[Archived] Act 3 — Shadow of the Hunted

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Re: Back in Space

#21 Post by Inferno »

Commander Nadix Ar Eth, Science Officer:

Knowing full well it is Captain Wyse's prerogative how and when to communicate with Starfleet, and whether to withdraw from this system, Nadix contents himself with information gathering.

"Thank you, Lt. Barry. Did the Janus manage to damage their ship? What was the last known heading of the enemy vessel, and under what circumstances?"

Nadix will review the recorded scan to see if he can discern the pirate ship's engine speed, shield capabilities, or anything else.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: Back in Space

#22 Post by Pulpatoon »

Science Officer Dorotea deMattio enters the bridge in time to catch the gist of these exchanges.

Turning to the away-team, she asks, "Did anyone take environmental tricorder rrreadings on the planet's surface? While the RRRomulan ship is the pressing concern, the rrradiation emanating from the planet is surely the crux of the matter. Please have any data that might shed light upon the fenomeno forwarded to my station."
Grognardsw wrote:As they leave, Ensign Abbot steps forward. "Captain, what should I do with the Romulan's equipment?"
deMattio: "Ensign Abbot, if you would follow me to Science Deck in a moment, we will see what secrets we can unlock, yes?"
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Re: Back in Space

#23 Post by Inferno »

Nadix forwards his tricorder readings, taken from the surface.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: Back in Space

#24 Post by DadsAngry »

Dr. Ryerson:

The doctor makes haste to his sickbay. Shouting ahead of himself so others in the walkway will step aside as he rushes to sickbay. He seeks out Nurse Tekla for a quick overview of the critical wounded before attending to the first in the triage line for immediate medical assistance.
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Re: Back in Space

#25 Post by Grognardsw »

: "Ensign Abbot, if you would follow me to Science Deck in a moment, we will see what secrets we can unlock, yes?"
"Aye sir," says Abbot, following deMattio.
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Re: Back in Space

#26 Post by Starbeard »

Dr. Ryerson hastens to sickbay. (Continued in the Sickbay thread)

Ensigns Hardy and Laurel step out with Captain Wyse, hopefully someday to be seen again. The Captain waves a hand over his shoulder dismissively at Ensign Abbot. "Have someone else deal with that equipment, ensign. I'm concerned about my ship right now."

Ms. deMattio strides through the swishing doors of the bridge entrance just in time to catch the exchange, and summons Abbot to the sciences section with Carlax's confiscated equipment. On the way, she reviews Nadix's scan logs on the unknown planetary radiation. (Continued in the Science Labs thread) Inferno and Pulpatoon:
You know, it occurs to me that we now have two science officers in the party, one the chief officer and one a specialist. This wouldn’t ordinarily cause any issues, except that the chief’s own specialist skills also happen to be in the same area! Such is the nature of random PC generation, but since adventure is still deep in the investigation and deduction phase, it could mean lots of double dipping if the PCs want to play to their strengths, so to speak.

If this does seem like it’ll be an issue, I see a couple of ways around it:
  1. Just play it out and assume it'll be fine. Teaming up on tasks speeds it up and gives better results, and dividing and conquering can cut overall investigation time, too. There are still plenty of research rolls to be made on what’s been uncovered so far, prisoners to interrogate, etc. This is Star Fleet, where the powers that be turn a rather blind eye to officers taking initiative outside of their assigned role.
  2. The ship is the player party’s stable of characters and is full of personnel, so really anyone who wants to switch out with a different character type can. This can be a temporary change or a permanent one. In fact, run two characters if you think you really need both specialists. For example, the party currently has no engineers or security officers.

The Vulcan T'Leia brings up the ship's computer and loads known information on Romulan communication frequencies. She picks up nothing immediately, but these things take time. It occurs to her that Starbase 13 should be contacted, but Nadix has deferred that responsibility to Captain Wyse himself, who is away from the bridge. There is also a live Romulan on board on his way to the brig; T'Leia cannot help but ponder what distant linguistic similarities might remain between Vulcans and Romulans.


Nadix eases into an air of calm command after the Captain leaves. Mr. Barry nods to his young navigator, who shuffles over to Nadix with a electronic clipboard reader, bearing the assailant's last recorded details: a single-engine job, standard for civilian trading, rated about two-thirds the weight and durability of the Janus. Someone presses a button and the main view screen momentarily changes to a recording of the second attack: the pirate vessel fades out of blackness and swoops in, weapons ablaze. for a moment the newly arrived crew feel as though they are really there, in the heat of battle. The Janus quickly responds with full phasers and a photon torpedo. The torpedo slides past its mark and twinkles out into the infinite, star-studded blackness of space, but the phasers strike home, searing through the deflector screen and blasting a hole into the rear of the vessel, toward the engines. As the enemy slips back into invisibility, the log shows it swerving to port, back around the far side of the planet. "They're using the planet's mass to interfere with our sensors. We haven't been able to track any general movement, so we've been assuming they're trying to hide behind the planet," says Mr. Barry.

Meanwhile, Nadix's free hands busy themselves bringing up the flight records and ships scans on the bridge science station:
Pirate-modified trading and scout vessel
  • Weight/Durability: 66 kilotonnes (CT 14)
  • Powerplant: single warp engine (25 output) and impulse (5 output) = 30 energy, reduced by at least 2 due to damage in combat.
  • Expected Shields: 1 energy per 33% each facing (i.e. 12 energy to fully power shields)
  • Expected Weaponry:
    • 1x phaser bank (2e to arm)
    • 2x disruptors (3e to arm)
    • 1x warhead launcher (no energy needed) (i.e., 8e to arm all weapons)
    • 1x tractor beam (weaker than Janus, rated to use 1-3 energy)
    • Cloaking device (unknown performance and energy requirements)
  • Expected Speeds: 0-10 (2e per move rate)
  • Expected Warp capability: warp factor 4 (cruise) / warp factor 5 (max safe)
USS Janus
Engines: warp A (20/20), warp B (0/20), impulse (5/5)
Hull CT: 14/18
Phasers (A) and (B): charged (2) and charged (2)
Photon torpedos: not charged
Shields: all faces at 100% (20e draw)
Tractor beam: offline
Speed: 0
Basics: online (1e draw)
Energy Spent: 21/25
Phaser banks: 1-2 to charge, stored until used/deactivated. Can be overloaded with 1-2 extra energy for +50%/+100% damage, with risk.

Photons: 5 energy to charge, once charged will draw 5 energy until fired/deactivated. The ship can only load one torpedo at a time.

Tractor beam: draws 1-5 energy when in use (user decides how much power to use).

Shields: draws 1 energy per 20% of shield strength, in each of 4 quarters that surround the ship (fore, aft, port, starboard). All shields may be boosted to as much as 200%, but anything beyond 100% can damage the systems with increasing risk.

Tactical (impulse) speed: rated 0-10, and costing 2 energy per speed rating.

Basic essentials (generally on at all times): 1 energy is drawn for basic life support, sensors, computer, transporters, etc.
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[Archived] Deck 6 (Science Labs, Upper Engineering, Brig)

#27 Post by Starbeard »

From viewtopic.php?p=256922#p256922


Cmdr. Dorotea deMattio leads Ensign Abbot down to the Metallurgy Labs on Deck 6. They are forced to alight at Deck 4 due to severe damage to the turbo-lift shafts, and continue their descent through cramped Jefferies tubes. On Deck 6 they wind through the corridors to the back of the saucer and stop just short of the upper Engineering bays. Damage is visible throughout the entire deck, and the smell of melted duranium fills the air. Engineering crews hustle through the area.
Screen Shot 2016-06-09 at 7.07.45 pm.png
Screen Shot 2016-06-09 at 7.07.45 pm.png (293.84 KiB) Viewed 1309 times
Metallurgy Lab 1 is a wreck, with loose wire still spilling out of the walls and buzzing along the ground. Metallurgy Lab 2 is not much better, but at least the service crews have cleaned it up a bit. The pair fire up the cracked screen at the main work station and are pleased to discover that it still seems operational.
Last edited by Starbeard on Fri Oct 21, 2016 1:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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[Archived] Sickbay (Deck 7)

#28 Post by Starbeard »

From viewtopic.php?p=256922#p256922


Ryerson takes a while getting down to sickbay. The turbo-lifts are sporadic and temperamental, and several are simply out of order. He has to descend a few decks by squeezing through the Jefferies tubes. Throughout Deck 7 are engineering and repair crews, scrambling about with heavy safety equipment.

At his arrival Nurse Tekla gives him a quick tour of the room. Commander Vek, chief of security, has a very badly wounded arm cradled in a blood-soaked sling, and an assortment of cuts and bruises to the head. She has just arrived, and is still grumbling about not needing attention.

The rest of the wounded have been arranged according to severity of wounds, but not rank or department. There are only four fully equipped beds available (+5 to medical rolls), plus another seven temporary beds rolled out (+0 to medical rolls). Everyone else has to be on the floor (-3 to medical rolls).

There is enough help to move the wounded around the beds freely. Ned can deal with four patients at a time. Nurse Tekla can handle three patients. He has two nurses who can deal with two patients each, and three untrained helpers who can deal with one patient each.

Urgent (minutes to live, may take days to heal): 6
1 nurse (bed)
1 science officer (bed)
2 science ensigns (bed)
1 engineering officer (cot)
1 engineering ensign (cot)

Critical (hours to live, may take hours to heal): 4
2 engineering ensigns (cot)
1 nurse (cot)
1 security ensign (cot)

Serious (days to live/hours to permanently damage, may take 1-4 hours to heal): 5
1 security ensign (cot)
1 engineering officer
3 engineering ensigns

Minor (days before permanent damage, healed in an hour or less): 9
1 security chief (Vek)
1 science officer
1 engineering officer
1 security officer
5 engineering ensigns
The ship is currently underperforming in each department about equally: sciences will affect research/scanning, security will affect repair/defense against boarding/brig security, and engineering will affect engines/weapons/shields. Getting officers back into action helps the most.
Last edited by Starbeard on Fri Oct 21, 2016 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Science Labs (Deck 6)

#29 Post by Pulpatoon »

It being early days yet, for Dorotea, I could still just change up her specialties, if that would be for the best.
Commander deMattio to Ensign Abbot, in her playful lilt: "Before we can begin to discern the belt's method of function, we must identify its component parts, no? I would like you to use thees... but of course, you are trained to use an circuit imager, aren't you? Please use this to make a detailed record of the rrrelationships and connections between each component of the cintura, the belt, so that we can rrrecreate them after any disassembly. Grazie. I will, in the meantime, be examining thees pieces, to see if I can identify their metallurgical properties."
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Re: Science Labs (Deck 6)

#30 Post by Starbeard »

Let's try keeping it as is for now. Or, you can feel free to swap out 1-2 of her skills with other ones as you see fit.
Ensign Abbot figures it can't be that difficult to use a circuit imager, and gets to work.

Commander deMattio makes a few preliminary scans and is extremely surprised to discover that the belt does not show up at all on any of her devices. She makes re-calibrations and performs a few quick tests on other objects to ensure that the lab equipment is functioning properly, extremely puzzled by the whole thing. Abbot tells her the same thing happened on the planet, when the Romulan failed to show up on the party's biological scans, and she recalls Nadix's report on the strange Rod of Life, that strange object made of similar material that could not be picked up by the science tricorders.

Upon closer visual inspection, the belt is made of a metal-like substance, black and utterly non-reflective, unlike anything she has encountered. There is box attached to it, made of typical duranium; it houses the personal deflector shield that the Romulan Carlax was using. The box is picked up by the scans as soon as Abbot carefully removes it from the belt. He takes his measurements and reattaches it to the belt, and it is no longer visible to the ship's equipment.

There are a few ways forward, and they ponder their choices. More traditional experiments can be made to discover the belt's detailed properties, which could take quite some time—it would probably take a whole hour just to get an estimate of how long the research would be. The computer may also be searched for any similar cases, but that may or may not come up with a dead end. Romulan's powerful weapon is also sitting nearby.
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Re: Science Labs (Deck 6)

#31 Post by Pulpatoon »

"Ensign Abbot, you have preformed beautifully! Grazie mille! And now, I can release you to your other duties."

Commander deMattio activates her comm. "Commander Nadix Arrr Eth? Are you available? The Rrromulan cintura is a challenging mystery, and your consultation would be most appreciated. We are in Metallurgy Two."

While waiting for her colleague's response, she begins the process of checking the computer for similar cases. Her hope is that Nadix can begin experimenting on the belt's material properties while she does research.
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Re: Sickbay (Deck 7)

#32 Post by DadsAngry »

Dr. Ryerson:

The Doctor swings into action. "Nurse Tekla treat ensign Pasteur and Boyle (2 science ensigns in medbeds). Then after that start on the critically injured. I'll see after the other four urgent cases then move on from there. Also have your nurses keep the other patients stable until I can get to them."
What do I use for Medical Roll and is it one roll or one for each patient?
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Re: Back in Space

#33 Post by Inferno »

Commander Nadix Ar Eth, Science Officer:

"You have the conn, Mister Barry," Nadix says as he departs the bridge.

The Edosian scientist informs the Captain that he will proceed to the Science Labs as originally planned:
Inferno wrote:Later, away from the prisoners, Nadix indicates the Romulan's alien belt and says, "Captain. It's possible this device may be of use to us."
Once aboard the Janus, Nadix will carefully analyze it in the ship's Sciences Lab, remembering what happened to their tricorders the last time they scanned this technology.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: Back in Space

#34 Post by Starbeard »

"Aye, sir." Mr. Barry springs from his pilot's chair and takes a seat at the center of the bridge, as his navigator slides over to replace him at the helm.

"Er… Lt. Commander T'Leia," he says, trying not to look self-conscious in the Captain's chair. "Do you have a recommendation on contacting Starbase 13? I mean… what do you think we should do? We've taken a pretty big beating out here, and some of—," he looks around and drops to a whisper, "—some of the crew say we should be heading back to base. We're sitting ducks out here. Are we heading back to Starbase 13 or what?"
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Re: Sickbay (Deck 7)

#35 Post by Starbeard »

"Right away, Doctor." Tekla strides over to the other helpers and gives a few orders, then focuses her attention on the two science officers.
The rolls will be standard 3D6 vs MN+Biology, except for the urgent cases which are 4D6 vs MN+Biology. A successful roll will allow the patient to be healed fully after the appropriate amount of rest. After that, you can attempt another 4D6 vs MN roll cut the healing time in half, but failure has a small chance of causing the wound to 'reopen'—their body reacted badly or went into shock.

Once healed, patients can be moved anywhere, except for those in Urgent care—they have to stay in a bed or cot.

Ned has MN (7), Biology (4), and the help of his equipment, for the following rolls:

Patients in bed (+5): roll ≤16 (from)
Patients in cot (+0): roll ≤11.
Patients on floor (-3): roll ≤8.

Tekla and the help will make their own rolls (Tekla has a base skill of 11, other nurses have 10, and the other help effectively have 9.
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Re: Science Labs (Deck 6)

#36 Post by Starbeard »

"Nadix here. On my way." Ten minutes later Nadix enters Metallurgy Lab Two. "Those turbolifts are in a terrible state. Someone can get hurt in those Jefferies tubes."

The Edosian looks over deMattio's progress and commends her efforts. "This metallic substance is curious. I wonder if it is native to the planet. I will be begin routine experiments—it will be perhaps an hour before a more rigorous plan of experiments can be made. Depending on how much information I gain in the next hour, I may leave to interrogate the detainees you saw earlier. They might know something more than we do."
Is Dorotea conducting research on the new metal at the computer, or is she doing something else?
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Re: Science Labs (Deck 6)

#37 Post by Pulpatoon »

Lt. Commander de Mattio says, "I'm just finishing up here, myself. I'm afraid I let old instincts take over, when I rrreally should be on hand in Engineering, making sure progress continues velocemente, yes?"

Turning the computer access terminal around so Nadix can see it, de Mattio explains, "I've been setting up the parameters for a search of the computer's files—anything that might shed light on the situation. It will take a while to rrrun. I will have the computer report its findings to your station as well as mine.

"Oh, and you may wish to note in your report that Ensign Abbot proved a deft hand with the circuit imager. A goohd eye for detail."

After checking if there is anything Nadix might need a fourth and fifth hand with, she departs for Engineering. "We have to do something about these lefts before half the crew has sprained their necks!"
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Re: Science Labs (Deck 6)

#38 Post by Grognardsw »

Pulpatoon wrote:"Ensign Abbot, you have preformed beautifully! Grazie mille! And now, I can release you to your other duties."
"Thank you sir," says Ensign Abbot, pleasantly surprised at his show of technical skill.

The ensign goes to the ship's lounge. He hasn't had a break yet since returning so he figures he'll have a drink or two.
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Re: Sickbay (Deck 7)

#39 Post by Grognardsw »

DadsAngry wrote:Dr. Ryerson:

The Doctor swings into action. "Nurse Tekla treat ensign Pasteur and Boyle (2 science ensigns in medbeds). Then after that start on the critically injured. I'll see after the other four urgent cases then move on from there. Also have your nurses keep the other patients stable until I can get to them."
What do I use for Medical Roll and is it one roll or one for each patient?

"Will I live doc?" utters Ensign Pasteur.

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Re: Sickbay (Deck 7)

#40 Post by DadsAngry »

Dr. Ryerson:

"Don't worry ensign your in good hands, Nurse Telka."

Meatball surgery
Urgent (minutes to live, may take days to heal): 6
Dr. Ryerson's Patients:
Nurse Baker (bed) - Ryerson medical roll [4d6] = 11 vs 16
science officer Bacon (bed) - Ryerson +5 to medical rolls [4d6] = 9 vs 16
engineering officer Suskin (cot) - Ryerson [4d6] = 18 vs 16
engineering ensign Eyslee (cot) - Ryerson [4d6] = 18 vs 16

Telka's Patients:
science ensign Pasteur (bed) - Telka +5 to medical rolls [4d6] = 19 vs 16
science ensign Boyle (bed) - Telka +5 to medical rolls [4d6] = 12 vs 16

Critical (hours to live, may take hours to heal): 4
Nurse Chapel's Patients:
engineering ensign Nesterowicz (cot) - Nurse Chapel [3d6] = 14 vs 10

Nurse Kellye's Patients:
security ensign Ward (cot) - Nurse Kellye [3d6] = 7 vs 10
engineering ensign Petrus (cot) - Nurse Kellye [3d6] = 9 vs 10

Nurse Telka's Patients:
Nurse Jackie (cot) - Telka [3d6] = 18 vs 11

Serious (days to live/hours to permanently damage, may take 1-4 hours to heal): 5
Nurse Chapel's Patients:
security ensign Dukes (cot) - Nurse Chapel [3d6] = 12 vs 10

Dr. Ryerson's Patients second wave:
engineering officer Chell - Ryerson (second wave) -3 to medical rolls [3d6] = 10 vs 8
engineering ensign Rush- Ryerson (second wave) -3 to medical rolls [3d6] = 8 vs 8
engineering ensign Arp - Ryerson (second wave) -3 to medical rolls [3d6] = 13 vs 8

Nurse Kellye's Patients second wave:
engineering ensign Cordon - Nurse Kellye (second wave) -3 to medical rolls [3d6] = 12 vs 7

Minor (days before permanent damage, healed in an hour or less): 9

Untrained Personel Patients:
engineering ensign Peck- Untrained personel -3 to medical rolls [3d6] = 6 vs 6
engineering ensign Valdes- Untrained personel -3 to medical rolls [3d6] = 15 vs 6
engineering ensign Meyers- Untrained personel -3 to medical rolls [3d6] = 13 vs 6

Dr. Ryerson's Patients second wave:
security chief (Vek) - Ryerson (second wave) -3 to medical rolls [3d6] = 13 vs 8

Nurse Telka's Patients second wave:
science officer Horner - Telka (second wave) -3 to medical rolls [3d6] = 7 vs 8
engineering officer Fisher - Telka (second wave) -3 to medical rolls [3d6] = 9 vs 8
security officer Ayala - Telka (second wave) -3 to medical rolls [3d6] = 9 vs 8

Nurse Telka's Kellye second wave:
engineering ensign Devlin- Nurse Kellye (second wave) -3 to medical rolls [3d6] = 13 vs 7

Nurse Chapel's second wave:
engineering ensign Castro- Nurse Chapel (second wave) -3 to medical rolls [3d6] = 15 vs 7
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