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Re: CHAPTER TWO: In Tassin's Wood

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:27 pm
by onlyme
Wondering if we are ready (not sure what time it is) to call it a night and hit the hay. Do we have further discussions to do in the private quarters? I think we have finished our discussions here, unless someone disagrees?

Re: CHAPTER TWO: In Tassin's Wood

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:18 pm
by rredmond
Glogs yawns, lightly tapping his open mouth with his hand.

OOC: ;) I'm good.

Re: CHAPTER TWO: In Tassin's Wood

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:20 pm
by Alethan
I do not disagree with you.

Bran stands up after the conversation with the knight is over and stifles a yawn.

Addressing the rest of the group in a low voice, "We have a long day ahead of us in the morrow. I'm going to prepare my gear and get some rest. I'll see you all bright and early."

And Bran heads up to the shared quarters to make sure his gear is ready before retiring for the evening.

Re: CHAPTER TWO: In Tassin's Wood

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:11 pm
by Nuke66
Gordon agrees as well, polishing off what is left of dinner, he retires to his room.

Re: CHAPTER TWO: In Tassin's Wood

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:54 pm
by onlyme
Iomhar decides the anticipation of battle is weighing on him more than the want for drink. He gives a quick bow and smile to Iano and makes his exit toward the group's room.

Re: CHAPTER TWO: In Tassin's Wood

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:58 pm
by Argennian
Savik, realizing that he still has the room key, gets up with the rest of the group and heads out of the tavern proper and toward their suites.

If Grainger looks his way, the elf will give him an encouraging smile and wink. He'll also be sure to note if anyone is paying special attention to the party as they depart.

Re: CHAPTER TWO: In Tassin's Wood

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:17 am
by Gelatinous Q
Grainger nods at Savik as you exit, then resumes talking to a villager sitting next to him. The elf who had been speaking with the soldiers keeps his eye on your group as he makes his way back to his table.

OOC: Probably a prudent move to head back to your rooms at this point. Savik has some info which may affect your strategy, but otherwise we are about get into it!

Re: CHAPTER TWO: In Tassin's Wood

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:39 am
by onlyme
Gelatinous Q wrote:
OOC: Probably a prudent move to head back to your rooms at this point. Savik has some info which may affect your strategy, but otherwise we are about get into it!

As our heroic team settles into their private quarters, Iomhar looks around to ensure they are alone. He then relents to this uncontrollable urge to ask Savik, " What information were you able to gather this eve? and praytell, will it affect our strategy for the morn?

Re: CHAPTER TWO: In Tassin's Wood

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:53 pm
by Alethan
onlyme wrote: As our heroic team settles into their private quarters, Iomhar looks around to ensure they are alone. He then relents to this uncontrollable urge to ask Savik, " What information were you able to gather this eve? and praytell, will it affect our strategy for the morn?

Re: CHAPTER TWO: In Tassin's Wood

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 6:20 pm
by Argennian
onlyme wrote:As our heroic team settles into their private quarters, Iomhar looks around to ensure they are alone. He then relents to this uncontrollable urge to ask Savik, " What information were you able to gather this eve? and praytell, will it affect our strategy for the morn?

Savik looks to the others with a serious and concerned look upon his visage. He lowers his voice and responds to the young assassin's query.

"As I stated downstairs, we now have confirmation that Grainger is no mere historian. He represents the Temple of Delleb back in Ratikhill and is also specifically looking for the Illhiedrin book. He never believed the cover story we gave, stating finally that he knows we are here searching for the same book and that Mistress Alcastra is our employer in the matter. How he knows this, I could not get him to reveal, but I have my suspicions. He does know that Charrellsfane was the last one to have it. He claims it holds terrible and dangerous secrets within and that it should not be allowed to adorn a mage's treasury as a mere bauble, as he puts it. He also states that his order are the rightful claimants of the book.

"I attempted to allay his suspicions by telling him that we were merely in Tassin's Wood looking for somebody, but who that was and what our business with him be, I could not say, under penalty of broken allegiance and personal honor. I feared that he might have a magical means of knowing truth from lie so I gave him this explanation, as it is not a lie that we seek someone, namely Charrellsfane, in order to get the location of the tower where we suspect the book might be, and that our benefactor had instructed us to keep her name out of it, for varied reasons.

"Grainger went to see the high priest here before you three did,"
(he indicates Bran, Gordon and Glogs) ", but was rebuffed by him for whatever reasons. When it became clear that we would not enlist his seemingly innocent desire to accompany us, he claimed that he would enlist assistance here, as we did, and embark on a search himself. I believe that he will attempt to recruit the elf, Tristan, and possibly others. He claimed to have plenty of coin to be able to do so," Savik finishes, looking around to each member of the group. He then pauses for a brief moment and continues.

"In light of this new complication, I believe we need to formulate a contingency, friends. I say that we depart very early in the morn, before dawn, and make our way along the trail with utmost haste. No doubt he has planned to beat us to that which we both seek, or at the very least if he cannot, shadow our movements and pick his time and opportunity to take the book from us.

"He asked me to make sure to relay his suspicions and position to all in our group, that he wished to accompany us in this quest. It is possible that he has someone else here local that he is working with, or at least getting information from. At first, I suspected Seargent Shadwraith, but found no evidence to prove this. I told him that I would relay this message and then come down later to meet with him and give him a formal response. It was my hope to get him drunk, but he would not follow along that path. Perhaps, if he waits until very late for me to return and speak with him, he will not be waking up too early. If this is the case, perhaps we can sneak out of here and be on the trail already before he realizes we are gone? What say you, friends?"

Re: CHAPTER TWO: In Tassin's Wood

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:24 pm
by onlyme
Argennian wrote: " At first, I suspected Seargent Shadwraith, but found no evidence to prove this.
Ahh, it could be him anyway. As loose as he gets with spirits, a clever soul could easily pry this amount of information from him.

As for Grainger, one possibility that I have contemplated. Perhaps we do allow him to come with us, and perhaps he may suffer some unfortunate demise at the hands of an orc.

Re: CHAPTER TWO: In Tassin's Wood

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:45 pm
by Nuke66
"Keep in mind the first part of this is simply to visit the tomb to gain an audience with the dead mage. We need not discuss the book nor the inplications, just clear the tomb, and speak with him. We just need to ensure that no one other than ourselves is present when we summon the mage. As to enlisting help, that ends up being fodder for the Orcs, I see no issue with that, perhaps a candid discussion if the circumstances permit."

As to our leave taking, we are to meet our guide at dawn, and be prepared to ride."

Re: CHAPTER TWO: In Tassin's Wood

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 1:55 pm
by emirikol57
Ulf gets a good nights sleep.

Re: CHAPTER TWO: In Tassin's Wood

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:15 am
by onlyme
Iomhar gets a fair night's sleep, except for the time Ulf's snoring wakes up the entire inn.

Re: CHAPTER TWO: In Tassin's Wood

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:06 pm
by Gelatinous Q
If there are no further actions before game-tomorrow morning, I'll go ahead and close this thread and open up a new one this evening.

Speak now or etc. etc.

Re: CHAPTER TWO: In Tassin's Wood

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:05 pm
by Argennian
While the others make ready for bed, Savik will take some last minute notes in his journal and then quickly assemble his gear for their hopefully discreet pre-dawn departure.

"It certainly will not hurt us to be ready and quietly depart this edifice a tad early then. Until morning then, friends..."

Re: CHAPTER TWO: In Tassin's Wood

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:37 pm
by Alethan
Bran is ready for Chapter 3 to begin...

Re: CHAPTER TWO: In Tassin's Wood

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:29 pm
by Gelatinous Q
So it is written, so it shall be done. SHA-ZAM!