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Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 5:01 am
by Argennian
Recklessfireball wrote:OK, peeps- I have everything ready to go; just waiting on Argennian to put the finishing touches on his character, and I expect him to be finishing up sometime in the next day or so...
Sorry for the hold-up, Reckless! :oops:

Bar any issues/corrections/modifications needed, Macky is finally ready to go! :P

Bhart wrote: Hey Mitch welcome aboard!

I'm the only tech PSA, there's room for another since no one has computers yet. Bob backs me up in the technician skill but he's Military PSA. Considering we're exploring an unsettled planet another enviromental guy would always be a good thing just in case Akai comes to an unfortunate end. Stan is our medic, but he's a military PSA so he won't be advancing his skills as quickly as a biosocial PSA would. It would be nice to have a dedicated doc in the crew.

Ooops never mind I just noticed you picked Military. I thought you were still hunting for a PSA. Hmm a secondary skill no one has...
We don't have a head shrinker (psycho social), not sure how much use it will be in the wilderness, but back on base it might let you talk the quartermaster into "loaning" us better gear. ;)
I also don't see anyone with Demolition skill. I'm sure that would come in handy at some point. :o

And Computers as I mentioned before.

Thanks for the welcome, Bill!

Decided to change 'ol Macky up a bit and went with Biosocial PSA, specializing in Environmental and Medical. Not only is the pay good but he gets to start with more equipment. Besides, there is a good amount of military PSA beef present, so don't think we'll be lacking in the fight department. ;)

Hot damn, this is gonna be rad. I am looking forward to this! 3 Space Huzzahs! 8-) 8-) 8-)


Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 6:15 am
by Recklessfireball
Well, we're about to get things rolling here. :D

I'll give everyone who hasn't posted yet until afternoon tomorrow, then move the action forward, to the situation room. After that, I'll try to keep things going at a rate of about a post a day. Feel free to PM me with a list of default actions for your characters, for whenever you're not able to post. Otherwise, I'll wing it, and try to post actions for your characters based on what little I know about them so far.

Later taters :mrgreen:


Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:05 am
by Bhart
My apologies for the delay. RL obligations eating into my time this weekend. I'm trying to convince my Tomb of Horrors group to support me so I can quit my day job. ;)


Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:18 am
by Recklessfireball
No problem. We're sort of just getting going. This is just the part where I'll explain what your mission objectives will be and give you a chance to break into posting with your new characters. I'll give everyone until tuesday afternoon to post and then I'll move forward with the mission briefings. Anyone who misses can probably play catch up on Wednesday, if need be. I don't expect any life and death stuff to go down for another day or two.

Course, ya never know... ;)


Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:33 am
by Rotten
Missed a few days there. I kept checking for the start and it didn't happen, then I got distracted. Count me in from now on.


Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:15 am
by Argennian
Recklessfireball wrote:... Feel free to PM me with a list of default actions for your characters, for whenever you're not able to post. Otherwise, I'll wing it, and try to post actions for your characters based on what little I know about them so far...
I'll work on getting this submitted to you this week, RF. I had planned on making note of those default actions on my character sheet as well. (Figured that would make them easily accessible for reference!) :)


Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 12:23 pm
by Recklessfireball
Rotten: No worries. Sorry about the late start. I had a lot of prep work to do and was waiting on a character sheet to be submitted. Everything should run pretty smoothly (*knock on wood*) from here on out. ;)

Argennian: Sounds Good. Noting them on the character sheet should work just fine. If anyone else wants to do it the same way, that's also fine by me. :)


Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:31 pm
by Recklessfireball
Just so you don't get confused, I thought I'd explain how I'll progress with posting from here on out...

With the exception of responding to any final posts in the Moonbase Gamma Niner thread, from here on out, I'll be putting all posts relevant to S.E.T. 1 (Bishop, Ceere, Steelsmith and Stern) under the Ch'Vax Jungles thread and all posts relevant to S.E.T. 2 (K'tan, Nuk, O'Riley and Vombis) under the Drus Badlands thread.


Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 8:30 pm
by Recklessfireball
Also, I wanted to clarify the equipment distribution: Everyone but Nuk gets a shotgun, in addition to their other assigned weaponry, along with a bandolier that holds twenty shells (assume the shotguns magazine is full, as well. Which provides an additional 5 rounds). The shotshells can be buckshot, slugs or a combination of both (e.g. 15 buckshot/10 slug, 5 buckshot/20 slug, 25 buckshot, or whatever your preference).

Nuk gets six spare SEU clips (in addition to the one already powering the Shock Hammer) for his Mjolnir.

If you have enough credits left over, you can buy extra ammo, grenades, etc. at the standard prices. Shot shells are 1 cr. each for buckshot and 2 cr. each for slugs. An extra bandolier (without ammo) will cost you 10 cr.


Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:18 pm
by Argennian

Finally updated background and added basic default actions for Marcus at the bottom of his character sheet.

Just in case we survive our current, harrowing dilemma and you need those down the road, that is! :geek:

(Please let me know if you need or would like some additional situational details!)




Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:06 pm
by Recklessfireball
Just thought I would let everyone know- Rotten PM'ed me recently, and has said he is going through a bit of stressful RL stuff, so he'll be dropping out of the game until he can get things straightened out. I'll be NPC'ing his character, in the meantime, so if you see me posting for Steelsmith a lot, that will be the reason. I've made it clear that he's welcome to join the game again, at any time.


Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:28 pm
by Recklessfireball
I also want to officially welcome Don7x to the game. His Yazirian warrior will be encountering S.E.T. 2 in the near future, and it seems likely he will look to join up with the team for your mutual survival. I will probably start Don with his own thread, to give him something to do until you guys encounter each other, then gradually merge the two threads together. :)


Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:28 am
by Bhart
Welcome Don7x!
Primary Function- Obey PGC directive one-seven-seven-alpha.
Secondary Function- Obey corporate asset 9635221: PGC employee Alvin Bishop, for the next sixty days- provided that such obedience does not conflict with Primary Function.
Tertiary Function- Defend all PGC assets against hostile attacks, including sacrificing this unit to preserve the health and safety of said assets, provided that such action does not conflict with Primary Function.
Oh boy, I had a bad feeling Id find something like that. :) Maybe I should have named him Bender.


Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 1:26 am
by Recklessfireball
LOL- well, then you would have to power him on alcohol :mrgreen:


Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:36 pm
by Recklessfireball
My sister and nephew are coming up for a visit and it's going to be a little hectic, so I may not be as diligent at posting over the next few days as I usually am. Should be business as usual by Monday, though (they're leaving Sunday afternoon). Just wanted to give everyone a heads up.


Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 4:27 am
by Argennian
Thanks for the heads up, Reckless.

Good stuff and having a blast here, man! 8-)


Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:47 am
by Recklessfireball
Thanks for the heads up, Reckless.

Good stuff and having a blast here, man! 8-)
Gratifying to hear it. I do love this old game. :mrgreen:

I'll try to get a couple more good posts in before the weekend hits. ;)


Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:12 pm
by Argennian

Not trying to be picky or problematic but just thought to ask you about your responses to our posts. When you edit our posts and add your GM part in, we can't see that unless we go back and reread the player posts that have already been made.

I'm not sure if other folks do the same thing as me, but when I come on the boards and am on the index page, I scroll down the game forum lists looking to see if a new post has been made by seeing the little sheet on the left orange instead of white. When I see it white, I'm thinking no one has posted a response yet. The same thing will happen if you have email notification turned on, since it wont recognize an edited or modified post, only a new one.

So moving forward, unless you have a specific reason for doing so, could you hit the "quote" tab on our posts and enter your replies/additions? That way, you'll be creating a new post and when we scan the board index or have email notification on, it'll be obvious. Plus, as a DM, you'll be able to go back and double-check your posts for information or details reflected much easier than sorting through your player's old posts. There are also other benefits to this but I'm out of time and have to get back to work!

Enjoying the game and very much appreciate and salute your attention to detail and great narratives. Not sure if that's how you want to do things for some reason I'm not seeing but guess I'm just letting my OCD get the best of me, really! :oops:




Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:53 pm
by Recklessfireball
No need to apologize, Argennian. :)

I've been using that format with S.E.T. 1, in the Ch'Vax Jungle thread. At first it was accidental (no idea why I posted as an edit- I think I'd been nipping at the wine a little that night- lol), and I apologized for posting that way (as I was worried it might have been confusing), but two of the players said they liked it, so I retained the format.

What happened, is I got in the habit of doing it that way, and I didn't stop to think that the other team (S.E.T. 2) might be confused by the format, because they didn't know what was going on. In the future, I'll quote and reply in the usual manner, so it shouldn't be confusing any more. Glad to hear you're having a good time, though. :D


Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:55 pm
by Recklessfireball
Actually, now as I think of it, going forward I'm going to start using standard posting format with both teams; just so I can stay consistent and not get myself (or you) confused. Probably should have done that from the beginning. My apologies to anyone in S.E.T. 1 who was enjoying the edit/post format.