then also takes a closer look at the raiment in case she tell more about the residents - indicative of a religion or culture? She asks the Boglings for their interpretation as well.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#77 Post by Spearmint »

Wisdom checks in this game are vs [4d6]
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#78 Post by Marullus »

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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#79 Post by Spearmint »

Black Willow Island barrow.

Two score larvae lay dead; squished, squashed, entangled, heads bitten off, sliced open. Each one a grotesque remnant of a former life, morphed by necrotic and demonic means into an unworthy afterlife as a hellish maggot. By comparison the changeling Orphidians look almost human.

The only assessment of note is that these were ancient peoples, perhaps of the time when the Moorwash and Merisc ran as one river and the Barrow Moor had no misty shroud covering her. Their faces had fey and human influences so they are not created as they were from one single racial group. Did they come here to fight each other or join together? Unknown.

A narrow passage extends from the archway, about twenty feet long that ends in an old rusty barred gate that hangs slightly ajar. Faint trickles of water can be heard, 'plink, plonk' from the chamber. Investigating the runes, running fingers over the inscriptions, trying to recall any prose and words or sigils used in rituals. You have ancient Mercian words etched on to your scimitar. These are similar giving you an advantage with a kittle familiarity.

A glyph of warding as well as warning. Glyphs typically remain until dispelled or discharged. It looks as though whatever explosive or offensive wards were set in place, they have long since been activated. The warning though still abides, 'cursing the men who would seek to restore her to beauty'.

An odd phrase. Maybe these larvae were heroes of old, coming to redeem a 'sleeping beauty'. The barrow though does not have the feel of a great mausoleum. It has not fancy marble tiling or arched collonade, no pillars holding up vaulted ceiling; which may once have been present in the Bullywugs ruins. No, this place is an austere, plain stone build, functional.

Raust: Capstone secrets vs 33% [1d100]=39

You can check the area out but find no concealments or secrets. Progressing then doen the passage and pushing the cell door further ajar at the point of your blade. Namma growls and in the darkness beyond a voice speaks.

Raust: resisting advances vs 30% [1d100]=88 [1d20]=17

Feminine but cruel, not unlike the Naga Mistress but without the serpentine lisp. Though enticing, you are familiar its lilt and intonations of guile and susceptibility, having spoken such coercive charms yourself. It is then you realise the darkness in the chamber beyond is unnatural for your flaming sword and behind, the illumination of lanterns or firebrands makes no encroachment upon it.

A whisper, exhaled with the aroma of acrid phosphorus, breathed over a wick which ignites a candle that the figure holds before her.

The visage is hag like, a wizened crone with no redeeming quality.

"My boys, my boys, what have you done with them." she laments, knowing they have been slain. "My pretty. Come to seek Auntie's wisdom have you, bearing gifts of fur and scale?"

actions please

Black Willow Hag
Black Willow Hag
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Rider of Rohan
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#80 Post by Marullus »

Raust considers thoughtfully for a moment, ensuring she maintains her alpha posture. These social matters are still difficult, this not being a beastman or a wolf pack with which she has a frame for experience. This had snares men, but she is no man. Neither is Namma. She directs Bill and Blenn and the smaller Orphidians to step back that they may not hear and fall under charms.

"Water for the thirsty," she nods simply. She offers a vial, purified by her mammoth tusk font, setting it on the floor within the circle of unnatural darkness and then taking a step back.

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