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Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:43 pm
by Computer +1
Kael thinks over the work offer for a moment.
Look at 'im, he's a warrior like I am he says as he walks over offering his hand to the fellow fighter. Names Kael though most folks call me Brick on account of me Ma' always saying I was dumb as one. He sticks his thumbs into his belt aside his throwing axes. Makes more sense to tag along with you all for a while. I may not be able to stay too long though, me an a local bigwig don't see much eye ta' eye if you know what I mean.

He looks back at his walking companion, the holy man. Sorry friend we never exchanged names on the walk, you are?

Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:44 pm
by ybn1197
With a shock, Gerland remembers he never did discuss this with Kael. "Gerland,... Gerland Lesbros. My apologies my friend. Where did my manors go?"

Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:19 pm
Kelton smiles widely at the talk of the newcomers. He gladly shakes hands and tries to be as welcoming as possible.

Our line of work? Well, I guess we could be called adventurers! Although, right now, I'm thinking we are really only acting as caravan guards. We are going to bring these stolen goods back to their rightful owners. And then Sildar there has a few other avenues we might be interested in taking for further adventure.

Welcome to you both. I am Kelton, warrior extraordinaire, as you have already deduced. This is the rest of our party...

Kelton waves his hand towards the others, waiting for them to make their own introductions.

Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 4:51 pm
by hedgeknight
Sildar Hallwinter.png
Sildar Hallwinter.png (123.25 KiB) Viewed 891 times
The man leaning against the wagon, looking like he has been beat to a pulp and lucky to be alive, says, "Allow me to bring you gents in line with the current situation. The name is Sildar Hallwinter. Me and my friend, Gundren Rockseer, hired these men a few days ago in Neverwinter. They were to bring this wagon and its cargo to Phandalin; we had left a couple of days before. Gundren and his brothers had found a map to the lost Wave Echo Cave that their family once delved hundreds of years ago and we were going ahead to Phandalin to make exploration arrangements.

"As you can see, we didn't make it to town. Goblins ambushed us, overwhelmed us, and took us back to their hideout. They kept me there, but shipped Gundren off to some other place...some castle I think. Their leader is someone or some thing called the Black Spider. And now, he has Gundren and the map to the old delve. I'm worried about my friend and need to find him somehow. Hopefully, someone in Phandalin can point me in the right direction. Your help...will be much appreciated."

He coughs and winces, hugging his ribs, as he wipes blood from his split lip.

Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:20 pm
by ybn1197
Gerland rushes over to Sildar. "My deepest apologies good sir. You are in desperate need of Lathander's Light." Gerland casts Cure Wounds on Sildar.

Cure Wounds: [1d8+3] = 5+3 = 8

Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 9:53 pm
by hedgeknight
Sildar sighs in relief as the healing power washes over him, knitting cracked ribs, healing cuts, fading bruises.
"Praise the Lord of the Morning and those who love him," the veteran warrior murmurs, smiling at Gerland. "Many thanks, good sir."

Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 10:02 pm
The dashing young Kelton stands tall.

Well, now that we're all acquainted nicely.......shall we continue or little journey? We can get further instruction as we travel.

Ummmmm, I hate to ask this but, what is the plan for Baer's body?

Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 1:10 pm
by Computer +1
Yeah lets get a move on. You all been ambushed once, lets not tempt fate to make it twice. says Kael as he looks around the area in case an army of goblins should appear.

And the mention of the dwarf's body he steps back a bit and shuffles along to give the others a chance to figure it out.

Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:21 pm
by burlyjr
We need to give him a proper burial.

Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 6:07 pm
by ybn1197
"Though I never knew him, I agree that he needs a proper burial. Our journey is not peaceful complete til our bodies are quietly interred," Gerland says.

Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 11:13 pm
by hedgeknight
"A proper burial for a dwarf is either in a stone tomb surrounded by his family and forefathers or on the field of battle where he fell." Sildar says, climbing on the wagon in the driver's seat.
"Since we have neither, might be best if we hurry to Phandalin where we'll likely find a priest to perform the service. I was helpless to assist him as he fought the goblins, and watched him die. The least I can do is pay for his burial. Unless of course, you who knew him best wish to take him back to Neverwinter or south to Waterdeep and arrange passage to Mintarn where he's from."

Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 2:30 pm

Come to think of it, I didn't really know him all that well anyway.

Your plan sounds good to me. Let's be off then!

Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 3:13 pm
by Computer +1
Kael didn't want to but in on a conversation about someone he didn't know but he is relieved when Sildar makes the smart suggestion. If there is space on the wagon he will hop aboard, if not he will walk along.

So what ya wanna talk about he says to no one in particular while his scarred face breaks out into a smile.

Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 8:04 pm
by hedgeknight
Sildar smiles at the scarred warrior and snaps the reins, getting the horses moving and the wagon heads off down the Triboar Trail. A few miles on, a fork turns right and Sildar directs the horses into the rutted track.
"Kael, how do you and Gerland know each other? You grow up together in Triboar?"

Fellers, I will leave this thread open in case anyone else wants to respond to Kael's question, but I'm going to open a new thread entitled "Phandalin" in a few minutes. Don't forget to update your character sheets > last reminder.

Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 8:58 pm
by Computer +1
Kael enjoys the wind in his face for a moment before he starts talking. Him an' me? We were total strangers just sharing the path until we ran into ye all. Not too bad to have someone in good with the gods around though if ya ask me he says with a nod towards Gerland.

He continues on As fer me I grew up in Triboar and thereabout. My family are all workers, you know?Keep yer head down and get through types. Me, well I'm not for that kinda work. Tilling that land, harvesting grain, thats a lotta work. Puts a pain in me back... He stretches an imaginary muscle pull for a moment before continuing.

So if yer not fer working then that means yer for a church and a lotta reading n' praying. That not much for me either. Seems a man can get awful aches always kneelin' before a alter all day. An my knees ain't so good so that wasn't fer me either.

He lets out deep breath Nope I found me church elsewhere. I am a holy man in the church of fightin'! I ain't one much for killin' unless its necessary but man I love a good scrap. Thats how I got me name an' all. Brick on account of being too stubborn to back down even when the odds were against me. He looks whistfully into the distance Gods I had plenty of good scraps and always made sure to give better then I got. Only trouble was with the local law on account of the damage being done but the local sherriff was a good man an' he kinda took me under his wing and taught me a bit more about how to handle myself. I think he figured I might as well get better at fighting if my mind was set up on anyway.

His smile fades a bit It was a shame when he passed on. Good man he was. After he was gone I never got much along with the new lawmen. Truth be told the place changed. Local lord was gettin' harder and harder on the regular folk and somethin' hadda be done. No one else was gonna do it so I did. Gave em' a chance to fight back is all. He rubs the handle of his axe I busted my way into the armory with a few fellers and gave the arms to the people who needed em'. Was the right thing to do but now I'm not too popular with the law. He spreads his arms wide, The people, they love me though. They been keepin' me outta sight until things die down which kinda brings me here...

Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:43 pm
by ybn1197
Gerland chuckles at Kael's story. It seemed far too much like some of the books he had read in the monastery. Tales of bravery and daring. It was one of the things that motivated him to leave the monastery and learn more of the world around him.

"Goodman Kael is right, we knew not of each others when we met up on the path. But as he said it is good to have someone in the good graces of the gods along, it is also good to have someone as big and strong as Kael as well. I hail from the High Forest area. Lathander has a monastery there and that is where I have spent my entire life. I was raised there by the monks, never knowing my mother or father. As you can see, I share the heritage of both human and elf, but I could not tell you what comes from which of my parents. I recently decided to leave the monastery and see what the world has to offer."