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Re: Intermission in Millhaven And Journey to Stomanell City

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 4:06 pm
by Rex

We should all be at the same inn for sure. Rooms close by each other if at all possible.

Re: Intermission in Millhaven And Journey to Stomanell City

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 4:14 pm
by BackworldTraveller
Rex wrote: Mon Mar 28, 2022 4:06 pm Conweena

We should all be at the same inn for sure. Rooms close by each other if at all possible.
Especially as our accommodation here is paid for while elsewhere we'd have to stump up for ourselves!

Re: Intermission in Millhaven And Journey to Stomanell City

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 3:59 am
by Ithril
Sorry about the wall of text/exposition. Even with what I have not developed, there is a lot to talk about. I'll provide a tldr at the end.

Honestly I don't have the city as developed as I would prefer at this time, so a lot of the political power structures are still undefined. I will be working on that, but at this time, I am more interested in getting you to the location of the adventure.

Igber, the inn seems reasonably secure. Until I detail a map of Stomanell, I will unfortunately not have good answers (I haven't even generated a name for the tavern yet) for your questions about who the neighbors are (assume other merchants in this part of the city), access lines to your room (assume it is reasonably secure, I don't plan to have you sneakily assassinated in the dead of night quite yet), or other such details. The staff are your typical collection of tawdry wenches, burly cooks, etc. As far as questions about protective rackets, internal security measures, and other such details, you will have to investigate those in real time as opportunity presents itself, which ... I don't want to delay the next adventure rn, any more than necessary.
"Our presence, and our being on the Duke's payroll, will be of interest to many parties. Perhaps Drego might be able to give us an introductory talk on the local "Noble and Streetwise Political Infrastructures" before he leaves?"
Valid issues, but again, undeveloped at this time. I will fill you in when I can. Right now you are able to slip under the radar as 'hapless and unknown travelers'.

Dorath, I have plans for your needs, hang tight.
As far as your inquiries for astrology, there is a street known for it's population of fortune tellers, and other 'worthless superstitious mumbo jumbo'.

Pebble, your sword will have to wait for tomorrow, it is too late to seek out a smith tonight.

Harker, I will detail the rooming situation shortly. There will be a Temple to Paldon that you can visit, but again it will have to wait until tomorrow. It is too late tonight for much more than a meal, a hot bath, and stowing your gear in your quarters.

Conweena & Traesta, it is not uncommon for men & women to sleep in a common room in this time and this culture. It is not considered improper or immoral, though there are dress codes for modesty that are observed naturally in such circumstances, and you both do so.
"Especially as our accommodation here is paid for while elsewhere we'd have to stump up for ourselves!"
What I've wanted to get to!

Entering the inn/tavern you are greeted by the owner heartily. He directs one of the wenches to take you up to your room. It is the typical arrangement of a common room, however this one has been wholly reserved for you, which is an extravagant priviledge.

Several pitchers of water, towels, and perfumed soap are provided for a sponge bath if you like, but for a proper bath, you will have to attend a bath house. There is a common pail closet down on the first floor towards the back of the tavern as well. A stool with a partition provides a bit of privacy for the bath, but it is by no means secluded.

The room itself takes up half of the top floor of the building. The other half taken by another common room. The second floor has several smaller private apartments which are very expensive, and not available.

The center of your room is dominated by a table and chairs. As soon as you are settled, the serving wench (along with a few others) bring up a full hot meal: Some fresh bread and butter to start, followed by a roast, potatoes, ale and water. The meal ends with a bowl of dried fruits and honey.
As you complete your dinner, they come and remove dirty plates and bring new utensils as needed.

The sides of the room have mattresses laid out on low pallets or on the floor for you to bed down in. There are blankets, but no pillows. The mattresses are common as expected, simple rough cloth made more for durability than comfort, stuffed with fresh straw. They are tied at one end to allow the stuffing to be easily removed and replaced whenever the flat bag needs to be renewed or cleaned, which is quite often.

With the meal and the bathing needs met, you settle for the night. It is warm enough now that you have no need to share a pallet, unless you prefer to.

Tindae, 7th day of Hothrin
The next morning, fresh water, towels, and soap are again provided. A meal is also brought: A thick meaty chicken gravy, biscuits of doughy bread, and eggs, fried, poached, and boiled. The beverage of the meal is water or tea.

As you leave for your appointment, the proprietor assures that your possessions left in the room will be secure (the DM assures you of this as well).

With all of that done, you make your way as directed to the Low Palace for your meeting with the Secretary of the Minister of State. Unfortunately you are not the first person seeking petition, and you have to wait your turn in a line of others seeking some audience with the government of Stomanell for one reason or another. While you are waiting, one of the guards comes and selects Dorath from your group, bidding him to follow alone.

While they are gone, your turn to see the Secretary comes. He is a fair skinned man with a serious feel about him.
His short, straight, black hair is worn in a quiff. He has a long face, a small nose, and narrow lips. His beady brown eyes are narrow and he has thin eyebrows. He is moderately overweight as most soulless government bureaucrats seem to be.

He is sworn to his duty, and will perform it regardless of his own opinions. After you present the letter from The Duke, he repeats to you the situation you already know of With a somewhat dismissive attitude. The daughter of Uthelon Alant has been kidnapped. He is a member of the House of Ballinford, a kingdom to the Nordt. The Duke has offered a reward for her rescue. By His order, anyone presenting this letter will have a carriage and lodging in the City of Stomanell provided, on condition you rescue the helpless maiden. It is easy to perceive that he finds the Dukes habit of recruiting mercenaries for such things very tiresome, but he adds information you have not heard.

On the road between Stomanell and the Kingdom of Ballinford is a small town known as Tirby, just about a day's journey away. It is near this place that the maiden Alant has been kidnapped. You are hereby charged, if you will, to make haste to Tirby, and rescue the good Maiden Alant should you find it possible. More timely information may be had from the authorities there in Tirby. If you should succeed in this task, the Duke has promised a rich reward.

Though the Secretary is less than impressed with your group, he does concede that a smithy on the castle grounds can attend the blades of the group, honing them from their battle damage. Many supplies can be gotten in the merchant district, or South Market, as well as various merchants throughout the city. He also gives you direction for the Church of Paldon, though he has no knowledge of any of the types of places Igber may be interested in.

If the subject of Wichtelmännchen should be brought up, the Secretary tells you many flagitious creatures dwell in the wild; and takes the attitude that if you are uncomfortable with such things (as most people are) that you remain in the cities. He dismisses any thought of widespread abductions. "Certainly the city guard would assure that is impossible"

When all of this business is done, it is mid morning. You still have a good part of the day to meet your needs, resupplying your characters and caring for your equipment. The Duke's generosity ends tomorrow morning. Your room is paid for this eve as well, but you are expected to go tomorrow on your quest. Your transportation to Tirby is yours to arrange.

Level your characters up. Submit proposed changes for my approval asap.
Also I'll award a 500 xp bonus to anyone who can guess the published source of this next adventure. Send your answer to me via dm. One answer per player. The contest ends Sunday, 4-3. Any submissions after that date will not be considered. DO NOT SHARE YOUR ANSWERS.

TLDR version:
Leave tomorrow for a trip to Tirby (a day away) where the good Maiden Alant was kidnapped. Consider yourselves basically 'topped off' and ready for the next adventure.

Re: Intermission in Millhaven And Journey to Stomanell City

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 9:51 am
by sunphoenix
Once the party is done wasting its time with the uninterested and for that matter in Harker's opinion Incompetent Lazy Bureaucrat ~ he will make his way to the local Temple District in the city seeking audience with the Clergy of Paladon. Hoping the local church is not so INDOLENT and Useless as the local authority and its functionaries. He will make a report on his recent activities and the threat of the wilderness Wichtelmännchen tribes praying upon travelers abducting children specifically. He remarks that the local Authority seems Too Incompetent to be aware or just too plain Indolent to care about this threat to the innocent citizens of the realm. He informs the church that nothing is being done or perhaps those who could do something are being uniformed of this threat to law and order by the incompetence of the lowly functionaries of the local bureaucracy. He dismiss the local functionaries as being useless and will ask the church if they will empower Him to act against these Miscreant monsters? He will also ask if they have any news of his fellow Sentinel Brother Thalas who was last heard from near Breden?

He does inform the Church he intends to continue to fight against these Wichtelmännchen and try to rescue any captives they have taken... to which he would humbly request a Small Shield and Longbow with a quiver 'score' of arrows from the church armories to pursue this evil? He knows a horse and Lance are very expensive and his means very meager..but it would be invaluable to his cause in pursuit of the defense and potential rescue of the innocent in the clutches of evil. His current contract of duty is to find the Duke's Daughter Alant of course but the very next thing is dealing with this monster raiders and seek his missing Sentinel Brother Thalas fearing perhaps they may be related if within the scope of his power with the permission of the church of course.

If the church is unable or perhaps unwilling to provide any material support he will humbly accept that but will finish his report and got to the markets himself to purchase a Small Shield [3gp '30sp'] to add to his gear...

Harker my like to wield his Bastard Sword in two hands.. but if he can get no support from the local authority or the church in dealing with the evil monster raiders then he must change his approach and become a "Fortress of One" against the tide of wickedness sweeping the land. He cannot do that if he is unable to weather that storm of blades.

Re: Intermission in Millhaven And Journey to Stomanell City

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 2:04 pm
by gurusql

Traesta will accompany Harker to the temple, but with the purpose to pray to Paladon. She does not carry the anger or shall we say passion with her that her friend in arms does. On the journey to the temple she will try to calm Harker down by saying "Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Save the passion for your enemies not the system." She of course knows that vengeance like Harkers should be saved for the Undead. There is the known problem of the missing girl vs. the assumed problem of missing children taken by the Wichtelmännchen. Both are noble quests so she will pray to Paladon for direction.

Re: Intermission in Millhaven And Journey to Stomanell City

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 3:18 pm
by Rex

Conweena will rest up and get everything ready to leave first thing in the morning.

Re: Intermission in Millhaven And Journey to Stomanell City

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 3:22 pm
by BackworldTraveller
Igber will take advantage of a safe location to carefully check out the opportunities for breaking in at some future date - just in case that is required.

And then, having cleaned up, will see if there are any impressionable young female locals that might feel a brave, interesting, cute foreigner is worth listening to.

And, more importantly, he'll keep an eye on who might be keeping an eye on him - or the rest of the party.

Finally, any mention of troubles in Tirby (Or Alant, or child kidnapping) will be noted. He won't specifically ask anything about such things though. Just wants to gauge the hot topics of the day.

Re: Intermission in Millhaven And Journey to Stomanell City

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 4:03 pm
by sunphoenix
gurusql wrote: Fri Apr 01, 2022 2:04 pm Traesta

Traesta will accompany Harker to the temple, but with the purpose to pray to Paladon. She does not carry the anger or shall we say passion with her that her friend in arms does. On the journey to the temple she will try to calm Harker down by saying "Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Save the passion for your enemies not the system." She of course knows that vengeance like Harkers should be saved for the Undead. There is the known problem of the missing girl vs. the assumed problem of missing children taken by the Wichtelmännchen. Both are noble quests so she will pray to Paladon for direction.
Harker takes a deep breath to take all the anger out of his reply which is Certainly NOT directed at her and states coldly, "The Greatest Evil, is in 'supposed' good men ~ who idly standby silent and do nothing letting Evil go unopposed!"

Then he meets her gaze to smile sadly, "..but I thank thee for thy wise counsel, Faithful Traesta! your wisdom comfort my heart that I do not struggle in vain.."

Re: Intermission in Millhaven And Journey to Stomanell City

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 7:59 pm
by Ithril
As noted, and it bears repeating, though there is some business to attend to here in Stomanell before you are off, I want to keep this as short as possible so we can commence the new adventure. Once that is done, perhaps we can revisit joining guilds and other matters that need attention. Also, by then, I hope to have a City of Stomanell Map completed. No guesses for the next adventure. I'll keep the contest open, though at -50 xp points per day until the 13th at which it won't matter (and by then I hope you recognize it) I'll give you a clue as well: It's a very old module.
sunphoenix wrote: Fri Apr 01, 2022 9:51 am His current contract of duty is to find the Duke's Daughter Alant

it's actually the daughter of Uthelon Alant, a member of the House of Ballinford, a kingdom to the Nordt who has been kidnapped.

Dorath returns to the group as you depart the Low Palace. He seems none the worse for his absence.

Traesta and Harker travel to the Temple of Paldon. Though Harker assails it as one come to conquer, Traesta enters solely for worship. When he finds a dignitary he deems worthy of his report (or one who refuses to bring him to a higher officer) he reports on the wichtelmännchen activities, and asks of Sentinel Thalas.
The priest (again, things I have not detailed yet, I'm working on it) acknowledges Harker's reports. "I'm sorry about the difficulties you have had. The Duchy of Stomanell is unfortunately a large territory. We do not have the resources to scour the entire countryside for every evil thing that hides in the wilderness. That being said, we do indeed enhance the good Dukes sentries in their patrols of the common roads when we can." He explains. "We have no reports of brother Thalas, but you have our blessings to seek him out in Breden when you are finished with The Dukes Business."
Unfortunately, they will not provide you the requested equipment.

Conweena, having made all necessary preparations for the coming journey, rests in the room, and gathers her strength.

Igber spends time in the common area below where the ale and the wine flows almost as freely as the affections of the young lasses who frequent the lodge. Unfortunately, his investigations seem to be in vain. All the talk is of local issues, none of which seem particularly interesting.

Re: Intermission in Millhaven And Journey to Stomanell City

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 8:46 pm
by redwarrior
Dorath rejoins the party as they complete their interview with the Minister of State. He looks quite a bit distracted, but overall in an excited mood as he rejoins the party. Much to do! Much to do! What did he have to say? He asks as he rejoins the party. If asked, he will share that one of the bureaucrats in the Duke's employ had run in the same circles as his former master, and wanted to make his acquaintance. A pleasant, helpful fellow! Gave me directions to help me replenish some of my scribing supplies.

Dorath spends his day is a frenzy of shopping and getting the lay of the city. First, he accompanies Harker and Traesta to the temple of Paladon. On the way he, will ask Traestaif she will do him the favor of blessing a keepsake for him this evening. While there, he will make a small donation, meditate quietly, and then seek out a priest who seems to be in authority and if they might be able to part with two vails of holy water, in return for a suitable donation, of course, as we set off on a journey into the unknown on the morrow.

Once done at the temple, he will ask directions of suitably reputable looking citizens, and will visit the following areas in whatever order makes the most sense.

"Street of worthless mumbo jumbo" - here he will spend a fair amount of time getting to know the major vendors and purveyors, and will replenish his astrology staging "kit", replacing any items that he left with his troupe.
"Entertainer's section" - here he will replenish his actor's makeup & clothing kit, which had been depleted by the time the party set out. Vulgar people might think it were intended for disguise, if not for Dorath's obvious thespian skills!
"Scribe's area" - here he will replenish his scribe's kit, getting a few new quills, fresh ink in a black and blue, various blotting sands of differing colors and fineness, as well as a few lumps of sealing wax.
Tailor's/seamsteress' section - here he will purchase a many very small sachets made of fine silk of different hues, as well as some ribbons and thread. think a tea bag or smaller in size
Leatherworker's quarter - here he will purchase the finest piece of well-cured leather he can, somewhere in the range of 2' *1 or 2'
All of the above have already been recorded & deducted, other than the leather.

And a few other areas. Dorath returns to the inn with the final fading of the sun, his purse much, much lighter, seeming very pleased with himself.

Before they turn in for the night, Dorath seeks out Traesta and asks her if she please bless this fine piece of leather, as I am sure it will come in my beneficially . In addition to the leather, he will present two vails of holy water. One for the blessing spell, and one for the next time the party needs holy water.

Re: Intermission in Millhaven And Journey to Stomanell City

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 1:47 am
by Rex

"We are ready to head out then?"

Re: Intermission in Millhaven And Journey to Stomanell City

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 4:37 am
by gurusql
redwarrior wrote: Sun Apr 03, 2022 8:46 pm Before they turn in for the night, Dorath seeks out Traesta and asks her if she please bless this fine piece of leather, as I am sure it will come in my beneficially . In addition to the leather, he will present two vails of holy water. One for the blessing spell, and one for the next time the party needs holy water.

"I would be happy to do it for you, but I will need to memorize the spell tomorrow and thank you for getting the holy water as I will need some of that as well. What is the item that you would like me to place Paldon's blessing. It needs to be smaller than about 2 pounds."

Re: Intermission in Millhaven And Journey to Stomanell City

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 6:05 pm
by redwarrior
gurusql wrote: Mon Apr 04, 2022 4:37 am
redwarrior wrote: Sun Apr 03, 2022 8:46 pm Before they turn in for the night, Dorath seeks out Traesta and asks her if she please bless this fine piece of leather, as I am sure it will come in my beneficially . In addition to the leather, he will present two vails of holy water. One for the blessing spell, and one for the next time the party needs holy water.

"I would be happy to do it for you, but I will need to memorize the spell tomorrow and thank you for getting the holy water as I will need some of that as well. What is the item that you would like me to place Paldon's blessing. It needs to be smaller than about 2 pounds."
Dorath will show her the very thin, finely cured piece of leather (lambskin, maybe?)

Re: Intermission in Millhaven And Journey to Stomanell City

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 11:51 pm
by sunphoenix
Harker does one final bit of shopping in the markets seeking a seamstress he purchases a plain but dashing red-dyed Cape {0.5lbs} [3sp]to wear at his shoulders... lighter then a full on hooded cloak not meant for inclement weather or hooded.

He returns to the Inn quiet, and Firmly resolved to do what those who should be guarding the public safety SHOULD be doing but are too incompetent or self-absorbed to do... Even if HE must do it alone!

'One man can make a difference... if he has the courage to do so...'

Re: Intermission in Millhaven And Journey to Stomanell City

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 5:01 am
by Ithril
This thread is locked, Please proceed to Scenario 1: "Quest to Rescue Lady Barunnas Alant, House of Ballinford"