[Completed] - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

#41 Post by Zhym »

Harold watches in amazement—the amazement mostly taking the form of shock that the griffin didn't immediately kill Varas.
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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

#42 Post by Dram »

Baxtaw- Niles you best take the other egg out to the mother or give it me. She is thanking us for saving her babies. Val is asking about our mission the where abouts of the elves we seek.
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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

#43 Post by Marullus »

Varas and Valorei hold the two eggs currently and both are at the Griffon.
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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

#44 Post by Keehnelf »

The griffin stands up to her full height on all fours, rising to eye level with the tall human Varas. Her head moves closer and closer, until her side-turned head, with its large black eye, is only a foot from his face. It continues to speak, in elven:

Elven-speakers only:
"Elves? This word seems familiar to me, but--oh, you mean the elves!" The word she uses is archaic and strange, one not used among elves themselves for perhaps a millennium. Further, her bird-tongue twists the vowels slightly and creates a kind of pun on a formal word for hollow or empty, like a clay pot crafted but not yet filled with water for the first time. "They still reside here, across the shining plain. Our storyteller says that once, we were allies, but it is unimaginable to be allied with such creatures. Still, it is told.

"I owe you a debt for saving my clutch from this monster--in what way can I repay it? My name is Dapple, and I will do what I can to aid you once I return my eggs to the nest."
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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

#45 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Val nods to the griffon, setting the egg down before her. He speaks casually to Varas, since he cannot understand the words, "Set the egg down please, we are returning them to their mother after all." he then turns back to the griffon and responds in a formal elven,

"We ask no reward for saving your young, we simply did what was right. But perhaps, you may gift us with knowledge? this forest is your home, is there any dangers that we should know of? We spied a large flying creature over the trees from a distance, and found stone statues of creatures and elves. Also, I am happy to hear that the elves are still living here but I am confused, you speak as if they are twisted in some way. Do they still resemble one such as I?" He shows off his ears and general body shape for the Griffon, "What are these elves like? You also said you have a story teller? Does that mean you belong to a greater gathering of your kind? May we meet with him, or possibly all of them?" he smiles sheepishly, catching himself as he rambles, "As you can see, we are newcomers to this forest. But I would be very happy indeed to learn all about this place, the dangers, and the inhabitants, including yourself. I would count myself as truly blessed to be known to you as ally, and maybe even as friend!"
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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

#46 Post by Enoch »

Halfred remains cowering in the bushes.
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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

#47 Post by AleBelly »

Varas carefully holds out the egg to the griffin, matching it's gaze with his own. "Tell her I kept it warm. And we better tell her about the coins before she finds out on her own."
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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

#48 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Valorei looks towards Varas with a confused look on his face before understanding dawns on him, "Oh! Right, thank you Varas. I had forgotten haha."

He then turns to the Griffon and continues in Elven, Once he is done he continues to await the creatures response.

"We also found a large quantity of silver coins, quite old in fact, after we had dispatched the troll. Do these belong to you? If so we would of course be happy to return them to you."
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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

#49 Post by Keehnelf »

The mighty creature nods in Valorei's direction, and then opens its beak to take the egg from Varas, a remarkably gentle action for such a large and potentially vicious weapon.

The griffin flies without a word back to the island, then returns and carries off the egg that was laid on the ground in the same way before returning and addressing Valorei once more:

For speakers of elven:
"I would offer you the coins as reward for my children. They took long in the collection, but they are only trinkets for a mother's vanity--and far surpassed in value by the griffins yet to be born. I do have a tribe that inhabits this region. We make our gatherings upon the bluff to the east, and it is there that our storyteller, Shimmer, resides. She is the most ancient and wise among us, and she gives us a sense of community. She is responsible for teaching all our young the High Speech.

"The elves of which you spoke also use this speech, but in broken and twisted ways. They are dark, deceptive, corrupt and base creatures, without the nobility we have been taught accompanies speech. However, they are not a danger to us--they do not pass beyond the shining plain, for whatever reason, and they are few in number.

"The true danger of our lands is the dragon, Embergris, that lives in the swampy eastern portion of the forest. Apart from it, my tribe are the undisputed masters of this realm--but alas, we lose some of our number every year to his hunger. If you would help us in driving out or slaying the monster, we would count you eternally as our allies and friends."
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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

#50 Post by AleBelly »

Varas looks expectantly at Val, hoping for a translation.
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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

#51 Post by Dram »

Baxtaw- Will translate to the party under the leantoo in adventurer terms. Um? You guys got your wills written out? We may be going after that dragon after all.
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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

#52 Post by Keehnelf »

Is that dialogue your translation, or are you translating the box above as well?
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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

#53 Post by Zhym »

What do you mean "we," kemosabe? :D
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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

#54 Post by Marullus »

To be clear: Baxtaw does translate the full dialogue? I will be adding to the IC beastiary at the tavern with the Legends and Lore thread and want to be sure what Niles knows.
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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

#55 Post by Keehnelf »

Not sure yet.
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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

#56 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Valorei nods to the griffin before turning to Varas, "She wishes to gift us with those coins as a reward for slaying the troll. She has a tribe of Griffins that inhabit the eastern cliff bluffs, it is there that we can meet their storyteller and possible leader. There are elves but it seems that they are a twisted lot that use deception and murder to live, I am not quite sure yet but it would seem that they stick to something she refers to as the "shining Plain". Oh! and theresa Dragon that lives in the swamps to the east as well, other than his hunger these Griffins are the undisputed masters of these forests and should we decide to help them drive the dragon from here, they would count us as friends and allies for eternity."

Valorei then turns to the Griffin, speaking once more in the older Elven dialect,

"I thank you for your generosity in the silver, I am sure my more... materialistic companions would be very grateful. If it would be possible, can you take us to this storyteller? I would be happy to formally pledge my own personal meager services in aiding you all defeat this dragon, and I would like to speak to him about these twisted elves on the shining plains. I fear that if the other Griffins of this forest were to see a band of humanoids encroaching on their lands with no friendly guide in sight they may get the wrong impression and perceive us as a threat... And while I will pledge myself to your cause freely, my companions must make their own minds up for that matter, but know that I will be taking your plight to the city that we came from. With the threat of a hostile dragon and the future alliance between such a grand and noble race as you, I can see your tribe getting many calls of aid indeed."
he finishes his words with a wide smile towards the mother Griffin.
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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

#57 Post by Keehnelf »

She bows her head at the elf's words, and then replies:

In elven, once again:
"It would be out of turn for me to bring you directly to our gathering place. I will, however, travel there once I have settled my nest and alert the others that a band that would assist us in slaying Embergris is traveling eastward. You should have no trouble finding our home. It is in the highest aeries of the bluffs east of here."
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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

#58 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Valorei bows deeply towards the Griffin, speaking in the old Elven language,

"Of course, I would be very grateful for your support. I believe that the death or retreat of this Embergris would be in everyones best interests. Allow us to stay here while you reassemble your nest and keep vigil while you return to your tribe, we have wounded here that need time to rest and I would not have another creature lay claim to another of your children. Once you have told the others of our group and have gotten yourself comfortable here we can set off and speak to your storyteller."
After the meeting is over Valorei will go to the others and relay everything that has happened with his usual excited self, letting them know that the silver is a reward from her and that it is to be split amongst everyone. He turns to the more historical and educated members of the group with wide and excited eyes, "Elves exist here! I am curious to know what has twisted them... and a dragon! and, and... This place is so magical!!"
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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

#59 Post by Zhym »

"Oh, good," snarks Harold. "Because this land seems to have benefited so much from its encounters with magic."
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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

#60 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Valorei gives Harold a sidelong glance, "Come now Harold, at least try to pretend that meeting fantastical creatures and testing both your mind and might against a worthy challenge is fun, for the rest of us." he gives the dwarf a small smirk to show his words are in good nature.
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