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Re: Queen Regeina's Ethical Philosophers Depart.

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 7:53 pm
by Nordbo
Gonna award the 2 attacks this time
If I understood that correctly, Baruch first attacks opponent one: Mallet of Magog / hammer to hit: [1d20+2] = 9+2 = 11, damage vs S/M opp: [1d4+2] = 4+2 = 6 / damage vs L opp: [1d4+1] = 2+1 = 3

then the other opponent:Mallet of Magog / hammer to hit: [1d20+2] = 12+2 = 14, damage vs S/M opp: [1d4+2] = 4+2 = 6 / damage vs L opp: [1d4+1] = 1+1 = 2

while shouting: "Damn you dacnomaniacs!!"

if Baruch only gets one attack, then pls save the 2nd roll above for next round

Re: Queen Regeina's Ethical Philosophers Depart.

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 7:57 pm
by Dizlexus
Nordbo wrote:
Gonna award the 2 attacks this time
If I understood that correctly, Baruch first attacks opponent one: Mallet of Magog / hammer to hit: [1d20+2] = 9+2 = 11, damage vs S/M opp: [1d4+2] = 4+2 = 6 / damage vs L opp: [1d4+1] = 2+1 = 3

then the other opponent:Mallet of Magog / hammer to hit: [1d20+2] = 12+2 = 14, damage vs S/M opp: [1d4+2] = 4+2 = 6 / damage vs L opp: [1d4+1] = 1+1 = 2

while shouting: "Damn you dacnomaniacs!!"

if Baruch only gets one attack, then pls save the 2nd roll above for next round
multiple attacks are for weapon specialists -- the priest gets spells instead

the next round is a ONE attack round
and I don't think these guys bite -- dacnomaniacs

Re: Queen Regeina's Ethical Philosophers Depart.

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:20 pm
Montego moves ahead another 40' or so. Enough to get him either parallel to the enemy or even a bit behind them.

Being a one attack round, he will keep his sword sheathed and continue firing his bow as he positions himself nearer to the battle.

If he can see the Elves he will shoot at them, otherwise he shoots the soldiers fighting with Calen.

Attack w/ Bow [1d20+3] = 5+3 = 8 Damage [1d6] = 6 [1d20+3] = 11+3 = 14 Damage [1d6] = 2
BOWS are always 2 attacks -- pardon the confusion, J

Re: Queen Regeina's Ethical Philosophers Depart.

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:54 pm
by MonkeyWrench
One attack round? I only attacked once last round, did Diz roll for me? If not I will roll twice this round?

Calen sees the three challengers and swings his halberd out in a sweeping motion, attempting to cut them men down.

Halberd(Specialized): [1d20+1] = 16+1 = 17, Damage: S/M[1d10+5] = 4+5 = 9, L[1d12+5] = 2+5 = 7
Halberd(Specialized): [1d20+1] = 4+1 = 5, Damage: S/M[1d10+5] = 10+5 = 15, L[1d12+5] = 5+5 = 10

Forgot to add the +1 for my halberd, rolls are 18 and 6.

Here is a roll for Freki, since he is out of sight and most likely engaging in the guy that ran.

Calen's Wolf: (HP 16, AC 7) To Hit: [1d20] = 6, Damage: [1d4+1] = 2+1 = 3
Or diz can roll for him.... I wont mind.. honest...
Calen is on a 2 attack round -- the others 1. (I made a mistake having Calen kill 2 guys -- 2 guys with one stroke, I suppose.)

Next time I don't use rolls I'll make a fuss about it so this don't happen again.

Re: Queen Regeina's Ethical Philosophers Depart.

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 11:24 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Garrett I think already did his actions but i shall roll some arrow shots. fires off a couple more arrows at the images near to the campfire or of elven pointy eared looks.

Long Bow Arrow 1[1d20 +3] = 12+3 = 15 Arrow 2[1d20 +3] = 10+3 = 13 Dmg 1[1d6] = 1 Dmg 2[1d6] = 5
Long Bow Arrow 1[1d20 +3] = 15+3 = 18 Arrow 2[1d20 +3] = 2+3 = 5 Dmg 1[1d6] = 1 Dmg 2[1d6] = 5

Re: Queen Regeina's Ethical Philosophers Depart.

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 5:26 pm
by KingOfCowards
Titus attacks again, but is hopelessly outnumbered.
Attack with Spear: [1d20+3] = 5+3 = 8

Re: Queen Regeina's Ethical Philosophers Depart.

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:29 pm
by Dizlexus
The Fire Fight rd 3
High ground and bless have party attacking at additional +2 -- GM will add -- just FYI


Montego the Ranger advances while firing. He gets parallel to the men fighting Calen and keeps 20 feet between them and himself. He is still obscured by darkness -- just before the edge of firelight. His first arrow misses and is lost to the night. But the second finds flesh. Montego injures an elf who stands near the fire and wagons.

From the right rear of the combat area Garrett gets deadly. He spies an elf to the right, behind the fire. Garrett launches an arrow, and sticks him -- dead elf. Then Garrett spies an elf to the left. Garrett's arrow strikes the elf simultaneously with one shot by Montego. No more elves live in these woods tonight, except Baruch.

stands strong in the middle of the fight and strikes before his opponents. But the blow is deflected. So too are the blows of the adversaries.

Sanu bleeds from the belly, his obsidian axe on the forest floor. He draws his dagger in desperation but can not harm a soldier. Sanu is cut again (-2hp) but remains in the fight.

Calen came to whoop some ass. And so he does. But he takes damage first. Triple teamed, Calen does well to deflect 2 blows, but a third pierces his thigh deeply (-6hp). Calen counter attacks and nearly severs a head. The odds now more even.

also fights off a triple team. He thrusts his spear to no avail. In an amazing display of shield work, Titus fends off all 3 attacks. Titus has a revelation. One of his 3 opponents wears 2 bars -- an Army Captain.

In the woods, Calen's ears are tuned into Freki. He hears the wolf yelp. Then he hears a man scream in horror -- the scream is choked off -- short of a full scream. Calen suspects Freki was injured but won the fight. (I did that side encounter with real dice -- was fun)

Agent Blab and the man he sought are not seen at this time.

Milli appears behind Garrett, taps his shoulder, are we going to win? she sheepishly asks.

INI Party [1d6] = 2
monster [1d6] = 2 TIE -- going to segments and weapon speeds
attack baruch [1d20] = 9
[1d20] = 7
sanu to hit [1d20] = 5
attack sanu [1d20] = 11[1d20] = 18 damage [1d8] = 2
attack calen [1d20] = 12 [1d20] = 20[1d20] = 10damage [1d8] = 3x2=6
attack Titus [1d20] = 15[1d20] = 16[1d20] = 18 +1 outflank -1 highground -- natural
Actions for round 4!!!

keep is simple -- 2 attack round for fighters with specialist weapons, Calen too (tired of confusion)

Ox Cart BattleR3.JPG
Ox Cart BattleR3.JPG (86.61 KiB) Viewed 1195 times
Hit Points
Baruch 15/15
Calen 8/18
Garrett 12/12
Sanu 4/20
Svent 8/8
Titus 10/18
Montego 30/30
Milli 8/8
Dog 8/16

Re: Queen Regeina's Ethical Philosophers Depart.

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:02 pm
by MonkeyWrench
After downing an opponent and getting closer to death himself Calen almost seems to become less tired. As his wounds become graver his attacks become stronger. If the helmet was not hiding the warriors face everyone would most likely see a smile on his face.

+1 Halberd(Specialized): [1d20+2] = 11+2 = 13, Damage: S/M[1d10+5] = 8+5 = 13, L[1d12+5] = 10+5 = 15

+1 Halberd(Specialized): [1d20+2] = 18+2 = 20, Damage: S/M[1d10+5] = 1+5 = 6, L[1d12+5] = 12+5 = 17

Alright... here we go for Freki again... Please Dice Roller!
Calen's Wolf: (HP 16, AC 7) To Hit: [1d20] = 5, Damage: [1d4+1] = 1+1 = 2
Ignore the Freki roll -- she will bee moving the next round -- back to you. She will not get an attack in round 4 unless she encounters the agent Blab is looking for -- yet to be determined.

Re: Queen Regeina's Ethical Philosophers Depart.

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:54 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Svent moves up to the trail and moves up to where garrett and Milli are.

Garrett smiles at Milli "Let us not count our eggs before they hatch." and he aims and fires at one of the men on Calen. Long Bow Arrow 1[1d20 +3] = 19+3 = 22 Arrow 2[1d20 +3] = 8+3 = 11 Dmg 1[1d6] = 3 Dmg 2[1d6] = 6
Then aims at one of the 3 men on Titus and fires his second arrow.

Re: Queen Regeina's Ethical Philosophers Depart.

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 11:59 pm
Montego knows he needs to help his badly wounded comrades. Knowing full well that he can do much more damage with his blade, he draws and heads to attack the closest adversary.

If Calen dosent need the help he will advance to the next group by Baruch and Sanu.

Attack w/ 2 Handed Sword [1d20+3] = 7+3 = 10 Damage [1d10+5] = 4+5 = 9

Attack w/ 2 Handed Sword [1d20+3] = 16+3 = 19 Damage [1d10+5] = 3+5 = 8

Re: Queen Regeina's Ethical Philosophers Depart.

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 12:39 pm
by Nordbo
Baruch bangs away (at the rightmost opponent) "Eat that, you ecdysiast!!": Mallet of Magog / hammer to hit: [1d20+2] = 14+2 = 16, damage vs S/M opp: [1d4+2] = 1+2 = 3 / damage vs L opp: [1d4+1] = 3+1 = 4

and risks between blows to look back to see if Svent is OK
I would worry about Sanu and Titus, J

Re: Queen Regeina's Ethical Philosophers Depart.

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 3:09 pm
by KingOfCowards

Re: Queen Regeina's Ethical Philosophers Depart.

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:07 pm
by Dizlexus
Fight By Firelight RD4

Both sides are bloodied as the melee rages on. Moving from left to right . . . .

Montego can see that Sanu is badly wounded. He rushes to relieve the Teutonic barbarian who is double teamed. Montego hacks at one of the two men. The blow is parried, but Montego spins and brings his great sword into the midsection. The soldier is eviscerated.

loves a life threatening situation. Encouraged where others would feel fear, Calen thrusts his halberd into the neck of one soldier, ending his life. His second attack, likewise, finds an opening in the soldiers armor and drops him. Calen with 2 kills this round.

Baruch thumps one of the two men who fight him, but that soldier remains on his feet.

Sanu, greatly relieved by Montego presence, helps the ranger with the man standing between them. He thrusts his obsidian bladed dagger into the man's collar. The soldier collapses. The barbarian and ranger make eye contact. Sanu croaks thanks! as he rushes to collect his axe from the forest floor.

Garrett considers firing on Calen's opponents. But there are too many trees, Calen and Baruch are in the way. He switches to the men on Titus, nearer, and a greater threat.
Garrett's 1st arrow brings forth a shout of pain from one of the soldiers. Garrett, still masked by darkness, it totally unnoticed. His second arrow is off the mark and is lost to the night.

Milli goes: ooh my!

Titus, injured, doubting his role in the party, indeed the very war, attacks the Captain: One spear thrust is deflected, but the 2nd pierces the Captains belly. Titus deflects a counter blow. A second cuts him (-2hp). The captain attacks with bastard sword but nearly loses his grip.

The two men fighting Baruch have a change of heart. They see their comrades fall dead to the left and to the right. They see that Calen, Montego and Sanu will be upon them soon. They run like hell.

Down hill, in the woods, a wolf snarls, a man screams Ahh! . A second voice scream Calen!!!! Help!!!.

Summary: All opponents defeated but the 3 who fight Titus and the 2 who run. Fleeing opens up a free attack. Runners can be attacked next round, or the three on Titus. The runners will make some distance.
ImageCalen, Kicking Ass.
INI party [1d6] = 6 monster [1d6] = 1 party wins
Sanu attack [1d20] = 16 damage - dagger[1d4+1] = 4+1 = 5
Garrett miss [1d100] = 66clean miss
Attack Titus [1d20] = 6 [1d20] = 19 cpt [1d20] = 1[1d100] = 90no fumble
lng swd damage [1d8] = 2
Hit Points
Baruch 15/15
Calen 8/18
Garrett 12/12
Sanu 4/20
Svent 8/8
Titus 8/18
Montego 30/30
Milli 8/8
Dog 8/16


oxcartbattlerd4.JPG (86.83 KiB) Viewed 1154 times

Re: Queen Regeina's Ethical Philosophers Depart.

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:21 pm
by GreyWolfVT

Re: Queen Regeina's Ethical Philosophers Depart.

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 7:50 pm
by Nordbo
Baruch shakes a fist at the fleeing infidels and scampers over to face the nearest of Titus' assailants. "Have hammer, will bash!": Mallet of Magog / hammer to hit: [1d20+2] = 11+2 = 13, damage vs S/M opp: [1d4+2] = 4+2 = 6 / damage vs L opp: [1d4+1] = 3+1 = 4

Re: Queen Regeina's Ethical Philosophers Depart.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 12:22 am
Montego will also press the attack on any adversary that needs further evisceration.

Attack w/ 2 Handed Sword [1d20+3] = 3+3 = 6 Damage [1d10+5] = 5+5 = 10

Re: Queen Regeina's Ethical Philosophers Depart.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 3:00 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Calen, seeing that the battle has ended as the enemy runs those that remain are being cut down by his companions. The blood rushing throughout his body and leaking out of his wounds gives him a natural combat high, he lives for this. With his sensing sharp during battle he hears the call for his aid and the snarl of Freki.

Calen then disengages and rushes for the voice, intent on aiding his wolf and whoever is calling for him, his weapon has tasted blood and he has felled those who stood before him, tonight was a good night.

Re: Queen Regeina's Ethical Philosophers Depart.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:10 am
by Nordbo
Baruch leaps over some of the spiky foliage that litters this land, to get close to Sanu and tend to his wounds: Cure light wounds, heals [1d8] = 5 points of damage

if time allows, he will do the same for Titus, lemme know when to roll this

then gives his song bird Te Kang a well-earned snack, cooing "There, there, we're safe now. So few of us, so many of them b*ยค&Rds, but we's an omen!!"

Re: Queen Regeina's Ethical Philosophers Depart.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 5:58 pm
by Dizlexus
Battle By The Bonfire rd 5
Sanu scrambles for his axe.

Svent charges into position with staff at the ready.

The remaining soldiers fall back. Knowing they will die if they continue to fight, each man raises his sword over his head, held in both hands, and kneels down. The captain says, We have been defeated, please show mercy.

points his spear at the men and looks to the others for how to react.

Garrett , masked by darkness, gets 2 arrows of at the fleeing men who once made up the left flank. The high ground provides him an angle for a long shot.
With viscous precision Garrett places an arrow in the back of each of the 2 fleeing men. One drops, the other continues to run into the darkness.

follows the fleeing man into the woods. He is responding to a call for help. The moonlight offers Calen a dim glimpse of what is happening. Agent Blab and another man in plain cloths are in a tree. Freki the Wolf, keeps them treed. But as the fleeing solider passes near, the wolf attacks the bloodied man. She nips at the soldier making a great "chomp" sound. But his panic is great and he evades death by dog - he runs deeper and deeper into the dark woods.

Freki sees Calen. She sits down and smiles a broad and bloody dog smile.

Agent Blab, says to Calen Thank the gods you came. That beast would have chewed down the tree to get at us.

Back near the fire; Montego, Baruch, Svent, now Sanu, and Titus menace the surrendering soldiers.

Back in the trees Milli gives Garrett a peck on the cheek and squeaks "we won!"

Baruch takes the moment to heal Sanu (+5hp).
Hit Points
Baruch 15/15
Calen 8/18
Garrett 12/12
Sanu 9/20
Svent 8/8
Titus 8/18
Montego 30/30
Milli 8/8
Freki 8/16
Titus looks at Montego and grumbles, what the hell do we do with them?

Up Hill

Garrett and Milli are briefly startled. Behind them, moving down hill on horseback, are 2 figures. A person about 3&1/2 ft tall holds a lantern.
His traveling companion appears to be a 1/2 elf clad in chain.
They pause at the sight of the fire.

INI, party [1d6] = 4 monster
[1d6] = 5 party loses INI
Freki attacks[1d20] = 2
GM did not apply attack rolls on the 3 surrendering. Will be applied if ya'll are in a violent mood. Garrett's arrows were treated differently.

Re: Queen Regeina's Ethical Philosophers Depart.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:38 pm
by shaidar
Trying to take in the chaotic scene in front of them, Arkady (the half-elf) brings his staff into a defensive position.

"We're just travellers, trying to get home, we don't want any trouble"