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Re: [000] Lakeside Interlude - The Duck's Pond Inn

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:17 pm
by Darithe

Smiling happily she counts out the coins, "Hmm, not bad for a couple of songs. Now what's this?" She opens up the parchment curious to read what was written.

Re: [000] Lakeside Interlude - The Duck's Pond Inn

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 1:26 am
by joertexas
Darithe wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:17 pm Vesper

Smiling happily she counts out the coins, "Hmm, not bad for a couple of songs. Now what's this?" She opens up the parchment curious to read what was written.
Carsta steps up next to her. "You have an admirer?"

Re: [000] Lakeside Interlude - The Duck's Pond Inn

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 6:35 am
by Eris
joertexas wrote: Thu Dec 21, 2023 1:26 am
Darithe wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:17 pm Vesper

Smiling happily she counts out the coins, "Hmm, not bad for a couple of songs. Now what's this?" She opens up the parchment curious to read what was written.
Carsta steps up next to her. "You have an admirer?"
Carsta distracts Vesper for a second then she reads the words on the parchment, "I'm told you sound just like our mother." is all that is written.

Re: [000] Lakeside Interlude - The Duck's Pond Inn

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 7:28 pm
by Eris
OOC: I seem to have struck Vesper dumb! :p

The afternoon progresses and soon the party troops over to the Temple to collect the items the Priests have promised them. Three healing potions to use if you are hurt, six days of rations for each of you, a lantern with two flasks of oil, and six torches. You divide them up among you.

"Are you taking the Kobold and Barkling with you?" asks Brother William the priest who helped you with the injuries last night. Although the Kobold has a chain attached to his leg he looks well enough to travel.

The Barkling, however, is still in bed with his leg elevated and held in place with boards on either side....without magical intervention he is going to be healing his broken leg for some weeks and the Priests here have clearly not used magical means to heal his injuries.

Mary, the orphan you meet last night, is seated beside the dog like creature with a fierce expression on her face. Her arms are tightly folded over her chest and she looks a bit angry.

Mary grumbles when you look at her, "They won't give Salma a potion. He's as much a hero as any of you. He saved us from his own kind and now they treat him little better than that monster." she says pointing at the Kobold.

The Kobold looks daggers in Mary's direction and says, "Daxter, not monster!"

Re: [000] Lakeside Interlude - The Duck's Pond Inn

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 7:33 pm
by joertexas
Eris wrote: Sun Dec 24, 2023 7:28 pm OOC: I seem to have struck Vesper dumb! :p

The afternoon progresses and soon the party troops over to the Temple to collect the items the Priests have promised them. Three healing potions to use if you are hurt, six days of rations for each of you, a lantern with two flasks of oil, and six torches. You divide them up among you.

"Are you taking the Kobold and Barkling with you?" asks Brother William the priest who helped you with the injuries last night. Although the Kobold has a chain attached to his leg he looks well enough to travel.

The Barkling, however, is still in bed with his leg elevated and held in place with boards on either side....without magical intervention he is going to be healing his broken leg for some weeks and the Priests here have clearly not used magical means to heal his injuries.

Mary, the orphan you meet last night, is seated beside the dog like creature with a fierce expression on her face. Her arms are tightly folded over her chest and she looks a bit angry.

Mary grumbles when you look at her, "They won't give Salma a potion. He's as much a hero as any of you. He saved us from his own kind and now they treat him little better than that monster." she says pointing at the Kobold.

The Kobold looks daggers in Mary's direction and says, "Daxter, not monster!"
Carsta looks at the injury to evaluate how much one of her healing invocations would help Salma.

Re: [000] Lakeside Interlude - The Duck's Pond Inn

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2023 7:53 pm
by Darithe
Sorry, Darithe was struck dumb by being stolen away for a romantic holiday. Vesper is never struck dumb. And belated holiday good wishes

Vesper reads the note pondering for a time what if anything it meant. Perhaps an admirer, perhaps more, but she had often been told she sounded like her mother. She pushes those thoughts away to focus on the trip to the temple. She takes the supplies, thanking them for their generosity. She leaves the others to answer about the barkling, but if Salma accompanies them, healing should be the first order.

Re: [000] Lakeside Interlude - The Duck's Pond Inn

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2023 9:17 pm
by Eris
JR wrote wrote:Carsta looks at the injury to evaluate how much one of her healing invocations would help Salma.
OOC: Not enough. One of the Priests could cast Cure Wounds on the Barkling and fix his leg so he could come with you, but Carsta (and Calli) don't have that down yet, the best they can do is take a day or two off the healing process. The Temple (the town) sees Salma as a monster who should be in chains...or dead...not healed.

It's really only Mary's stubborn insistence that he Salma is a hero that saved all the children that is keeping him in the infirmary instead of a jail cell, or worse.

Of course, the Priests might be willing to perform a healing prayer on the Barkling if you're taking responsibility for him. You could ask..."

Brother William says, "I think you should leave under cover of darkness, that will be about an hour from now. The gates will be opened to allow you to exit, but once you are out, they won't open for you or anyone else until the morrow. Now, are you accepting responsibility for the Kobold and the Barkling and planning to take them with you or do you plan to leave them here to face the judgement on the Baron?"

Re: [000] Lakeside Interlude - The Duck's Pond Inn

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 4:23 am
by ateno
Eris wrote: Tue Dec 26, 2023 9:17 pm Brother William says, "I think you should leave under cover of darkness, that will be about an hour from now. The gates will be opened to allow you to exit, but once you are out, they won't open for you or anyone else until the morrow. Now, are you accepting responsibility for the Kobold and the Barkling and planning to take them with you or do you plan to leave them here to face the judgement on the Baron?"
"No Brother, they are coming with use, both of them are needed for the mission. Can you get one of your most forgiving priests to cast a spell so he can come with us, it would help use and the deal we made both of them Brother?

de Francisco

Re: [000] Lakeside Interlude - The Duck's Pond Inn

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 9:28 pm
by Eris
ateno wrote: Wed Dec 27, 2023 4:23 am
Eris wrote: Tue Dec 26, 2023 9:17 pm Brother William says, "I think you should leave under cover of darkness, that will be about an hour from now. The gates will be opened to allow you to exit, but once you are out, they won't open for you or anyone else until the morrow. Now, are you accepting responsibility for the Kobold and the Barkling and planning to take them with you or do you plan to leave them here to face the judgement on the Baron?"
"No Brother, they are coming with use, both of them are needed for the mission. Can you get one of your most forgiving priests to cast a spell so he can come with us, it would help use and the deal we made both of them Brother?

de Francisco
Brother William shakes his head and flicks his hand toward Carilor Zexez, the herbiest and healer you met the previous evening, "Carilor you do it. Bahamut wouldn't approve, but I doubt Melora would mind."

Carilor shakes her head at Brother William, "Melora is goddess of nature for a reason Brother. Nature isn't evil, nor are its creatures. It's vile gods who's names we do not speak that seduce creatures to the dark ways."

Carilor steps up to Salma and leans over him, saying, "In the name of Melora, goddess of nature and sea, accept this healing of your injured leg."

A golden glow surrounds her hands an inch as she runs them an inch above Salma's injuries. The glow extends down and encases the leg and you can actually see the leg knit, bones move and straighten, flesh grows and extends covering the wound and changes color from bruised purple and black to a light brown. As she steps back the only sign that Salma's leg was badly broken a few seconds ago is the patch of hairless skin where the wound once was.

She takes a vial from one of the voluminous pockets of her robe and hands it to Castra, "The hair will regrow, but that will take time, and the leg bones will still be weak for a day or two. I suggest he keep full pressure off that leg, try not to run, and use a staff or cane to walk. Give this potion to him tomorrow and his leg will be as good as new. If you give it to him before tomorrow afternoon, it will not have as strong an effect, so wait. If you decide to not give the Barkling this potion his leg will still completely heal, but it will take four or five days to reach that point."

"This isn't a full healing potion, you understand, just a booster."
Carilor says, "So, don't expect it to work like a normal Cure Wounds Potion."

Re: [000] Lakeside Interlude - The Duck's Pond Inn

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 11:49 pm
by ateno
"I thank you, your brothers and your guard Melora. We will make a donation as thanks when we return."

He deeply bows.

"Soon we leave to try and same some measure of peace for your city. Thanks again."

de Francisco

Re: [000] Lakeside Interlude - The Duck's Pond Inn

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 12:51 am
by Darithe

Vesper is impressed with how de Francisco handled that so she merely bows to the priests.

Re: [000] Lakeside Interlude - The Duck's Pond Inn

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 8:35 pm
by joertexas
Darithe wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 12:51 am Vesper

Vesper is impressed with how de Francisco handled that so she merely bows to the priests.
Carsta follows suit, and prepares to leave with the others.

Re: [000] Lakeside Interlude - The Duck's Pond Inn

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 8:45 pm
by Eris
ateno wrote: Wed Dec 27, 2023 11:49 pm "I thank you, your brothers and your guard Melora. We will make a donation as thanks when we return."

He deeply bows.

"Soon we leave to try and same some measure of peace for your city. Thanks again."

de Francisco
"We will say a prayer to Avandra for you all." says Brother William, "You will need her luck in your travels and travails, I'm sure."

Re: [000] Lakeside Interlude - The Duck's Pond Inn

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 6:56 pm
by ateno
de Francisco smiles and will sit and chat with the brother until it's time to leave, when he will gather his equipment and check others gear.

de Francisco