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Re: Mission 7: BBQ for Lupper!

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 2:38 pm
by Urson

Get away from that! Joker snaps at the idiot poking Cypork's trap. He begins collecting and securing traps and gear, loading stuff into Ecto 1.

Re: Mission 7: BBQ for Lupper!

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 4:52 pm
by Rex

Mac helps Joker gather everything up and load Ecto 1.

Re: Mission 7: BBQ for Lupper!

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 11:53 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Roy avoids the press like normal and sticks to helping load up the gear. Noticing the guy prodding the trap then the sulfur puff in his face merely chuckles before saying "Hey don't touch, you trying to let the darned ghost back out mate?"

Re: Mission 7: BBQ for Lupper!

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 1:00 am
by Taaz
Jason watches as the other busters head out, he hears Joker shouting at someone outside. The cops filter in and begin their cordon, and wanders around looking at his PKE and the kitchen doing his best absent minded professor, but trying to avoid the uniforms.
Hmm... not seeing much different. He looks at where the final ghost had been and makes the sign of the cross. Sosa I Síocháin, little one

He pauses and then follows the guys out the front.

Re: Mission 7: BBQ for Lupper!

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 2:59 am
by Bluehorse
Mission 7:  BBQ for Lupper!
Ralph's Pink Flamingo
August 23, 2018, 3:22pm

Starting Brownie Point Pool:
Dr. Jason O'Roarke: 105/105 (**)
Lionel 'Freight Train' Williams: 96/96
Roy O'Dowd: 41/49 (*)
David "Mac" McAuslan 87/139 (*)
Dzjokar "Joker" Jelal 102/102 (***)

Used Brownie Point Pool:
Dr. Jason O'Roarke: 22/105 (**)
Lionel 'Freight Train' Williams: 4/96
Roy O'Dowd: 29/49 (*)
David "Mac" McAuslan 44/139 (*)
Dzjokar "Joker" Jelal 54/102 (***)

Joker on Triag Duty +1

Mac +1 for first contact.

Joker gets recorded information for further study about the nearby Cemetery Anomaly +5

Lionel the Matador +3

Lionel called the Hogs +1

Jason finding the fire extinguisher Roy when he was on fire + 5

Flanking Strategy +5

Save the 2 Hostages +10

Ed scaring the bejeebus out of me ooc +10

Success! +150%!!!

3 Traps and 4 Ghost

1 Trap in the Ecto Holding Hot Hog Ghost
1 Trap Holding Cypork
1 Trap Holding Pyg

Brownie Point Count:

Final Brownie Point Pool:

Dr. Jason O'Roarke:  136/136 (**)@
Lionel 'Freight Train' Williams: 117/117 @
Roy O'Dowd: 89/89 (*)@
David "Mac" McAuslan 125/139 (*)@
Dzjokar "Joker" Jelal 150/150 (***)@

Effects in place:
@ - Action Point - ReRoll without a Ghost Die - Merry Xmas 2019!

* - Recovering from Proton Flashback.

** - Jason has -1d6 on every roll until Aug 24th as he recovers from Snake Venom.

*** - Joker's inbox and searches spammed with advertisements for cedar chips for landscaping, which means a -1d6 to the difficulty of all research rolls until the end of next month. Until Sept 11th.

Re: Mission 7: BBQ for Lupper!

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:03 am
by Scott308
Lionel "Freight Train" Williams

Seeing Jared in the crowd with his camera, Lionel gives him a wave and heads over to speak with him.
Hmm. For BPs, I've got:
Joker 150
Mac 125
Roy 81

For Jason and Lionel, I came up with the same numbers you did.

Re: Mission 7: BBQ for Lupper!

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:45 pm
by Bluehorse
you were right on Joker and mac. I am still getting 89 on Roy.