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Re: Dexter's Gone Fishing! (side quest)

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 6:30 pm
by SirOwen
Dexter Broadleaf

Dexter continues to pull with all his might, trying to get the fish from the nets onto the boat. We didn't discuss this, but with a catamaran, I'm guessing the area between the two 'boats' has been netted to carry the fish back? Hearing how desperate Joe is beginning to sound, Dexter mutters a prayer, "Oh Bold One, Father of Risks, please look out for these men. Though they are not Hobbits, they honor you by risking all in wild, reckless endeavor. Though they are not Thieves, they match their talents against all odds for profit. Let them survive that they may know that risk is its own reward."

Re: Dexter's Gone Fishing! (side quest)

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 7:28 pm
I dont think you had the resources to build actual catamarans.

I was thinking more like normal boats modified with outriggers attached to them.

Not sure we are on the same page with the extra fish storage area.

Re: Dexter's Gone Fishing! (side quest)

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 7:46 pm
by SirOwen
OK, I thought we took two of their boats, connected them fore and aft and made a catamaran for the extra stability. I also thought we took a third boat and just added a long outrigger to stabilize it. I'll go back and look.

Re: Dexter's Gone Fishing! (side quest)

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 7:51 pm
by SirOwen
If you would, please check "Every Day Life in Beachtown" for Mon Sep 30, 2019. It was discussed there. Now I wasn't talking about a sail driven catamaran, just something with two hulls. But it's described there.

Re: Dexter's Gone Fishing! (side quest)

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 12:58 pm
by OGRE MAGE link? :lol:

Stand by.

Re: Dexter's Gone Fishing! (side quest)

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 1:21 pm
I am seeing a few posts with you saying that you are securing two boats together.

I also see a few posts saying that outriggers were attached to a single boat.

I dont see any posts where "I" mentioned that 2 boats were attached together.

Do you see a post where I specifically mention that attaching two boats together would work?

More importantly, is there a some specific reason you need 2 boats to be attached together?

Re: Dexter's Gone Fishing! (side quest)

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 1:22 pm
by SirOwen
:oops: :oops: I can't remember how to do the links. :oops: :oops:

Re: Dexter's Gone Fishing! (side quest)

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 1:25 pm
by SirOwen
No. Those were all my describing what Dexter was trying to do. I don't recall you saying anything until recently, when you told me they were nearly finished with a 'catamaran'. Let me try the link-thingy:


Re: Dexter's Gone Fishing! (side quest)

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 1:27 pm
by SirOwen
Hey! It worked!!

Re: Dexter's Gone Fishing! (side quest)

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 1:36 pm
by SirOwen
As for the why, two boats attached together is what a catamaran is. The main advantage to two hulls is a big increase in stability. Much more difficult to flip it over.
This is a very small, kayak catamaran.
This is a very small, kayak catamaran.
maxresdefault.jpg (202.43 KiB) Viewed 515 times

Re: Dexter's Gone Fishing! (side quest)

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 1:47 pm
Ok, I think I might have used that word because it was what you kept saying. :lol:

I understand the concept of the construction, and I apologize if my descriptions mislead you, but I am having trouble visualizing two old wooden fishing boats somehow being tightly secured together, and able to survive the large waves of the deep sea, with the simple materials one might find on a tropical island.

I am not really even sure if it matters, so it might be a moot point, but I will ask again. Other than for the stability, is there another specific reason you want the boats to be secured together?

Re: Dexter's Gone Fishing! (side quest)

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 1:54 pm
by SirOwen
Nope, just trying to make it stable enough for the deep water. So, are we using outriggers then? They would certainly be a good option.

Re: Dexter's Gone Fishing! (side quest)

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 2:05 pm
Ok, cool.

I just want to make sure we are both on the same page on this.

When I think of old fishing boats, I think of V-hulls that are able to sway back and forth on the waves.

I just cant visualize that concept working as well with 2 of them secured together.

Anyway.....where were we again? :lol:

I will get an update done here shortly.

Re: Dexter's Gone Fishing! (side quest)

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 2:20 pm
by SirOwen
We were here:
SirOwen wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 6:30 pm Dexter Broadleaf

Dexter continues to pull with all his might, trying to get the fish from the nets onto the boat. We didn't discuss this, but with a catamaran, I'm guessing the area between the two 'boats' has been netted to carry the fish back? Hearing how desperate Joe is beginning to sound, Dexter mutters a prayer, "Oh Bold One, Father of Risks, please look out for these men. Though they are not Hobbits, they honor you by risking all in wild, reckless endeavor. Though they are not Thieves, they match their talents against all odds for profit. Let them survive that they may know that risk is its own reward."

Re: Dexter's Gone Fishing! (side quest)

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 2:43 pm
As he prays and continues pulling on the ropes, the net starts to gather in the bottom of the boat. Trying not to get too excited about it, the halfling starts to see a few more fish coming inside with the ropes and netting.

Concentrating on his task even harder once he sees the spoils of their hard work, Dex doesn't chance a look towards the other craft he helped to modify, but one of the other men next to him gasps audibly and starts to yell along with Joe.


Dex can hear a loud splashing in the water and the men in the other boat panicking loudly.

Re: Dexter's Gone Fishing! (side quest)

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 3:06 pm
by SirOwen
Dexter Broadleaf

Not really needing to see what is happening on the other boat, hearing the calls to "GET HIM BACK INSIDE!!", Dexter continues to pull on his net and pray. "Brandobaris have mercy! Brandobaris have mercy! Brandobaris have mercy!" he chants over and over.

Re: Dexter's Gone Fishing! (side quest)

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 3:33 pm
Pulling and praying, the crew finally gets the entire net pulled into the bottom of the boat. Dexter spots a total of 4 large fish caught, along with something else in the net that strikes the halfling boatman as a bit odd. It looks like a series of soaking wet old leather straps of some kind.

Joe screams at the top of his lungs as the other boat continues to move away from his boat.


Re: Dexter's Gone Fishing! (side quest)

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 3:50 pm
by SirOwen
Dexter Broadleaf

"Joe!!" Dexter yells. "We have our net back in. Should we row over there to help?"

Re: Dexter's Gone Fishing! (side quest)

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 5:17 pm
Joe takes the time to look at his own crew and their catch long enough to answer.


He points to the other two fishermen indicating they should quickly man the oars.

Re: Dexter's Gone Fishing! (side quest)

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 5:24 pm
by SirOwen
Dexter Broadleaf

Dexter does anything he can to help get the boat he's in turned towards the other boat. Only he isn't sure what that would be. "Joe, what do I do?"