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Re: Chapter 2: The Long Road to Glory

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 2:13 am
by Synthalus

Re: Chapter 2: The Long Road to Glory

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:07 pm
by Inferno
Ulfang Chainbreaker, barbarian:

The defiant outlander had a belly full of the arena last time. He'd have no part of it today.

Instead, the black-maned barbarian will raise Cain until the company departs for the temple, raucously celebrating the orc massacre and the return of Tavok with strong wine, red meat and the hot embrace of women. For days, Ulfang will drink deeply of life, rekindling the fierce, reckless joy that had too long eluded him.

Re: Chapter 2: The Long Road to Glory

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:44 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Zendur "Got better things ta do than fight crawlers in the arena."

Re: Chapter 2: The Long Road to Glory

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 5:19 am
by Storm11
Thurgot will explore the place after his spell exchange, which takes up most of the next day.

He will look for holy water, a spare holy symbol that he will commission, and some more rations and supplies and rope. He will then set about enchanting the spare symbol with a continual light spell, and then purchase or commission a padded container that will keep the light smothered until it is opened.

He will also set about buying some small boxes of lightweight material. If he can find some he will purchase five and place a few coins of copper within each. Once closed Thurgot will place glyphs of warding upon them to explode if the proper command word isn't spoken before opening.

Are we using Unearthed Arcana spells too or just the PHB ones? Cheers.

Re: Chapter 2: The Long Road to Glory

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 3:51 pm
by Synthalus
We are using the unearthed arcana as well. All of those things can be easily purchased. Please remove 100gp. You now have all of the items you asked to be made.

Re: Chapter 2: The Long Road to Glory

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 4:27 pm
by Storm11
Synthalus wrote:We are using the unearthed arcana as well. All of those things can be easily purchased. Please remove 100gp. You now have all of the items you asked to be made.
thank you very much

Re: Chapter 2: The Long Road to Glory

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 5:13 am
by Dram
Saph- Lets be off then. We have business to attend to.

Bamble- Aah boss I aint done eatin yet. I'll grab a couple sausages for the road.

Kram- Where we headed?

Saph- Everybody keep your wits about ya. It seems like every time set foot away from the Inn something tries to kill us. Bamble you take point if you see any trouble give us a heads up.

Re: Chapter 2: The Long Road to Glory

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:28 am
by Synthalus

As Saph and the henchmen leave the comfort and relative safety of the Balding Platypus Inn, they notice a new billboard sign hanging along the side of the inn for adventurers.

The Board Reads:

1. Investigate missing mushroom farmers
2. Take back and restore the Hamlet of Speilburg.
3. Search for the Lamia's lair
4. Great Bear Hunt
5. Norker squadron have been sighted scouting in the south. Seek and destroy them.
6. Reports of Giants being seen in the south. Seek and destroy them.
7. Track down and destroy the Wicked Wyvern from the Orc Lair. (Whereabouts unknown at this time)
8. Discover the true power behind the Rotting eye tribe through magic.

Eustace Vicar appears

A short imposing looking elf wearing a wide brim hat and majestic leather armor approaches Saph at the QUEST BOARD.
He makes the hand motions only a brother rogue would understand.

I am sorry to be rudely interrupting you fine gentleman right now but I just happen to run into you here and ive been dying to ask you three questions. How fares the orc hunting business? Have you been to the Temple yet? Do you intend to clear out Speilburg?

If you could answer these questions quickly we can conclude this discussion and then be about our own business again, eh?

Re: Chapter 2: The Long Road to Glory

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 5:16 am
by Dram
Saph- whispers to I can only tell you that the Orcs slavers are of no problem no more. As to the other questions I cannot answer as we are kept in the dark about where we are going. Are you looking to join our group? I give you the name of our employer.

Saph with his broach telepathically lets Sotha Sil know that he is being questioned about the mission. And his location and the questions being asked.

OCC I do not remember if we have this person before.

Re: Chapter 2: The Long Road to Glory

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 11:19 am
by GreyWolfVT
Zendur looking at the board "You know I quite think I'd like to Search for the Lamia's lair. Sounds like it might hold plenty of shiny things for the taking." he says while stroking his beard.

Re: Chapter 2: The Long Road to Glory

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 9:06 pm
by Synthalus
Eustace is the Grand Master Assassin of Gnome Vale. You met him in his guild before going to the thieves guild. Eustace Is dressed exactly as he was the first time you met him only now he is wearing a very nice wide brimmed leather hat much like Jarlaxle Baenre's hat. Eustace looks like he is genuinely interested in hearing the answers to his questions. He seems calm, quiet and appears to be in a good mood. Still Saph can't help but wonder how he knew they were back so soon, let alone how he got to the Inn to intercept them so quickly. It all smells very fishy to the Saph somehow. Saph realizes that he really does not like Eustace, there is something about him that rubs him the wrong way. He seems like he is trying to hard, but holds himself with an air of superiority that comes with aged wisdom. The Grugach are just primitive cousins to the drow. How then can this Grugach carry himself and conduct his business like he is a high matriarch? Everything about Eustace screams upstart usurper.

Eustace Vicar
In thieves Cant

" Fair enough, Fair enough. I am on my way to the low market. There is a matter that I need to handle there personally. I would like to hear more about the destruction of the Orcs? Perhaps this evening? You and your friends are invited to my Villa in the High Quarter tonight for dinner. You simply must come, I wont take no for an answer. Dinner begins promptly at 8pm and following dinner there will be entertainment. Please come and the invitation goes out to you and all your friends, please inform them of the invite. Well I must be going now. It has been a pleasure chatting with you.

With that Eustace turns to the right and walks away in the direction of the low market. He gets about twenty steps away from Saph and the henchmen when suddenly he vanishes. There is no sign of Eustace anywhere, its as if he was there one minute and then the next minute he was just gone.

Re: Chapter 2: The Long Road to Glory

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:06 am
by GreyWolfVT
Zendur "Bah elfs always actin like that, err well present company excluded Saph."

Re: Chapter 2: The Long Road to Glory

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 1:37 am
by Dram
Saphjawx- Not knowing whether Sotha had heard him. Yes he is a little to bold and he knows more than lets on. More than he should for this being a secret mission to the temple. Sotha has been informed of his questioning. I hope?
Saph turns to Bamble.Bamble find Sotha Sil and make sure she got my messages. And inform him of the parties invitation to dinner. Than meet us back to guild hall with his answer. Zen maybe Nimble could accompany Bamble. Do we have time for another mission?

Bamble- Gotcha boss. Nimble would you like to join me?

Saph follows Zen to Stonebeaks.

Re: Chapter 2: The Long Road to Glory

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 12:59 pm
by Inferno
Ulfang Chainbreaker, barbarian:

The lusty barbarian staggered out of his bedchambers in his loincloth, in search of more wine to slake his thirst.
"I'll be back," he said carelessly to the wench within.
Ulfang descended to the tavern, stepped outside to take a breath of fresh air, and found this curious thing:
Synthalus wrote: QUEST BOARD
1. Investigate missing mushroom farmers
2. Take back and restore the Hamlet of Speilburg.
3. Search for the Lamia's lair
4. Great Bear Hunt
5. Norker squadron have been sighted scouting in the south. Seek and destroy them.
6. Reports of Giants being seen in the south. Seek and destroy them.
7. Track down and destroy the Wicked Wyvern from the Orc Lair. (Whereabouts unknown at this time)
8. Discover the true power behind the Rotting eye tribe through magic.
The giant's smoldering eyes held a glint of recognition at the name of Speilburg.

He scanned the sign for some way to contact its scribe.

Re: Chapter 2: The Long Road to Glory

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:28 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Nimble joins Bamble. "Yeah I'll come with ya."

Re: Chapter 2: The Long Road to Glory

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 12:09 am
by Dram
Bamble- We going to head straight the Baulding Platypus Inn or do we want to look in on these quests? He asks Nimble.