Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#21 Post by Imladir »

“Now what to do about it...” Thayilli considered the disturbed area and the surrounding woods for a moment. “Well, first I suppose you should call the others if they haven't found anything yet.” It was one of those situations where the dragons' ability to communicate with each other over vast distances was quite useful, especially since they were able to show a place to allow other dragons to directly come via a short hop In Between.

While she considered herself pretty good at a few things, and decent at a number of others, she had no illusions about how well she'd fare in some unknown woods. She might agree to go with a search party but she'd much prefer keep flying. Though now that she thought about it, it was likely that she'd be prevented from doing so anyway: a queen was too precious to risk, especially that way. And in that instance...for some reason...she wouldn't mind all that much obeying...

As she waited for the others to gather around her, she circled around the clearing and studied the thing on which the sunlight had reflected. “It's not Thread, that's for sure. I'm not an expert, but from what I understand, falling stars are supposed to be rocks right? This... Well, I don't what this is, but it's not a rock I've ever heard of. It doesn't look...natural...”
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#22 Post by Grognardsw »

From atop her gold dragon, Thayilli tried to peer through the thick forest at the source of the glint. It was hard at a distance to see through the green and shade.


Samoreth called her dragon brethen and the riders converged at the base of the woods where the disturbance started. The trees were flattened back as if something large had swept them down from the side. Whatever it was, it came in from an angle and along the ground, as opposed to a straight drop down.

"Shall we?" F'rar motioned and the riders dismounted from their dragons. F’rar, Masix, H’rerra, Praern, Jorone and Thayilli walked together down the 60' wide 'path.'

They rounded a bend and came upon it. There was a collective intake of breath and shock from the riders.

"Great shells and stars!" uttered Masix.

The dragon riders stood in awe at the sight. Never in their lives had they seen anything like this.

The people in the picture are not there.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#23 Post by Imladir »

Thayilli considered the…thing…for a while, struck speechless - which didn't happen all that often. Finally, she shook herself, “That's definitely no 'falling star'…” She paused while she studied the large object, “It looks man-made,” If said man were a bit weird anyway, “But not from anyone I know of…” That might be the understatement of the Turn!

She took a few steps to approach the object and study it more closely, but she stopped after a few steps. “I think someone should jump to Arolos. I have no idea what this is or where it comes from - much less why - but one way or the other we should make sure that the information gets where it should.” Not that she was eager to see any of the other Queens in the skies above the crash site, to say nothing of the Weyrleaders - she'd have much less freedom to do what she wanted after all - but this was not something they could afford to treat lightly. “If nothing else, the Smiths will need to study that…thing.” She was pretty sure that when word of it surfaced, most of them would offer their left arm to be allowed near it in fact.

Obviously not volunteering, Thayilli resumed her approach. She was no Smith obviously, but she wanted to look the thing over, more by pure curiosity than any real hope of finding out much of anything. Though… Out loud, she said, “It looks… Doesn't it remind you of a ship?” A weird one granted, fully closed, entirely made of metal with bizarre holes in the rear side that she had no idea what they were for and a huge fin like structure that reminded her of some kind of fish - maybe it was upside down? - but still… “If that's what it is… or was… Try to see if you can find tracks leaving from it. There might be wounded people in the vicinity.”

As for herself, she looked up to try and see if she could find any kind of entrance.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#24 Post by Grognardsw »

"Yes, I was thinking the same thing," said F'rar of Thayilli's recommendation to send someone back to notify the weyr. "Praern, make the jump and tell the others."

A momentary look of disappointment passed over Praern's face before he rushed off. "I'll be back!" he yelled.

"Yes, it does remind me of a ship," replied Jorone, walking next to Thayilli as she moved ahead with the group toward the metal structure.

The dragonriders spread out as they neared. Thayilli scoured the ground for tracks. (Percentile roll vs. Int.x2) The ship, for lack of a better word, had sailed or landed causing the path of forest destruction in its wake. The ground was torn up deeply along that trail.

Thayilli felt the presence of Samoreth in her mind. "What is that?" thought the dragon. "Is it alive?"

The dragons were gathered 500' feet down the torn-up path, watching their riders.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#25 Post by Imladir »

Int x2 = 30 [1d100]=96
I'm going to go ahead and assume I don't find anything :o
After a moment looking for tracks but finding nothing, Thayilli focused on the ship, trying to understand how it... Well, she had a lot of questions about it, none that she could answer. She could however answer Sam's second question, which was something. You do not want to look ignorant in front of your dragon... Nope, that's definitely not alive. And it never was, so not something to eat. Which to a dragon meant boring. Still, she shared the view with Sameroth. “In fact,” she continued after a pause, I don't think it ever was supposed to get on the ground. It looks like a beached Deep One... Granted, no one had ever seen one of those, much less a beached one, but, hey, that meant no one would contradict her...

She looked back at the tracks the thing had left in the ground, and out loud said, “It must have come down at quite the angle though if it didn't just leave a crater.” After a moment to consider that, she shook her head, “If we find anyone alive we'd best be careful, who knows what someone able to use - or build - something like that can do.”

“Speaking of,” She turned to the others, “Any of you found anything?”
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#26 Post by Grognardsw »

"The slightest remnant of a strange smell lingers," thought Sameroth to Thayilli. The young woman felt for a moment that she too smelled it; but no, such was the mental bond.

The dragonriders F’rar, Masix, H’rerra, Jorone and Thayilli explored the metal structure. There were many areas crushed, bent or rippled which suggested a crash landing.

"Look here!" said Masix, pointing. There were many small holes, ranging from 1/2" to 3" in diameter, scattered across the rear (or was it the front?) section.

"If this is a ship of some sort, there should be a door?" commented H'rerra.

The search continued from some 15 minutes when F'rar called the others over. "Look - a haraldic emblem of some sort?" He pointed at a symbol near the ground where the "ship" curved into the earth. "Judging by the seams in the metal here, it appears to be on a door. But half of it is under the ship the way it is positioned. We need to pull it up or roll it enough to get at the whole door."

Thayilli studied the emblem:
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#27 Post by Imladir »

Damn, Amazon drones are quite something nowadays! Someone is going to learn that his package was lost though...
Hmm.” Thayilli smelled the air for a bit, then shook her head, I can't say if I do smell...something...on my own or only because it's coming from you...

When F'rar called, Thayilli joined the other riders and studied the emblem. “What kind of beasts are those?” She asked about it, “They don't look like something that really exists...”

She looked at the door, then at the riders. “Good luck convincing your dragons to push and pull that thing... Assuming it'd move, it does look heavy. On the other hand,” She cocked an eyebrow, “It should be a lot easier to... You know... Dig to free the door?” Plus, she was pretty sure that the dragons wouldn't mind lending a claw or two to the task.

While they thought about that, she pointed at the holes, “Do those look normal to you?” She supposed not, but on the other hand she didn't know anything about ships, much less the kind that crashed like that, so...
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#28 Post by Grognardsw »

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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#29 Post by Grognardsw »

The dragonriders examined the emblem.

"I don't recognize them either," commented Jorone about the odd green, heavily shelled creatures.

"That continent isn't familiar," added F'rar. "Not on explored Pern at least."

"Could there be others lands?" Masix asked. "That seems hard to believe."

For historians and dragonrider lore alike had recorded through the aeon of Turns how Pern had been well explored by the dragonriders. Their flights In Between allowed them to cross great distances in their aerial travels. The idea that a continent had gone unknown in Pern seemed unlikely to say the least.

"A secret land, hidden from us for some reason?" conjectured Jorone. "It seems unbelievable, but what else could it be?"

The thought was exciting and ominous to the dragonriders.

Thayilli and H'rerra examined the small holes in scattered about south end of the 'ship.' "The holes reminds me of drawings I've seen of Threadfall," he said.

"You speak wisely," said F'rar as the group agreed with Thayilli's idea to dig space around the door instead of moving the great structure. "Whose dragon would like the honor?"
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#30 Post by Imladir »

“Well, unless you think this,” Thayilli pointed at the ship, “comes from Pern...” she paused for a few seconds, eyebrows raised, but didn't wait for an answer, “Then I'd suggest the continent comes from the same place as this ship. Though how it got here...

“Thread, uh... Yeah, that's what I thought too.” The young woman didn't seem particularly happy about it, but then she grinned, obviously proud. “Looks like I was right then, it is related to Thread!”

Instead of making a bit deal out of it though, she focused on the problem at hand. “Well, the smaller the dragon, the easier it'd be to reach the place.” She shrugged, “A green would much more easily walk from the clearing to here than any other. And if she can't dig the ground enough,” she shrugged, “She can always take a tree down to allow one of the males to do it.” Which excluded her own Sameroth, but she was far too big to come over easily, and if a blue or a brown couldn't do it, odds were digging wouldn't be the solution anyway.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#31 Post by Grognardsw »

The dragonriders looked at the holes in the ship.

"It does look like Thread hole, but we aren't due for quite a while," commented F'rar. "The ship doesn't look so old that these would be from the last Thread Fall." He looked up into the sky wonderingly.


"Aye, let Prentoth at it," said H'rerra after Thayilli suggested a smaller dragon for digging around the door.

The riders stood back as H’rerra's green dragon gladly strode forward, lithely negotiating the fallen trees until she loomed before the partially exposed door. The dragon tested the soil inquisitively with her claw before slowly digging. Left, right, left and the dragon was joyously shoveling. Dirt flew everwhere. F'rar wiped a speck from his eye.

It took less than a minute. The earth was cleared down low enough that the whole of the angled door, judging by its seams, was exposed. There was space for two people in front of it.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#32 Post by Imladir »

Canon, green and gold dragons are females, blue, brown and bronze are males (with some a clear relation with the type of riders:
- Gold: heterosexual females
- Bronze: heterosexual males
- Brown: mostly heterosexual males, but "masculine" females can impress a brown
- Blue: homosexual or bisexual men, few heterosexual males, rarely heterosexual women
- Green: females only, of any sexual orientation.)
So question: was it an oversight on your part or something deliberate to make the green a male? To be clear, I don't mind much one way or the other, I'm just trying to know how you want to do it.
“Thanks, Prentoth.” Thayilli thanked the Green for a job well - and quickly - done. “Though...” She looked at what was visible of the door, “I'm...not sure if it'd be a good idea to open it right now. We don't know what we're likely to find in there and...none of us are... Well, we don't even have a single weapon among us.” And even if they had, it wasn't like any of them were warriors. In the skies, she wouldn't fear anyone, but on the ground... She was a Healer. And they couldn't afford to take those risks; for their dragons, for the resources it had taken for every single one of them to get there, and considering the coming fall of Thread...

“I think we should wait...” She didn't seem all that pleased by it though, clearly curious about the ship and its insides.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#33 Post by Grognardsw »

Yes, just an oversight ;) I edited that post. For reference:

F'rar - Bronze
Masix - Brown, Karn
Jorone - Blue, Torlock
Praern - Blue
H'rerra - Green, Prentoth

H'rerra laughed and wiped dirt off her tunic as Prentoth finished the digging.

"Good job Pren!" said the rider aloud. She petted the green dragon's neck as the two exchanged thoughts.

F'rar nodded his head as the cautious Thayilli suggested waiting.

"I suppose your right," he said begrudgingly, seeing but not feeling the logic.

"Really?" countered Masix.

"Perhaps we just open the door?" added H'rerra.

"Praern will be back soon with others," answered F'rar.

"Karn will eat some firestone. Is that a good enough weapon?" pushed Masix.

F'rar pondered for only a moment. "Alright, just the door."

Masix fed his brown dragon.

F'rar and Thayilli jumped into the dug-out hole in front of the door.

It was locked. There was no keyhole.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#34 Post by Imladir »

Thayilli shrugged, apparently not particularly displeased her opinion had been dismissed: she had been the voice of reason more by duty than anything else. After all… while she wouldn't mind all that much not being the very first one inside, she would be quite annoyed to be unable to get in at all, which was something that could definitely happen if they waited too much…

Even though for a moment it seemed that they weren't going to get past the door… “What kind of door is that?” The young woman grumbled. After a few seconds, she shook her head, “Well, I guess we can only try to see if that door can resist a dragon's claws…”
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#35 Post by Grognardsw »

The door was about 5' x 7' and, like the hull of the assumed 'ship,' was made of gray metal and flush with the wall.

F'rar and Thayilla searched for some means of opening it, but it bore no knobs, latches or keyholes. There was an inset panel to the right with little squares within.

The dragonriders climbed out of the hold and Prentoth came forward again. She scratched at it, trying to catch her claws in a way that would allow the dragon to use force. The door being flush with the wall gave her no claw-hold. She then pressed against it, to no effect. Next she kicked at it. It dented, then crumpled some, but did not open.

"A strong door," commented F'rar. "Perhaps meant to withstand a seige, or the ocean depths?"
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#36 Post by Imladir »

“Maybe.” Thayilli commented about F'rar's thoughts. “They don't need it to be up there at any rate.” She pointed in the direction of the sky. Dragons could go all the way to space without any issue after all. Granted, not for all that long and they didn't like it much, but they could without any issue.

“Looks like we're not going through that…” The young rider shook her head as she witnessed the dragon's efforts. She considered the door for a moment, squinting, then idly asked. “You know that joke about…” She stopped, glanced to the side, then coughed a bit. “Well, I mean… If we can't go by the door… maybe it'll be easier through the walls, particularly the parts where the holes are.”

It had probably weakened the whole structure there. More importantly, “At the very least it'll give Prentoth something for her claws to catch and tear.” And if someone - or something - had been waiting at the door, well… They probably weren't expecting them to come through the wall, which certainly wouldn't be a bad thing.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#37 Post by Grognardsw »

"Karn is ready!" exclaimed Masix with enthusiasm. "Let him at it!"

The brown dragon had eaten the firestone.

F'rar smiled. "Have at it."

The dragonriders drew well back as, with a flap of powerful wings, the 30' Karn landed with a thud in front of the ship's door. Muscles tensed and chest expanded as the dragon drew back his head and unleashed a torrent of flame on the door. It grew pink, then red, and sizzled. Karn spat another volley of fire upon the door and it started to warp, sag and melt. It was a hot gooey mess of metal, exposing some of the inside of the ship but still inaccessible and fatally hot.

"Great shells and stars!" oathed F'rar. "That is a tough door. He'll damage the inside if he keeps up with it."

"Scorch it!" said Masix. "That's enough Karn!"

"Well it was worth a try," added H'rerra.

"Let's take Thayilli's approach," said F'rar.

Prentoth moved to the hole-riddled rear of the ship where large open-ended cylinders were damaged. The area gave the smaller green dragon an opportunity to best use her claws. She went at it, rending, pulling, slashing.

"That looks fun," Sameroth thought to Thayilli.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#38 Post by Imladir »

While Masix tried to burn the door down, Thayilli waited patiently. It hadn't been her idea, and she didn't think it was a good one in fact, but she was curious to see what the result would be. Plus, if they had fun like that, well… She was a bit surprised to see the metal begin to melt, but that came with an obvious consequence - on a consequence that should have been obvious anyway - of making it impossible for them to get through. “Let's hope no one wants to claim that thing back…”

Shaking her head, she looked at Prentoth beginning to tear the vessel apart, or at least parts of it, not really surprised when Sam' qualified the activity as fun. Which didn't mean anything else than “I want in!” of course: for all of their qualities dragons were simple creatures, finding enjoyment in simple pleasures. And tearing apart something that didn't give straight away… It was no wonder that the dragons wanted to participate.

She briefly hesitated, then said. “Let's have Torlock and Sam' help too.” To the others, she shrugged, as if saying “what can you do, right?” Plus, while Torlock was "only" a blue, Sam' was another thing entirely. Young enough to want to have fun - though with dragons… they never were too old for that, so… - and to let her emotions run away from her, but mature enough that few dragons were able to ignore her emotions and keep their cool when she was in a mood which could have unfortunate consequences. Which meant that she had to be careful about her own temper of course, but that was another thing entirely.

“Just remember that we don't want to destroy the thing, just get inside.” She admonished everyone, clearly concerned that the dragons would simply rip it all apart until nothing was left.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#39 Post by Grognardsw »

Torlock and Sameroth gladly joined in the fun. The blue dragon landed atop the back, his weight shifting the front of the ship momentarily. Sam the gold was at a right angle to Karn.

Dragon claws and muscle tore, gouged and rended the metal. Their tails wagged and whipped in excitement. The ship was remarkably strong, but the repeated tearings shed the metal from the frame. The large open cylinders in the back seemed weaker, but Karn could not get in too deep due to his size.

Soon cables and wires within the wall were exposed. Sparks flew. An opening large enough for a human to go through was eventually made.

There was a familiar sound above, the whipping dispacement of air, as six dragons appeared from In Between.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#40 Post by Imladir »

Thayilli watched the dragons having fun with a smile - and some concern when the whole structure shifted - while checking to make sure they weren't destroying too much and waiting for a moment where it would be possible to get in. “What the!?” She jumped back as sparks flew, but curiously approached once again: she was pretty sure the dragons' claws hadn't been the source of the sparks and she was curious to know how that had happened. Not that she manage to understund much of anything of course.

She was looking at the opening for a moment, wondering how to get in - and maybe who should - when she heard the sound announcing the arrival of a bunch of dragons. After a quick look up, she quickly scurried in the ship: once she was inside, it wouldn't really be possible to call her back after all! She was however cautious to not cut herself or worse on the jagged metal.
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