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Re: The Elder's Hospitality

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 11:54 pm
by Blackrazor
The young dancer, leaves the company of her friends, a wide smile on her face. She is lovely in her innocent vibrance. That energy that ripens and makes her juicy - filled with wonder and potential.
She carefully takes the proffered cup casting a darting glance toward the elder. She sips the juice, standing before you and answers quietly, "It is both. The blood of the body in all of us and the sacrifices made to maintain the body." She glances quickly again toward the elder.

Re: The Elder's Hospitality

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:51 pm
by Grognardsw
Blood Skald of Doom looks admiringly at the girl, but notices her glances at the Elder. These could be deep waters, and the northman is unfamiliar with these strangers' customs.

He bids her sit, then looks at the Elder and asks a question to shift attention. "Will your healers have Body back on his feet soon?"

Re: The Elder's Hospitality

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 1:47 am
by Blackrazor
The young girl settles next to you sipping again from the cup, enjoying the taste. The elder's gruesome mask faces you. "He will be whole once again, of that be assured."

Gibbering nods, "That is good," as he licks his fingers clean with loud sucking noises. Sorrows" face is emotionless as the stoic man of blue ponders the situation.

Re: The Elder's Hospitality

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 3:02 pm
by Grognardsw
Blood Skald enjoys the hospitality of the villagers that night, but does not partake too deeply of drink. He eats that food which is also eaten by others. He senses something... off about the skin-masked tribe, though he cannot put a finger upon just what it is. The northman wishes to keep a clear head that night.

Blood Skald's comrades have expressed interest in moving on from the village the next day, but Blood Skald is still curious about their strange stories of Sky Lords. His gut tells him such things may be related to his dreams.

Re: The Elder's Hospitality

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:33 am
by Blackrazor
The young dancer beside Blood Sklad wraps her arm in his and she drink again from her cup a broad smile on her face. She is inquisitive about Skald's people especially the women. How they dress, their roles and jobs, do they dance and how, are they pretty? She is engaging and flirty. As the dancer presses her cheek Skald's, across the way amongst the crowd Skald sees little body, waving wildly at him, her smile wild and full of mirth. She is half hidden behind the legs of a female relative caught up in conversation. When she see Skald notice her, she excitedly waves with both hands. This commotion causes her chaperone to turn and scold her verbally, the young brown girls frowning arms folded across her chest. After the women returns her attention back to her friends, little body's frown quickly disappears as she begins to wave again smiling.

Re: The Elder's Hospitality

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 5:57 pm
by Grognardsw
Blood Skald of Doom enjoys the dancer's company. He does not return Little Body's flirtations, lest he unknowingly insult Elder or chaperone. He stops drinking alcohol, switching to juices, to maintain sharp wit. He retires alone, suggesting to his comrades they take watches lest treachery strike.

The next morning, he visits the recuperating Body to speak with the man directly.

Re: The Elder's Hospitality

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 8:03 pm
by Grognardsw
Blood Skald of Doom dreamed that night. His world slowed, his soul caught up in a limbo, aware yet unable to interact with those around him. He struggled to move against unseen forces of inertia. He was not certain he'll ever wake from the dream.