Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

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Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

#61 Post by Cwreando »


"If we are lucky, we might find the silk and silver at the same time. Durgo grabs a bite of his ration/lunch with the party and miners. He grabs a swig of water too. Ahhhh. I'm ready. Let's try the next shaft then brother Symeon.

The lantern is still going but Durgo would blow it out and relite should lunch take a bit.
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Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

#62 Post by scottjen »

I agree with the plan, and will scout again. Hopefully more successfully than last time, ha.

Once again, he will attempt stealth. Rolls as needed:
skill check [1d100]=9, skill check [1d100]=44
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Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

#63 Post by Spearmint »

The Abandoned Quarry

Choosing to press on with harvesting silk and exploring to locate the mother-lodes of silver, the group eat a hurried lunch and advance further down the quarry.

Wary of the ogre, it seems he has no interest in following you about at this stage. You shelve dealing with him until a more opportune moment.

The next cave which appears as a mining tunnel is a few hundred yards away from the first. On the way you notice a small troop of baboons grazing upon the berry brambles that cling to the foot of the cliff. They hoot as you approach though Fydmar has been able to steer around them unseen and unheard. They scatter when his presence is detected and some take to the cliff face to scramble out of reach while others take to the undergrowth.

For one choice, the move is fatal. The cliffs contain may silken threads, not all seen due to the chalk dust gathering upon the filaments. Others are newly spun snares and extraordinarily sticky. A baboon junior passes a crevice and tangles itself up in the sticky webs which alerts the lurking spider predator that a meal awaits. It scuttles out of the niche to quickly sink venomous fangs into the unfortunate victim.

Here are a couple of visuals. A giant spider web, imagine hundreds of these spread across the cliff and spiders like this, legs spanning the height of a man.

next actions please
Giant Orb Weaver
Giant Orb Weaver
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Massive spider web
Massive spider web
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Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

#64 Post by Cwreando »


This looks like an opportune time to harvest some silk. I am concerned that we might also get caught up in the web trying to get to a spider. I would imagine a torch might clear away that risk. Is the webbing itself able to be harvested since it seems very sticky still. Perhaps we can work from a position not yet webbed and start collecting the sticky strands where possible while minimizing how many spiders we might have to deal with at one time? Of course fresh silk is the best if we can get it.

Durgo makes sure the lantern is out and if the Torch idea seems good to the others says, "If I could borrow a torch I can help in case we need to free ourselves from any webbing."
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Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

#65 Post by scottjen »

Perhaps we can also use torches to keep other spiders at bay while we deal with just one. That is if someone brought torches... (looks around).
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Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

#66 Post by DrRenfield »

Brother Symeon

Providence shines on us, my friends. I brought half a dozen.

Symeon prepares 1 torch for himself and distributes the remaining 5 to Durgo, Fydmar, and all but one of the hirelings.

If you will undertake milk to the spiders, I will stand as protection against any attacks or entanglements. Perhaps we could surprise the specimen enjoying it's meal.

Symeon will support his companions burning webs or warding off spiders as needed.
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Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

#67 Post by Cwreando »


Durgo adds, “Let’s work as trios then 2 miners and Fydmar and same for me. Let’s work as teams. We can work the same spider if room allows and if not One of the teams takes this first spider and the other team takes the next one. We don’t want to harm the spiders just get their silk. Unless we just have to. Brother perhaps a blessing to aid us in our efforts if you can.

Durgo will move to engage the first spider unless Fydmar request it.
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Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

#68 Post by DrRenfield »

Brother Symeon

"And he said unto them, I beheld the Adversary fall as lightning from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you."

Symeon sticks close behind Durgo and his team with his torch lit.

Sorry, no Bless prepared today. Just a couple Cure Light Wounds and the daily Light I get as follower of St Ygg.
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Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

#69 Post by scottjen »

First spider is yours. I think we are asking for trouble if we try to engage more than 1 spider at a time. They are ambush predators so we need to be careful. I will keep my eyes open and torch lit and ready. If he can hold his X-bow in his other hand he'll do that. If not, he will have is axe in his other hand.
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Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

#70 Post by Spearmint »

The Abandoned Quarry

The team strike torches then a light goes on in someone's head to remind them of the entangling net and grappling pole that Valeron equipped the team with. By luck rather than skill, one of the miners casts a net as expertly as a fisherman, covering the feasting spider as it sinks fangs into the webbed baboon. The creature is snared but perhaps the fresh air and blood feast help it resist the soporific effect of the pheromone soaked into the net cords. Rather than being a pacified creature induced to slumber, it panics into a rage as it is caught in a web not if its own making.

The poles are extended and folk try to hold the flailing creature, succeeding in grabbing it around the abdomen and with the pincers gripped firm, bring it down from the cliff face.

The miners hammer spikes through the net to secure it to the ground and from the rear someone may approach the creature to try and draw fresh spider silk from the protruding flagelliform gland.

Entangling Nets [1d20]=20[1d20]=11
Spider vs sleep effect on net. 13+ [1d20]=15Grappling poles [1d20]=14[1d20]=12

Now for the art of drawing silk from a captured spider. I would like each person to take a go with a spool to make a 4d6 skill check vs Dex please and roll a d100 as well. A spool can take up to one hundred yards of thread. You Dex check success or fail determined how much thread you can carefully draw before the thread snaps. Each spider can cope with three such attempts to harvest silk from it.

While two miners hold down the spider, one miner keeps guard and the other pacifies the mule, the characters can collect the previous silk.

rolls please.
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Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

#71 Post by Cwreando »


Dex 13

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Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

#72 Post by DrRenfield »

Brother Symeon

d100 roll without the error. Apologies.
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Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

#73 Post by scottjen »

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Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

#74 Post by Spearmint »

The Abandoned Quarry

As a first attempt, the drawing of silk threads from the spiders goes very well. Following a bit of instruction from Valeron back in the village, the guys put the art into practice and hook a thread around a spool and slowly reel in a line if thread. It takes time, at least a turn each. All the while holding the captive spider still. It hisses, not fully sedated by the entangling net. After your attempts you gather enough for one complete spool and partway into a second. By then the spider is temporarily exhausted of further silk production or just stressed from the tension and unable to manufacture more. Warily you can unhook the securing pins and release the spider from the jaws of the pincer.

It waves an angry leg at you but has already been subdued before. Intelligently it scuttles off quickly back to its niche in the cleft of the chalk cliff face. The baboon it once shared left behind. Perhaps it will come back to grab its prize once you vacate the area.

Orb weaver encounter: vs 1 [1d6]=2

Arachnids are many-eyed creatures and probably those lurking nearby shrink back into crevices away from your sight or of those higher up on the cliff face, they scuttle out of reach.

with the quarry being a favoured lair of the Golden Orb Weavers, I actually roll for a spider encounter every few turns or if you enter a new location such as a cabin or shaft.

Presently though, no more harvesting opportunity presents itself and you can continue to walk towards the next mining shaft.

Fydmar uses his sneak skills a little ahead of the party, checking all is safe and no larger spiders or ogres lurk inside.

This second shaft is similar in design to the first, following a natural tunnel under the cliff, one perhaps carved out years ago by water erosion and subsequently widened by miners taking chalk blocks away. It proceeds in a narrow file, slightly zigzagging as corners hit harder rock formations.

The party's path is lit by their firebrands. BabeRuth clips along, cantankerous and following a carrot lure. She is comfortable in the tunnels at least as are the miners, used to the possible claustrophobic conditions. You progress down the passage, past a few alcoves that have been deliberately cut out to be used as storage holds, vacant now of any useful tools or gear.

After maybe a hundred yards of depth into the passage, you come to a slightly wider chamber that acts as a junction almost with an adjoining passage to your right, one passage that continue straight ahead and on the left some cut out steps that lead upwards into a larger, but as yet unexplored cave.

Fydmar, ahead of the group peers around the passage to the right and is met almost immediately by a figure covered in chalk dust, open mouthed in an unspoken cry. He almost reaches out to you but as you instinctively flinch, you realise the figure is unmoving, frozen in motion and time. The petrified look on his face replicated by the hard stone physique he now has.


actions please
Shaft 2: figure in side passage.
Shaft 2: figure in side passage.
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Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

#75 Post by Cwreando »


Durgo takes a moment to center himself and listens while his eyes move with his lantern, up/down and all around. He whispers, "Oh Futura, that doesn't seem inviting. Spiders or worse could attack from above. Look about."

Since he's got his lantern going in his left hand, He'll just have his sword in his right hand.
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Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

#76 Post by scottjen »

(quietly to his companions) The statue seems real enough and don't know why one would have such be carved. Which means we have a deadly creature hereabouts. Since he was coming out of the right passage, the creature likely dwells straight or in the cave to the left. Question is do we try to take it unawares, or retreat?
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Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

#77 Post by Cwreando »


Durgo whispers, "It would seem to be a warning for sure. It might be a ruse to keep people from going farther to find silver, gold or treasure they might want for themselves. I'll go first if you want, if that is what we decide to do. If a creature is doing this, we should be extra careful how we fight it."
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Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

#78 Post by DrRenfield »

Brother Symeon

Poor soul.

"All flesh shall perish together, and man shall turn again unto dust"

I dislike the taste of retreat twice in a day. Come my brothers, let us press on and meet whatever foul beast did this evil thing.

Symeon wields a torch in his left hand and his morning star in his right. When/if the torch is expended, he will instead hold his small shield.
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Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

#79 Post by Spearmint »

The Petrified Tunnel

"Petrified not carved, look!", the miners check out the unmoving figure. Life-like even in death, turned into a heart of stone. The impression given might be the figure clothes one hand over another as if he was wounded and is fearfully running away but the petrification overcame him before he could escape. A theory unproven of course.

The petrified man is not identified but is dressed in typical overalls and hobnail boots, a waist belt of tools around him. Shining the lantern up the side passage and you can see a pickaxe and barrow further along at the threshold of a wider section.

The northern passage continues straight beyond your torch light, a dark shaft with an ill fetid aroma of rotten eggs. Damp gases are common in mines hence ventilation systems or dwarven constitution being the order of the day.

The left hand cave then is chosen for exploration. Volunteering to go first, Durgo shield braced above his head, scrambles up the steps cut into the side wall and up perhaps fifteen feet and into a cave that must be about 60'ft in diameter, not quite spherical but more or less roundish in shape with a few dark niches and crevices. The initial half of the room is made of chalk but as it progresses, it becomes of more harder rock types and these sections are covered in bioluminescent lichens and cave fungi. Someone has drawn 'stick men' pictures in red and black paint upon the chalk sections, comic book scenes of archers hunting a mammoth, a randy buffalo humping a cow, a tepee and campfire, warriors fighting a 'well hung' giant.

Durgo can observe old spider web strands but no glistening newly spun threads line the wall so you are out at ease in regard to spiders lurking here.

There are signs of life though as a few large maggoty centipede type creatures, each as long as a sword blade, scuttle on the rocks, nibbling the lichens, unfazed by your sudden intrusion or the light's illumination.

actions, you can explore this chamber more, the right side past the barrow or go deeper under the cliff by going north along the smelly tunnel.

make a choice and add a [1d6] in your post which I will use for GM randomness like perception, surprise, paranoia effect, chance to spot anything.
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Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

#80 Post by Cwreando »


Tis a choice my friends. Perhaps the miners might have a clue where a silver vein might best be discovered. Further down or up? Through these maggot centipedes? They still likely dangerous and poisonous perhaps. I’ll lead whichever way ye want.”

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