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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:12 pm
by Zhym
Harold ruminates on what the Lessons of Light say about the use of Branwyn's grace to heal beasts.

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:14 pm
by MonkeyWrench
It's funny, refusal to heal the beast, when able, results in that person carrying the beasts share of coins...

Who want's to heal the poor creature now? ;)

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 9:26 pm
by AleBelly
Tears in his eyes, Varas looks to Olympia and realizes nothing can be done for her. He runs over to Mustard, tending to her wounds as best he can and removes the saddlebags from her if he can do so without injuring her. "It's OK, girl, we'll fix you up" he whispers, crying softly.

He turns and looks to the others in the party. "She bore the brunt of the attack, one that would have killed many of you. Those of you with healing power must tend to her!"

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 9:43 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Val gives Varas space to check over his horse, lending a hand to his shoulder when he speaks to the group, "Do not fret my friend, losing one friend today is enough, I won't lose another if it can be helped." He casts his gaze upon the rest of the clerics of the group.

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:12 pm
by Keehnelf
Branwyn doesn't expressly forbid the use of miracles on animals, but generally they are animals operating directly in the service of Branwyn's goals when they get targeted for them.

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:28 pm
by Keehnelf
So...all but one bee is burned, the other left for dissection by Val. The horse is still unconscious--anyone healing it?

And what to do about Olympia's body? Best guess is you're about three days from town, more or less.

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:37 pm
by AleBelly
Varas is waiting for yea or nae on horse healing before his next action

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 9:22 pm
by Marullus
The urgency abated, Nihilius holds the torch to provide light for Val, watching with earnest interest as the live vivisection commences.

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 2:42 am
by AleBelly
As he awaits word on healing for Mustard, Varas directs his attention to Niles and Wendall. "Those spells were helpful. Thank you both. Do you have any magic to help my horse?"

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:24 am
by Scott308
Dorvar will look for a nice shady spot under a tree and begin digging a grave for his fallen companion, Olympia.

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:33 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Valorei will begin the dissection process, first checking the dead insects exterior, muscle thickness, carapace, teeth or otherwise, etc... before finally cutting the creature open, thankful for the assistance from Niles. Valorei goes through a very thorough and examination of the creature to find any weak points and general make up of the creature for the next time they encounter it.

He takes notes through the entire procedure.

Once that is done he will remark on Olympia, "Dorvar, let us not bury our beloved Olympia out here for the elements and wilds... She was building a church to her god yes? She was brave and bold enough to become the founder of a new church, bringing her gods influence to an otherwise untamed land... Perhaps she should be the first to be buried there? So that she can forever more be entombed in her life's work... And if we take her to the town perhaps there is someone there that can resurrect our dear friend..."

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:47 pm
by AleBelly
"We owe her that. Of course, we'll need a healthy horse to carry her body" remarks Varas as he stares purposefully in Harold's direction.

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:55 pm
by MonkeyWrench
So far Val and Varas has expressed interest in healing the horse.

Just some book keeping for everyone... ;)

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 4:55 pm
by Zhym
"Some of you seem to be under the impression that Branwyn's grace is subject to the demands of democracy," says Harold in a voice that carries a tinge of haughtiness that's strange to hear from someone so scrawny. "The Lessons of Light teach us," he continues as if lecturing neophyte parishioners, "that animals are servants to men—and dwarves and elves, of course. Healing this beast is only permitted if doing so will directly benefit my god's cause."

His didactic tone softens. "I'm very sorry, but Branwyn does not care whether another god's priest rests here or in town. And we are still far from Vaul yet. Branwyn's healing may be needed for one of you, even today. I cannot spend on a beast of burden that which may be needed to save one of you. Branwyn's grace is infinite, but my ability to channel it is not. I suggest we drop or hide what silver we cannot carry and be on our way."
Sorry about the delay folks. And about Harold's decision. But clerics have to play by their gods' rules.

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 5:32 pm
by Marullus
Nihilius remarks in a dry tone. "Well that is it, then. Since the horse wasn't serving his god, then none of the treasure goes to his god's needs." He looks to Harold. "I'm sure you have a compunction for poverty and asceticism as well, so perhaps you get double credit from your god for such a sacrifice, yes? We will bury your share in full, along with the portions that belong to others that your god now sacrifices to bandits."

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:57 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Valorei speaks up, his tone harsh and cutting, the same frustrated tone he used when things almost blew up at the earth spirit tree. His cuts off all other rebukes from the others, "Enough! I will not sit here and have you all bicker like children over their deities choices and monetary gain! We have lost someone this day, someone who's heart and morals were pure. They died defending the group as we slept. I will not allow any of you to defile her death by turning on each other." he turns to Harold, giving the dwarf a cutting look, "If you believe your god will not grant you the power to heal such a beast of burden, especially in the light of this situation, then I am ashamed you refer to your god as having grace. But that is my own opinion and if you cannot heal the poor animal then we will make do on our own, without the aid of gods, as all mortals do."

Next he turns to Nihilius, giving him an equally cutting look, "From someone that pertains to have some working knowledge of anything, I would except more from you than sarcastic remarks in light of such a depressing situation. A person has the right to follow whichever god they wish, or none at all, their personal decisions on faith should be effect their rewards with a team. Harold has done just as much as any of us to earn that silver and will not be skimped on his share simply because you disagree with his decisions on faith."

If either side, or any others, decide to make more comments Valorei will visibly shush them while giving her a highly disapproving stare.

Valorei then sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose, before turning to Varas, kneeling beside him and the horse, "Varas, we will do all that we can to help your horse, come, let us seek to the animal. Men have healed wounds without the gods aid before and have been quite successful. we will take some of the weight's burden from the beast if we must..." He then works with Varas and any who are willing to help in checking the horses wounds and using what they have to bind and wrap the worst of them.

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:58 pm
by MonkeyWrench
But yeah... it is a pretty crappy situation, we have an animal to patch up for the travel back to town and a large headless body to lug back as well... when we get to town we are seriously gonna look beat up.

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:58 pm
by Keehnelf
Harold's not a dwarf, by the way--he's just scrawny.

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:00 pm
by Keehnelf
After some examination, it looks like that Mustard will be fit to get up and move around again under how own power (if feebly) in four or five hours. However, she will be highly vulnerable and won't be moving all that fast (nor able to carry the maximum load she'd been fit with up to now).

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves II - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:01 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Keehnelf wrote:Harold's not a dwarf, by the way--he's just scrawny.
What? I always thought he was a dwarf!

Sorry about that Zhym! I'm just glad I didn't say it in the dialogue..