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Re: Cycle 1062 (Autumn), Day 40: Hamlet of Gwynedd

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 4:07 pm
by Leitz
"I've not had the pleasure to travel to your lands, my dear sir."Diana smiled at Jacques. "I seem to be put in the stead of hostess, so let me host. Perhaps a dance? I think both our peoples waltz, though I have not danced for months."

She set down her tea and took a half step towards the open floor. "Join me?"

Assuming Jacques joins her, Diana dances well (Roll 11 (10+1)) and makes allowances for Jacques limp. After some small talk, she lowered her voice and smiled. "Your dress and language suggest a gentleman may not be identifying himself by station, sir. I cannot disagree with you, but will point out that a nobleman floating about will raise a lot of questions. Care to talk?"

OOC: Her own diction is clearly Britannic nobility, but Jacques has likely seen many second sons or daughters who do not maintain full formality in life.

Re: Cycle 1062 (Autumn), Day 40: Hamlet of Gwynedd

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 6:33 am
by AsenRG
Remy contents himself to watch the fumbling as-of-yet-to-be-named gentleman...who was having a hard time doing his duties.
He himself is dressed in good enough clothes that he'd fit in the company of Jacques, but the sword at his belt, while unassuming and in a well-worn scabbard, shows people who know where to look.
There's not a bit of ornamentation on it, but the rope entangling the handle seems - not worn, but softened. Almost as if it was gripped often, and fingers tended to slide all over it.

Re: Cycle 1062 (Autumn), Day 40: Hamlet of Gwynedd

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 3:05 pm
by atpollard
AsenRG wrote:Remy contents himself to watch the fumbling as-of-yet-to-be-named gentleman...who was having a hard time doing his duties.
He himself is dressed in good enough clothes that he'd fit in the company of Jacques, but the sword at his belt, while unassuming and in a well-worn scabbard, shows people who know where to look.
There's not a bit of ornamentation on it, but the rope entangling the handle seems - not worn, but softened. Almost as if it was gripped often, and fingers tended to slide all over it.
Becky darted towards the dance floor with a twinkle in her laughter as a smack on his ass registered with her playful words "Think you are up to dancing my clothes off?" that Remy had just had a gauntlent thrown down by an 18 year old girl that may be more of a tease and less of a lady than he had first suspected. It was curious that she was a skillful dancer until a hand might wander, then she would suddenly impale a foot or a shin with a heel ... never breaking her smile and offering just a faint "Sorry."

Re: Cycle 1062 (Autumn), Day 40: Hamlet of Gwynedd

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 5:48 pm
by Urson
Jo seems to transform when she's dancing- the serious young mechanic disappears, leaving a reasonably attractive, laughing woman in her place. She doesn't so much dance _with_ Ignatz as in his vicinity, skipping and whirling, her shoes drumming loudly on the wooden floor.

Re: Cycle 1062 (Autumn), Day 40: Hamlet of Gwynedd

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 11:47 pm
by Monsieur Rose

Jacques accepts the dance offer and joins Diana and the rest on the dance floor. The dance is a welcome change of pace from the last few days, and Jacques is genuinely enjoying himself. He laughs at Diana's comment on dress. "Are they that bad? Truthfully, I haven't had the opportunity to properly groom for a few days." He leans in conspiratorially. "We literally came ashore less than an hour ago."

"Ah, so nobility is questioned here? And why is that?" Jacques seems quite interested in talking further. "It seems that more and more people are resentful recently." He sighs.

Re: Cycle 1062 (Autumn), Day 40: Hamlet of Gwynedd

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 11:58 pm
by Leitz
"Hmm..not resented. It would just make you more of an object of attention and discussion. If you welcome that, then there's no issue." Diana said as they moved around the dance floor. "There's a bit of suspicion between the locals and a Bunder, but having seen both sides, there's no real conflict besides how much bratwurst one can stomach."

"I hadn't heard that a new ship was in, but I'm new here myself. What brings you to Gwynedd?"

Re: Cycle 1062 (Autumn), Day 40: Hamlet of Gwynedd

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 12:49 am
by Monsieur Rose

As Jacques works out the kinks, his dancing improves. "Ah. Gwynedd. It was the closest settlement." He winks and flourishes. "I don't presume, but you don't seem like the local constable. We're not here to cause trouble, I promise."

"Normally, I have no problem with being an object of attention, but I think discretion is preferred for now." Jacques says this as he starts to add embellishments to the dance, daring Diana to keep up. "If I may be so bold, what brings you to this charming hamlet?"

Re: Cycle 1062 (Autumn), Day 40: Hamlet of Gwynedd

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 3:34 pm
by Pulpatoon
Ignatz's aunt made sure he knew which fork to use for the gelatin course (a small, two-tined runcible), which tie to wear when meeting a third cousin twice removed (forest green with a pebble stripe), and, most importantly, how to dance in an awkward social situation where you want everyone to have a good time but not show too much favor to any specific person. His dancing is studied and formal, in contrast with the exuberance of Jo, but it contains a flowing elegance that compliments the movements of those around him.

He can't help but keep an eye on Becky, as he dances. He confesses to himself that he is a little alarmed with her forwardness with the newcomer. She was, well, not exactly retiring in regards to their own acquaintanceship, but he had assumed that was because they shared a special bond—a meeting of two like souls that yearned for the company of the other. Two strings that thrum in resonance to make a single chord (is that the metaphor he wants? He'll have to remember to write it down in his manuscript and see how it plays out on the page). Could it be that Becky was, in fact, simply a flirt?

Re: Cycle 1062 (Autumn), Day 40: Hamlet of Gwynedd

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 3:47 pm
by Leitz
Diana chuckled. "What brought me here was a ship; I like to travel. What kept me here is that the ship was sunk by pirates, we barely survived. Mostly due to the courage and hard work of the people in the village." She paused, and gave Jacques a serious look. "The constable is a friend of mine. I trust you have no ill intentions. Or that if you do, they be explored elsewhere. This is a good thing for many people, I would take umbrage if it was hurt."

"I know you understand, and thank you." Diana smiled again and joined more in the dance. She seemed to be enjoying herself, even if she wasn't as exuberant or beautiful as some of the other dancers.

Re: Cycle 1062 (Autumn), Day 40: Hamlet of Gwynedd

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 5:47 pm
by Monsieur Rose

Jacques stiffens a bit at the mention of pirates. "Pirates, you say? How long ago was this, and did you happen to catch the name of the pirates?" He recognizes he's appearing too eager and laughs it off. "I mean, it's always good to have a name when you tell the story. Adds to the mystique."

Continuing the dance, Jacques changes the subject. "So, it looks like the four of you are doing ok here. Are you planning on settling down in Gwynedd? It seems like a fine town, great personality. Is it a part of Britannia?"

Re: Cycle 1062 (Autumn), Day 40: Hamlet of Gwynedd

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 9:55 pm
by Leitz
Diana raised an eyebrow, but continued to dance.

After a while, she replied. "New Britannia, actually. Close to the Bund but not close enough to cause disputes between governments. Of course, people often create issues where governments care not."

Re: Cycle 1062 (Autumn), Day 40: Hamlet of Gwynedd

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 5:44 am
by ffilz
Doc will join the dancing (he's in a good mood, he's being doing good work and seems to have found a group of folks motivated to do something other than sit idle on land) though he doesn't know any highbrow dances, just things like jigs (Social 3...).

Re: Cycle 1062 (Autumn), Day 40: Hamlet of Gwynedd

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 4:36 pm
by Monsieur Rose

"New Britannia. Of course. We couldn't have been too far from Hessen. Forgive my ignorance, it's been a while since I've navigated and I used to rely on the skills of my employees." He notices the newcomer join in the dancing and smiles. "Ah. A jig! An excellent choice! I've forgotten how much fun that could be."

"So, Diana. I do believe that you sidestepped the question as well as you dance. My companion and I may not fit in well in your town, the sea is calling you see. Do you know of any ships that may be departing and in need of assistance?"

Re: Cycle 1062 (Autumn), Day 40: Hamlet of Gwynedd

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 6:56 pm
by Leitz
"Not as much a side step, as a prioritization," Diana said, and then smiled."I may know of a ship, but, like Gwynedd, protecting my interests and that of my friends is important. That's what causes me pause; I feel like you're hiding something."

As they moved more she added. "Not that any of us are perfect, mind you. But trust and honesty are golden. It's much easier to not worry about something if you know what it is. Or to realize, up front, that some things are just not meant to be."

Diana has not withdrawn from the conversation, and her manner suggests she hasn't been cloistered lately.

Re: Cycle 1062 (Autumn), Day 40: Hamlet of Gwynedd

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 7:30 pm
by Monsieur Rose

Jacques smiles with a twinkle in his eyes. "It seems we are similarly guarded. You, unsure of my motives and protective of your town. Me, wary about putting my trust in someone who I have just met." He stops dancing and bows to the Lady. "Perhaps we could talk more in private? I can't dance quite as long as I used to, you know."

He motions to the table they recently vacated. "Unless you have an office nearby?"

He tries to catch Remy's eye as he leaves the dance floor.

Re: Cycle 1062 (Autumn), Day 40: Hamlet of Gwynedd

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 10:16 pm
by Leitz
"It will be a long day, perhaps a break for a chat is a good idea," Diana said.

She had shown no interest in flirting, and Jacques had not seen her casting eyes at anyone in the crowd. Thus, when she extended her arm he knew exactly how a gentleman escorted a lady off the dance floor. Someone brought Diana a refilled mug of tea, and asked if Jacques wished some as well. Or something stronger, perhaps? In a moment they were ensconced semi-privately in public view.

"If you would care for your associate to join us, please do so," Diana said. She sipped her tea and let Jacques decide of Remy should join them or not.

"New Britannia is an interesting place. Often referred to as a haven of criminals and societal cast offs; it is odd how true some rumors can be." She smiled. "I don't have any warrants for my arrest, though a few kin of people I may have disagreed with might be upset. I prefer to live life on the proper side of the law, it keeps things simple. I am here because I choose to wander the world. Now and again someone asks for help and thus I wander further and further abroad."

"Now, I find myself helping rebuild a ship. So there's money involved, and our merry band is becoming fast friends. I don't decide who joins and who does not, but I have a say. It may be to your advantage to be brutally honest now; if I'm sure things won't work out then only you and I know, and I can let you know early on. Once we're at sea, options for dealing with issues become more limited."

If Jacques, or Remy, evaluate her body language, Diana is being honest. She probably expects you to be pirates, or spies, or a disgraced nobleman with one too many illegitimate children. She does seem to be able to read people.

Re: Cycle 1062 (Autumn), Day 40: Hamlet of Gwynedd

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 1:00 am
by Pulpatoon
At an opportune time, Ignatz leaves the dancing and returns to sit with Dr. Linkletter. He broods for a moment over Becky, but then starts chatting with the Doc about The Boat, and about how to bring up a sunken boiler. "Do you suppose there are diving suits to rent? I have some experience working underwater. Enough to be able to hand a talented engineer the right tool, at any rate. But do you suppose Jo has been trained in diving suits? She's awfully young, and I imagine her education was an informal one, and diving suits may not have been on the curriculum."

Re: Cycle 1062 (Autumn), Day 40: Hamlet of Gwynedd

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 8:31 am
by AsenRG
atpollard wrote:
AsenRG wrote:Remy contents himself to watch the fumbling as-of-yet-to-be-named gentleman...who was having a hard time doing his duties.
He himself is dressed in good enough clothes that he'd fit in the company of Jacques, but the sword at his belt, while unassuming and in a well-worn scabbard, shows people who know where to look.
There's not a bit of ornamentation on it, but the rope entangling the handle seems - not worn, but softened. Almost as if it was gripped often, and fingers tended to slide all over it.
Becky darted towards the dance floor with a twinkle in her laughter as a smack on his ass registered with her playful words "Think you are up to dancing my clothes off?" that Remy had just had a gauntlent thrown down by an 18 year old girl that may be more of a tease and less of a lady than he had first suspected. It was curious that she was a skillful dancer until a hand might wander, then she would suddenly impale a foot or a shin with a heel ... never breaking her smile and offering just a faint "Sorry."
"When a man is invited in such a way...", Remy shrugs and unties his sword belt. Then he faces her, and smiles.
"I don't really know your dances, so you might have to forgive me some improvisation. That said? Let's do our best!"

Re: Cycle 1062 (Autumn), Day 40: Hamlet of Gwynedd

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 3:52 pm
by Urson
After a couple of tunes, Jo returns to her table and her drink. Shipwright work will definitely weary a person!

Re: Cycle 1062 (Autumn), Day 40: Hamlet of Gwynedd

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 8:46 pm
by Monsieur Rose

"Rebuilding a ship, you say? Interesting. I assume there aren't too many in the area to just purchase then?" He waves the question away. "But no Lady Diana, Remy and I aren't so notorious as you seem to fear. We, through my own doing, found ourselves allied with a privateer. A band of pirates, if you will. It all seemed quite adventurous and exciting for a time. Until it didn't. We acquired a launch, sailed east and landed here. Now my guess is that we need to lay low for a bit so as to not create questions. Both from the authorities, and from the pirates."

Jacques looks a bit relieved to unburden himself with that small amount of information. "Now. Lady Diana. The question becomes: What will you do with this information? I've said very little as to the specifics, but I've always been more forthcoming with my friends."