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Re: Chapter 1: The Wreckage

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 11:22 am
by tibbius
Galeschin made a quick transaction with the alchemist, who grinned widely. Galeschin buying steadyberries: [2d6+4] = 8+4 = 12 TN 9 The terms of the bargain were familiar, and though steadyberries were not very expensive, an addict was a reliable customer. They agreed to two dozen berries for a couple of silver lunars. Galeschin ran his fingers through his pouch and plucked out the coins. "Come to my shop after you finish your other business," the alchemist said cheerfully. He turned his attention to the center of the square.

= = =

All business in the square concluded or deferred, the three companions proceeded ahead of the soldiers and servants to the medical offices of the gnome Alessio Conte. The physician was seated on a bench outside the office, wearing the blood-red gown that typified his profession. When he saw Pelias he smiled broadly, showing off his finely pointed teeth between the tight curls of his goatee. "Good morning, professor," he said. "Good morning to all of you fine people," he added. "How may a humble physician assist you? And ... what in the world are you carrying?"

The soldier in command grunted in a way that implied Pelias should respond for the group.

Re: Chapter 1: The Wreckage

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 11:08 pm
by Xacha

A dead body. You've seen them before, Alessio. I'm pretty sure you've sold a few.

"There has been a disaster, my dear Doctor Conte. These good soldiers need your help. The King lies dead, and his body must be treated and preserved to protect the honor of his noble line."

Pelias steps aside to allow soldiers to come forward.

"These men have a sad but vital task, and I could think of no one with greater skill and discretion than you to aid them."

Translation into gnomish - there's money in this, probably. If nothing else, you'll be able to brag that you're the man who bled the king dry, literally.

Re: Chapter 1: The Wreckage

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 11:43 pm
by tibbius
The doctor hesitates a moment before bowing unctuously. "Enter, please," he gracefully pushes open the door to his office and waves the soldiers and bearers inside. "I thank you, professor," he adds to Pelias. "... no, gentlemen, please put your halberds at the door! The ceiling is low! It is an honor to have such an interesting task." He awkwardly smoothes down his creaseless silk gown, and the shifting light on the garment reveals splotches and stains that have dried to the same color, but not the same sheen, as the fabric. He ducks his head as if in dismissal. "I must see to this ... matter. Excuse me please..." He hurries into the office, closing the door as he does so.

A small group has gathered in the street. Eight humans dressed in colorful clothing, each wearing a white armband. They move to confront Pelias and his companions as they turn away. Then they consider Galeschin and Rus' weapons, and focus on Pelias.

"What's goin on ear?" demands a short and thick man with squinty eyes and halitosis.

"Yer," says a taller one of his companions, brown beard waggling as he grunts. "Whazzup?"

Re: Chapter 1: The Wreckage

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 12:18 am
by Xacha

Armbands? Oh dear, I very much fear things are about to become political.

"Just a visit to a colleague on this fine morning, a professional courtesy, you understand. Nothing to concern the members of the ... erm, I'm sorry, what does the white armband mean again? Last I saw it meant you were part of the planning committee for the Harvest Moon Fair, but I'm guessing things have changed."

Re: Chapter 1: The Wreckage

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:06 am
by tibbius
Short and squinty scoffed at Pelias. "Comet's curse, sure things have changed. Were those a load of f*heads that were with you? Carryin King F*head?" It was unfortunate how "Fauchard" lent itself to verbal mutilation... "Here, less ha a look." He moved to push forward half around, half through the wizard, whom he clearly expected would step aside. His big bearded companion moved the other side so that they were almost sandwiching Pelias.

Meanwhile, the other six men moved toward the stack of fauchards that leaned against the stucco wall next to the door of the office.

Re: Chapter 1: The Wreckage

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 5:25 am
by Rex

Rus steps forward and stands next to Pelias, knocking whoever is there now back. In as loud a voice as he can muster without actually yelling. "I think you should stand back and not touch those weapons!" As he stands there Rus brings his axe into a 2 handed grip so he can use either the blade or the haft depending on his mood.

Re: Chapter 1: The Wreckage

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 12:52 pm
by tibbius
Rex wrote:Rus

Rus steps forward and stands next to Pelias, knocking whoever is there now back. In as loud a voice as he can muster without actually yelling. "I think you should stand back and not touch those weapons!" As he stands there Rus brings his axe into a 2 handed grip so he can use either the blade or the haft depending on his mood.
For the knockback, a simple comparison of Strength suffices. For the command, I'll make an Appeal roll using Rus' Warrior career. Crowd control by Rus [2d6+3] = 11+3 = 14 I'll also make a roll for the Foreign flaw. Does Rus offend the crowd? [2d6] = 9
The two aggressive men step cautiously back from Pelias. Their companions pause in their approach to the fauchards. They all look at each other.

"Hey, look," says a balding man of medium build. He wears a bright green leather vest. "This is city business. We'd like to make sure that ... the proper taxes are paid!"

Re: Chapter 1: The Wreckage

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 8:21 pm
by sirravd
"Taxes?" laughs Galeschin. "You lot, tax collectors? Ha!"

Re: Chapter 1: The Wreckage

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 11:31 pm
by Xacha

Pelias smiles beatifically. Sometimes it is nice to have large friends.

"I believe I'll need to see some certification before you enter. The physician's art requires great concentration, it would be remiss of me to allow anyone in without official business."

Re: Chapter 1: The Wreckage

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 12:33 am
by Rex

"I just paid my taxes. Might be best if you move along now."

Re: Chapter 1: The Wreckage

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 1:28 am
by tibbius
and the "Foreign" flaw comes into play for Pelias ... Are the crowd offended by Pelias foreign accent? [2d6+2] = 3+2 = 5 TN 9

"Hey, yer a smart one - for a dirty Dhartan," says a fourth man, thick-shouldered with red curly hair and beard. He looks something like a Westling himself but he's dressed in bright blue and red linen and wearing a white armband like the rest. He gives Pelias a solid shove that knocks the wizard sprawling in the street.

Re: Chapter 1: The Wreckage

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:50 pm
by Rex

Rus will try to hit the Westling with the butt of the haft of his axe. He is trying to stun/knock him down/back, not kill him. "Keep back I said!"

You can roll since I am not sure what to roll.

Re: Chapter 1: The Wreckage

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 5:18 pm
by tibbius
Rex wrote:Rus

Rus will try to hit the Westling with the butt of the haft of his axe. He is trying to stun/knock him down/back, not kill him. "Keep back I said!"

You can roll since I am not sure what to roll.
I hope this will be pretty easy to pick up by example ... and I don't mind making rolls for you if it's not.
Rus attacks rabble + Agility + Armed [2d6+4] = 7+4 = 11 TN 9
** this should have been -1 (total +3) for wearing medium armor (the mail shirt) but that doesn't affect the result here.

Rus struck the redhead's chest with the butt of his thick-hafted axe. The man collapsed, clutching his chest.

The other seven men lunged forward and seized fauchards from beside the door. The remaining fauchards fell clattering onto the cobbles of the street.

Re: Chapter 1: The Wreckage

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 4:43 am
by sirravd
Without delay, Galeschin draws his handaxe and begins to attack the seven men, adopting an aggressive stance. His aim is to kill.

Initiative: 2d6+1 = [2d6] = 11 oops, 12

Attack: 2d6+2 Str+1 Armed+3 Barbarian?? = [2d6+6] = 8+6 = 14 (let me know if I should not add Barbarian, or add Assassin––oh, oops, and I forgot the Aggressive stance, that makes it 15)

Damage: d6+2 Str = [1d6+2] = 4+2 = 6

Re: Chapter 1: The Wreckage

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 4:40 pm
by Rex

Rus attacks the nearest rioter.

Initiative +1 agi +2 [2d6+3] = 11+3 = 14

Bearded Axe Str 2 + Armed 2 [2d6+4] = 7+4 = 11

OOC, reminder, in combat he is Evasive and Hard to Kill.

Re: Chapter 1: The Wreckage

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 6:04 pm
by Xacha

Dirty?! Dharta is a land of rivers, I've bathed more than the lot of you put together.

... and now the whole area was becoming a battleground. Honestly, you can't take Rus and Galeshin anywhere.

A general melee wasn't in their best interest. Since these locals were spoiling for a political fight, let's give them one.

"Tawa, spirits of the sun;
Surya, light of the world;
Warm the air with your sound;
Lend this one your voice"

Cantrip [2d6+4] = 7+4 = 11
If succesful, everyone hears a shout coming from a few blocks away:
"Long live the house of Bryce! Long Live the Greys! Fauchard for the Fauchardists! Death to the Anti-Fauchardists! ...
And so on for several seconds.

Re: Chapter 1: The Wreckage

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 6:48 pm
by tibbius
Both Galeschin and Rus strike their targets. Rus damage with bearded axe [2d6c1+2] = 5+2 = 7 Two men of the crowd go down with split skulls, dropping fauchards, blood pooling under their heads on the cobbles.

Of the remaining six, one scrambles backward from his sitting position and turns to flee; Rus' axe butt was too much for him. The other five attack! Three square off against Rus, two against Galeschin. using the rules for assisting in combat, making one set of rolls for each group

Galeschin's attackers [2d6+1] = 5+1 = 6 using fauchards [2d6c1] = 4 The two men collide with each other and bash their fauchards together as both attempt overhand chops against the Riverine barbarian.

Rus's attackers [2d6+2] = 9+2 = 11 using fauchards [2d6c1] = 6 Rus' TN is 13 12 (9 + Agility -1 + Armed) Three men thrust and chop at Rus, but the Westling sweeps his axe in a complex maneuver learned as a youth, battering aside the heads of the menacing fauchards.

Then Pelias's cantrip takes effect. The distant cries echo through the streets. The rioters fall back from Rus and Galeschin, their furrowed brows and bitten lips show that they consider their options. There is a pause in the melee.

Four of the Fauchardian soldiers shoulder their way through the low and narrow door of Conte's office. Two of them lunge stooping toward the scattered polearms. Two others raise their shields, flanking each other between the riot and the weapons. They move with discipline and a shout: "For Bryce!" Another appears in the doorway.

Re: Chapter 1: The Wreckage

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 11:08 pm
by sirravd
"Well met," says Galeschin, suppressing his barbarous accent with typical ease. "As you can see, these vicious brutes have demonstrated grave disloyalty to the Kingdom––particularly terrible in these dangerous days. I suggest you take them to be hanged."

Re: Chapter 1: The Wreckage

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 5:40 am
by Rex

Whispering to his friends only, "I think it best we get out of here quickly."

Re: Chapter 1: The Wreckage

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 6:59 pm
by Xacha

At Rus's urging, Pelias scrambles back to his feet.

"Not a bad idea. This is going to be a riot. Do you see a way clear of this mob?"