3. The Caravan Track

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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#41 Post by Zhym »

Diego Francisco Villablanca de la Lobos, frustrated and slightly shamed that Joffrey has the honor of going mano y mano with the bandit leader, takes out his frustrations on one of the lowly bandit grunts.

Rapier of the Snake (THAC0 14): [1d20+2] = 14+2 = 16 [1d8] = 7
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#42 Post by tumblingdice »

greyarea wrote:Zelaz Zelaz "can't touch this" save vs spells (12) [1d20] = 1 wonders why it got so quiet.

Can he still cast spells while deafened? What about from his ring?
I wondered about this myself. The DM's Guide offers no advice on the topic. A quick Google search brings up a rule from either 2nd or 3rd edition stating that deafness causes a 20% chance of failure, assuming the spell has a verbal component, which of course most do.

Let's go with that rule. It'll apply to both memorized spells, and those in the ring of spell storing. House rules updated!
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#43 Post by tumblingdice »

Zhym wrote:Diego Francisco Villablanca de la Lobos, frustrated and slightly shamed that Joffrey has the honor of going mano y mano with the bandit leader, takes out his frustrations on one of the lowly bandit grunts.

Rapier of the Snake (THAC0 14): [1d20+2] = 14+2 = 16 [1d8] = 7
I'll allow Diego, or anyone really, to charge out and take on the bandit leader. You're all on horseback, or camel back, as far as I remember, and can close the distance in one round. Also, I edited the round to include Diego's action. Sorry I missed it the first time.

Sir Joffrey's a great guy, but I'm not taking any extraordinary measures to keep him alive. He is, after all, just an NPC... :twisted: I don't want him taking all the glory, either. I do have five guys trying to kill him. That's five guys, not Five Guys. No free peanuts while you wait for your burger in this desert!
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#44 Post by greyarea »

Zelaz figures out he has gone deaf (he is intelligent), he will fly to within range and utilize his Wand of Cold to cast a cone of cold on the four bandits in missile range.

chance of failure 20% [1d100] = 81
Cone of cold damage [6d6] = 19

He then fills up on free peanuts and asks for a doggie bag for his burger.
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#45 Post by badams30 »

Aristide - Rogue Deluxe


Aristide snorts at his miss, and then catches sight of Joffrey engaging the leader. He quickly digs his heels into old' Max' side and says "Let's get him, Max!" And he charges the leader, swinging his sword wildly"Take THIS, dirtbag!"

[1d20+2] = 16+2 = 18

If he hits: [1d8+2] = 4+2 = 6
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#46 Post by spanningtree »

Taranna - Elf

Taranna casts charm person on the nearest bandit, then telling him to stay close and defend her.

OCC: Sleep removed from memorized list.
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#47 Post by connivingsumo »

Roikos: Cleric

The Cleric, caught off guard by the horn-blast, turns his stead and charges in the direction of the one holding the horn. When in range, he casts Flame Strike on the bandit leader.
*Roikos intends to maneuver in the direction of both Zelaz and the Bandit Leader.

Roikos' Attack
Roikos' Flail ~To hit: [1d20+2] = 6+2 = 8, damage with mace: [1d6+2] = 5+2 = 7

Penny's Attacks
Penny Hoof Attacks ~To hit: [1d20] = 2 [1d20] = 20, damage of hooves: [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 1

Available Spells
Level 1:
Cure Light Wounds (d6+1)
Cure Light Wounds (d6+1)
Cure Light Wounds (d6+1)
Cure Light Wounds (d6+1)
Detect Magic

Level 2:
Find Traps
Hold Person
Silence 15'R
Speak with Animals

Level 3:
Dispel Magic
Dispel Magic

Level 4:
Cure Serious Wounds (2d6+2)
Cure Serious Wounds (2d6+2)

Level 5:
Flame Strike
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#48 Post by kwll »

Tasrem sees his friend Zelaz being deafened by the bandit leader and, finding it rude, decides to blast it for that.

[OOC: casts 'lightning bolt' on the bandit leader.]
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#49 Post by tumblingdice »

kwll wrote:Tasrem sees his friend Zelaz being deafened by the bandit leader and, finding it rude, decides to blast it for that.

[OOC: casts 'lightning bolt' on the bandit leader.]
Kwll, be sure to roll for damage, too. I'll roll the bandit leader's saving throw, if applicable.
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#50 Post by tumblingdice »

connivingsumo wrote:Roikos: Cleric

The Cleric, caught off guard by the horn-blast, turns his stead and charges in the direction of the one holding the horn. When in range, he casts Flame Strike on the bandit leader.
*Roikos intends to maneuver in the direction of both Zelaz and the Bandit Leader.
Rik, spell casters may take no other actions during the same round they intend to cast a spell, so Roikos can either charge the bandit leader on horseback, or cast flame strike, but not both. The bandit leader is close enough to be within range of the spell, though (60 yards outdoors), so Roikos can fire it off from where he is right now. Assuming he doesn't get hit in melee combat. Might as well roll for damage ahead of time, too. 6d8 for flame strike.
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#51 Post by tumblingdice »

badams30 wrote:Aristide - Rogue Deluxe

Aristide snorts at his miss, and then catches sight of Joffrey engaging the leader. He quickly digs his heels into old' Max' side and says "Let's get him, Max!" And he charges the leader, swinging his sword and crouching into position to strike once he reaches his target.

OOC: He'll charge the leader and take a swing next round when in range, hoping to take some of the heat off of Joffrey...
Aristide can attack on the same round he charges.
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#52 Post by connivingsumo »

tumblingdice wrote:
connivingsumo wrote:Roikos: Cleric

The Cleric, caught off guard by the horn-blast, turns his stead and charges in the direction of the one holding the horn. When in range, he casts Flame Strike on the bandit leader.
*Roikos intends to maneuver in the direction of both Zelaz and the Bandit Leader.
Rik, spell casters may take no other actions during the same round they intend to cast a spell, so Roikos can either charge the bandit leader on horseback, or cast flame strike, but not both. The bandit leader is close enough to be within range of the spell, though (60 yards outdoors), so Roikos can fire it off from where he is right now. Assuming he doesn't get hit in melee combat. Might as well roll for damage ahead of time, too. 6d8 for flame strike.
OK, good to know, and I didn't realize he was close enough already.

Flame Strike [6d8] = 22
Lame... *what a surprise*
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#53 Post by badams30 »

tumblingdice wrote:
badams30 wrote:Aristide - Rogue Deluxe

Aristide snorts at his miss, and then catches sight of Joffrey engaging the leader. He quickly digs his heels into old' Max' side and says "Let's get him, Max!" And he charges the leader, swinging his sword and crouching into position to strike once he reaches his target.

OOC: He'll charge the leader and take a swing next round when in range, hoping to take some of the heat off of Joffrey...
Aristide can attack on the same round he charges.
EDITED my original post. Thanks.
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#54 Post by kwll »

If I am not mistaken the damage roll should be 8d6. Here is the result: [8d6] = 27
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#55 Post by tumblingdice »

Day 41, Sind Desert, Caravan Track, late morning
Combat round 3

Screams of the fallen on both sides assault your senses as the din of the horn blast subsides. As the battle drags on, you start to take in more of your surroundings...

Initiative: Party [1d6] = 6, bad guys [1d6] = 6. Oh boy! Simultaneous combat.

Aristide charges out to meet the bandit leader as Tasrem casts a lightning bolt (27 hp dmg, save [1d20] = 9 fail). The leader's armor crackles as blue bolts course across his massive frame. He looks around in stunned silence as the horn of blasting, now cracked and split beyond use, falls from his fingers.

Back at the caravan, Taranna casts charm person on one of the attacking bandits (save vs magic [1d20] = 2, fails). The bandit shakes his head in confusion, then, slowly adjusting to his new reality, comes in with his sword to fight by his new best friend's side. He'll be able to attack next round.

Zelaz, high above, seeing four mounted archers about to take down Sir Joffrey, blasts them with a cone of cold (19 hp dmg). All four freeze solid in their saddles, never to loose an arrow again.

Roikos casts flame strike against the electrified bandit leader (22 hp dmg, save [1d20] = 13, success!, reduced to 11 hp dmg). The leader, having drunkenly and miraculously steered his horse out of the way of the pillar of flame, still gets roasted alive in his armor from the heat blast. He falls to the desert sands, dead.

Aristide, in mid charge toward the now fallen leader, pulls Max to a stop just in time to avoid meeting a similar fate.

The bandit leader's horse, riderless, covered in blood, yet seemingly unharmed, quickly departs, making straight for King's Landing. No one knows why...

Meanwhile, back at the caravan, Diego--after some fancy swashbuckling footwork--plunges his sword through his attacker (7 hp dmg), killing him.

Joffrey, poised to attack the now dead bandit leader, looks at Aristide, then shrugs in slight embarrassment.

Between Taranna's charmed bandit, and Diego's dead bandit, there are 7 bandits left in melee range, against Roikos, Taranna and Diego.

Three gang up on Diego, one grazing his arm [1d20] = 16 for [1d8] = 3 hp dmg, while the other two miss [1d20] = 3, [1d20] = 12.

Another three go after Taranna, the first landing a fierce blow to the elf's head [1d20] = 15 for[1d8] = 8 hp dmg. Fortunately, she was able to cast her charm spell beforehand. The second [1d20] = 14 misses, and the third loses his balance, [1d20] = 1 falls on sword and dies.

The final bandit goes after Roikos, [1d20] = 3 but misses.

Six bandits remain, besides Taranna's new friend.

Meanwhile, elsewhere on the battlefield:

At the rear of the caravan (#1 on the map), you see 8 bandits fighting 3 guards. It looks like the guards had broken ranks, charging out to slaughter the bandits, only to have even more bandits descend on them out of nowhere. Seven guards are down, as are 17 bandits. One of the sergeants, Zeid, appears to have fallen.

Opposite you (#2 on the map), 5 guards are fighting 6 mounted bandits. Ten more bandits are riding through the caravan proper, slaughtering merchants and trying to lead off some of the camels. The other sergeant, Dakhial, is trying to rally his men. The caravan master, Surna Lamshar, is trying to shepherd the merchants to safety behind some camels, and having a tough time of it. Seven guards are down, as are 9 bandits.

At the head of the caravan (#3 on the map), 16 bandits have taken cover behind rocks, firing arrows at eight guards hiding behind rocks and fallen camels, and throwing spears. Ahmed Khel, Captain of the Guard, has done a decent job keeping his men alive. Two guards are down, as are 4 bandits.

The bandits taking cover behind the rocks see that their leader his fallen. They start to murmur among themselves, then one of them starts hollering something unintelligible in a language you don't understand. The other bandits at the other positions cock their heads, then start to exchange worried glances with their comrades.

Aristide 44/44
--Max 19/19
Tasrem 15/15
Taranna 26/34
Zelaz 4/15
--Horace 10/10
Diego Francisco Villablanca de la Lobos 52/55
Roikos 50/50
--Peny 16/16

Use ctrl- (minus) to reduce the size of the map if you can't see the right side.

Actions? Don't forget to deduct any missile weapons or spells used.
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#56 Post by greyarea »

Zelaz concentrates, trying to hear his own words chance of failure 20% [1d100] = 18, as he casts Fireball at the cowards behind the rock. The spell fizzles. The mage is peeved.

Spell marked off, darnit!
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#57 Post by Zhym »

"Your leader is dead! Surrender, scallawags, and we shall spare your lives!" cries Diego in every language he knows. Of course, he keeps fighting, just in case the bandits don't understand him.

Rapier of the Snake (THAC0 14): [1d20+2] = 4+2 = 6 [1d8] = 5
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#58 Post by connivingsumo »

Roikos: Cleric

Grateful for Tasrem's Lightning, the Cleric harnesses the small victory to spur Penny into a charge! "Penny! Mounted foes remain!" he rages into her ear preparing himself for her charge into the remaining mounted bandits.

Available Spells
Level 1:
Cure Light Wounds (d6+1)
Cure Light Wounds (d6+1)
Cure Light Wounds (d6+1)
Cure Light Wounds (d6+1)
Detect Magic

Level 2:
Find Traps
Hold Person
Silence 15'R
Speak with Animals

Level 3:
Dispel Magic
Dispel Magic

Level 4:
Cure Serious Wounds (2d6+2)
Cure Serious Wounds (2d6+2)

Level 5:
Flame Strike
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#59 Post by spanningtree »

Taranna pulls our her sword and takes a swipe at the nearest bandit.

To hit with bastard sword: [1d20] = 4 + 3 = 7

OCC: I think that is probably a miss. Spell from last round flagged as used, sheet also updated with lost HP.
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#60 Post by badams30 »

Aristide - Rogue Deluxe

Aristide spurs Max to charge the nearest bad guy, and he'll try to skewer him. (assuming he's within range)

[1d20+2] = 16+2 = 18

[1d8+2] = 4+2 = 6
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