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Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 1:17 pm
by wolfpack
Elbenwin rests against a column as he tells the others the informtion.

The dark one knows where we are, but we have to decide. Do we leave the orb here, or do we bag it and take in the gandalf? perhaps he could use it against the dark one. its magic is powerful

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 4:42 pm
by hedgeknight
Gilda Ironfoot

"If we take it with us, won't the Dark Lord know our every move? He'll track us through it, eh?" Gilly says, examining the head of her new pick. The craftsmanship is flawless. Definitely Dwarf made, she thinks to herself.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 6:41 pm
by Scott308
Glasik Ironfoot

I vote we take it to Gandalf. We'll feel foolish if we get back without it and are told that was the weapon he sent us to get.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 9:38 pm
by ravenn4544
Elbenarin agrees with his brothers conclusion, "aye, it must indeed be powerful to lie in such a place as this. We should pack it away and let Gandalf guide us on this ancient wizardry..."

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 3:40 pm
by Urson

I am a warrior, and I know nothing of magic- but is there any way to break the connection between the Dakr One and this..device?

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 4:36 pm
by Starbeard

"It appears to be activated only when touched. If we swathe it and keep it hidden, then we might be safe delivering it to this "Gandalf" of yours, free of the Dark Lord's gaze. Yet I doubt he will delay in dragging a net of spies across this accursed forest, knowing now that we are here. We have to flee now, and our known exit is being watched; we will have to find another way out, perhaps heading south along the corridor we came up."

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 5:58 pm
Folco doesn't hear the kind words from his friends initially, but when he figures out they are talking about him, he nearly swoons with pride.

"I agree that we need to leave this place here and now. If there is a secret way out, Mr. Vindoboduoc and I will surely find it."

"And I also agree that we should take the orb, in case we ever find Gandalf again, though it needs to be kept well covered and hidden from sight."

The hobbit gets to work immediately, searching the walls of the room for any hidden exits.

"Perhaps there is another path out of here in one of the rooms we haven't been through yet?"

If nothing is found, the tiny thief heads back towards the secret dwarf door.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 7:29 pm
by Starbeard
Vindo will help search the room for hidden exits. "The tapestries in the last room might be useful in covering the orb."

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 1:29 am
by Inferno
The Lost Halls of the First ElvenKing, The Mountains of Mirkwood, Rhovanion, Middle Earth
March 23, Year One of the Fourth Age
Day Five. Midday. Cloudy, damp, cold


The dread horror of Sauron lingers in Elbenwin's mind. He knows who and where the Company are!

Nearby, Naruthirdor examines the rest of the fabled artifacts of the First Age.

Keen of eye and sure of fingers, Folco and Vindo find a secret door within the walls of the ElvenKing's treasure vaults! Finding no dangers lurking, they carefully open it and discover a secret passage cut through the rock of the Mountains of Mirkwood!


The seeing stone safely cloaked in cloth, the Company cautiously follows the winding shaft by torchlight.

After some time they are completely confused as to which direction they are traveling. With all due care, they pass through another stone door into a cavern that stinks of orc.


When the door shuts behind them, it becomes invisible to their eyes!

They spy a light that grows brighter with every step through deepening puddles until they reach a cave mouth filled with daylight! The Company carefully peer outside and their hearts fall.

They've returned to the dread vale (at I) to find the ravine floor filled with Uruk-hai and orcs without number, roiling like ants, ready for war, watching the riven gate of the lost ElvenHalls (at K)!


The as yet unseen heroes had sorely underestimated the orc forces that remained here. The partial cover of Mirkwood's thick canopy and the overcast skies prove shield enough from the hated sun.

Staggered, the Company cannot see victory through strength of arms even with their new-gotten treasures.

Alas! All is lost!

Then suddenly gigantic shapes fill the sky beyond the trees! The heroes were not entirely unseen after all.


The eagles are coming! The eagles are coming!

Where the Mountains of Mirkwood pierce the forest roof, vast birds of prey soar down from above, hurtling toward the Company, sending the orc forces in the vale scattering in terror!

"To us! To us!" the giant eagles cry to the Company in the common tongue of Men!


Ravine Map:

The Company is at I. The ElvenHall Gates are at K. The Eagles are directly above I.
The floor of the Ravine, and the slope beneath K, are filled with fleeing orcs and Uruks.

Wilderland Map:
Dotted red line marks the Company's journey.

PC Status:
Elbenarin: Male Dunedan Ranger 3: Move: 9", AC: 2, HP: 29/34
Elbenwin: Male Dunedan Ranger 3: Move: 9", AC: 2, HP: 29/34
Folco Boffin: Male Hobbit Thief 3: Move: 9", AC: 2, HP: 11/21
Gilda 'Gilly' Ironfoot: Female Dwarvish Fighter 3: Move: 9", AC: 3, HP: 26/41, Torch
Glasik Ironfoot: Male Dwarvish Fighter 3: Move: 9", AC: 3, HP: 20/34
Gilwennen: Female Elvish Fighter/Magic-User 2/1: Move: 9", AC: -2, HP: 13/13, Spells: 0/1 1st lvl
Naruthirdor Nowe: Male Elvish Magic-User 2: Move: 12", AC: 9, HP: 7/8, Spells: 0/4 1st lvl, Torch
Rumil: Male Elvish Fighter/Magic-User 2/1: Move: 12", AC: 3, HP: 11/12, Spells: 1/3 1st lvl
Therone: Female Elvish Fighter 3: Move: 9", AC: -2, HP: 16/31, Torches
Tinuwen: Female Elvish Fighter/Magic-User 2/1: Move: 9", AC: -2, HP: 12/12, Spells: 1/3 1st lvl
Vindoboduoc: Male Man Thief 3: Move: 9", AC: 3, HP: 19/19, Torch
Red: Guard Dog: Move: 12", AC: 6, HD: 2+2, HP: 9/11, AT: 1, D: 1-4, THAC0: 16

PC Magic:
None currently.

Player Resources:
In Darkness and In Doubt (the story so far)
Before The Fall (realms and maps of Middle Earth)
The Fear and The Shadow (the story so far in images)
History Became Legend. Legend Became Myth (clues and player notes)

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:06 am
by Starbeard

Vindo volunteers to carry the orb in his pack. Once outside, he points to the eagles and cries, "The eagles are here! To the eagles, friends!"
The Wild Man rushes along the draw of the ravine toward their avian saviors.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:58 am
by Rex

Rumil moves quickly to position himself where an eagle can get a grip on him.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:45 pm
by wolfpack
Elbenwin moves in position for the eagles watching behind the company to make sure no unseen enemies surprise them

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:54 pm
by ChubbyPixie
"This is Mithrandir's doing."

Gilwennen will ready herself to be snatched from the ground and carried or to leap onto an eagles back as needed, exhibiting all the respect one can in such a situation.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 1:31 pm
by Old Duergar

"At long last... a break of good luck! Twain blessed, if you count the good Ranger's will being unbroken despite the horrors of facing the Dark Lord's iron will! If not for it, we would have been done for at the stinking paws of that foul host!", the Elf exhales with relief. His face darkens for a moment: "Despite those amazing artefacts uncovered, we still remain in the dark... I regret not having the chance to peruse the ElvenKing's study.".

He would then move towards the Eagles' direction, gawking in amazement at the great beasts, covered by their soaring shadows and letting out a sharp cry in Sindarin: "Thoronath! The Eagles! There, our salvation lies at hand!"

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 2:03 pm
by Urson
Therone doesn't spare a backward glance at the Ork-kin in the valley. She laughs in triumph and sprints for the Eagles.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 2:56 pm
by SocraticLawyer
Tinuwen smiles at the sight of the majestic eagles. She runs toward them, ready to fly.

Can Tinuwen carry two bows? If not, she would have left Baudhring in the hidden treasure chamber, hoping to retrieve it after Smaug is slain and return it to the elf king.
Similarly with her longsword.

Sorry again for my delays in posting!!!

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 3:49 pm
by ravenn4544
Elbenarin looks grimly across the valley. He keeps an eye on his brother after his brush with such evil. He too stands ready for a hopeful flight out!

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:39 pm
by hedgeknight
Gilda Ironfoot

Gilly doesn't like the thought of running away from the Orcs and Uruks. seems her companions think it's a good idea, so she whistles for Red and hurries along toward the eagles.
"What are we supposed ta do once we reach 'em? How do we know they ain't gonna eat us?"

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:48 pm
Folco seems to be in a bewildered state once the fellowship breaks out into the open again, his heart dropping as he tries to count the throng of orcs below.

When he hears that the eagles are coming, he stares at the majestic animals nearly dumbfounded.

"Well now you've gone and done it, fool of a Boffin. I never thought that the stories told of such things were ever really true, but here we are."

The usually stoic hobbit seems almost afraid to become an unwilling passenger, as if the fate of facing the indomitable enemy below might not be so bad. He slowly moves out into the open with the others, watching how they proceed before working up the courage himself.

"Are we certain this is at all safe? Flying above the trees so high? What would happen if we were to..... AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" He exclaims as he is lifted from the safety of the perfectly good solid ground.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 10:00 pm
by Scott308
Glasik Ironfoot

Accustomed to being below ground, the dwarf is leery of being way above ground, but, knowing he can't defeat the horde on his own, grudgingly accepts a ride from the eagles. It just ain't natural, he mutters.