Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#341 Post by Marullus »

Rabon is away for the weekend, otherwise I'd direct this at him. We can assume he's helping Thag?

"Thag, take Rabon and check if that next room is safe. If so, bring back one of those mushrooms so I can inspect it. If we have any luck, we can leave the wolves outside the door and pause to question this sack-urchin and catch our breath." At that he turns to Berry and Aiofe. "Don't let him wriggle from that sack,
Berry. And You... "
He looks disapprovingly at Aiofe, "let's not run with the wolves again, eh?"
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#342 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »

Allric, if you would like to examine the mushrooms, I can hold a torch. The 'shrooms over by the stairway leading down, so I can check that too. Then could we move the desk from the first room over to the other room to block the stairs until we're ready to explore down there?
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#343 Post by Marullus »

Allric takes a closer look at the desk. How fragile is it? How heavy? Would it block the stair? Is it too valuable for such a purpose and we just roll over a chunk of pillar? He peers thoughtfully at the drawers, considering it with a criminal's eye in case he needs to disarm a trap. Once he's satisfied, he'll slide it open with the tip of his dagger.
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#344 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »

Yes, I can check the room and the stairs for traps with Rabon's help.
Although it might be better if Rabon did the tests, I'm no longer fresh and am Exhausted, so lose a die. Do we roll for Rabon? Or should I do the test?
Are there any precautions I should be aware of before touching the 'shrooms?
Using my instinct would be a free test to check for traps, then a test to harvest the 'shrooms. I believe I could use Scavenger to "forage" for the 'shrooms as a test. It should be easy since I can see them and don't need to look for them. Using my human "Boasting" I can say I'll find you the best looking example of the 'shrooms. That would earn us a Check I hope.

Second test could be Allric examining the 'shrooms.

Third test could be for Aoife and Berry or Galen to move the desk in front of the stairway.
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#345 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »

While I'm checking, or helping Rabon check the 'shroom room, I'm going to keep my eye open for a suitable walking stick - a mop handle maybe?
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#346 Post by Ludanto »

Allric can tell that the desk is crumbly and cracked, but not fragile. It's also pretty much a rectangular boulder. Moving it would prove to be quite an effort. If he could somehow get it across all of the rubble and around the pillars, it might block the stairs, but it's hard to tell without a close look at the stairs (if that's what's behind that railing).

Having given it a once over, poking it a few times here and there, Allric is confident that there are no traps to be found, and slides a drawer open with his dagger. It takes some doing, as the wood is old and these drawers must not have been moved in some time, but he gets one open and finds... a rusty pen nib.

Rabon, meanwhile, doesn't find see signs of traps in the other room.

Thag sneaks ahead, alert for danger.

What is Allric doing now? Is he just peeking in all of the drawers? Trying to avoid touching things?

Thag needs to make a Scout tests vs. 5D. It is assumed that Rabon is helping.
If you're going to use a Trait against yourself, now might be the time, since your odds aren't great anyway.
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#347 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »

Rolling for Scout to check the room (and harvest a 'shroom?)

Let me use that torch, I need good light.

I check the room, looking for anything useful, or dangerous.

Panting, mumbling to myself Come on, Thag, wake up those muscles, shake the cobwebs out. Using my Grim-Visage Trait.

Using my sword, I check the railing and ?stairs? Testing for loose boards/stones, checking for trip wires, or false floors.

Finally, I check the patch of 'shrooms. Using my sword tip I slice off a large-sized one, and skewer it a needle and thread from my sewing kit (I am weaver-trained as a child so I assume I have this kit).

Scout + Help - Exhaustion - Grim-Visage Trait. (Have I already used this? I don't recall, if I did then ignore the last die, whatever it is.)
3D +1D -1D -1D

Scouting: [1d6] = 4 [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 1 Drop the last die if possible to earn a Check.

Two successes, so I either don't find anything, even if there is something, or I botched up the 'shroom harvest. I hope Allric can use 'shroom pieces to see if these are the right ones.

I didn't find any traps in there, and I got you a 'shroom, I hope it's not too badly damaged.

If this was a scout for raps with an extra level of difficulty to get a 'shroom then it could be a free instinct-related test; if not, and it's more of a 'shroom harvest with looking for traps added, then it probably triggers The Grind. Either way, I'll mark a Failure for Scout on my sheet.
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#348 Post by Ludanto »

Thag lights a torch and carefully searches the room for threats, and finding none, sets about gathering mushrooms.

However, before he can even approach them, the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, and a chill runs down his spine. He thought he was safe, but he can barely hear a thick, guttural breathing coming from the stairwell.

When he glances over, he can just make out the shadow of the largest wolf he's ever seen. Its yellow eyes watching him with an unnatural intelligence.

Thag stops where he is, before casually returning to the rest of the group, as if he hadn't seen anything.

A cold sweat breaks out on Thag's forehead.

Rabon notices what's going on as well, and notices that Thag is leaving him alone in the room with whatever that is. He is not happy as he follows Thag out of the room.

Scout Difficulty: 2, 3, 5, 4, 5 = 3 successes

Thag is Afraid. Sorry, Thag.

Rabon is Angry. I'm even more sorry, Rabon.

Thag also earns a Check. You can always use Traits against yourself.

That's turn 4. Everyone is Hungry & Thirsty. The candle and lantern go out.

Mark off Thag's torch.

It doesn't know that you've seen it.

What now?
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#349 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »

I thought one of use had a torch already burning that I would use, but no problem.

When I get back to the first room, I swallow hard and whisper...
We're not alone in here
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#350 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Next time you know you won't pass a test, don't accept/use the help. ;) Rabon don't need to get that condition.

Interesting twist.

Rabon follows what he thought was a seasoned strider out of the other room. He's never been so disgusted and responds in less than a whisper. No. We're not. But I was alone with that wolf-thing after you snuck out! And you didn't even get the mushroom.
Now we're surrounded by wolves and it's your fault, Thag.

OOC: angry is a fun condition! :P
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#351 Post by Marullus »

So, Thag records a failed Scout test. That was done on instinct? So we're still at...
Turn 4 (Turn 7 overall, 2 turns until session end, 0 turns until Grind once this test is done)
...right? Rabon's candle was lit before turn 1, so this action is its last. Berry's lantern was lit when we entered the courtyard (before turn 2) so this is also its last action. When did Thag light the torch and why did it burn out on an instinct, without the turn advancing? I can cast the light spell now for the combat (aiding maneuver) in any case.

Allric stops fiddling with the desk as he sees the terrified face of the normally grim-visage Thag. He snaps his fingers at Berry absently as he looks concernedly at Thag, "Berry, those smelling salts I gave you to carry... our stout friend needs the Vapor of Bravery before he relays to us our present predicament." He crushes the ingredients together and directs Thag to inhale deeply of them. (No turn or test required, elixir/vapor removes one Afraid condition.)

Once Thag inhales the vapor and resumes his normal grim (but still exhausted) mien, Allric waits for him to relay what he saw. Allric frowns deeply, pulling thoughtfully at his mustaches as he addresses the group in a low tone. "It sounds more like a werewolf or supernatural beast than the normal variety outside. This is a great evil, a challenge to all our abilities, and it stands in the way of us claiming what we came for. What say you to facing it?" He looks stoicly from one face to the next.

We now have a check and didn't hit the grind yet. I think it is safe to assume (especially with the caginess of our GM so far :) ) that we cannot camp here nor pass safely back through the wolves to another site (a second time, and without a map). That means we're still left with this as our last Fresh action and it will invoke the Grind upon us. We'll then be one action away from the Session End / Rewards.

I kind of like facing the werewolf creature as our last Fresh action. Thag's goal requires a Kill conflict. Aiofe's goal requires "besting" it with her strength, which I assume she interprets the same way. Otherwise, we could Drive Off (which is riskier in this case; I don't want the Big Bad reoccuring) Berry could try to Persuade it with his B2 and no help (we are NOT the group for one-on-one negotiation), or Rabon could try to Trick it with Manipulator in some way.

Either way, we use Word of Binding on that sack whenever Galen is ready and save the struggling kobold for after the conflict. :)
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#352 Post by Ludanto »

Yes, that was Scout instinct, otherwise you'd be in the dark and Hungry & Thirsty. ;)

Light sources are correct.

I originally forgot this was an instinct, and wrote a whole thing where you guys were in the dark with a monster, but then Thag mentions thre torch, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

The torch isn't used up, just used. You can retcon that if you want, but then you're left with some precarious lighting conditions for whatever is next. Please make sure that people have free hands for the lights.

Elixers are pretty sweet! Assuming that Berry hands it over, Thag is no longer Afraid.

I've noted your intent, but what you actually did will determine the conflict type (if any), so... What now?
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#353 Post by ffilz »

Galen has been carrying a lantern. I don't think he's been using it...

Do you need more than one hand free for casting?

Looks like when we're ready Words of Binding would be Ob 4 or 5 (depending on duration).
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#354 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »

If we end up fighting the big bad wolf I probably can't be in the front line, but I'll gladly be in the second rank with a torch or two. I can still add help with my Fighter skill if needed.

Did anyone pack any wolfsbane?
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#355 Post by Marullus »

Okay, good. :)

We are correct in assuming that we can't camp now, right? :cry:

We have three PCs who's goals or beliefs strongly support a Kill conflict against a Big Bad. I'm expecting we're going to have some sort of action that supports that. I'm having Allric do a dramatic pause to give each of them a time to interact at this crucial junction. :)

I'm confused by the equipment inventories. I'll post about that on the other thread. (As written, Thag is carrying an empty backpack and a full quiver, with no torches. Berry and Aiofe have torches and would need to give him one.)

Hand inventory:
Thag currently lost his stick and is able to hold his Longsword and a Torch in his hands.
Aiofe has both hands full with the sack and her hammer next to her on the floor (presumably)
Allric is carrying his staff and a scroll (lacking pockets)
Berry is carrying the lit lantern and his newly found shield. (Can't hold the sack for Aiofe.)
Rabon is carrying his pole and the candle. (allowed?)
Galen is carrying a second lantern (unlit) and has a free hand.

Aiofe threw the sack at someone with no available hands when she ran off. Can we rectify that Galen picked it up and is holding the kobold secure?

I assume that having Galen use Word of Binding on the sack will successfully resolve this for now as well? If so, I think we should handle that soonish.
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#356 Post by Ludanto »

No camp.

Thag asked to be handed a torch, so yes, it needs to come from somebody else.

Can't carry a pole in one hand, at least not while doing anything.

Confirming: Yes, Word of Binding is Ob4 for one phase on a bag (like rope).
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#357 Post by ffilz »

Marullus wrote: Aiofe threw the sack at someone with no available hands when she ran off. Can we rectify that Galen picked it up and is holding the kobold secure?

Galen could take the sack with kobold, but doesn't that require two hands?

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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#358 Post by Ludanto »

Galen only needs two hands to carry the sack.
He can probably hold it closed with one, until he can put down the spare lantern and cast the spell.
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#359 Post by ffilz »

Ludanto wrote:Galen only needs two hands to carry the sack.
He can probably hold it closed with one, until he can put down the spare lantern and cast the spell.
Ok, sounds like Galen took the handed off kobold sack...

Oh, and of course now I see the single hand requirement... Under "To Cast Spells" heading rather than the separate "Casting Spells" heading. Is help available for casting?

I see Arcanist 3D + Fresh 1D + Supplies 1D so far for casting.

Hmm, use Scarred for +1D and go for permanent duration under the "take this foul creature and bag it up and toss it to hell..." kind of meme... (leaving Angry as a quite possible condition granted by a twist if he fails....).
Dr. Samuel Linkletter 6AAB83, Age 30, Doctor, 3 Terms. Medical-3, Blade Cbt-1, Streetwise-1, Mechanical (Cloth)-1, Scholar-2, Mechanical (Metal)-0, Mechanical (Wood)-0, Mechanical (Stone)-0, Mechanical (Machinery)-0, Admin-0, Pistol-0
Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#360 Post by Marullus »

I wondered about casting help, too. I think it should be fine (it is why cabals and covens exist). Allric didn't ask or accept help so far because it would contravene his Belief. He is glad to offer +1D help to Galen though, and would almost certainly provide commentary like a nosy professor anyway. :)

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