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Re: CHAPTER 9: Return to the Tunnels

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 6:18 pm
by Norjax

The dust in this room is comparable to the other parts of this ring structure. You see tracks/markings in the floor dust, but cannot determine what made them. They appear older than the tracks in the ring hallway.

You do not see any books or manuals lying about.

Belial does not detect any scent of insects.


Re: CHAPTER 9: Return to the Tunnels

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 7:08 pm
by rossik
MacMak get some too (ooc: are we getting "as a group", or individually?), and then volunteer to go to the next segment of the circular corridor.

Re: CHAPTER 9: Return to the Tunnels

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 7:51 pm
by greyarea
Denslow says, I don't know what interaction with the pods this... stuff has, Silvestri, but I agree. We want the pods to work so we can leave this place when it is time.

And in that spirit, let us leave this room once we've collected what we can, and continue our exploration of this... what is this? An access tunnel of some sort? Crawlspace?

Re: CHAPTER 9: Return to the Tunnels

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 8:31 pm
by shaidar

"I was hoping we might find a manual, like we did for the pods. I really must learn the onglish language, there is so much knowledge the ancients knew. I agree, let's collect what we can from what has been left lying around and continue on our journey"

Re: CHAPTER 9: Return to the Tunnels

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 12:39 pm
by Norjax

Tunnel Complex Ring Hallway, 298D/81 (Morning)

Deciding to leave the cabinets alone, you gather and collect some of the loose pieces (colored bone, metal rope, “candy” and bone parts) from the metal boxes. In one box are several (four) opaque quart jars with screw-on tops. You collect five hand tools (pliers and cutters) before closing the gray door and returning to the ring corridor.

After another 80+ feet, you reach a third hollow column dropping 40ft to a floor and rising above the limits of your light.



Belial detects the scent of insects entering the tube. The odor does not continue in the ring corridor beyond this location.


Hit Points [Luck Points]:

Belial – 29/57 [0/9]
Denslow – 32/42 [15/16]
Silvestri – 43/60 [14/14]
MacMak - 50/68 [15/17]
Bruce – 33/50 [12/12]
Kurot – [50]/50 [1/15]
Frank – 42/63 [2/13]
Ron – 60/69 [13/15]


Re: CHAPTER 9: Return to the Tunnels

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 12:43 pm
by greyarea
As expected, says Denslow. Let's continue on.

Re: CHAPTER 9: Return to the Tunnels

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 1:09 pm
by rossik
rossik wrote:[...]and then volunteer to go to the next segment of the circular corridor.


Re: CHAPTER 9: Return to the Tunnels

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 4:44 pm
by shaidar

"This is the tube that should take to get us down to the passage across the turntable so we can to continue our journey, but if there are bugs down there..perhaps it is best to avoid it. If I remember the map correctly, the next tube on will take us to a pod passageway heading away from these 'terminals' we are after. Perhaps we should back up and return to the previous tube down, it will take us on a route that is longer, but should still get us to the place we want to go via another turntable"

Re: CHAPTER 9: Return to the Tunnels

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 1:09 pm
by Norjax

Tunnel Complex Ring Hallway, 298D/81 (Morning)

Moving on, you complete exploring the open doors and their corridors which continue with the pattern of curved rooms with metal cabinets, “well” rooms and a fourth vertical tube. The rooms have been ransacked and salvaged like the others in this area.





Hit Points [Luck Points]:

Belial – 29/57 [0/9]
Denslow – 32/42 [15/16]
Silvestri – 43/60 [14/14]
MacMak - 50/68 [15/17]
Bruce – 33/50 [12/12]
Kurot – [50]/50 [1/15]
Frank – 42/63 [2/13]
Ron – 60/69 [13/15]


Re: CHAPTER 9: Return to the Tunnels

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:58 pm
by shaidar
Silvestri is still up for taking the first tube we came across, as the one we were going to take smells of bugs.

ooc: the vertical tube at the "2.30" position on the map. It should take us to the right-hand pod track on the transit map. Assuming there is a pod, we can turn left at the next turntable and get to a terminal that way

Re: CHAPTER 9: Return to the Tunnels

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 12:28 am
by greyarea
Denslow concurs.

Re: CHAPTER 9: Return to the Tunnels

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 2:08 pm
by Ardak2000
Bruce Concurs with Silvestri. Take the first tube, he motions.

Re: CHAPTER 9: Return to the Tunnels

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 9:40 pm
by Urson
Belial picks through the colored bones, collecting pieces that are discolored and warped.

Yeah, my dude. This place is a whole lot of nothing. Let's get back to the pod.

Re: CHAPTER 9: Return to the Tunnels

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 12:18 pm
by rossik
MacMak agrees, and start to feel strangely unsafe here

Re: CHAPTER 9: Return to the Tunnels

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 5:22 pm
by Norjax

Tunnel Complex, 298D/81 (Late Morning)

You descend the first tube (Green Arrow) beyond the one you originally ascended.


After dropping 40ft to a floor, you exit into a station stop identical in layout to the one where your hyper pods are docked. Like that room, it has been stripped of any salvage.



Outside in the main tunnel, an organic resin has been sprayed across the lower portion of the tunnel segment and is anchored to the lower rail making a primitive fence 4-5ft high. There is a foul scent here, insect in nature, but almost a type of repellent.


Beyond the fence, at the limit of your illumination, is a contraption that is not a pod but rides the upper and lower rails in the manner of a hyper pod.


The construct has an open deck with railings on three of the sides. The side without a railing is occupied by three box structures, the center is higher than the others with a door allowing access to the interior along with various windows. A fixed stair is offset to one side of the deck on both ends. An arch is anchored in the center of its length and secures a single shoe that is coupled to the upper rail. Two shoes secure the vehicle to the lower rail. The entire vehicle is orange in color, with dull silver metal parts exposed where the paint has flaked off.

The contraption appears old and worn, indicating use and abuse over a long period of time.


Hit Points [Luck Points]:

Belial – 29/57 [0/9]
Denslow – 32/42 [15/16]
Silvestri – 43/60 [14/14]
MacMak - 50/68 [15/17]
Bruce – 33/50 [12/12]
Kurot – [50]/50 [1/15]
Frank – 42/63 [2/13]
Ron – 60/69 [13/15]


Re: CHAPTER 9: Return to the Tunnels

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 4:40 pm
by shaidar
Silvestri examines the 'fence' more closely

"How peculiar. I wonder who put this here and when. We should see if we can get the strange contraption working, although it doesn't look anywhere near as comfortable as a pod. I hope we'll all fit on it.

Re: CHAPTER 9: Return to the Tunnels

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 7:06 pm
by greyarea
Denslow also looks at the contraption.

I don't see the point of it. Perhaps there are some pods for general use and others for maintenance. From within the pod, we don't have a good view of the rails nor other elements. This would afford very good view.

Or maybe this is a more recent invention. Another tribe discovered this since the passing of the ancients. They couldn't get the pods to work, or at least not through all of the tunnels, and so built this lesser-pod so they could travel.

Regardless, I say we re-ascend to the connecting tube, now that we know it is in fact it is a connecting tunnel, and try a different station.

Re: CHAPTER 9: Return to the Tunnels

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 9:20 pm
by rossik
Is the resin removeable? If so, MacMak would like to get some

Re: CHAPTER 9: Return to the Tunnels

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 3:26 pm
by Urson

Belial knuckle-walks over to the resin barrier, and looks over. What's behind the fence?

Re: CHAPTER 9: Return to the Tunnels

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 4:28 pm
by Zhym
"Curious," muses Kurot. "The presence of a barrier suggests intelligence—specifically, someone other than the bugmen, since the barrier may be intended to keep them out. Perhaps we should investigate? 'Do not enter!' means 'Something interesting may be here!' Right?"