McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#241 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Spearmint wrote:A local blacksmith and petty armourer, a dwarf (by chance!), named 'Sparky', smelts the silver ingot into running hot thin liquid. He separates your pistol into the component parts and drills out a rifled bore. "I can line the casings insides with the enchanted silvering and pass it on to a gnome colleague of mine, Tissot (by chance), he can do some intricate needlework to make the pistol shot spin accurately afterwards. Though you'll have to keep smelting your own ammunition after because the standard musket ball sizes won't go through. I can do the inside and a pouch of 30 silvered shots which what you have here. "

Later Siggard and Van de Poel decide to luncheon in the Owl and Pussycat, having been referred to that place as a tavern which some of the sages and mages frequent.
Siggard leaves the mechanical cat at the gnome's establishment with high hopes that he will be able to learn something about its purpose as he fabricates a new key for the strange contraption.

He agrees to let the dwarven smith coat one pistol barrel and then fabricate the rest of the enchanted silver into shot."I have already met Tissot, and he seems like a talented craftsmen. I agree to your terms and will be back to check on the progress tomorrow. Thank you kindly and a good day to you, master dwarf."

Inside the O&P, the mage looks around for any pointy hatted thin glasses types, nodding in their direction to Gin as he spots them. He and his fighting friend take a seat at the bar and order a well deserved drink of something strong. Sig inquires to the tender or maid where he might find a friendly and honest wizard type around these parts that might be interested in dealing in magical curiosities or new spells.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#242 Post by onlyme »

Geoffrey hands over the portrait for the gp and goes shopping.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#243 Post by Bluehorse »


Before the Gunsmith scene

Rexlin moves among the merchants in the quarter and is finally able to sell off the baubles and headdress they got from the savages in their last adventure. He is pleased to get a total of 650gp and a bit of silver when he adds up what the captain gave them for the candelabras he kept for himself. He then gives an equal share to the other three from that adventure, Siggard, Holden and Van de Poel (162gp 5sp) When he gets to Sig, he leans in. "I haven't asked the naga statue, but Elijah thinks we should chuck it in the sea. What do you think?"
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#244 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sig shakes his head about throwing anything magical away.

"What were you planning to ask it?"
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#245 Post by thesniperknight1 »

Holden finally done with the chores assigned to him in the McGregor, he flexes making audible sounds of stretching, he looks to Iggway and says excitedly, We’re free!! Just think of all the marvelous stories! The glorious markets!! The charming women! The POSSIBILITIES of the palpitations of adventure awaiting us just a few steps away!!, Holden sprints full throttle with a gaping smile larger than life humming a merry tune sayong good morning to whomever he meets.

Holdent hits the market first searching for whatever is necessary to finish making the drums he promised to make in exchange for sculpting lessons, once he finds a shop that can give him shark skin and a suitable piece of wood or bone that can act like the base he will talk to the merchant, “Say friend, where would a man such as myself can find stories, legends, ADVENTURE at its core!” still holding a huge smile like a fool
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#246 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring the Freeport:

the party use the morning to spend their hard earned and filthy lucre on getting some personals or someone else's personals as is the pirates want.

Ruby's Lock, Stock and Barrel: in the frontier quarter.

Rexlin and Fishy assess the conditions of the rickety shop. Ruby smiles as the guards watch over the customers. Ruby does indeed have a bountiful rack. Subtly undoing the chest (both an extra shirt button and the gun carriage) she displays a bit more of her wares. One redwood grained musket is taken out. It feels a little heaveier in your hands but the barrel is long and thin with a slim piped metal brace running along the top."The stock keeps the recoil down and it goes the whole hog. So help me if it don't pick out a cherry at an extra 60'ft above normal", she swears and spits out a couple of pips. (musket with improved 60'ft range). "Mind you seem like you prefer to pack an extra punch and get up real close an personal to all them finely boned dears, or do you harum-scarum away for that?" Ruby pulls out a different musket. It has bronzed plates and a wider bore. Made by Kassius Klay "More like an elephant musket, if she don't bring her down then nothing will but the loading of this critter is slower so you need to stand your ground confidently." (musket with improved d4 damage)

The tooth gapped matron shows you outside the back to a small firing range. Around several tree trunks are nailed pictures of pirate thugs, uniformed guards and large clawed menacing crustaceans.

Flint Street Forge:

Pocc Vorche
and Szmodics have followed the recommendation of Shifty to track down one of the establishments in the fore shore alleyways. The wooden legged and hook hand elven smith is named Raleigh. still hammering out the beaten shield he watches the two wander in and ask regarding armours available."So you don't want to get your fingers burnt eh?"he says with a degree of irony as he raises his hook hand. He touches is own leather ware."I soak all these in some retardant resins. The stuff comes and goes by the timber yard, they use it on the villa frames. Expensive stuff mind, not much about and the green berets have to take the sap in small amounts. I have none spare but if you managed to secure a flask or two from the yard then we can do some business." Looking around the forge, Szmodics notes a pile of glinting shields under a wrapped blanket and in between all the farming implements a couple of solid spears and swords lean against the walls."My Fleur can take your sizes if you want to get some leathers cut, then a couple of days weathering and you can be suited and booted for all occasions"

The Grinning Ogre: a tavern in the town.

Geoffrey, Zoggrot and Goldie navigate their way to some light entertainment and a few flagons of ale. The bar keeper and the serving wenches are all half-orcs and seem ably suited to the cosmopolitan and hectic atmosphere in the tavern. The large stuffed ogres' head on a pike in pride of place over the hearth. Geoffrey takes a corner and tries to strike up conversations with random and mysterious strangers. several traders drink here, regaling each other with outrageous tales of their travels and adventures.(Geoff roll a 1d100 please). A couple of guys have strange and intricate objects d'art on their tables. Zoggrot and Goldie listen in to the talk around them. You pick up that groups of the militia are conscripted Andros men. They are drawings lots for an assigned duty. Men who pick the short straw groan. Each is given a free tankard of ale and slapped on their backs with cheery 'good luck' wishes. The men stand by the street window and gulp down the ales while staring at the 'Guineaman' ship berthed along the harbour. The ship looks deserted and at the foot of the jetty is anchored by are a couple of sandbag embankments with cannons facing it.

The Owl and Pussycat: an inn frequented by mages near to the villa quarters.

Siggard and Van de Poel try to blend in with the patrons. Face the animal companion hops from shoulder to shoulder and looks inquisitive at other body born familiars about the tavern. A long draped snake covets the neck of a tall winnow lady in scaled body suit, an impish lizard blinks unmoving on the shoulder of an elderly wizened man. A black cat with silky yellow eyes watches the crowd lazily, curled up on the mantel shelf next to an un-licked saucer of milk while at the other end a large barn owl bookends the dusty tomes. The bar tender and his assistants tap out orders with long rods and mage handed ales are poured and pushed along the bar, coins picked up and dropped into a pouch hanging on the wall. Each enters with a 'plink' sound, though the coins never seem to fatten the purse.

Siggard feels at home among the assembly. With orders in for Tissot and Sparky he relaxes and makes enquiries regarding his collection of goods and desire to learn and experience new things. Have any of these created a Hagsmist? he may think. A couple of smartly dressed men are pointed out as lecturers at the Arcanium College hereabouts. The men, both human drink relaxed. They have no discernible traits or dressings other than simple cloaks and carved quarterstaffs. You get introduced and sit with them politely. They discuss the college in little detail save for it is similar to the one in Port Royal you studied at. They try to provoke a couple of names, maybe you have heard of them? It is however when you ask simply and obscurely for "maybe you can locate a banana spider for a tasty treat" to a serving wench that the men suddenly shush you with horror. They pull you to sit down and wave the waitress away."Don't speak of that here, What kind of fool are you? What kind of fool do you take us for?"
You have clearly taken these two men by surprise but have no idea how your innocent remark to get Face something to nibble has clouded the table. The men look suspicious at you but are not sure of your intentions, one reaches into his cloak to tug at a dagger hilt but the other nudges his arm. It is clear they don't want to make a scene and one intones an 'audible glamour' over the table to mask your conversations from others.

, Iggway and Pascale leave the sloop for some experiences about town. Still concerned with the settler womenfolk and the children, Iggway wants to check on the priest and church they were assisted by. Holden sources some materials to build a drum.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#247 Post by Zhym »

Zoggrot tips the bartender a gold sovereign. "What're they on about?" he asks, tipping his head toward the Andros men. "What's the duty they're loathe to perform?"

-1 gp
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#248 Post by Spearmint »

Vladric the half-orc barkeeper pockets the coin. Wiping a glass clean he nods in the direction of the harbour. "The large ship got towed in a few days ago. Was found just drifting on the high seas. A salvage crew boarded but some went missing and others went mad. They were found huddled in the prow shelter praying for dawn. The government want to convert it into a troop carrier seeing how the decks are large. Guards went aboard but like the former crew, some went missing and some went mad. So it stays there until the Bishops can get around the exorcising whatever dwells on it. A skeleton crew? who knows. The men draws straws for the watch duty but other shifts have recently fared bad. One missing guard was spotted face down in the waters. When they retrieved him he had risen again into some frothing maniac by all accounts and they burned him alive."
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#249 Post by Zhym »

"Thanks. Ship o' the dead, eh? Might be worth checking out," answers Zoggrot with a grin. "Do you suppose they'd pay mercenaries to explore the ship?"

He relays what the bartender told him to Geoffrey and Goldie. "What do you say? Want to gather a group and look into it?"
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#250 Post by Stirling »


Notes the assembled weapons. Szmodics casually picks up an axe and inspects the sharpness of the cutting edge. Putting it back down he pulls out of his satchel the halberd head. "Axes for choping trees and halberds for heads ..." he says lifting an eyebrow. "Can you put an edge on this?" and offers it to the forge master.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#251 Post by onlyme »

Spearmint wrote:Exploring the Freeport:
Geoffrey Geoffrey takes a corner and tries to strike up conversations with random and mysterious strangers. several traders drink here, regaling each other with outrageous tales of their travels and adventures.(Geoff roll a 1d100 please).
[1d100] = 84
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#252 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Siggard also stays Gin's hand when he lunges with his new spear to protect the mage from the man with the possible dagger in his cloak.

He is a little surprised at the sudden outburst initially, but quickly tries to compose himself as best he can so as not to show his hand. "Relax! It's not like the silly wench is going to figure anything out from one smart ass remark."

He motions for Gin to sit back down, secretly enjoying the power more than he probably should be. He sits comfortably again as well, trying to diffuse the situation, before speaking again.

"I had heard tales of the Banana Spiders recently, but dismissed them as the nonsense of drunken sailors. So it is true, then? Some of it anyway? Well, my compatriot and I would like to learn more."

He makes sure the group didn't draw any unwanted attention before ordering another round and settling in for what he is sure will be an interesting conversation.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#253 Post by Bluehorse »

Spearmint wrote:Exploring the Freeport:

the party use the morning to spend their hard earned and filthy lucre on getting some personals or someone else's personals as is the pirates want.

Ruby's Lock, Stock and Barrel: in the frontier quarter.

Rexlin and Fishy assess the conditions of the rickety shop. Ruby smiles as the guards watch over the customers. Ruby does indeed have a bountiful rack. Subtly undoing the chest (both an extra shirt button and the gun carriage) she displays a bit more of her wares. One redwood grained musket is taken out. It feels a little heaveier in your hands but the barrel is long and thin with a slim piped metal brace running along the top."The stock keeps the recoil down and it goes the whole hog. So help me if it don't pick out a cherry at an extra 60'ft above normal", she swears and spits out a couple of pips. (musket with improved 60'ft range). "Mind you seem like you prefer to pack an extra punch and get up real close an personal to all them finely boned dears, or do you harum-scarum away for that?" Ruby pulls out a different musket. It has bronzed plates and a wider bore. Made by Kassius Klay "More like an elephant musket, if she don't bring her down then nothing will but the loading of this critter is slower so you need to stand your ground confidently." (musket with improved d4 damage)

The tooth gapped matron shows you outside the back to a small firing range. Around several tree trunks are nailed pictures of pirate thugs, uniformed guards and large clawed menacing crustaceans.
Looks at both muskets the way his player looks at a plate full of eggrolls. "Longer range you say..." he says with wanton eyes like he used to have for that lass that lived next door long ago in his youth... "Oh! ho! ho! Now that is caliber!
Haha! Oh! look at that!"
the second gun he looks at with unbridled lust. Holding both, one in each hand, his wheels turning at what he could do with either of them. He is currently the perfect representation of the ass that starved to death trying to pick which stack of hay to eat first. His eyes dart from one instrument of death to the other. "I.... I...." his eyes go wide. He then looks at Fishy. "I... can't choose..." He looks like someone just slapped him.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#254 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Pocc takes in what Raleigh tells him "Lets just say I've had a few close calls with a fiery death. I'd like to take precautions against it. I'll see what I can do about getting more of the resin for you. As for having some leather cut I'd be happy to have it done, perhaps we can make mine studded leather?" the sea druid asks. Letting Szmodics play with the axes and ask his questions before asking "So what might the price be for one of your hand tailored studded leather armors?"
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#255 Post by Spearmint »

At the Grinning Ogre:

Zoggrot asks Vladric the bartender about some mercenary jobs, He shows a couple of forearm scars and lets you know that 'he had some previous' in that line of work. He is not sure about being hired to scout the ship."Guards stop folk coming as well as going. Maybe they are scared of what is on board and the governor scared of what you might find? These lads might turn a blind eye to an offer of gold or get too drunk and fall asleep and some others go in disguise?" he offers as alternative solutions.

and Goldie go ahead and talk with the militia men. Goldie asks about the surviving crewmen they took off the ship when it came in. Where are they now?"Sailed away on other ships,"is the reply. You find out that the 'Guineaman' is thought to be a slavers vessel snatching folk from across the ocean for plantation labour in some of the colonies. Of the colonial nations involved only the Bretons have abolished slavery. To keep peace treaties the Gauloise and Haldanes have 'suspended' their trade. The Iberians continue it as a practice Apparently the slaves overthrew the crew but without skilled hands it just drifted on the oceans until washing up on the reef. The salvage crew spoke of cursed lights following them and attacks in the night from unseen foes. The guards who went below decks never returned alive except one who was found washed ashore days later. He had changed into some decayed foul crypt thing with huge claws and fangs and they burned him to death again on the shore. One guard captain is particularly mourned by the militia as a 'stout hearted fellow'. The cannons face along the portside and jetty and also towards the prow and starboard of the ship."Late night revellers along the sea front have gone missing since."The will assume their duties later in the afternoon. "Payment for mercenaries? ha! they only pay us conscripted militia a pittance!" they assume little good will but advise you can always ask the 'govt' customs lags' who frequent the guardhouse. Geoffrey meanwhile engages in small talk with some assembled merchants who hawk stories and wares upon fireside tables.

You gain a rumour that in the far south-west town of Rio de la Hache, that the dwarves mining their have struck gold. "Rich veins of liquid running over like honey." another touts that 'demonspawn' women folk are taunting the settlement around the Florida Keys. "Four limbed beauties with a breasts enough for each of us to suckle." One stranger shows Geoffrey a pair of weathered vambraces. They look well worn and scarred. The stranger says he is giving up the adventuring to settle with a comely wench and make a brood finally. As you are looking for trinkets he pushes them to you."Go ahead try them on for size!"he encourages.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#256 Post by Spearmint »

At Flint Street Forge

Raleigh nods at Pocc's interest."My Fleur can tailor you guys out, you both like of average builds so we might have some cuts with little additions to do. The resin takes a couple of days boiling in and then drying, that is the longer task. Three days to ready, but ... it can be worth the wait." to demonstrate he dips his right gloved hand into the fiery forge keeping it their longer than you would expect. "No magic in it just good knowledge of creations gifts." (same price as standard chain at 75gp, if you can source the resin)

To Szmodics request he baulks,"and traitors also" he replies. He takes the head of the halberd and inspects it. "I can whet this good an sharp no problem. Come collect it from the forge at midnight, when you bring me the resin." The elf turns to continue beating the shield into shape.

A slim elf lady takes you into the rear smithy store and picks out some pre-cut samples of armour. You note a couple of large black felines come out from the open door to the rear house and cross the courtyard to playfully prowl around her feet, their golden eyes watching you as they pet the elf women with their furry heads for attention. Roger & Gaston bob their twin heads at them and remark, "such graceful creatures, panthers from the jungles. Sharp teeth though." One head whispers into Pocc's ears, "Someone hides in the dark. Don't go into their house, I fear your blood may be spilled if you do!"
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#257 Post by Spearmint »

At Ruby's Lock, Stock and Barrel:

The tooth gapped matron shows you outside the back to a small firing range. Around several tree trunks are nailed pictures of pirate thugs, uniformed guards and large clawed menacing crustaceans. Fishy tries his hand with a couple of new muskets. He is not a great shot and misses wildly, much to the amusement of the other sharpshooters using the range. Rexlin can try the muskets out as well, perhaps better shooting will impress the gap-toothed matron to lowering her prices a bit more. Choose a target, pirate, guard, crab. and a range short, medium or long or extra long. Give me four shots, two with each gun.

You note that of the other folk buying guns, nearly all are shooting at the critters. The group, both dwarven and human seem to be similarly dressed in fur tailed hats and thick flexible leather ware. They look more at home in the forest than on the high seas. They do spit and cus' the same though and wager some gold that,"this pretty boy buccaneer in make up couldn't hit a baboons' ass if it snooked up on him in daylight.", another jokes that "you should be made to 'walk the plank' but looking at the pair of you they can't decide which one is the plank!". Looks from Ruby silence them and they just cough as you take your mark.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#258 Post by Spearmint »

At The Owl and Pussycat:

beneath the shrouded noise of the audible glamour, Siggard and Van de Poel take their seats at the corner table and listen to the startled mages. The mages introduce themselves finally as Lemuel and Mordechai, tutors at the Arcanium and researchers for relics and artefacts."Glance around you mage, many here have hidden interests. We guard them well, some with our lives." Lemuel points out a husky skinned mage with dark goatee and crafted staff."The Iberians burn mages at the stakes. Him they burned twice? Figure that yet he still breaths." Another is pointed out as one who specialises in 'netherworld' activities. From beneath is hood some curled horns sweep over his forehead. "A necromancer, punished."

"But there is one we all should fear, have you not heard?" From the sleeve of Mordechai a half-hand sized spider creeps across the table. It is yellow and stops abruptly to crouch upon its' two rear legs rearing up. A thin trail of honey coloured silk behind it. Quickly the man slaps his palm down upon the creature, squashing it. When he lifts his hands no spider remains but the man has a black spot on his palm. "We should not jest, even in here. You asked for a spider? Plenty seek him also, for He has returned and heaven help us all." Lemuel looks concerned and whispers harshly, "Even among the 'Fraternity' of mages, treachery and mysteries enfold us all. Woven as silk threads upon a web to catch and snare us, catch them, catch you. The 'Golden Orb Weaver'."

The man opens his hand and the spider runs across the table to you Siggard

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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#259 Post by thesniperknight1 »

Holden pays the merchants their asking price for the resources after vigorous haggling then takes the items and ventures in town looking for a good place where he can set up his belongings and starts crafting the drum
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#260 Post by Spearmint »

The Markets and Notre Dame du L'Espoir

Holden, Iggway and Pascale circle the market area on their way to check also on the settler folk who are left in the care of the Our Lady of Hope Church.

Holden enters a small shop with a gallery of musical items. Of interest are some large quartz crystal tubes which seem to hang rather like percussion instruments from an overhead rack. Indeed when struck by a small hammer the tubes resonate with a very clear and distinct sound. More than that they begin to slowly radiate a soft warm colour as if a candle had been lit on the inside. as the tone subsides the lighting effect fades. Barlow, approaches and a number of skins to Holden which he may stretch over a carved frame to produce a deep bass or lighter treble sound.

"You can manipulate the pitch of a drum in three ways: 1) tighten the drum’s skin to make the pitch higher; 2) put a thicker skin on the drum to lower the pitch; and 3) strike the drum closer to the centre to produce a slower vibration and lower pitch, which sounds more resonant." he says with a degree of authority. He shows several ready made drums and demonstrates with grains of rice how they react and move across the surface to show different tuning effects. 30gp gets you enough skin to practice crafting with. "If only I could get my hand son some whale skin?" he sighs.

He points out that the tubular bells are smaller versions of the pipes which line the organ at the church."A true virtuoso plays that, the harmony and rhapsody of delights on gets just to listen to it." he sighs again and frowns that he "was never good enough to go play before the Sirens himself."A feeling of unfulfilled hope lingers on his words.

Iggway has seen many drums from her tribal upbringing. There are windpipes too and long flutes and shortened pipes made from large gourds of exotic design. Pascale exercises some 'sleight of hand' which you both notice to pocket a silver harmonica.
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