Expedition - Fingers: The Kobold Tower - 05 June 2021

Rusty Tincanne
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Re: Expedition - Fingers: The Kobold Tower - 05 June 2021

#361 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Able didn't use any rations while unconscious. My understanding was one day after the kobold trap, then two days after the flies. Or something to that effect.at any rate, he used three days of trail rations instead of fresh because I thought they might have gone bad while he was healing. I'm down with the flu so my recollection is a bit fuzzy. Great vacation... :(

FYI, if this is too twisted, I would rather err on the side of hardship, losing 3 days rations.
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Re: Expedition - Fingers: The Kobold Tower - 05 June 2021

#362 Post by Dram »

Neegan- 86 gp added. 1 day rations deducted.

HP roll
[1d8] = 3 hp+1=4 hp
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Re: Expedition - Fingers: The Kobold Tower - 05 June 2021

#363 Post by Marullus »

Right, he slept a lot. :) Just keep all your preserved rations, +2 honey. Assume you ate what you could and discard all fresh rations at this juncture. Then you're fine.

Same goes for everyone else, unless you began with less than 7 fresh rations. You found enough en-route and had Ablesforth's extras, so I think it is fair to say that the same math applies to everyone even if someone was a little short.

Please record the actual coins, as you're still travelling.
Rhybek: Donated 4gp, took Emerald. (net 96gp value)
Idriss: 10gp, 4sp 3cp, three scrolls.
Fingers, Silent, Neegan, Ablesforth: 83gp, 21sp, 90cp (19.4lbs coin each)

Rhybek takes the gem with a dwarfy glint in his eye while Idriss is content with his scrolls and a few coins in his pocket. Even though Ablesforth offers to forgo having a share of the treasure, the others offer it to him anyway, dividing the coin evenly among the four of them. Each fills a small sack to the brim with their gains and it is evenly divided. (The dwarves have plenty of extra small sacks around as they unpack building supplies, parting with four isn't an issue for them.)

Silent takes his share and smiles, pleased with a sack of coin and to still be alive after encountering giants, dragons, baboons, kobold traps, and discovering a lost city. He heads out down the trail back to Gaul.

The extra sack of coins weigh down Fingers, Neegan, and Ablesforth - this will slow the group from 3/4 movement to half movement unless they continue to allow Rhybek's mule to transport them. It is assumed this is done, with each knowing which sack is theirs for later inventory.
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Re: Expedition - Fingers: The Kobold Tower - 05 June 2021

#364 Post by Marullus »

Rusty Tincanne wrote:Ablesforth will send his share of the treasure back to Gaul with Silent with written instructions. 50gp (or whatever the minimum amount is) goes to the bard, who will sing of his brave companions who watched over him as he lay injured, as well as the baboons, giants, dragons and terrible flies they faced at the lost city.

The rest is to be donated to the Infirmary.

(Funny to play a character that isn't interested in wealth!)
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Re: Fingers: The Kobold Tower: Part II - 13 June 2021

#365 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

I had forgotten about the Bard fees. Able had 84gp from the adventure. He'll throw in 10gp more of his own, starting coin. Did anyone have 6gp to offer? If so, I'll write the story for the bard.
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Re: Fingers: The Kobold Tower: Part II - 13 June 2021

#366 Post by Zhym »

Fingers will donate 90 copper, 21 silver, and 3 gp to the cause.
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Re: Expedition - Fingers: The Kobold Tower - 05 June 2021

#367 Post by Marullus »

With 94gp paid by Able and 6gp paid by Fingers, the Bard is now paid for the first part of the expedition.

Rusty, please go ahead and write the tale from the Bard and post it. It is important that the Expedition Tributes actually tell the story of the expedition for the benefit of the new players and PCs. :) (While colorful songsmithing is appreciated, make sure it accomplishes the task, too.)

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