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Re: Briarbeard Tavern (Vaul) - III

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:46 am
by Starbeard
Odium waves a hand in the air at Melvin's response. 'Oh, come now. Of course the tower is nothing now; I was just working there myself this morning, the place is a pigsty and an embarrassment. But all things are mutable. Whoever that secretive Wendell is, I doubt he will stay in power for long. Wizards will come and go through its walls, each of them willing to bargain a bit of their souls for the making and finding of magic power. And from there it is only a trivial matter to move on to all of Vaul itself.'

'Look around us,' he says, tossing a hand around the room. 'The Archduchy is weak, peopled by half-hearted plunderers and ineffectual politicians. Chaos beats upon the walls like a coastal tide. Perhaps these hobgoblins will lay waste to the town now, or perhaps the Order of the Skull rises in power and seizes control after five generations of guild masters—who is to say?'

Odium scratches his chin, a little lost in contemplative thought. 'But it will happen. This place will fall to those strong enough and willing to take it. Whether it is tomorrow or a hundred years from now is immaterial to our friend, who's understanding of the passage of time must be beyond our mortal comprehension. To him, what is a few generations?'

He listens to the Visitor's reply with genuine interest and respect. The thought of an immortal being needing a vacation causes him to raise his eyebrows—it seems he was right after all, his mortal mind simply cannot fathom a demon's understanding of time. 'Ennobled Demon, I have no desire for immediate help, beyond learning what I can for my own purposes. One must know where one stands between powers, and play the sides accordingly.' Odium continues to scratch at his throat, draining the last of his drink. He looks askance at Bromric and Melvin, clearly considering new possibilities. Then he returns to a quieter whisper,
'However, if you are offering the possibility of aid, I would ask you a few things about your imprisonment, and the tomb in which you were found—in private, naturally. Just information, of course, but if you have a separate agenda beyond your current quest for freedom, understand that I can hold my own in a bargain. I'm sure you can see through your second sight that I am no stranger to making deals with the supernatural.'

The contemptible man smiles broadly and makes a might be mistaken for a chuckle.

Re: Briarbeard Tavern (Vaul) - III

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:28 pm
by Zhym
Apr. 29, 1 VC, evening

"I have no doubt that a creature of lies would find truth to be mutable," answers Harold. "The darkness transforms many things. Curtains become ghosts, chairs look like monsters, and bright colors turn gray. A creature that lives in the darkness—nay, thrives on it, needs it to survive—would think that such is the way of the world: nothing it what it seems, all things are multiple things. Even the truth. But in the light, we see the things in the darkness for what they were. These things did not change in the night. The curtains were always curtains, the chair was always a chair, the colors were always their colors.

"The truth is the truth, demon. But only those who accept the Light will see it."