Chapter 1: Greatwall

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Re: Chapter 1: Greatwall

#41 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Unsure as to what to do first with his new fortune, Cassius spins in circles for a bit. "A new horse! No! Armor! Ok, then a nice bath. Oh! A private room and clean sheets. Uh...a falcon! Yes, and a spyglass to watch it. Do you think I could buy the bar?"

After being severely disappointed at the answer, he heads out to purchase some items. He manages to temper his spending and tries to get another long sword, splint mail, rations, wineskin, crowbar, 2 vials of aniseed, and a major grapple arrow.

Later that evening, he heads to the Behir and Beholder. "Hey Trilena! Can you believe it? My big break! Things are finally looking up for old Cassius now. I've got a top secret meeting with some merchants later, so I won't be able to serve tonight."
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Re: Chapter 1: Greatwall

#42 Post by hedgeknight »

So by this Map is there a common trail to these places? Doesn't look like much on the map. Is Grabford or Mursten our first stop? I suppose the drivers know the way. Have there been any attacks from Molag across the river like there have been here?
The Sergeant gives Sai a sneer, sucks his teeth, and says, "Yes, there's a common trail connecting all of the places on the map. Not sure which is your first stop. Malin will know. No attacks have been reported to me on this side of the river."

"Why are you so worried about the lizardmen? I thought that orcs were the main pawns of Iuz?" Montego asks.
"Iuz uses lizardmen as spies who travel unhindered beneath the waters of the Veng. Kill every one you see!"

Kranston and Muldgarr grab their gold and head off to spend it.
Cassius, however, is just a little excited.
"A new horse! No! Armor! Ok, then a nice bath. Oh! A private room and clean sheets. Uh...a falcon! Yes, and a spyglass to watch it. Do you think I could buy the bar?"

Sergeant Krayquer rolls his eyes and replies, "Sure thing, Cass! Just run yer ass on down there and plop down the gold! I'm sure ol' Lorynn will do a little jig and sing a song too...right after he kicks the shit of of you for even suggesting such!"

Clearly, the Sergeant isn't amused.
Severely, disappointed with the answer, Cassius heads out too, leaving Sai and Montego behind.

Sergeant Krayquer folds his arms and says, "Any other questions? If not, move out. I got things to do."
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Re: Chapter 1: Greatwall

#43 Post by Darklin2 »


Sia will head to the Stables and then the weaponsmith and trader.

Try to bargain for a Medium Warhorse and all tack (Saddle, bit & bridle, saddle blanket) for 225 gp.

Purchase a long sword and sheath (15 gp)

Horse Quiver of 20 sheaf arrows (17 sp)
1 Weeks Standard Rations (3gp)
5 lbs horse grain (?)
Whet stone for sword sharpening (puck) (2 cp)

Sia will bargain and mention friend ships and call in old favors to cheapen the prices if possible. Getting everything together and ready for early departure before heading to the common area in the Inn.

In the Inn he will request from the Bartender:
Loaf of Bread (5 cp)
Wheel of Cheese (4 sp)

Stash them away in his pack and deliver it to his room. Leaving everything secured for an early departure. Taking only wilderness harness back down stairs with remaining gold.
Last edited by Darklin2 on Fri Feb 07, 2020 2:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 1: Greatwall

#44 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Montego holds any further questions from the clearly uninterested sergeant.

He moves through town with his new riches, looking for anything that might catch his eye that could be needed on this mission. He asks around as he shops, questioning the shopkeepers about any rumors they have heard about the surrounding area.

If nothing catches the fighters eye, he moves back to the tavern for a nightcap with the others.
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Re: Chapter 1: Greatwall

#45 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Kranstön arrives at the designated tavern a bit early in the evening, drum in hand and sporting his new hat and cloak. He wants to be there when these merchants arrive.
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Re: Chapter 1: Greatwall

#46 Post by Hotgoblin »

Muldgarr watches as the others enter the tavern and slinks in behind them. Gentlemen! Fair is the night, that will bring us to awaken our inner spirit and as the sun rises tomorrow it will give us hope that not all we care for is lost!!! He closes his eyes and whispers to himself, then smiles at the others.
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Re: Chapter 1: Greatwall

#47 Post by hedgeknight »

Sai is the first to leave the room and head for the stables.
There, he meets a dirty-looking fellow who gives him a tired look and says, "Melvin is my name. What can I do for ya?"
Sai tells him he's looking for a that's of medium build. Melvin nods and takes Sai back through the dark stables. After checking out one or two, Sai settles on a horse with deep brown skin, black mane and tail. When asked the price for the horse and all the tack (saddle, bit and bridle, and saddle blanket), Melvin says "300 gold" without a blink of his eye. He pats the horse and turns and looks at Sai.

While Sai is thinking about it, Muldgarr walks in, looking for a horse as well. He gives Sai a nod and then turns a looks at a young mare that catches his eye; the flame on her forehead matches her "socks" and he knows this is the one. Melvin walks over and actually grins slightly. "Ah, ain't she a beaut? And like any woman, she knows it too!"
When Muldgarr asks how much for the mare and all the tack, Melvin says, "200 gold" as he feeds the mare an old carrot he pulls from the pocket of his smelly coat. (The mare is a light war horse; the price will be 300 gold if you want a medium war horse.)

Not 15 minutes pass when in walks Kranston, looking the dandy with a brightly colored feathered hat and a smile on his face. He shifts his drum to the side and calls to Melvin, asking about horses for a "man my size" including a well-tooled saddle, the finest bit and bridle, along with blanket and saddlebags to match.
Melvin gives Kranston a nod whilst scratching an ugly patch of skin on the side of his neck. He then raises a finger and points across the stable to which he walks briskly. Opening the stall, he leads a lovely golden pony with stocky legs and a strong body, long mane and dark brown eyes. "This here is a handsome fellow and I believe just your...erm...just right for ya, Master Dwarf! Lemme show you his tack."
The saddle is stunning and Melvin quickly says, "Pony and tack will be 150 gold."
He begins to outfit the pony while waiting for Kranston's reply.

The prices at the stable are high; higher than expected, but the same follows the companions to the mercantile and armory. Everything is inflated. "Due to the war an' all," drawls the man sweeping the filthy floor at Truman's Traders.
(You can expect to pay double for most goods.)
(You can post in your private threads how you want to work these shopping lists out.) ;)

Cassius is shopping for armor...splint mail specifically, and it is not an easy task to find a suit that will fit the slight, dark-haired elf. In fact, when Steegar, the armorer hears he is asking for splint mail, the hulking fellow sighs and looks around his forge for quite awhile. He finally comes up with a smaller suit he believes he can custom in a few hours. "I can have it for ya by midnight, or you can pick it up first thing in the morning. 100 gold sound about right?"

While others are shopping for horses, armor and supplies, Montego walks the streets dropping in to a storefront or two looking not only for something special, but asking the shopkeepers about any rumors they may have heard about the surrounding area.
(Will follow up with a message in your private thread.)

One by one, the companions start arriving at the Behir and Beholder, eager to be there when the merchants show up. And after a few minutes, a trio enters the tavern, two finding a table, while another finds a corner booth by himself ordering on a cup of tea as he sits down.
The two at the table are a middle-aged man with a full beard and a fun-loving face...

...and a beautiful, poised half-elven female flowing dark hair and piercing green eyes.

The man at the booth is tall, but thin and his white hair flows into his beard and mustache.
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Re: Chapter 1: Greatwall

#48 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Kranstön is struck momentarily speechless by the beauty and poise, the sheer grandeur of his new friend, the golden pony Eustace. He stares in admiration, forgetting himself.

At the mention of the price, he blinks, considers for a moment, then smiles and says “You are a shrewd businessman, Melvin. Yet upright! Honorable. Fair.” In truth, this being his first purchase of such items, he has no idea if he’s being taken for a ride, but perhaps more importantly, as a horrible manager of money, he doesn’t care. Anyway, with the untold riches about to come his way from his burgeoning life of Adventure, he would soon be ‘rolling in it’ - living the high life. Money was a thing to be used and enjoyed, was it not? He bows to the others with a flourish of his new hat and cloak as he takes his leave and leads Eustace down the cobblestones to the Behir.
Difference deducted from character sheet. :)
Upon arriving and hanging his things by the door, he surveys the room and notices the trio of merchants. After confirming with the barkeep as to their identities, he approaches the table. “I am told you are the merchants with the caravan. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Kranstön, master of word and song and caravan defense! I have been tasked with seeing you to your destination, and see you I shall. Now if beauty be any indication of authority, then you, my lady, must be the leader?” He winks and bows low to the elven woman with the piercing green eyes.
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Re: Chapter 1: Greatwall

#49 Post by Hotgoblin »

Muldgarr smoothes down the light warhorses mane. He says to Melvin, I’ll be back! Then he walks down to the tavern to meet the others.
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Re: Chapter 1: Greatwall

#50 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Cassius is at the bar when the merchants and the others return, talking to Trilena. "...and now I'm going to go back at midnight to pick up the armor. Can you believe it? I got new armor! Well, new-ish. Ooh. I think those are the merchants I've been requested to help. Excuse me."

Cassius follows the flamboyant trail of his new companion to the table and waits for the half-elf to shoot him down. History and persecution have taught him to feel out half-elves before engaging, so he turns his attention to the man. "Sir. We were told there would be three. Unless..." Cassius shoots a glance around the room, trying to find the third. "Forgive me sir, but should we wait for your third?"
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Re: Chapter 1: Greatwall

#51 Post by hedgeknight »

Hotgoblin wrote:Muldgarr watches as the others enter the tavern and slinks in behind them. Gentlemen! Fair is the night, that will bring us to awaken our inner spirit and as the sun rises tomorrow it will give us hope that not all we care for is lost!!! He closes his eyes and whispers to himself, then smiles at the others.
"My, my, that was right nice," says Trilena the barmaid, standing close enough to hear the wood elf speak. "Is that poetry? Did you compose it yourself?"
ChubbyPixie wrote: “I am told you are the merchants with the caravan. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Kranstön, master of word and song and caravan defense! I have been tasked with seeing you to your destination, and see you I shall. Now if beauty be any indication of authority, then you, my lady, must be the leader?” He winks and bows low to the elven woman with the piercing green eyes.
Cassius follows the flamboyant trail of his new companion to the table and waits for the half-elf to shoot him down. History and persecution have taught him to feel out half-elves before engaging, so he turns his attention to the man. "Sir. We were told there would be three. Unless..." Cassius shoots a glance around the room, trying to find the third. "Forgive me sir, but should we wait for your third?"
The man beside her snorts, but the elven woman giggles and says, "Well met, master Dwarf. May I say, your hat is amazing! I would like to think that I am the leader of our band, but alas, I defer to the old man here," she says with a jerk of her thumb, and a polite nod and wink toward Cassius. "Malin is his name, and I am Emerall. And...that other old fellow sitting by himself is Jasmalus. We are the merchants three and we are in need of your service. Erm...are you two the only ones?"
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Re: Chapter 1: Greatwall

#52 Post by Hotgoblin »

My, my, that was right nice," says Trilena the barmaid, standing close enough to hear the wood elf speak. "Is that poetry? Did you compose it yourself?"
Yes, I speak words that are of my own....
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Re: Chapter 1: Greatwall

#53 Post by Darklin2 »


After the others arrive back at the Inn. Sia walks in with a saddle bag draped over his shoulder and 5 feet of steel over the other. He walks past the guests and heads straight to his room. Drops off his new purchases and tosses his swords and shield on the pile. Taking his dagger sheaths and straps his long sword on his back. He heads back down to a table and stops by the bar before hitting the table.

Lorynn, can I get a plate of food and a couple of ales to the table. And if you get time can I get a skin filled full of Whiskey for the departure tomorrow. A loaf of bread and a quarter wheel of cheese would be great too, if you have it to spare. And if you have it can I get 5 or 6 pieces of raw meat about the size of my finger?
Last edited by Darklin2 on Tue Feb 25, 2020 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 1: Greatwall

#54 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Montego walks inside and sidles up to the table, looking just as rich as he did when the group left the barracks.

"Of course there are more of us, my dear. And one you actually may have heard of before. For I am Montego, at your service. One of the best warriors in this fort and not ashamed to say so. You my dear, must be the prettiest thing here, which makes the two of us rather special, no?" The large ranger smiles and puffs his thick, muscular chest out towards the female for good measure, not usually very good at this part of the offer.

He then looks to Jasmalus next, wandering towards the loners table. "And you sir, what can you tell us about the trek we are about to set out on?
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Re: Chapter 1: Greatwall

#55 Post by ChubbyPixie »

“There are, in fact, five of us, my lady. The Magnificent Five, some call us. Who can blame them? We’ve yet to meet a problem we cannot overcome,”says Kranstön.“May I be so bold as to inquire as to the specific nature of the shipment we’ll be guarding? In order to hone our defense tactics, of course.”
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Re: Chapter 1: Greatwall

#56 Post by hedgeknight »

Yes, I speak words that are of my own....
Trilena smiles shyly at Muldgarr and replies, "Well, I'm sure some girl will be just...overjoyed to hear more of your words. Perhaps that one over at the table the rest of your companions are speaking with?"

Sia walks past her on the way to his room, laden down with newly purchased goods. He returns shortly and heads to the bar to speak with Lorynn. Lorynn, can I get a plate of food and a couple of ales to the table. And if you get time can I get a skin filled full of Whiskey for the departure tomorrow. A loaf of bread and a quarter wheel of cheese would be great too, if you have it to spare. And if you have it can I get 5 or 6 pieces of raw meat about the size of my finger?
Lorynn pauses in filling a mug with beer and listens to him.
"Pretty sure I can find some whiskey for your trip. Bread, yes. Cheese, yes. Raw meat? My stew no longer good enough for you, Sia?" The bartender's eyes are smiling as he fetches Sia a plate of food.

"Of course there are more of us, my dear. And one you actually may have heard of before. For I am Montego, at your service. One of the best warriors in this fort and not ashamed to say so. You my dear, must be the prettiest thing here, which makes the two of us rather special, no?" The large ranger smiles and puffs his thick, muscular chest out towards the female for good measure, not usually very good at this part of the offer.
The lovely elf, Emerall, covers her mouth to stifle a cough...or a smile...Montego cannot tell which. He's too busy concentrating on his posturing...but he thinks it to be a cough.
"Well, I'm very flattered, Montego. I feel safer already knowing you will be there to protect me...all of us, really. Isn't that right, Malin?"
Malin just snorts again and drains the rest of his ale. And he is about to open his mouth when...

“There are, in fact, five of us, my lady. The Magnificent Five, some call us. Who can blame them? We’ve yet to meet a problem we cannot overcome,” says Kranstön. “May I be so bold as to inquire as to the specific nature of the shipment we’ll be guarding? In order to hone our defense tactics, of course.”

This time the lady elf does smile and laugh > a hearty, infectious laugh which draws all the attention of all those in the room, including those around her table. She lays a slim hand on Kranston's arm. "Master Dwarf...I am so delighted for you and your companions to accompany us. As to our cargo, well..."
"That's on a need to know basis, Master Dwarf," Malin says, standing up and adjusting his belt, "...and quite frankly, you do not need to know. Your job is to guard our wagons and ourselves. We are not combatants really, we are merchants. I suggest you purchase horses and weaponry for the trip. I assume you have been paid by the Captain, yes?"

Montego only hears some of this, because he has already turned his attention to the third merchant. Jasmalus, wandering towards the loners table. "And you sir, what can you tell us about the trek we are about to set out on?
Jasmalus closes the small book he has been writing in and looks up at the big ranger. "Sorry, I was...oh, the trek? Yes, well, it shouldn't be too fraught with peril. And even if it is, your group, The...erm...Magnificent Five, is it? You will protect us, won't you? We will be stopping at various forts along the Veng River on our way to Willip. Checking the trade route and all that, yes? I for one am hoping for a boring trip so I can read and observe the natural world as we go.
"Tell me, good sir. With whom did you serve in the war?"
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Re: Chapter 1: Greatwall

#57 Post by Hotgoblin »

He walks over to the table to meet the merchants...Muldgarr Petri, one of the five, I greet you all on this evening of the clouded moon.
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Re: Chapter 1: Greatwall

#58 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Montego much prefers the company of the far less protective Jasmalus. He asks if he can join him before sitting and answering the mans questions as best he can.

Once he has mentioned all the men he had served under, Montego asks a question of his own.

"So there is truly nothing about this trip that worries you, friend? Is there anything specific you can tell me that the others might not? I somehow cant believe that this is simply a common trade mission."
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Re: Chapter 1: Greatwall

#59 Post by Darklin2 »


Yes Lorynn Your stew is great for me but my Arcane Familiar is partial to raw meat. He is a Great Horned Owl of superior intellect for his species. He allows me to see through his eyes, what is going on in the wood around Greatwall. We are magically linked and I must look after his welfare. My thanks for the late notice on the preparations. I was just informed a few hours ago by those guards that detained us that we are required to do this for the good of Greatwall.

Let me know what the total is for the bread, cheese, raw meat, the meal and tonight's room. I will be leaving at first light so would like to pay tonight if I may.
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Re: Chapter 1: Greatwall

#60 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Cassius nods at Emerall and addresses Malin. "The Captain has covered the expense, yes. If it's ok with you, I'd prefer to ride on one of the wagons, I find it quite difficult to fire a longbow from horseback. Also, if the worst happens, someone will be with the wagons."

"It looks like everyone is here. Should we go look at the cargo and make sure everything is in order?"

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