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Re: On the road again

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 2:18 pm
by Alethan
"I've heard of mages powerful enough to make a whole company disappear from sight until they strike you in the face. Were that I was powerful enough to do such a thing, I would, and they wouldn't even know of our presence..." Cillian's wishful thought trails off without any further words as he helps direct the horses off the road.

"Let's just make for the trees, anyway. Maybe if we're far enough off the road they'll pay us no attention..."

Re: On the road again

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 5:51 am
by Anivar
I agree. We should make for the trees. Hopefully, they will pay us no heed. However, should they be looking for a fight, they will find more than the mere saplings we once were. Scythius states, trying to appear calm.

Scythius then claps Cillian on the back, and with a smile says Do not fret my friend, the power is within you, it is only a matter of time before you harness it.

Re: On the road again

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:54 pm
by Argennian
Anivar wrote:I agree. We should make for the trees. Hopefully, they will pay us no heed. However, should they be looking for a fight, they will find more than the mere saplings we once were. Scythius states, trying to appear calm. ...
"And don't forget we be deputized by Sheriff Talon. That makes us lawmen!" Vik decries, suddenly realizing the hypocrisy of the whole notion as he looks over at Tub to share a "Hope that don't bother Longshanks too much" moment! :)

Re: On the road again

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 1:21 am
by rredmond
och! Don't say it too loud. Still, fox guarding the hen house and all that, Tub says with a wink.
I wonder if it'd be worth a chance of me staying behind and blending into the backgroundas it were to see if I can find anything out. Or for a better tactical advantage if they attack? He wonders aloud.

hide in shadows could be used in this situation Todd?

Re: On the road again

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:01 pm
by zebediah
Vik is right, we can try to rely on our new position of authority.

Re: On the road again

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:49 pm
by wolfpack
you could try to run from the party and lay low in the grass if you want, but othe rthan that there is no where else to go.

As the party moves off the road they encounter slow going as the heavy cart sinks into the ground much softer than the hard packed road. The thiundering of hooves grow louder and within a couple of minutes figures crest the hill. The sun glints off of the metal armor of the riders as they move towards you in a line stretched across the road.

As they get closer you see 10 of them veer from the road toward your position. They ride toward you spreading out and encircling you quickly. As they are closer you can see they all wear plate armor and bear lances and even their steeds, which are he largest horses you have ever seen, are barded in plate.

You see carved on their chestplates the symbol of Odin. Your old horses whiney and tremble as they come to a halt when surrounded. 50 yards back on the road the rest of heir column stops, you estimate another 10 to 15 of the armored riders and then a dozen men lighter armored on smaller horses.

One of the men moves his horse foward.

Who are you and what is you business on the kings road.

Re: On the road again

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:20 pm
by Argennian
When Viktor sees the armored riders crest the low hill and then make to approach, he quickly deduces that they will not make the woods. "Damn, we'll never make them trees! Them might be the Sentinels, so best we stop the wagon and lower our weapons!"

wolfpack wrote:... As they get closer you see 10 of them veer from the road toward your position. They ride toward you spreading out and encircling you quickly. As they are closer you can see they all wear plate armor and bear lances and even their steeds, which are he largest horses you have ever seen, are barded in plate.

You see carved on their chestplates the symbol of Odin. Your old horses whiney and tremble as they come to a halt when surrounded. 50 yards back on the road the rest of heir column stops, you estimate another 10 to 15 of the armored riders and then a dozen men lighter armored on smaller horses.

One of the men moves his horse foward.

Who are you and what is you business on the kings road.
Already having slung his bow and raised his hands, palms out in a de-arming gesture of submission, Viktor lets out a held breath and then lowers them with a look of feigned relief upon his visage. "Odin be praised that it be you, my lords! When we noticed your approach, we thought you all a Death Monger army headed to Rashtan to finish the job that they started! We are all of us newly-appointed deputies of Sheriff Talon of Rashtan. We have been tasked with checking on the remote farms and homesteads out this way, to offer any aid as it were and pass on the latest news and happenings. The sheriff sent us out en force for our protection. The Death Mongers have been seen stalking about the area and now most recently, a troop of orcs have burned down an old local grain mill just outside of town. The sheriff and townfolk will be most relieved at you arrival, indeed!"

Re: On the road again

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:24 pm
by Alethan
Cil stands quietly, relieved that Vik spoke up for the group.

Re: On the road again

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:05 pm
by Anivar
Surrounded, out numbered, and obviously out matched. Scythius stands silent doing his best to appear calm, trying to push the thought of being run through by one of those lances out of his mind.

Re: On the road again

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:16 pm
by rredmond
Tub slowly sidles behind one of his larger companions.

Re: On the road again

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:44 pm
by zebediah
Sergius stands by Vik as he tells his story to the soldiers.

Re: On the road again

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:15 am
by wolfpack
The man who spoke turns and nods to the rider beside him.

the second rider lowers his head and holds his hand up towards you. After a few seconds he turns to the first rider and shakes his head.

The first rider reaches up and removes his gret winged helm and you see his face for the first time.

Thick black hair and a large thick beard sprinkled with gray. He has a studded leather eye patch over one eye and his face has several large scars.

He focuses his intense gaze on the group and squinting his one eye he stares at each of you in turn. His hard gaze is unsettling causing each of you to squirm.

I do not thnk you are telling me everything.
You spoke of death mongers...TELL ME what you know of them. They are why we ride to this backwater. What have their movements been, what information has been gathered....deputies

Re: On the road again

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:08 am
by Argennian
Fearing that they'll have a way to know and that things currently will likely not get any calmer or better for them if he doesn't speak quickly, Vik swallows and proffers additional information. He doesn't want to sell out the sheriff and Minter, as well as exactly what they're doing, so tries to give what he can truthfully and hopes to give the man enough to satisfy him and not make him concerned about any potential small omissions!

"Those Death Mongers be like demons, my lord. They are part man and part beast, covered in tattoos. It all started when the obelisks showed up," Vik offers as he goes into an explanation of how events started. He details when the military arrived and how we worked with the lieutenant and his men in their investigations. He then talks about the attack that happened during the festival and how the Death Mongers were able to apparently command the undead. He then tells how we wanted to help the lieutenant and Sheriff Talon but were told no, so we struck out on our own and encountered one of them when it attacked our camp. How strong and fast it was and how we were all lucky to make it out alive. Then how we came back in and reported what had happened and that it was soon thereafter that the orcs appeared in the area and burned down the grain mill. He explains honestly that he doesn't know whether or not their presence is a coincidence or not. Finally he tells the man that the sheriff finally then made us deputies and that we made a commitment to serve Rashtan and help however we could.

"... The military men were... overwhelmed by it all, if I may be so bold, my lord. Our village has been living in fear ever since. But now that you and your men have arrived, we will be saved!" the young churl offers honestly, hoping his attempt at respect and reverence will appear to be more out of relief than fear! :)

Re: On the road again

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 4:55 pm
by rredmond
Argennian wrote:"... The military men were... overwhelmed by it all, if I may be so bold, my lord. Our village has been living in fear ever since. But now that you and your men have arrived, we will be saved!" the young churl offers honestly, hoping his attempt at respect and reverence will appear to be more out of relief than fear! :)
Huzzah! Tub adds from the back.

Re: On the road again

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:05 pm
by Anivar
Scythius gathers his courage and begins to speak, My lords, there was a giant obelisk born of flame in the middle of a farm outside of town. We were not able to glean any information from it but I have no doubt you would be able to determine its purpose. I believe the land is owned by the Endler family. Many of these strange happenings have taken place on their land. They were also not very cooperative when this came to light, I believe they know more than they are letting on. They may be able to provide you with more information.

Scythius then becomes quiet, hoping this information will give the riders a reason to continue down the road.

Re: On the road again

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:09 pm
by wolfpack
The man listens intently drinking in every word. whne you are finished he leans back and contemplates silently.

Raising of the dead, human sacrifice, and the raising o these obelisks. This smacks of the darkest of magics of an evil god. We will certainly question everyone in town including this Endler family.

he leans forward again in the saddle.

if you continue north be weary. My company just rode out of the worst storm I have even seen in these lands a day ago. It seemed ...unnatural itself.

With that he puts on his helmet, apparently a signal fo rhis men to ride as they form up and head back to the road.

Re: On the road again

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:15 pm
by Argennian
Vik lets out a real held breath and nods his thanks to his aspiring ranger companion. "Nice additional juicy bit there, Scy! That was me next little biscuit to throw out, if'n he didn't seem satisfied. Bottom line, they be gone and we be free to fly, as it were," he offers with a wink and a smile to Tub.

He gathers his short bow and looks on, watching the Sentinels make it back to the road, rejoin the others and continue thundering south towards Rashtan. "Unnatural storm, he says? May that weather be the only thing bad we meet!"

Re: On the road again

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:09 pm
by Alethan
Cilian lets out a sigh of relief as the armoured troops disappear down the road.

"I don't know why those guys made me so nervous..."

Cil concentrates to see which direction the amulet is currently leading them.

Re: On the road again

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:51 pm
by Anivar
Scythius, pale, sweating, sinks to the ground. After a moment, regaining some color, gets back to his feet.
Alethan wrote: "I don't know why those guys made me so nervous..."
I do. I could feel them in my head... That is one experience I do not want to repeat. I fear for our friends in Rashtan.

Re: On the road again

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 8:35 am
by rredmond
The sooner we get this done, the sooner we get back to them, Tbd adds, pale faced and unnerved. Besides, let them try to get in Korec's head, he adds with a smile, and starts north heading toward that storm and whatever may come.