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Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 4:06 pm
by Rex

Bryne simply listens before she says something to the foreman that will get them in trouble.

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 8:45 pm
by spanningtree

Follows Bryne's example with a wink, she does not want to end up in a fight.

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 5:27 pm
by Revenant
Vari nods at Torvik's comment, "Not one you'd buy a drink for true. More likely one you'd hit across the head with your own mug. Or rather I would, I'm sure you'd show more restraint."

Locke pats Foulty on the shoulder, "I know you're stressed my good man. But no need to take it out on those who are here to help." Foulty still frowns but it lessens somewhat, "Aye the druid is right. I'm just overtaxed, Tallow insisting we keep the mine working despite all the deaths. I lost another man just this afternoon." Locke points him in the direction of his now vacated table, "Sit down and order some food from Derli. Eat and then come back and discuss the issues with our new friends." The now calmed man makes his way to Locke's table.

While Locke remains by yours and grabs a seat from another table to sit with you drink in hand, "Thank you for invitation. My sister was hired in Lupre by Mr. Tallow another with a group of seven others. I understand, Foulty unsealed the tunnel and allowed them access to the newfound crypt. I assume you know the story of the Father of Worms? Well in any case eight went in and three days later two came out dying, my sister was one of them. They were both horribly wounded and maimed. What little I know is Foulty resealed the tunnel and did what he could for them. Neither lasted long, so was the extent of their injuries. But my sister had drawn a crude map of the area they explored. I'm sure Foulty will give that to you as he did show it to me. But she said the place was filled with undead and her party was overwhelmed. I'm afraid that is all I know about what happened to her." He looks thoughtfully down at his drink.

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 5:23 pm
by spanningtree

Glad Foulty moves himself and his mouth away... turning her attention to Locke: May your sister be blessed and find her path without issue.Yes, the map would be of the utmost use, I can copy if needed. The injuries the party returned with, did they appear from physical melee or more like a frost burn?She refills her tankard.

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 6:55 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Torvik winks ar Vari and a grin appears on his face "You'd be surprised lass. I've been in a tavern brawl or twenty in me time." then he gets a bit more serious listening to Locke afterwards he says his thanks in calming the situation with Foulty "Thank ya fer calmin down Foulty fer us.I know how it feels losing folk under yer charge. It can eat ya up on tha inside."

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 5:03 pm
by Revenant
Locke smiles at Torvik, "Foulty is not a bad man, merely overly taxed by his situation at the moment. He will be a help to you I'd wager once he steadies himself."

Vari comments, "Aye Commander, I'd guessed as much. But now you're older and wiser right? At least that's what older folk usually claim."

Locke looks to Thena, "I sense you are a woman of resolve and faith. Who do you serve, if I may be so bold to ask?" After listening to her answer, he responds, "The bodies were both cut by blade, bruised, bitten and blackened by what I cannot say. Foulty told me in delirium and pain she mentioned dark magicks at work but was unable to offer more before unconsciousness overtook her."

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 5:28 pm
by spanningtree

Listens to Locke's account after indicating that she serves Tempus. In response she quietly asks: Is there a location in town I might be able secure blessed water? Again, please accept my sympathies regarding your sister, I can offer the blessings and last rights of Tempus if you would like...

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 10:01 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Torvik chuckles at Vari's comment "Nah, I ain't claimin' ta be wiser. Maybe a wise crackin dwarf but not entirely wisened. An I've met some pretty unwise older folk, and some pretty wise younger folk, so I ain't puttin too much stock in that old tale er line."

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 5:33 am
by Rex

Bryne continues to observe and remain silent.

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 2:59 pm
by Darithe

"I for one am unfamiliar with this so-called Father of Worms," she addresses Locke. "What do you know about this creature and how he came to be in the mines of Brindleseep?" She sips contently from her mug and picks at her food as she listens.

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 4:24 pm
by Rex

Finaly coming out of her mood, "I took would like to hear more on this Father of Worms if we could."

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 9:24 pm
by Revenant
Locke looks thoughtfully at Thena, "I thank you for the kind offer but my sister and I both followed Mielikki. In fact I am a druid of Our Lady of the Forest and I myself administered a final ceremony for my sister. As to the holy water, I do not know. Perhaps Pere Malvue might know of where you might obtain some. Supplies here are sporadically available at best in my experience."

He then frowns as he thinks about the Father of Worms, "It is said, those who forget the past are doomed to relive it. And so it seems is the case of the Father. From what I've read, during the Winter of Tears he was a priestly mediator between the people of Aisland and the Pale One. I've heard various tales that he was once even a priest of Selune or Lathander, and even other deities, so the tales are confusing on this matter. But on this, they agree, when the Winter of Tears ended and the Pale One was bound to the Mount, the Father fled to the Azads with his most loyal followers. He had prepared a tomb for the chosen few of the Pale King. And rather than face the people's wrath for the years of woe, he sealed himself and his faithful within the tomb, its location until now, unknown...that is until the fateful day the miners accidentally dug into one of its walls." He shivers a bit before continuing, "I am told by Foulty that the men that explored the opening were all killed by undead creatures. And that Tallow hired adventurers including my sister to deal with them." He pauses, "But all they found were failure and death."

Morwen her face solemn in the candlelight says softly, "Kelemvor tests me and has sent me to quell these abominations." Athan adds, "Perhaps we have all been sent to be tested."

Locke merely looks into the candlelight, "A test my sister failed."

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2022 4:49 am
by Rex

"Perhaps you are right Athan. If we are to be tested, I intend to pass."

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:31 pm
by spanningtree

Squeezing Locke's shoulder: Please accept my deepest condolences again.... Locke, where might I find Pere Malvue?

Among her comrades: We should discuss entering the mine and recounting the previous, doomed, parties steps as soon as possible... thoughts?

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2022 8:02 pm
by The Bindoner

Rex wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 4:49 am Bryne

"Perhaps you are right Athan. If we are to be tested, I intend to pass."

I seem to have spent my life preparing for tests, and passing them. I am prepared to do so again.

spanningtree wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:31 pm Thena

Squeezing Locke's shoulder: Please accept my deepest condolences again.... Locke, where might I find Pere Malvue?

Among her comrades: We should discuss entering the mine and recounting the previous, doomed, parties steps as soon as possible... thoughts?

I would like to learn as much as possible before we venture underground. Study and practice, as I said, have been my habit. I would like to consult with the miners. They, the workers, know things the overseers will not. They will also have more interest in our success. Besides, I do not entirely trust Foulty, and positively suspect Malvue. You must be careful what you say to him, Thena, but I would be interested to hear his answer as to what gods he honours.

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2022 7:22 pm
by Darithe

Mave arches an auburn brow in surprise at Wilwarin's suspicions. But she trusts the elven woman's instincts and perceptive nature. She had little knowledge of holy water and other rituals of the church so she remains silent for now.

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2022 11:47 pm
by Revenant
Derli returns with the items you ordered and a bit extra, some sweet pastries that she informs you are on the house per Mrs. Wrafton.

Locke says, "I'm not sure where Malvue is, most likely over at Tallow's house. I gather he's stays there when he isn't overseeing Tallow's orders."

Just as you are starting your meal, about a dozen dirt-covered men enter the tavern and you surmise the miner's shift has ended. The place is suddenly more crowded and louder. The odd twosome of Galen Kerrick and the man you assume to be Page take this as their queue to exit the dining area and start back to their rooms.

Locke bows and rises smiling at Thena and then his gaze lingering ever so slightly longer on Wilwarin, "I think you might have an opportune time to talk to the miners. I'll go keep Foulty busy so you have some privacy."

Kade looks to the commander, "Might accomplish more if we divide and conquer. With your permission, how about the three of us mingle with the miners and see if we can gather some info?"

Before Torvik can respond, he notes the dwarves at the other table rising and starting in your direction.

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 5:23 am
by Rex

Bryne waits to see what happens.

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 1:27 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Torvik turns to the dwarves and waves them over. "Ya fellas need another round?"

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 10:30 pm
by spanningtree

Makes short work out of her meal while listening in.