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Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 10:38 pm
by Ludanto
Alright. Once more. Sorry. Rabon needs to make a Pathfinder test, Ob5.

Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 11:14 pm
by Marullus
Allric is quick to follow, his own legs more spry than they appear, the disc of floating storage chasing fluidly behind. "Never fear for me, Rabon! You remember I've an eye for good footing when we're in trouble!"

in addition to Rabon tapping his Nature, Allric (and Berry) can help with Nature, and Thag can help with Pathfinder.

Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 2:11 am
by BillTheGalacticHero
We're looking for a stream to follow downhill, so let's head eastward and downhill until we find one to follow.

My Pathfinder help.

Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 12:22 pm
by Rusty Tincanne
Knowing nothing is as important as getting the treasure back to town, Rabon sets out at a moderate jog, trying to put distance between the witch's hovel and his treasure. Following Thag's advice, he heads East, keeping what little sun there is to be had on his right. In his haste, his Rough Hands do no good feeling for damp mosses on what should be the North side s of the trees.I've got no idea where we're going, but we're making good time!

Test passed, persona spent, check earned (unless that was too much of a stretch...)
[1d6] = 4, [1d6] = 5, [1d6] = 1, [1d6] = 6
[1d6] = 3, [1d6] = 5, [1d6] = 6, [1d6] = 6

Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 1:49 am
by Ludanto
Just as everyone is starting to get winded, the forest thins and you can smell cookfire smoke in the distance. The trees finally part to reveal the village of Falko in the distance. As the sun clears noon, you approach the gates...

1.Spend checks now before you lose them.
2. Your food is spoiled. Toss it to the dogs that sniff warily at you from just out of kicking range.
3. Level up!

Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 2:21 pm
by Marullus
Allric sighs in relief (and to catch his breath after their hurried pace). "Salvation on the horizon!" he exclaims dramatically, pointing with his walking staff at the town which they all can already clearly see. He finds a fallen log, hitches up his robe, and sits down. "Let us have a moment of respite before we approach. It is best to arrive hale and confident, not winded and running like vagabonds. The guards react more kindly to travelers with a mien of strength and capability to them." He pulls a silver mirror out of his pack and brushes his hair and beard, then offers it to the others.

(Initiate camp phase, please.)

Allric turns to the invisible platform of gear bobbing jauntily at his side and pulls forth his case of alchemist vials and ingredients. "In fact, is anyone tired after that run? It is a good time for invigoration. No? Well, we can save it for later." He thoughtfully considers his ingredients and then the mushrooms, remembering his desire to test their efficacy... that will have to come after, he thinks. He carefully considers each ingredient and measures it with exactness as he concocts his elixir. "Rabon, could you get a cookfire going? And some water, please. A light boil will be perfect, thank you." With Rabon's help to control the cooking temperature, he adds each ingredient at the precise time.

Elixir against Exhaustion, Ob 4. Alchemist 4D +1D Fresh +1D Thoughtful +1D Help from Rabon = 7D.
Elixir 1/2 [1d6] = 3 [1d6] = 4 [1d6] = 6 [1d6] = 5
Elixir 2 /2 [1d6] = 3 [1d6] = 4 [1d6] = 6
(5 successes, pass. Add one Elixir against Exhaustion to our inventory.)

Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 9:38 pm
by Ludanto
Are you sure that you want to camp? You're risking a bad camp event, and possible trouble upon breaking camp.

Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:21 am
by BillTheGalacticHero
I'm fer makin' camp here, so we can visit the town early tomorrow mornin'. It'll give us more time to learn the layout of the town before we have to settle down for the night. Plus, they may not take kindly to potion brewin' in town, or other such nonsense.

Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 3:12 pm
by Rusty Tincanne
Rabon pulls up a patch of grass when offered, nodding to the notion of camping. We can save coin tonight and get them feather beds tomorra, I reckon. And as for potion brewin', they do it at the brewery, Thag. "Liquid Courage," I call it! An' you can buy the first round tomorrow night to see how it suits ya. Smiling, he rises and starts gathering sticks to make a cook fire per Allric's request. Say. Anyone got anythin' what needs mendin'? I'm itchin' t'do somethin' crafty.

Ludanto, would altering a backpack to include an extra pocket (using a water skin as supplies) be within the scope of mending stuff? I ask now, because it's Rabon's instinct and he'll only do it if it's a free test, rather than spending a check.

Also, would Thag's instinct somehow trigger before making camp? As he scouts the area we intend to camp?

Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 10:43 pm
by Ludanto
Rusty, alteration wouldn't count as mending in this case. Sorry.

Anyway, Camp is safe. Carry on!

Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 11:01 pm
by Marullus
shroomofinsanity, you are up! Help from Allric with Cartography and from Thag with Pathfinder.

Allric looks over their map so far with Berry, helping with his estimation of distances and drawing to scale. "No words on this... Drawings Don't swim before my old eyes," he smiles.

Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 5:36 pm
by shroomofinsanity
Berry inks up a quill and finds a tree stump that makes for a fair, if not perfect table. Ok, Mr. Allric I think I'm getting the hang of all this. And Mr. Thag could you come over here too, I would love your advice on the paths we took. With that and using the good light of the afternoon sun, Berry begins to sketch.

Ok, so its will 5 + 1 for allric and +1 from Thag then knock that down to 4D for BL I would use my trait and persona but I feel they may be better used elsewhere this session.

[1d6] = 2 [1d6] = 3 [1d6] = 5[1d6] = 4

well crap, I am pretty sure that did not take. Looks like that tree stump may have caused more problems than it solved. but plus side, I am an official map maker now.

Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 10:54 pm
by Ludanto
Surprise! Success! (Ob2)

Are you done yet? Heading to town?

It's a bit of a challenge, having charged heedlessly through the woods, but by comparing notes with Thag and Allric, Berry ends up with a serviceable map detailing the path from Falko to The Witch's Hut.

Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 12:01 am
by Marullus
Not quite - since that was a success, I will use the other Check. What is the Alchemist Ob for investigating the mushroom properties?

Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 2:41 am
by Ludanto
It doesn't take long for Allric to test a sample of the mushrooms for alchemical properties. Unfortunately, the results aren't particularly exciting. The mushrooms, by themselves, aren't good for much. They're poisonous, but just in the mild food-poisoning sense. They might make a proper base for a medicinal tincture, though, which makes sense, considering.

Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 6:15 pm
by Marullus
Considering their stated use is to help make Invigorating Draught?

Allric looks disappointed by his work with the mushrooms. "Bloody well expected more than that," he mutters to himself, commenting that he needs a talk with Laurel the herbalist when they bring her the mushrooms. A bit more risk than this merited, he grouses to himself.

With the town just ahead, he resolves to arrive well-prepared for his profession, in case called upon. He again solicits Berry's aid with the symbols and illuminations and set about making a scroll to help him interpret strange texts... their desire to find lost knowledge on the last foray meriting such preparations for the next go around.

Second check: Scribe Scroll - Wisdom of the Sages
Scholar 2D +1D Fresh +1D Help from Berry = 4D, Ob 2.

Scholar [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 6 [1d6] = 2 [1d6] = 1

Finishing with that work, he tucks the scroll into his belongings. He again checks his appearance in the mirror and offers it to the others. "Remember, we arrive refreshed and with a mien of power and nonchalance from the wilderness, not as wild-eyed vagabonds fleeing its terrors." Once they're ready, he moves them onward, hoping to arrive by dusk.

Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:07 am
by Ludanto
The party finally returns to Falko, passing through the palisade gates a few hours before nightfall. For some of you, this is, or was, home, though this evening you hear quite a bit of chatter on the village's muddy streets in an unfamiliar tongue.

Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 8:02 pm
by Marullus
Allric, well-groomed and of official appearance, leads the group into town, the magical floating platform of treasures behind him. He asks Rabon to warn people away, effectively enhancing the mystery of their arrival. "Let us first go to the herbalist, as she is on the edge of town. We can divest these mushrooms and I can inquire as to why they are so necessary. One alchemist to another in the trade, as it were." He adds, with a nod to Rabon, "A stop at the market after, to parlay these goods, yes?"

As they make their way to the herbalist, he cautiously observes the foreign-tongued individuals. What do they look like and what business are they about? Is it a tongue that they'd be familiar with? It is no challenge to eavesdrop on them, and those who think they cannot be understood are the most candid in their speech... he thinks, marking future plans to casually overhear their talk at a future time, if they appear to be of interest.

As he enters town, he inquires of the guards as to what other magicians and scholars might be present in the small town at present. "Perhaps Balcalath the Professor? Others? Hmmm?"

He asks Rabon, Berry, and Thag if they have any connections in this backwater as well. As they wind their way to the herbalist in an area without crowds, he posits, "Berry, I don't think you'll find a suitable repository for your Dwarven books and, frankly, I don't trust the powers of Hollifort to use them well. You have a rare book to show the nature of dwarven practice which sheds... new light... on their teachings. Perhaps we consider a trip to the scholars of the Ashen Throne, hmm? I'd fancy a week or two there with those of my order and you could seek a more suitable keeper for your lore." After a considering pause as he puffs on his pipe, he adds, "Do any seek to return to the monastery, or to that witch's hut?"

Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:39 pm
by Ludanto
The silk robes and dancing tongue of the foreigners identifies them as Imperials from the eastern shore. Their conversations are opaque to you, however, and their stiff demeanor reveals little.

The guard seems annoyed by Allric's questions.

"This ain't some hoity-toity city. Try the tavern. Everybody's gotta drink, right?"

Allric's inquiry needs a Circles test, Ob5.

Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 6:12 pm
by Marullus we arrive at the Herbalist, then? We're not diverting to the tavern for a test right now.