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Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:49 am
by greyarea
Trotter takes his cue and springs forward at top speed, bringing is sword to bear if he can on one of the remaining giants.

Sword of Sharpness to hit [1d20+4] = 16+4 = 20, dmg v l [1d8+15] = 6+15 = 21

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 2:17 am
by Nuke66
Morgi stands there and grins for a minute, reveling in the sheer power of controlling the fury of nature.
Perhaps the sureness of his training pulls him out of it. But for whatever reason he does feel the passing of the giants, though for good reason. "That's it,let's not get hasty, keep it going."

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 6:37 am
by Storm11
"your power is truly awesome Druid." says Halo within the fog, readying his blade at Mira's words. A sixth there was. But where is it now? "Yours too lady,"

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:17 pm
by Inferno
Blodget, halfling thief:

The lightning incineration reminded Blodget of his dead friend.

The young hobbit swallowed his sorrow and scrambled up the rock wall and perched himself above the cave mouth, with his back to the rocks and his magic sword out. He was ready to leap down and backstab a sixth, seventh or eighth giant, should they emerge!

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 3:29 am
by Dram
Xano moves quickly with the speed potion to the rear of the giant still standing. She will stab the L. Sword into the back of the giant. This is for the Monk with no name. Xano hears Mira say that one of the giants is missing she quickly turns towards the cave.

+3 L. Sword of Flames 10 Damage x 4 = 40 total damage
Flame+3L.Swordtohit[1d20+5] = 13+5+4 = 22,todam sm[1d8+5] = 2+5 = 7,todamlg[1d12+5] = 4+5 = 9, flame dam vs cold users[1d6] = 1

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 1:21 pm
by Hotgoblin
Wyntar will wait to see what happens. If the remaining Giant makes it out of the cave he will attack him.

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 9:34 pm
Thomas rushes up to the crawling giant with intentions of death but slips in the wet slop as he swings, missing completely.

Mira, Morgi, Wyntar, and Halo stay where they are to admire the devastation that just laid such a fierce enemy to waste.

Trotter, Blodget, and the now speedy Xano all rush towards the cave opening, Trotter and Xano to kill, and Blodget to climb. Xano gets there first and easily runs her sword through the badly injured frost giant, remembering the fallen monk as she does so. When the others catch up, they see the last giant emerge from the entrance and make a run for it in the opposite direction of the rock pile. He is the crispy one that Wyntar fried at the beginning of the battle. The injured thing clearly intends to flee the wrath of the powerful spell casters.

The remaining three dwarves catch up to the action and also see the last giant fleeing. They immediately take off after their hated blackened enemy, shouting battle cries as they charge.


Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:36 am
by Nuke66
"Well, shall we go take a look?" Morgi suggests

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 5:13 am
by Storm11
Seeing the last giant flee in fear, injured, the paladin is content to let it go. The little halfling covers his mouth with his cloak to keep the stench of cooked giant from overcoming him, and the chevalier makes his way into the cave, checking each giant and wolf is truly dead as he goes, with a stab to the heart for good measure.

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:17 pm
by Inferno
Blodget, halfling thief:

If the last giant passed within sword's length of Blodget's hiding perch on the rocky wall, the hobbit would attempt to stab it in the back, in the name of his nameless friend.
Otherwise, Blodget would let it go, hop down and search the less disintegrated giants for things like keys, or... oh, I don't know... shiny coins and rubies and stuff.

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:34 am
by Dram
Xanowill chase down the giant and swing at leg of the giant to bring it dowm. But being used to her new found speed misses the giant.

+3 L. sword
Flame+3L.Swordtohit[1d20+5] = 2+5 = 7,todam sm[1d8+5] = 4+5 = 9,todamlg[1d12+5] = 12+5 = 17, flame dam vs cold users[1d6] = 6

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:15 am
by tkrexx
Mira watches the soon-dead Giant flee a moment, then pays it no more mind. She turns back to the cave and readies her Light-pouch. The 'mist can accompany us inside, or something else perhaps. A distraction to take the first hit.

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:22 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Thomas will rush after the beast and attempt to cast hold person on the injured and fleeing giant.

If he is not in range then he too will let it go since no one is chasing it.

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:59 am
by Hotgoblin
Wyntar allows the wounded Giant to leave. We should keep an eye out here, should any unwanted guests arrive, so I will remain hidden outside above the cave entrance. Invisible

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 2:51 am
Blodget is not close enough or fast enough to stab at the fleeing giant so, he begins doing what halfling thieves do.

Halo makes sure the remains of the enemy are truly dead while Morgi suggests taking a look in the cave. Mira begins moving her fog and herself closer to the opening.

Thomas remembers that a giant is not personable enough for his hold spell and watches as the the others chase the huge icy creature down. Trotter stands with the others, staring off into space, not sure what to do.

Wyntar flies up above the cave mouth to watch for any other possible invaders. He remains visible however as his spell of invisibility has long since been dispelled.

The dwarves continue their charge on the last giant but Xano quickly passes them by. She swings at the beasts leg but finds her new speed hard to adjust to and her swing flies wild. The frost giant realizes that he won't be able to outrun the speedy elf so, it turns to attack her, even in the face of the oncoming dwarves. His huge ax swings down hard on the she elf and, even with her extra speed, still hits her viciously. 21 dam The dwarves are coming and about to swarm the injured giant with their own axes.


Trotter 43/43
Halo 21/49
Xano 15/39
Thomas 26/46
Morgi 38/49
Wyntar 23/40
Mira 32/32
Blodget 48/56

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 3:08 am
by Nuke66
Morgi continues to advance into the cave.

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 6:53 am
by Storm11
Once the Giants are dead, and if Halo sees Xano in trouble he will run as fast as he is able to assist her

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 10:57 am
by Inferno
Blodget, halfling thief:

Blodget sees Xano in trouble, pulls his arms out of a dead giant's pockets, and runs toward the fight with the last giant that just wanted to get away.

From long range, Blodget hurls yet another dead-eyed sling stone at a giant's forehead! BONK!

Blodget Sling: To Hit: [1d20+9] = 18+9 = 27, Damage: S/M: [1d4+3] = 2+3 = 5, Damage: L: [1d6+3] = 4+3 = 7

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 11:44 am
by greyarea
Trotter also advances as quickly as possible

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:28 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Thomas, remembering the spell will not work, charges after the giant to kill it and stop anymore attacks on Xano.

Heavy Mace To Hit: [1d20+3] = 17+3 = 20, Damage: [1d6+8] = 1+8 = 9, Holy DMG vs. Evil: [2d6] = 10