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Re: Expedition - Rhodri/GoldFinger - 5 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:35 pm
by GTan_Baq
Naila memorizes her spell.

1 days rations deducted

Re: Expedition - Rhodri/GoldFinger - 5 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 9:22 pm
by KingOfCowards
"We're friends, right Orrin? You can trust me. How about this, I'll watch the wolf until it awakens. You can gather up any materials we need for a sled. Then Numen and I can question it. How's that sound."

Kennit sits back down, eyes fixed on the big wolf. Before Orrin can wander off, he stops him again. "And Orrin. Thanks for taking care of Naila yesterday. It weren't for you taking that spear, probably none of us would be here."

When the wolf begins to stir, Kennit will walk up to it with his sword and wake it up.
"Morning time, Grrraghhrtghak. Alright, it's time to answer some of our questions. How many more goblins are in these woods? Can you point us to where they are hiding out? Where do you plan on going from here? Oh, and one more thing. We'd like your help pulling that large human towards the city."

Re: Expedition - Rhodri/GoldFinger - 5 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:28 pm
by Zorroroaster
"We are indeed friends Kennit, which is the reason I spoke up. Just keeping an eye out for you. And you're welcome. The arm hurts like a bastard, but it was the right thing to do. We survived. I'll go fetch that wood.

Orrin goes off in search of poles long enough to build a travois that can handle Lug.

Re: Expedition - Rhodri/GoldFinger - 5 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:30 pm
by Keehnelf
You're in the forest--with a full day to work, and axes, you've got more than enough raw materials to work with.

Re: Expedition - Rhodri/GoldFinger - 5 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:33 pm
by Keehnelf
The wolf's answers, in Chaotic:
"Many goblins. In mountain. Under mountain. In ground. Many dens, many tunnels. Next, is find safe den. Is rest, is heal. Is dangerous near humans."

Re: Expedition - Rhodri/GoldFinger - 5 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:38 pm
by Zorroroaster
Keehnelf wrote:You're in the forest--with a full day to work, and axes, you've got more than enough raw materials to work with.
The travois has to hold a 375 lb snoring beast. Orrin figured it might take a little doing. :D

Re: Expedition - Rhodri/GoldFinger - 5 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:41 pm
by Keehnelf
Absolutely--just letting you know yo can fell trees of the size you need in a pinch :)

Re: Expedition - Rhodri/GoldFinger - 5 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:00 am
by Zorroroaster
I am pretty handy with an axe! :lol:

Re: Expedition - Rhodri/GoldFinger - 5 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 2:25 am
by KingOfCowards
The mountains? Yes. I expected that. Are there more goblin dens in the forest? What concerns me is that you said you would look for a new master. I'll try to speak plainly. These others...they want to kill you. If we'll end up fighting you again, under a new master, how can I say that they are wrong?

Re: Expedition - Rhodri/GoldFinger - 5 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 3:45 am
by Keehnelf
Chaotic, once again:
"No. Old Master. Goblin not master. Goblin enemy. Is hate goblin. Is make riding.

Re: Expedition - Rhodri/GoldFinger - 5 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 4:29 am
by Keehnelf
Also in chaotic:
"Yes, more dens. Dens for living, dens for making. Dens for tunnels. Also others."

Re: Expedition - Rhodri/GoldFinger - 5 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 4:40 am
by KingOfCowards
Kennit smiles at the wolf and nods his head before checking how the others are fairing.
"I think you've told us enough, Grrraghhrtghak. Thank you. Go ahead and rest, I'll wake you when we are ready to depart."

Re: Expedition - Rhodri/GoldFinger - 5 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 4:56 am
by Keehnelf
Make a charisma check, please.

Re: Expedition - Rhodri/GoldFinger - 5 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 5:04 am
by KingOfCowards

Re: Expedition - Rhodri/GoldFinger - 5 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 5:27 am
by Keehnelf
The wolf, not of especially high intelligence despite its ability to speak, nods its head, and eventually drifts off again into a healing rest.

Re: Expedition - Rhodri/GoldFinger - 5 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:23 am
by Spartakos
Rhodri awakens with sharp pains in shoulder and a terrible case of dry mouth. He struggles to sit up, groping for his weapons, and is much reassured when he is able to lay a hand on the worn hilt of his sword. He squints against the morning light and looks about at his companions.

He barely seems surprised to see the huge wolf, though his hand does tighten on the sword's hilt. He listens to the conversation between Orrin and Kennit with a lack of expression, his mouth a flat line.

"Seems clear I missed some things," he croaks in a rusty voice. He fumbles until he finds his wineskin and takes several long swallows. After glancing around again, he says, I'm glad Numen turned out all right...someone want to give me a briefing on what happened to Lug? Also where Kennit's new blade came from, and why we're conversing with bloodthirsty monsters?" Rhodri pulls on his mail shirt, wincing at the pain from his remaining wounds.

Can we assume they fill him in on what happened?
1 day rations deducted.

Re: Expedition - Rhodri/GoldFinger - 5 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:40 pm
by KingOfCowards
Kennit puts a finger to his lips, and answers Rhodri in a quiet voice. "I'll try to explain in a bit."
When the animal has finally dosed off, he will cut its throat with a sympathetic look.

When that grisly business is finished, he looks to his comrades who understood nothing of the conversation. "Unfortunately, the wolf was not willing to see reason. He had no wish to pull our Lug towards Vaul, and he was going to join up with his Old Master, the great wolf. I thought it better to get the deed over with now instead of fighting against it later. As for what he told me of the goblins, this forest is still full of them. We are not close yet to obtaining the Duke's reward.

To answer your questions Rhodri, a lot has happened in the time you were resting. We were ambushed by goblins and wolves. This sword came off of their chieftain, after he struck down Lug. There's better news still, inside we found a decent amount of treasure. We should be wealthy by the time we return to Vaul, if we get there.

Sorry for the subterfuge. I couldn't really explain the plan if the wolf could somehow overhear it.
rations deducted

Re: Expedition - Rhodri/GoldFinger - 5 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:53 pm
by Zorroroaster
Orrin lumbers back into camp, struggling under the weight of the wood for the travois he was planning. When he sees the dead wolf next to Kennit, he lets out an exasperated grunt and drops the logs near the fire.

"Well, at least we have firewood. I guess things didn't work out for you two, then? Just as well, the stench from its hide was more than I was willing to stomach for long. What now? We wait until...Rhodri, you are awake! Great news!"

He stops to look around and think a moment. "So let's just dig in here with what we can, protect Lug until he can walk, and then get the hell out of here."

Re: Expedition - Rhodri/GoldFinger - 5 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 2:58 pm
by Keehnelf
April 16, 1 VC - 8:00am

The day passes slowly, with much of the team more of less immobilized. Orrin, despite his very rough condition, works all through the morning to gather materials for a sled to carry Lug, and by the time is starts to rain near mid-day only construction remains.

As Orrin fastens the pieces together with bits of leather and cloth from the fallen goblins' gear, the rainfall intensifies, and by mid-afternoon it is coming down in sheets. The group is thankful for the shelter of overhanging roots, but then surprised after a few hours by a sudden outbreak of yelping and howling from the tunnel entrance. By the time the party has had the chance to mobilize and consider whether to explore or prepare to defend itself, the sound has stopped, and the muffled sound of the falling rain once again is the only one to be heard.

The rain slows Orrin's progress, but he is able to complete the sled just after dark, and the party camps once again, waking in the morning to the same gloomy rainfall.

Lug recovers 3 HP, and Rhodri and Numen each recover 2. Please deduct one day's rations apiece.

Re: Expedition - Rhodri/GoldFinger - 5 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 3:06 pm
by GTan_Baq
1 days rations deducted